#like leonard rlly couldnt set her off?? sounds fake
heckolve · 5 years
i totally agree with all ur points abt ua I never understood the Luther hate until I got to That Episode and I was just??? what the fuck??? and the sibling dynamic they have going is prob one of the best I’ve ever seen save for Allison and Luther who just... yikes. I saw it coming and HOPING I was wrong but. everyone save for Luther was just so fucking likable even if I like Klaus the most it was just hhhh so good
uhg yeah i mean there was just. no reason for luther to be Like That? if ANY of them were gonna b like that to vanya i would imagine……. diego……. like i dont think any of them rlly Would act like that but luther’s never acted Like That and hasnt had much of a relationship w/ vanya in the show? i get he was mad she hurt allison but like. still weird. super out of the blue. and h yeah i liked how luther n allison were acting w/ eachother Right Away, like them picking on diego and talking abt allison’s family was good but i was Immediately getting the romance vibes and it wasnt. good. i was hoping it wasnt that but then allison pulled out the heart locket and i was just 😌 incest makes me. so unbelievably uncomfortable n i hope they Stop. and even though im sad klaus didnt get to see dave when 5 went back in time im so fucking relieved the dance and the kiss didnt happen. i mean. it still Happened which really fucking grossed me out but at least it didnt stick w/ them. 
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