Task 001: Lagos
@sgt-barnes, @logan-t78a
Trigger Warnings: Blood, Gore, Murder
Transcript of Mission below:
Bucky: James tightened his grip around the shield's leather handles. This was it. This was going to end today or never. They had everything they needed. Sin's intel about Zemo's course of actions and locations and some other agents Bucky might have bullied. He still wasn't sure if bringing Clint with them was the best idea, but he promised it to him. Seemed... right? "Alright we got one shot at this. We wait for the exact location, then we enter the structure. Wanda you cover the back exit to prevent our target to leave. Sam, you got the other one as planned, Nat will have your back." He looked up at Clint "And we go fetch the bastard. Seems good for everyone ?"
Clint: Clint was technically retired. After getting his family back, he just couldn't do it anymore so he had left. It always somewhat pained him that he never got the opportunity to put an arrow in Zemo, but his family needed him more than ever. But then Clint got the call. They found him. So he suited up and now here he was, in Lagos with the rest of the team. He was barely paying attention to what Bucky was saying because he just wanted to get started, find the bastard and kill him for sure. He owed it to the him. But what Bucky didn't know was that Clint had called in someone else. Someone who also wanted a piece of him to give him a hand. They had a plan, he just had to wait. So, like the Hawk that he was, he kept a watch around the place until he saw Bucky's eyes on him. He just gave him a silent nod as he walked off. Nothing against the rest of them - he was here for one thing and one thing only.
Bucky: He waited for everyone's approval before reaching the edge of the roof they were standing on, waiting for the exact location of Zemo. He kneeled as he waited, keeping his doubts for himself. Maybe too loud however as he sensed Natasha putting her hand on his shoulder. He looked up at her, reassuring himself in her eyes for a second before looking at the team. "And don't forget. I know it's important for everyone here to catch him... But the team goes first, you hear me? Don't play vigilantes, for once." he found smart to add.
Clint: Clint heard what Bucky said and he was sure that it was more directed at him. No offense, Bucky, but this isn't your fight. He wasn't there to help the team. He was here for his own reasons. So when everyone began to disperse to their given objectives, Clint gave Nat a look, telling her that he was sorry for what he was about to do but that he needed to do it. That's when he pulled out his Avenger com and out in the one he had linked with Logan. "Alright, give me some good news, Wolvie. I think Barnes might be catching on to me here."
Logan: The plan was easy, logical and Logan only agreed when Bucky asked him to go and confirm the location, see if it was a trap and if something had to explode, well, he could handle it. He stayed in the shadows but saw their target, stealing him a small smile. He followed him at a reasonable distance and didn't stop when Clint's voice resonated in his com. "Oh really? Good job Barton. Maybe it gonna be a solo date then, if you can't handle the kid." He knew that the plan was to catch the man, but he didn't care, Zemo had to die, that was all, no bargain, no prison, just death. He didn't care what the justice could say, what the government could decided, Zemo was a personal problem since the moment who he started to lay into the kids. "6°33'27.5"N 3°22'54.7"E" He finally shared after checking his gimmick. "Barnes." He continued, changing his com. "6°27'00.5"N 3°26'21.7"E, this bastard still liked luxury." He lied for him, sending him in the opposite place than the real one where Zemo was.
Bucky: Jams waited for the moment Logan would share the location, and when it came into his coms, he didn't wait any longer. "Alright. We're going in." The team didn't need a look to go to their respective spots. Bucky waited for Clint before going in the building by one of the back doors, punching the few guards in their way. The element of surprise was their main advantage as Zemo was not expecting betrayal from his own ranks, selling intel to the Avengers directly. "Big room, north, we gotta be quick before he can do anything. come on."
Clint: "Just stick to the plan, Logan, and we'll be right as rain," Clint replied after memorizing the coordinates and sticking back in the other com. It was action time which meant Clint had to stick with Bucky before finding the opportune moment to slip away. So he stuck by him, pretending he was going along with him..if everything worked, Bucky wouldn't realize he was sneaking off before it was too late. "He still there, Logan?" He asked in the communal com. His hands were gripping his bow tightly. He was ready for this.
