#like none of them have ever been able to come up with non homosexual explanations for these scenes that actually make sense
paintingformike · 1 year
mlevens when the challenge is to explain these scenes without having to go through insane mental gymnastics every single time
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azn3473-blog · 7 years
So here’s the thing
With the ongoing downfall of our civilizations back to to fucking age of the Spanish Inquisition, it is time to be honest about things. Let’s review things I read in the news today: 11 year old boy KILLS HIMSELF because of a stupid prank, Russia started a concentration camp for homosexuals and have already found 100 HUMAN BEINGS to be tortured and worse, Trump is still president, Sean Spicer doesn’t think the holocaust was as “bad” as it was (fucking catastrophic). This is just in the news. Things I see posted from others on the internet and social media outlets aren’t any better. 
These findings, stories, articles, and opinions all lead me to one conclusion. WE ARE FUCKING DAMNED AS A SPECIES AND CIVILIZATION. Let me tell you a little bit as to why I feel this way.
1. Trump is president - Although there are still many of you that think everything will be okay, you need to think more geo-political  than that. The repercussions of Trump’s talkings with enemies of the U.S., sending Tomahawk missles in Syria, placing people in office who are not qualified or have obvious ulterior motives, jumping over LEGAL boundaries and steps to force his new laws and decrees on the American populace, not to mention him giving high-ranking government jobs that SHOULD require Top Secret Clearance and training to his family members that had normal jobs in fashion? And this is just to name a few. What he is doing may not seem like much to you, or you may disregard his actions because there is not immediate backfire but this is a HUGE MISTAKE. Politics is a sensitive matter, especially on a global scale with countries that we KNOW commit genocide, war crimes, make kids soldiers, rape because they feel like it, and generally hate Americans. To downplay or disregard the actions Trump is taking WITHOUT the permission of the people and other branches of government is not just wrong but also ILLEGAL on multiple levels. Trust me when I say that the affects of Trump’s presidency will resound through history, and I highly doubt it will be positive.
2. Organized religion - Most of you reading this are probably religious in some way or another. Whether you are a devout Catholic or you believe in a higher-power but would never go to church or claim a religion, I am not attacking you as a person. I understand religion is very important and fundamental in many peoples lives. However, if you are sensitive about religion then you may want to skip this section, actually the whole thing, you will not like what I have to say..... So, a little history lesson, signs of religion have been around since we (humans or humanoids) first started writing/drawing, even before we were able to begin recording documents, there are signs of religious alters and rituals. *Note* none of these archeological sites found any rituals or alters representative to any form or deity of religion that exists today, in other words, no god, angel, demon, spirit, celestial being, etc came to Earth and demanded our praise and shit. What is mythology? IT IS RELIGION. It is religion that has since been seen as “false”, “incorrect”, and “wrong”. So let’s review major religions in it’s early years, which we now refer to as mythology, when it had gods for EVERYTHING. God of wine, love, lust, wheat, harvest, rain, sun, everything. However, when you look at these gods and why they were worshipped, their purpose becomes pretty apparent. These gods we “created”, “made-up”, “origin-from”, whatever the fuck you want to call it because we did not understand how things worked (aka. science). We worshipped gods to bring better harvests, and smooth sailing, and fertility, and everything else because WE DIDN’T HAVE SCIENCE. The absence of these ancient religions and deities are because SCIENCE PROVED THEY DID NOT EXISTS. There was Apollo, who drove the sun across the sky. Guess what, Apollo changed his name to orbit. SCIENCE explained why the sun rose, and set, and moved across the sky every day Although, science isn’t what actually “killed” Apollo, it was Christianity in it’s early years (pst. it was christianity in the form of death and torture to non-believers). Basically societies and civilizations have disowned their gods for other gods (usually forced to worship or die) but also because SCIENCE PROVED WRONG. Religion is the single worst thing to ever happen to humanity. Don’t believe me? Pick up a history book, basically any history book that covers more than the last 500 years, and many war (especially those with insanely high death tolls) were “holy” wars. Not to mention Inquisitions, no, not the Spanish Inquisition, INQUISITIONS as a whole, every inquisition was to seek out and remove acts and forms of “heresy”, in other words, torturing and killing people who don’t believe in the same fairy tale you do. History shows us that the non-acceptance of certain religions sparks wars, genocides, inquisitions, torture, execution, and death. It has toppled nations and societies. To not learn acceptance and that people will believe what they want to believe and ignore the science (FACTS) of reality is a major part of why our world is in so much turmoil and pain today (IMO). However, read religious history books with world history books and see the trail of destruction and death organized religion has left behind. If you want to believe in something, believe in science, believe in fact, believe in humanity. We are all human, we all want an explanation for why we’re here, we all seek something “more” than what we are. However, when we find these vices to hold us to our humanity and prevent existential crisis, we uniformly use them as excuses to belittle, destroy, and kill others. It is a fucking joke. If you think your religion, god, deity, mother, spirit, gaya, beliefs are the ONE TRUE religion, you need to read the history of your religion. Chances are you will find that your religion is the remnants and child of a religion you are now told (by your religion) is heresy, Is it still worth the death it brings?
3. Rampant stupidity - with the majority of the world having internet access and mobile devices the power of social media is alarming. Now, I’m sure stupidity was around before the internet but now, with facebook, youtube, twitter, snapchat, whatever, ALL I SEE IS STUPID PEOPLE DOING STUPID THINGS. Cinnamon challenge, trying to jump over moving cars, blowing things up with no training, LIGHTING YOURSELF ON FIRE. Those are just popular trends from youtube. Although these things are dangerous and potentially deadly, I do not find these to be the worst parts of stupidity. The worst part is people soap-boxing their opinions and beliefs. Now, freedom of speech, press, and freedom as a whole I am a firm believer in. But, do not underestimate the power of stupidity in large groups. I see religious videos damning others and telling their followers to have negative feelings towards those that are different (cough*heresy*cough). A large problem with these videos is they have no FACTS, they have no EVIDENCE, they have NO “GOOD” REASON other than the one in their mind or religious text to spur their followers into a mental state of superiority. I hear people say “religion is a personal and private matter”, well it is or rather, it should be. Instead, we still have religions and leaders and representatives using THEIR RELIGION to advocate their reasons to place LAWS onto those believing in something else. PERSONAL. AND. PRIVATE. Believe what you want to believe, believe in god, or allah, or the fucking spaghetti monster but DO NOT USE YOUR RELIGION AS AN EXCUSE TO PREVENT PROPER EDUCATION, INFLUENCE LIFESTYLE, CHANGE LAWS, REFORM SOCIETY, AND, OR ESPECIALLY, CHANGE PEOPLE... PEOPLE, But this does not only apply to religion. This applies to more widely accepted and “safer” people like celebrities, political parties, online sensations, and the popular douche from high school. This applies to your friends. To your family. And to you. I said before I believe in freedom. I also believe in and VERY MUCH ENCOURAGE education. This education should not come from a pamphlet you picked up in the grocery store or church or group meeting where ever. This needs to be FACT-based education with no bias, opinion, or preference. The amount of shit opinions that OTHER PEOPLE are getting behind with no validity is causing the breakdown and destruction of our society.
there is more but I have to leave
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