#man i love writing from jebannucks perspective
thewildwaffle · 6 years
Abduction - Chapter 11
It’s been, what? Three weeks? Wow! I think so. I was going to make this chapter longer, but honestly, if I tried to fit everything in that I planned, it’d be a while before this got posted and three weeks seems to be more than long enough (Wowza!)
I have actually made a good map outline thingy of what’s going to happen in the next bit of this story, so hopefully that means that actually writing it will be faster for a little while (fingers crossed!)
As always, thanks for reading! Thanks for commenting! Thanks for encouraging me to keep going! I do a little happy dance when I see that people are actually getting excited about this story! Thanks everyone!
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Grow up! I should grow up?! Who does she think she is? Mike stormed through the branches, shoving them out of his way and letting them snap behind him. Impulsive? Why? Because I’m willing to act when needed? If that’s impulsive, then what’s the problem?
There wasn’t really a path to walk on, so the going was slow. Worried about getting lost, he paused just out of sight of the clearing. Close enough to get back easily, far enough to not be seen from it. He kicked at a few branches on the ground, muttering and cursing.
Part of him knew he was being childish. Knew he was acting in just the way that Wenona had called him out on. There was another part, though- a bigger and louder part at the moment, that was too mad to care. Grow up.
He’d heard that before. Made him mad then too.
“Impulsive… Aaaargh!” He swung a hard punch at the trunk of the nearest tree. It splintered. He pulled his hand away, a fist-sized imprint with cracks now adorned up and down the trunk. “Huh. Not as tough as earth trees, are ya? Probably would have broken my hand if I’d punched a pine or a maple or a…”
He stopped. It was like a bucket of ice water had just been dumped on his head. Behind the tree, just a few feet away, stood a very familiar shape.
“Montauk,” he whispered.
Neither Mike nor the Montauk moved. Neither dared breath. It seemed that an eternity  passed in those moments. Mike was sure his heart was going to beat out of his chest. He felt his legs were going to give out under him and started to reach out to steady himself against the dented tree. The moment he began shifting his weight, the alien sprang at him. Time seemed to move in slow motion and Mike saw the flash of the blade almost too late.
Continuing with his initial momentum, he dropped to the ground on one knee. The montauk’s knife just knicked him in the arm. He spun on the spot sweeping his other leg at the alien’s six insect-like legs and pushed it forward. It toppled over and was almost buried by the huge pack on its back. Mike hope it was squished under its seemingly very heavy weight.
Unfortunately not. The montauk spun around on the ground, lashing out with the knife as it did so. Mike jumped over the attack and landed on the alien’s back, or rather, on it’s pack. He could both hear and feel unknown objects shift and/or crack upon his landing.
It immediately flipped over on it’s side, throwing Mike off and into a small bush with broad purple leaves. He scrambled to his feet, bracing himself for another attack. It didn’t come.
Instead, the Montauk was crouched over it’s pack, rummaging through the contents.
It was distracted. But it was still armed, and Mike’s arms was bleeding. Oh, it was bleeding more than he thought it should - it must have been more than a knick.
Then he saw it - the knife. Or, well, one might roughly call it was a knife. It was a weird knife thing. It looked like it was made from broken bits of plating, melted and burned together then sharpened along the thinner side. It was just lying there, between them on the ground.
Without another thought, Mike lunged for the weapon. The montauk must have caught the motion in the corner of it eye. It jerked its head toward him, realized what he was doing, and let out a terrifying screech. Mike dove, grabbed the knife, and rolled out of the way as the montauk swiped at him. Two of its sharp forearms got stuck in the ground for a moment. Just a moment, but long enough for Mike to get a good swing at it.
The blade cut into the exoskeleton, leaving an oozing purple gash across the dark, shiny limb. The montauk screeched and clicked angrily, backing up a few steps, just out of reach, grasping at the wound. Blood for blood, then. It knew Mike wasn’t to be messed with now. He fiddled with the knife, trying to find a more comfortable way to hold it. It was clear that it was not made for hands like his.
“No! Give it back! You’ve no idea how long it took me to make that!” it screamed.
Mike held out the knife threateningly, “I don’t really care, but if you want this knife, you’ll have to take it from my cold, dead hands.”
The montauk lowered its body so that it could walk on its four lower limbs while still using its upper arms to protectively hold its large, dingy pack. “I’ve no idea what you’re saying, strange creature, but if you understand me, know this - I will get my blade back. Even if I have to take it from your cold, lifeless grasp.”
He felt the pain long before he could really tell where the pain was coming from. At first, it was just a general ache. Then a throb. Oh frewan, he thought, why? What happened?
“Jebannuck? Are you okay? Can you hear me? Say something, or uh, moan again if you can hear me.”
He tried opening his eyes. It seemed he could only manage a squint. That only made the pain in his head stronger.
“Wenona? What hap… where are we?”
“Uh, the planet? I don’t remember it’s name. You put us on the escape pod and before you shut the doors, the ship was hit and you got knocked in here with us.” Wenona stepped closer and crouched down next to him. Jebannuck felt a cool cloth being pressed on his forehead. He winced. It was very tender.
