#like i don't really understand how royals can pal around with the worst people in the media industry
heir-less · 1 year
It is actually astounding how bad judges of character royals are.
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tsuki-sennin · 6 months
Episode 40 of HiroPre! A play wedding, how precious~! Now don't worry, despite initial worries about Toei making it weird, this is all above board and wholesome. Very wild of them to make this the episode there's a delay for though, but I guess life's just funny like that.
Spoilers, I guess...
-I see Sora likes BBC's Walking with Dinosaurs.
-Sagely studies~!
-Oh ye gods, weddings.
-Ohhhh, worldbuilding!
-An all night party following an announcement of engagement. Don't even need to dress up.
-Quite a fun time, actually, I wish weddings in our world were that easy. And it might just be you two up there next, Mashiron~!
-...I have to wonder how polygamy works up there.
-Y'know, now I've got much more PreCure knowledge accrued, I've noticed that the casts have gotten smaller over the years.
-It's not necessarily a bad thing, mind you! It certainly makes sense, as the teams get bigger you'll have less time to devote to big supporting casts, but this has a side effect of us feeling isolated to our heroes.
-We still have plenty of weirdos to go around in Hirogaru Sky, but having more of them stick around more often would be fun. How's Berryberie doing?
-Just sayin', we would've really benefited from a Masukomi, Kaoru, or even a Yuriko.
-Ah, the cake. All the motivation you need.
-Kinda like Booster in Mario RPG.
-Royal wedding, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
-I'm sorry Elle, I don't care how much cake we eat or how shiny your cardboard crown is, nothing can make me give a crap about a royal wedding. In my junior year of high school, people were really going wild for Harry and Meghan, and I had no idea who these people were so I just kinda had to sit there in the corner.
-I see Ageha disagrees.
-Tsubasa-kun, your bowtie is somehow a brighter red than your jacket's orange.
Ageha: You're doing great, boy~! Just think of the doves flying out~! Tsubasa: No talking during the ceremony!
-Best of friends!
-That was nice, wasn't it?
-Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand there's the rub~!
-I have to hand it to Murase, Tsubasa sounds genuinely terrified here.
-I don't think Yoyo can officiate anything, so
-You should marry Mashiro twice over, Sora.
-I suppose it's not too surprising Elle could develop a crush on Tsubasa, considering he's like... the only boy she knows. Still though, I get why some people were put off by this.
-Frankly, I'm really surprised Toei haven't been doing a Dipper and Wendy ship tease thing with Tsubasa and Ageha. Thank god they haven't, by the way, that was always the worst part of Gravity Falls.
-I guess Toei knew that would be a little much, especially with the (quite understandable mind you) backlash Nozomi and Coco's relationship gets nowadays.
-Nightmare time.
-King Bitchin' Mustache can add Shotgun Papa to his list of titles.
-Even his own parents!
-He has been left comatose.
-That looks like quite a heavy book, I'm impressed she can carry it.
-It's always the simplest sentences coming from a kid that kill you, huh?
-Ladies and gentlemen, the bird boy is dead!
-Ageha appears.
-In the pursuit of great knowledge, one has neglected their friendship. A tale as tragic and old as time.
-That uh
-Might've been a good thing to let him in on earlier, Ageha.
-Skearhead appears.
-A wedding beast.
-Majesty leads our charge today.
-Skearhead's not even talking today!
-Oh, nevermind.
-Aaaaand she's caught!
-That Wing, ever gallant a knight and pal.
-Oh cool, team attack. Paralleling the cake cutting.
-Knighthood is much more fun than marriage.
-Friends and family forever!
-I'm... perplexed! I was expecting 24 minutes of mid cringe comedy, and got a fun and sweet exploration of these two characters' friendship instead on top of well executed cringe comedy. What a ripoff.
-I guess if I had to bitch about anything, I think having them talk as Wing and Majesty more would've been a fun way to tie the battle into their conflict.
