#like the last panel on page 3 i didnt plan until i was like oh wait i know how to show this!
letsjam-art · 2 years
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hehehe i thought itd be fun to post how that 3 page comic started out.
there was only 2 instances of me having to repanel things more intensely from my original idea, i wanted to have a panel on the first page literally showing johnny and vs feet taking a step forward and backward respectively but i couldnt get it to communicate well since... its just a static shot and v stepping backward looks like v was just walking forward and i retooled it one too many times till i just said screw it i can show the upper body motion of walking instead and show their positions changing to further the point.
the other panel that changed a bit was on the second page only cause my first johnny looking behind him was a bit wonky anatomically. and smashers slam of v changed angles and direction but only cause the plan doodle was to get a feel for the motion of lifting someone up and throwing them around. i wish i had the panel space for a ground slam like in the doodle and the story proper but i couldnt make it work well, same difference tho lol
anyways i think its fun to see how an idea starts and then to its finish, i think its also funny that alot of times i dont even place the subjects in any backgrounds in these plan doodles all that i note down p much is their expressions... wonder why...
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