#livina de sardet
warlock-enthusiast · 5 years
28. Enough! I heard enough.
Fandom: Greedfall
Characters: De Sardet x Kurt on their voyage to a new land
Rating: M (sexy times)
fictober entries // fictober information
“Enough! I heard enough.” Constantin chuckled and slapped the sailor on the back. “You’ve convinced me. I will try your parlor tricks and win this hand of cards.” Her cousin looked drunk. Livina rolled her eyes and crossed her arms behind her back. Sure, he deserved some amusement on this ship, but someone needed to make sure that he would stay away from the wine for a while. 
At least, Vasco’s crew acted pretty friendly and weren’t too shy to play with Constantin. Livina thought that it maybe had something to do with her getting their cabin boy back, who smiled at her every time they crossed paths. 
She noticed a hand slightly touching her hip. 
Livina recognized the smell of leather and musk and a faint scent of apples. 
It had happened once. Maybe twice, if you wanted to be precise. Both times had been born out of boredom and too much alcohol and her questioning how many scars he owned. Her skin prickled beneath his gloved hands and she found herself leaning closer against him. 
He whispered into his ear. “Your Excellency, there is a certain matter that needs your attention.”
“Of course.” 
Livinia took a bottle from her cousin. “Constantin? You’re going to be okay?”
“Yes, yes. Do whatever you like, cousin.”
She nodded at the passing Nauts and followed Kurt. He held his back as straight as always and nothing could have prepared her for him slamming her against the nearest wall, hands already beneath her clothing, hot lips on her neck.
Kurt’s back scratched her skin and Livina bit her lip to suppress a moan. Rough fingers closed around her breasts and pinched her sensitive nipples. Heat rose in her stomach and cheeks and Livina tried to grab his shirt. 
“Some privacy, Kurt. We don’t need to cause a scene.”
“Yes, green blood.”
They stumbled into her chambers. A mess of clothing and papers and trinkets. Grunting, Kurt navigated Livina straight to her bed, getting rid of her clothing. She opened her legs to grant him more space and he kissed her chin, her cheeks, never her mouth. How would his scars taste beneath her mouth? She wanted every thick inch of him.
Kurt undressed himself and she watched his muscled, hairy chest. Even more scars. 
A lifetime of his profession etched onto skin.  
Livina felt her own wetness between her legs, as he touched her thighs, gently teasing her and smiling about every moan. 
It would end. 
Both of them had to play their roles in Teer Fradee. This seemed nothing more than a distraction on this endless voyage. Spending so many months on a ship made Livina question her sanity in especially lonely nights. Kurt helped with that. 
Protecting her, as he was used to do.
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warlock-enthusiast · 5 years
30. I’m with you, you know that.
Fandom: Greedfall
Characters: Livina De Sardet & Kurt
Rating: T
fictober entries // fictober information
Teer Fradee.
After three months on the open sea, she finally saw her new home. A bulging mountain, spouting lava, a shore line and a harbor. 
Rather welcoming. 
Livina closed her eyes and ignored Constantin’s enthusiastic cries and laughter. He seemed more than ready to fill his new position, while she remembered the beast in the harbor and how it had nearly killed her.
And all the stories about weird magic and monsters hidden in the shadows. 
And her responsibilities. She’d been raised in a court, always an Excellency among her peers, and always taught by expensive tutors, but Livina felt too young and too inexperienced for this. Even back in her own city, she’d often found herself in the middle of disputes of religion and politics and tried to find a way to wiggle herself out of them.  
For the first time in a long while, she missed her mother. 
Constantin pulled her into a hug. “We’re finally here.”
“I can see that.” Livina forced herself to smile. “I can’t wait to feel real earth beneath my feet.” “I’m tempted to kiss it.” “Maybe later. Maybe when no one is watching.”
“Yes, yes, of course.” “Get ready to dock.” Vasco’s voice echoed around the ship and the Nauts sprung into action. Everything went smoothly and precise and Livina was impressed with their dedication to travel by ship. She’d seldom felt as passionate about anything. 
They brought out a plank and Constantin was one of the first to run down it. It creaked beneath his fast footsteps and flapping arms. 
Livina waited a few more minutes and watched as her cousin offered greetings to his predecessor. 
Kurt came to stand at her side and  squeezed her hand. “I’m with you, you know that.”
“I know.” She let go of his hand and adjusted her clothing.  “Good, green blood, then let's get off this boat.” “Ship! It’s a ship.”
Kurt raised his brows, shook his head, and chuckled.
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