#like hi DE I'm autistic and I play your game
whining-ylthin · 6 months
Chains of Harrow may as well drop all pretenses and call me the R-slur.
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desceros · 4 months
looking through your bookmarks on ao3 and seeing Undertale there was a bit of a jumpscare - in a good way. like, i've been autistic about this game since i was 13 and i'm 21 now so seeing that was just like, "DES UNDERTALE FAN REAL ??? NOT CLICKBAIT ???" even if you're not a huge fan (or a fan at all anymore) and just have the hots for Grillby and Gaster, that's cool too and you are SO real for that
not clickbait! i wouldn't call myself a Huge fan, since undertale came out during my I Don't Do Fandom phase. i started reading fanfic for it incidentally, before i'd played the game. but i really like toby fox's music (not just for undertale; his work on the homestuck soundtrack is still some of my favorite), and i did enjoy the game a lot when i finally played it!
plus, y'know. i'm not immune to a hot guy (heh) with rolled up sleeves and an evil goo scientist who has as many hands as he needs for you. (<- is a huge monster fucker)
when i'm between fandoms, i'll go onto ao3 and just start reading stories for fandoms i'm not in, or ones where i'm familiar enough with the source material to know the characters, but i'm not in in the fandom. there's so much good fic out there, and it seems a shame to limit myself only to things i know about! so i don't! :D
that's actually how i fell head over heels into turtle hell! one of my favorite authors from a long time ago had a tmnt fic and i was like. oh. this was good and that leo guy sounds pretty interesting. i'll check this whole situation out. (three episodes of rise later) oh a mistake has been made
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kassil · 1 year
Warframe Rambling
Some speculation with regards to the upcoming Duviri Paradox. Semi-spoiler-ish stuff past the cut.
So what we know, at the moment, is that the Plains of Duviri is some kind of pocket dimension in the Void, ruled over by an entity known as Dominus Thrax. The Plains are caught in a time loop, controlled by the same. We'll be playing as the Drifter, occupying the chronological stretch between when Paracesis gets run through the Operator and when we pick up as the Drifter in The New War.
I've seen some theories about who Dominus Thrax is, and have some notions of my own as well as thoughts on the ideas others have had.
The simple one is "some Orokin fucker who escaped into the Void before the Tenno killed him" but DE usually doesn't go for the simple answers. Evidence in favor: command of an Orowyrm, the distinctly Orokin trapping of various designs present. Evidence against: it'd almost certainly have to be another one of the Seven, and the only one I'm aware of being involved in a way that might allow for it is Tuvul. Last I heard, he got eaten by wolves.
Another popular one is "a third version of the Operator" - one whose bargain was selfish and seeking safety, rather than seeking to protect their fellow children (the Operator) or refusing the original deal (implied to be what the Drifter did.) Evidence in favor: the people who populate the realm, who are implied to be created by the will of Dominus Thrax, seem to regard Drifter as him. Evidence against: DE tends not to repeat the same trick too often in their quest for ongoing novelty, and this would be another round of Your Operator Got Soaked In The Void, Wow Weird Huh.
One I thought of after seeing the previous one, plus some information about how Duviri will work: Dominus Thrax and the Drifter are one and the same, the result of the Void operating on the Drifter's mind until they became an amphisbaena of sorts. Evidence: again, the realm seems to recognize Drifter and Dominus as the same. Logic: if you failed to save everyone, you might end up in a self-destructive spiral, such that you turn against and try to punish yourself; the "days" are referred as Spirals. The realm seems engineered to torment and punish the Drifter for no clear reason, at this point. Evidence against: I admit this seems like a stretch, and would be weird mind-game-tricks even by the standards of Void fuckery.
There's a theory that this is a version of Rell who made a bargain. I don't know what the evidence is, but Dominus doesn't particularly feel autistic-coded to me, and the last round they took some pains to make sure Rell was solidly sympathetic. Doing a flat demi-villainous autistic character seems more tone deaf than what we've already had.
The last one, and the one I'm most suspicious of, is that Dominus is some version of Albrecht Entrati, either the reflection that the Man in the Wall showed as for him, or as a timeline where he chose the power of the Void for himself over returning to realspace with the keys to the Void in the form of the fingers of the Man in the Wall, or the "real" Albrecht who didn't manage to escape and instead took refuge into a Void pocket, spiraling inward on himself as the only Really Real thing. I give this some credence, because Albrecht's own notes indicate that he's not sure if he's the "real" Albrecht, or if he's his own doppelganger, having escaped from Untime, and Mother from the Entrati family seems convinced that her father is just on the other side of the Untime Door, waiting for her. Sure, she could be delusional about it, but it could also be that she's on to something in that Infestation-induced semi-madness.
Edit: ...I guess I was right with the shower-thoughts guess of Drifter and Dominus, or at least closer than any of those other guesses. Dominus is a character brought to life to hold all those emotions that a kid would be experiencing with everyone else on the ship Dead or Worse.
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firedragon1321 · 1 year
Pokemon Games Ranked by How Much I Can Scream About Them
Sun/Moon and Ultra: Lusamine worst parent 5ever. *screeches like an angry cat at that scene where Lusamine tries to ensnare Hau while planning 5000 fanfics revolving around it* Gladion deserves better- always. USUM ruined the original story because *insert thesis statement here*. It's yA BOY GUZMA! Team Skull and the bus stop- perfection. Hau and Gladion need to interact more please it funni. Mimikyu!!!
Scarlet/Violet: I didn't expect to cry over Sandwich Boy and his parental abandonment. And SICK DOG! I played out of order for Sick Dog. Team Star made me an emotional wreck. Motorcycle lizard cute! The three rivals interacting is Great. Clueless rich girl Nemona with Trauma Boy and Tumblrina Hacker is Great. Best Elite Four in the series. Why are you so glitchy you're beautiful.
Black/White and 2: Ghetsis worst father 5ever. Best protag designs. Probably autistic ponytail boy. Pokestar Studios is underrated and I will die on that hill. The Pokemon are the coolest reskins ever but the monkeys suck. Please power past early game it's GOOD.
Colosseum/XD: First Pokemon game! The weirdest first battles ever. GO cannot comprehend this level of Shadow Pokemon. The whole thing is grindy but so DENSE. Also MIROR B! I like both Wes and Michael. They appeal to the side of me that likes edgelords and the side that likes shonen protags.
Sword/Shield: Hop is good and needs hugs. Leon is my FAVORITE Champion. I wouldn't revisit ten years in the future but those tWO IDIOTS. I could read into their self esteem issues for HOURS.
Red/Green and Remakes: Gotta give credit to the first game, Red is iconic, and the Pokemon designs are generally good. But I'm not likely to babble about it. I could debate Mewtwo origins between media though.
Legends Arceus: Fuck your plot and potato mochi. I just want a four foot Bidoof. Although the Noble Hisuian Arcanine story is The Lion King and made me cry.
Diamond/Pearl and Remakes: MINDY! MUD/SNOW! TRAINER TRAPS! FORCED CONTESTS! But you could do fun shit with Action Replay.
Ruby/Sapphire and Remakes: 7/10 too much water. But it has a really cool Pokedex.
X/Y: Only ranks this high because of Furfrou and the ultimate weapon lore.
Gold/Silver and Remakes: A few cool Pokemon. ... *de le lelele whoooop*
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