Logan: Logan managed to stay patient but he sighed at Barton's words. "I ain't sure it's working like that, just move your birdy ass." He replied to this com before waiting for the rest. "Yup." He just added at the question, he remembered this big room, he didn't really lie about the location shared to the big team, Zemo was there, his mobs were probably still in the building, but their main target left 2 hours ago. He was now busy with what seemed to be a transaction. "Not sure he will stay there much longer tho."
Bucky: Bucky was a soldier, but he was far away from being stupid. He worked with too many men and women in this area of their job to know certain things. For now he acted blind, but he could tell things were off, he could tell things were untold and so kept an eye on everything. It wouldn't be the first time someone tried to... betray him. He tightened his grip on his shield and moved toward the location, addressing Clint a look before going in. He opened the door, shoot the shield at the men in the room, gave some punches. But then he froze as he realized. "Bloody hell, Logan, where is he?"
Clint: Clint knew that he was going to have to move fast if they were going to catch the bastard, but he couldn't just leave Bucky. Not yet. They needed to get to the spot Logan had told Bucky first so he didn't raise too much suspicion. So he played along, counting down the seconds until he could make his move. He nodded at Bucky before they entered the room, letting Bucky take down the lone man while holding up his bone. "He must have just left the room," he lied, knowing full well that that wasn't the case at all. "I'll do a perimeter check outside. He can't have gone too far." He slid the arrow back into his quiver but held firm on his bow. It would be easier to run like that.
Logan: "Must be there, I'm still smelling his Dolce & Gabbana bullshit perfume." He lied but not on the details. He had nothing else to do than wait, so he did, lighting a cigar to deal with the time being long. "Want to me to check somewhere kid?" He asked but calmly started to smoke.
Bucky: He was most of all afraid of losing their advantage of taking them by surprise. Zemo didn't know. Seemed like their only weapon right now. He gritted his teeth. "Negative." he answered Logan. "Stay put. We got the others around. He can't escape." He turned towards Clint. "Check those rooms instead, I'll go over there. Stay on this side don't let them divide us."
Clint: Clint was expecting different orders from Bucky, which is why he had his own excuse all lined up. "If he's in one of the other rooms, chances are he saw us come in. It would be better if one of us what outside incase he tried to jackrabbit. In this case, it's better to split up."
Bucky: James squinted a bit as he looked at Clint. "The exits are guarded by the others already." He wouldn't let him go alone, they needed to work as a team. But then James heard people coming at them rather quickly from behind the doors. "Do it quick then. I'll go this way."
Clint: It went over a lot better than Clint expected and gave him a nod. Now that he was free of Bucky, he could go do what he actually came to Lagos to do. Once he was out of sight of Bucky he put in his com he had with Logan. "Alright, I got away. I'm heading to you. You still remember the plan, right?"
Logan: His cigar was almost finished when Clint voice showed up again. "'Bout time." He replied and raised an eyebrow at his question. "'Might be old but I ain't senile yet." Logan stubbed out his cigar and finally left his hideout. "I'm going to set the table, don't be late for the dessert." He joked, meaning to catch this bastard, kill his few guards and get him ready for the rest of the night.
Clint: "Don't worry, I won't be," Clint replied. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time and he wasn't about to mess it all up. Not now, when he was so close. Zemo was not planning on this, and Clint was counting on it. Clint got to the rendezvous spot and notched an arrow. "Alright, Logan, I'm in position. I'm ready to set the bait. Just give me the word when he's clear."
Logan: "Still waiting..." Logan pointed out and moved to clear the way, killing some guards here and there, taking his time 'cause damn this idiot wasn't that fast and avoided the alarms. The last ones were sharing the same warehouse that Zemo, so they had to wait, lucky them. He couldn't see them, but he was surely hearing their beating hearts. "Clear. His 3 boyfriends are still there tho." Logan sighed and took his lighter to heat his blades.