-Speaking of which, the battle was pretty dang weak, they... absolutely could've done more with that. And why pick a church bell, Skearhead? Like, diegetically. In-universe. Watsonian argument. I usually don't mind this kinda thing, but like... a bell and a holly wreath are very specific imagery to just conjure up out of nowhere, but I think it'd make a lot more sense if Skearhead weren't just... seemingly slapped into the script because they needed a monster fight that episode.
-Like, Skearhead happens to see Elle and Tsubasa's play wedding and considers playing mind games by preying on Tsubasa's worries about the whole thing, or hell, even just wreaking havoc at someone else's wedding to draw out Pretty Cure would've been good enough for me.
-Anyways, forget all that, we're celebrating a harvest next time!
-Hi, this is Mashipan. I'm out looking at the fall colors. Please leave me a message, and I'll call you right back.
-Monda jumpscare.
-Business as usual, we see!
-See you next tiiiime, maybe!
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
i'm finally up to the hawaii trip and i gotta ask: when Ryuuji's going on about the locals talking about the phantom thieves, does he put a little. i hate that i'm speaking mcelroyese here but does he put a little stank on it to make it clear that he's making fun of how they pronounce it
there is a thing in my next letter to you about how i suspect Mishima is a racist, but i think Ryuuji might be one too, from how he talks about the locals and An. like, neither of them are a level of racist that's socially unacceptable in japan, they're just a level of racist that pisses me off because i have to smile placidly and Be Tolerant at people who say this stuff ALL THE TIME
also, i KNOW i'm projecting but i am SUPER irritated that everyone who was a jerk to An is sucking up to her now that they need her english skills!
(You sent this to my side blog so I hope it's okay to publish, if not lemme know and I'll nuke. I'm gonna make it non-rebloggable just in case anyway.)
sup bro, sorry you reached the worst part of the game. Hawaii, esp if you don't have a romance locked, is horrendous. utterly miserable.
listen, sometimes we gotta use the McElroy-ese because its useful vernacular.
Flipping through my screencaps (which I have still not deleted for some fucking reason) of that awful sequence, I feel like Ryuji was at his most disrespectful and shitty. But some of that probably got lost in translation due to how the localization team had to bend so far to, like.... delineate between Japanese Characters Speaking "Japanese" and Americans Speaking English. It's hilarious, the two women who Ryuji fails to get it off with are speaking in THICK psuedo-Texan accents to make SURE the player understands.
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So for me, I didn't get the racist vibes but I don't think I would have picked out vibes since Ryuji and Mishima treat literally everyone so fucking reprehensibly that.... pal, I wouldn't have fucking noticed unless they dropped a slur. They treat everyone like garbage or like someone they might potentially fuck. That's it.
That all said, Ryuji is so happy to thoughtlessly dehumanize people around him and sulks when he's called out about it, so I wouldn't be surprised. It's frankly kind of stunning how he just.... has no redeeming qualities that stand out against all his copious fucking flaws.
For Mishima, MAN. MAAAAAAN. When I think about the scenes in his SLink and that really fucking weird one with Futaba in her SLink, I don't even fucking KNOW. Am eager to see what you pull out of this shit because it's Yikes with and without cultural context imo. I heard he's vaguely based on a right wing weirdo but idk. I find it interesting that the game never seems to outright say Mishima is a good person and often gives the player chances to call him out.
The weirdness around Ann is a constant though, yeah. She herself is such a fucking ray of light, it's always.... interesting how everyone around her (except the player character) treats her like an aberrant of some kind. Given the treatise of the game, I assume part of the point is to show the difficulties of Ann's position and the attitudes towards her and the exoticization? But since they don't.... ultimately do anything about it (and circle backward with the whole Nude Painting arc) and her SLink doesn't say anything about it.... it's just another missed shot, imo.
Honestly, if you can hang on 'til the Royal bonus semester, the only Actually Great writing of the game is there. That's the only place.
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