#lime bullies in a relatively harmless way (he thinks he goes much harder than he does). and half the time shes cool with the shit he does
musubiki · 1 month
would kid lime be the type that he’s allowed to bully mochi, but if anybody else does he gets pissed? :o ‘cause I could totally see that, and after it happens the first time he’s like “wait why was i so upset ??????? we’re not like friends or anything ???????”
oh FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes 100% THAT TYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! probably he bullys and teases her cuz he likes seeing her reactions (even though little lime is adamant that its because he hates her and shes annoying), so seeing someone else genuinely bully her or push her around just rubs him the wrong way
and YES he certainly has those "What do I care? I dont. I'm going home." moments when he sees it, starts walking away, stops, takes a long pause, and then marches his ass back over there and starts fighting the other kid
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