#lyney storyquest spoilers
stardustdiiving · 8 months
Lyney & Lynette childhood trauma & subsequent codependency makes me so miserable. They’re explicitly described as children who seem too mature for their age in a way that makes an adult helping them worry about what they’ve gone through as a result and specifically points out the fact they only rely on each other as potentially worrying and feels sad he can’t do more to help them….
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On the codependency note…obviously I’m not saying it’s bad Lyney & Lynette have each other to rely on but reading their character stories where Lyney asks Arlecchino for a delusion because he’s anxious he can’t be with Lynette on missions, since she has a Vision now & is getting assigned work only fit for Vision bearers…the way he talks about having his sense of trust obliterated by adults exploiting them as young children and how they’re now the “truest thing each other has in the world” bc they had to be so hypervigilant as children to survive makes me so sad. The fact he like….knows what he said to Jemma would hurt because he’s also so used to depending on other person to make life feel worth it
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Especially when Lyney discusses this in tandem with his fear of drowning in the amount of secrecy and dissociation from himself he puts up around people
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They literally looked like this…by this point theyd already experienced the aristocrat exploiting Lyney’s magic skills and Lynette being trafficked. Man
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