asksirlintalot · 5 years
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What are you?
(( Twitter chapter art(s) for Lone Memory .o. ‘o’ ))
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i-am-not-sisyphus · 8 years
I lay here thinking, dreaming, praying for just one, just one single, lone memory, but not just any memory...THE memory. I lay here searching for that one lone memory that will give me a sense of happiness, a sense of belonging, a sense of HOPE. I live in a world of anger, of war, of EVIL...and yet it's silly to think that I still lay here everyday waiting for that one lone memory, in which I convinced myself, will give me all the hope I need. I have wrapped myself in a cloak of warmth and security made up of my forgotten youth, made up of the blurred moments in my timeline. Although it is so long past and forgotten, it is the most important event on my clock. I am a puzzle missing but one piece, no matter what, it is deemed useless all because of that one misplaced, forgotten piece. I am torn, I am broken, I have lost what can never be found. I am trapped, being forced to stand in silence as others stone me with words of my missing piece. I am being dangled with my past just out of reach. I must find it, I must remember it. I am left here, my heart being torn, as I am forced to watch the worst moments on repeat, teased with moments and memories that will never be mine to keep. My clock forever stopped, yet my timeline continues. Fifteen years have passed and each day that goes by I grow older and wiser, yet my memories age and fade. Every day I lose another moment, everyday I get closer and closer to the end of my timeline. Until then...I lay here thinking, dreaming, praying for just one, just one single, lone memory....
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magentamalice · 12 years
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{ >:( }
( Bonus Part 4 )
(Bonus end)
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asksirlintalot · 11 years
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(( Thanks again everyone for your involvement with this story arc, i hope everyone has had fun ^u^ ))
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asksirlintalot · 11 years
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what do you see?
(( for British spike ))
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asksirlintalot · 11 years
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what do you see?
(( for Frau ))
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