#like the og bloodmoon hated having to feed all the time. never lasted and never satisfied them
socksandbuttons · 5 months
I feel you so much....I want to scream so bad with the "multiple chances" for redection that Sun and the others so much say they gave them. like, literally the only ones I remember is that at some point someone gave him a speech like Sun's type "you don't have to be bad guys" ....(1/2)
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i dont think they know how to like. develop bloodmoon past blood and murder which you can keep that. jjUST IDK HELP HIM NOT BE DEPENDANT... TRUST A LIL MORE BUT ALSO NOT BLINDLY FOLLOWING SOMEONE WHO GIVES THEM BARTERING FOR BLOOD?? we have trust issues, dad issues, even questioning how theyre suppose to be if not blood and murder. death is not answer you can help this guy even if he doesnt turn good.
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