#like truly i have never met a more reactionary entitled whiny group of people who have to make everything about themselves and thrive on
asiancatboy · 25 days
how does transmen talking about the specific way they experience prejudice and ostracization from both the cishet and queer communities inherently uphold ad justify transmisogyny? im not defending the ise of the words they use but how is it different from like biphobia as a specific word to describe the prejudice and ostracization experienced by bisexual people from both the het and queer communities? im asking this in the best faith possible
transmascs talking about their struggles is not inherently transmisogynistic, but how they do it and the language they use can absolutely be
'transandrophobia' implies that masculinity is an axis of oppression, which is simply not true. misandry isn't real. transmascs are not oppressed on the basis of being a man or being masc; they are oppressed on the basis of being transgender. they may struggle to access the full privilege that comes with being a man in today's western society because of their transgenderism, but so do gay men, men of colour (especially Black and brown men), disabled men, mentally ill & neurodivergent men, fat men etc. transmascs still have some access to & benefit from the privilege of a patriarchal society
transmisogyny, on the other hand, is a term based on actual transfeminist theory and observed systematic violence that's enforced and upheld all around the world. being transgender is an axis of oppression, being a woman is an axis of oppression. transfems experience both, and the term is actually important & helpful to describe & differentiate the unique experiences that they face
'transandrophobia' is an argument that's too often used against transfems to silence the rightful calling out of transmisogyny, as though trans women are not also women who are still oppressed by (cis or identified) men. it's a term that's inherently transmisogynistic by nature bc it suggests that transmascs and transfems are on an equal playing field when we are very clearly not
we don't need a specific term to talk about the specific transphobia that transmascs face because "transphobia" already exists. there are ways we can talk about the struggles of being transmasc without speaking over and disrespecting transfems
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