Clint: "Don't worry, I got this. Just wait for my word." Clint pulled back the bow just a little bit more, adding more tension for a brief second as he took a breath. This was it. It was now or never. He had a brief thought. He could not do this. He could call Bucky, tell him he found Zemo and back out. He could walk away. Maybe it was better if he did, but he didn't want to. He wanted to end this. Clint thought about everything Zemo had destroyed. Himself, Wanda, Kate, Logan, Barney, Laura, Tony.....it just angered him more and more the more he thought about everything Zemo had done. No, keeping him alive was too risky. Clint knew what he had to do. And with that thought, he aimed the flare arrow up into the sky and launched it.
The red light exploded in the air, giving anyone a good read as to where he was. Zemo surely would know who sent it, especially when he saw the arrow shaft fall back to the ground. He would pick it up later....maybe. Just to give it that extra little oomph, Clint yelled, "ZEMO! COME FACE ME, YOU COWARD!"
Clint waited and waited until he spotted Zemo appear with his "boyfriends," as Logan called them. "Agent Barton." Clint sneered when he saw that smug-ass look on his face. "Where are your friends?"
"Doesn't matter. This is between you and me." Zemo seemed amused by Clint's statement, but Clint expected that. His hubris would be his downfall. "Why don't you send your little goons away so we can pick up where we left off? Unless you're too much of a coward to hide behind our henchmen."
There was something in Zemo's eyes telling Clint he was much too eager to show Clint what he could do. With a simple wave of his hand, Zemo's goons left just before he casually strolled back towards him. "Last I remembered, you were no match for me, Barton."
"Yeah, well last time I was injured and starved. Not exactly fair. Now, we're on even playing ground."
"Oh, I wouldn't say that. I know you can hit me with that bow of yours before I get too close."
"That's why I brought something else." Clint put his bow away and pulled out the extra toy he had brought along - a sword. It was one he had "borrowed" from the compound. He'd give it back....maybe. "Doesn't matter what I use, though, you're not leaving this place."
"Is that a promise?" Zemo pulled his sword from his own sheath, getting into a stance that Clint remembered all too well from their last encounter. "Yes, it is."
Maybe it was reckless, maybe it was stupid, but Clint rushed Zemo, sword, back and ready to strike. He knew Zemo would see it coming and block with ease, but this was all part of the plan. He just had to occupy Zemo enough before the plan fell in place. Swords clashed with a ring of metal in the air as they stuck, parried and danced around one another in a deadly dance of dueling. "You've gotten better, Agent Barton," Zemo commented as he parried another blow and struck out.
"It's amazing what someone can do when they're determined."
Zemo chuckled as he parried Clint's next blow. "Your determination will get you nowhere, though. Your angry, which blinds you. I can see it in your eyes. Your anger will be your downfall."
Clint did a few more strikes before their swords met again and they pushed against one another. It was now or never. "And your self-inflated ego will be yours. You see, you're not the only one who you managed to piss off." With that cue for Logan, Clint pushed Zemo back to give Logan the room he would need.
Logan: Deep breaths, Logan couldn't lose his control right now, waiting was playing on his nerves but it was the last act, he could manage this last wait. The old man felt the movement, he slowly moved in the shadows. He let Clint do the distraction, swords fight? Meh, who was he to judge? He only came closer to the remaining guards, tacking advantage that Zemo was busy fighting to deal with them. And just like he did before, Logan killed them before they could understand what was happening, clean work. And god the timing was perfect. "Hi." Logan simply said when Clint pushed off Zemo. His hands were already bloody. "Sorry for your guys, they were in the way."
Oh he could hear heart beat climbing up and damn it felt good, walking closer, Logan only sped up when Zemo moved his hand to call back up. With no warning the mutant cut his hand but didn't flinch when Zemo groaned in pain and reacted by stabbing Logan in the chest with his sword. "..." It was probably fair enough but of course useless. "Right... no more stupid moves then." 'Cause Zemo just did two. The bastard wasn't bleeding, he was missing a hand but Logan's claws were still burning from the preparation he did, it would have been a shame to lose the man from a stupid anemia. Logan pulled out the sword from his body and threw it away before stabbing the fucking bastard in his right knee, forcing him to kneel. The man might scream, he might not, actually Logan didn't give a shit, he wanted the man dead. It was personal right but most of that it had to be done. He was too old and too fucked up to believe in justice, he couldn't give him a chance to survive this, to escape. Maybe it wasn't the right thing to do but Logan never cared about that, not this time at least, not when the list of the victims was already too long. "Yours." He finally said, sharing a look to Clint. Again, involving Clint wasn't probably the best thing to do, but, Logan could respect his need for revenge, it will obviously not solve everything but it will for sure help.