“Sorry,” Wenona continued. “I’m definitely no medic. I’ve been looking through the first aid supplies for something to help with my hand, but the stuff that I recognize all seems like it’s pretty much just the basic kit stuff. Better than nothing though. You’ve been out a long time. How are you feeling?”
Jebannuck reached for the cloth Wenona was pressing onto what seemed to be a large chent-egg of a bump on his head.
I’m lucky to still be alive after a hit like that, he thought.
“Help me up. Slowly, please.” He leaned onto one arm and reached for Wenona with the other. She carefully helped him sit up and slide over to where he could lean against the wall. When he was situated, Wenona took a step back from helping him and reached again for the first aid kit. Jebannuck finally caught sight of her hand. It looked ghastly.
“What in the name of all that is bright and serene happened to your hand?”
Wenona froze mid-reach and pulled her hand back, holding it with her other hand as she examined it. “It’s… well… I’m not really sure. It’s kind of a long story but I think I’m allergic to something I hit.”
“Allergic to… you hit...” Jebannuck paused, looked around the pod and back to Wenona. “Where’s Mike?”
Wenona let out a noise that was somewhere between a sigh and a growl, “That’s part of the long story. He wandered off, like a freakin’ idiot.”
He just stared at her. Part of him felt that this news wasn’t the least bit surprising. The other part of him felt… frustrated wasn’t a strong enough word. Infuriated? Worried? Exasperated? Exasperated. That was probably close enough. We’ve been here how long and he’s already gone and done the very thing I told him not to do.
His growing frown must have started using some injured muscles because his head started throbbing more painfully. Were all humans like this?
“No, I’m not. I told him he was an idiot and that we should at least wait until you woke up before we did anything else, but as you can see, that went so well.”
Jebannuck didn’t realize he had muttered his last thought out loud. Thankfully, Wenona didn’t seem to be offended. Either that or she was too busy rummaging through the first aid kit to take offense. He leaned forward as far forward as he dared and reached out his his hand for hers. “Let me see your injuries.”
Wenona looked up from her rummaging and back down at her swollen hand before holding it out. Jebannuck gingerly examined her hand, turning it over and noticed a few small specks of spores that were still clinging in the cracks of her palm. The skin was red in splotches and puffy. It looked very painful. Jebannuck winced, partly because of the hand, but also because leaning forward for that long was starting to send an ache down his back. He let go of her hand and rested against the wall again.
“There should be a few jugs of water in a container under the harness you were strapped in. Rinse your hand off outside as well as you can, but be careful with the water. It’s what we’ve got until we can find and filter more.” Wenona got up, retrieved a jug, and stepped out the door to clean up.
“While you’re out there,” Jebannuck started. Wenona paused and looked back, “Yell for Mike. He needs to get back here. We need him back here.”
Wenona’s eyebrows furrowed. Was that a look of anger? Irritation? What happened while he was out? It looked like she was going to say no. Instead, she continued out the door with a quiet, “Alright.”
Jebannuck sat for a moment alone, a bit confused at Wenona’s reaction. She and Mike had nearly been inseparable since they’d been rescued. He would have to find out what happend between them. The last thing they needed right now was for those two to be fighting with each other on top of everything else.
He carefully scooted the first aid kit closer and pulled out a few packages for inflamation and a few basic poison neutralizers, just in case. He knew of the plant, or the type of plants that grow on this planet. Some can be deadly. Even touching them could cause serious harm or loss of limb - or more. Wenona’s injury, while it certainly looked nasty, didn’t seem to be bothering her nearly as much as it should be. Or at least, it didn’t seem to be yet.
Mike was still out there in all that though.
Blast it, where was he? Surely he had the sense enough to not wander too far?
He closed his eyes and rested his head in a crevice of the harness. Mike reminded him a lot of the humans that had been enlisted onto the last ship he had served on. They’d only been on the crew for about half a standard solar orbit before Jebannuck was transferred, but they had struck him as being perpetually curious, loud, and at times, foolhardy. Being part of the crew, however, meant that they had tasks to attend to, protocols to keep up, and instructions to follow. That being said, however, they always seemed to be expert in finding loopholes in rules and orders that would keep them out of trouble when they (to quote them) “bent the rules a bit.”
As far as the datasheet showed, they were a major gain to the crew in matters of productivity and efficiency. As far as actually working or being around them, Jebannuck did his best to ignore them and their boisterous ways.
They were annoying.
He might have started dozing, lost in his thoughts. He wasn’t sure. Well, actually, he must have been because he jolted awake with a start. He’d heard something. He looked around. Wenona was still gone. Was it her voice he’d heard?
Yes. And he heard it again. Outside the pod. She was yelling something. Screaming something. Was she saying actual words? His mind felt alert and foggy at the same time. It was… disorienting to say the least. Like his brain was trying to process as much as possible all at once without making sense of anything as it did so.
It took a few attempts, but eventually he made it to his feet, holding onto a few loose straps to steady himself and get his bearings. Wenona was yelling again. So was someone else, someone with a thin and wheezy voice.
It took a few heartbeats, but then everything cleared up as fast as a flash. It was a fight! Something or someone was out there with Wenona. She could be killed! He limped to the door as fast as he could. His muscles felt slow to respond, but he made it. Taking a deep breath before sliding the pod door open, he pulled out his blaster, which was still holstered on a strap near his waist.
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