Clint: Clint stood to the side, letting Logan get his hits in. Logan needed a few, especially what happened to the kids that Zemo had grabbed. But they had a deal. He didn't even flinch when Logan cut off his hand. Zemo wasn't going to need it anymore. He stood by, watching with each blow, waiting until Logan was done. With Zemo on his knees, Clint sheathed his own sword and grabbed his bow. "You've taken too much. You've taken away friendships," he paused, firing an arrow into Zemo's left shoulder, "You've taken away kids," another arrow, into Zemo's right, "Sanity." That arrow had gone in his leg, keeping him pinned to the floor. Each name he would speak would come with another arrow in some place Clint deemed. "Kate, Wanda, Kitty, Bobby, Tony.....Laura." At this point, Zemo, was essentially a human pin cushion. A:rrows were protruding from Zemo's body and Clint knew that eventually, he'd die from the these wounds, but it wasn't enough.
"Last I saw you, I told you that you would lose and I would personally be there when you did." Without warning, Clint took his hunting knife and stuck in the same spot Zemo had speared him with a sword all those years ago. "I've thought about this moment for a long damn time, asshole." With a slow turn of his wrist, he twisted the knife in Zemo's abdomen, finally getting a bit of a yell, even if it was more guttural from the bastard. But when Clint stopped, Zemo actually began to laugh. "What's so funny, asshole?"
"You think you've won, but you haven't. I have, Agent Barton. You became the monster once again. You are finally broken." Clint ground his teeth, leaving the knife as he grabbed Zemo's sword that Logan had thrown away. In his other, he grabbed his own and scissored them around Zemo's neck. "You will be haunted by this moment for the rest of your life, Barton. This will not save your soul."
"Maybe not," Clint muttered, his voice straight and level, "But I'll live with it. See you in Hell." And with a swift move, Clint closed the swords, slicing right through Zemo's neck and cutting his head clean off. Zemo's head rolled a few feet away and while Clint could have left him like that, he had one more thing to do. He sheathed both of the swords this time and grabbed two arrows. He pierced the man's dead eyeballs with them and speared the head onto one of the arrows protruding from his body. It was finally over.
Logan: Was it a good idea to let this idiot take the responsibility of this kill? Probably not. But Logan didn't stop him, Zemo wasn't totally wrong but the mutant could understand this need of vengeance. He wasn't an example to follow about that, like he was actually the worst but he knew. He knew that this death will not resolve everything but it will probably be a good start despite the consequences. So Logan shut the fuck up, he didn't look away when Clint killed the man, he didn't flinch and he definitively didn't say a thing. It was over, the bastard was dead and it felt less good than Logan still expected. The mutant sighed, with no smile and cocked an eyebrow when Clint played the put all the body pieces together, he wasn't here to judge but god this was overkilled, even for him. Anyway, he finally came closer to Clint and the dead body and spoke. "C'mon man. Let's move." His claws withdrawn since a while now, Logan put a hand on the shoulder's man, inviting him to move. And if he could have ask of he was feeling ok, he just didn't, he bloody knew the feeling, he wasn't discovering it this night and he bloody knew that a drink will be more helpful than a little pep talk.
Clint: Yeah, sure, it was probably overkill, but Clint felt he needed to do it. To show the world he was finally gone. No tricks, no surprise appearances. He needed to see it, but yet somehow, he still felt hollow. Clint thought that if he killed Zemo, it would be done and he would feel better. More fulfilled. Yet, Clint didn't feel that way. Why didn't he feel right? As he stared down at the corpse, he muddled through his thoughts, trying to make sense of it until Logan broke his trance. "Yeah," he said softly, letting Logan guide him away while he still tried to make sense of his lack of feelings.
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