#many words about this idiots in love and a sprinkling of a young cat grant
you know since they brought out a young cat grant i kinda want lena to talk to kara about cat and kara being surprised that lena isnt intimidated by cat grant and goes as far as calling cat grant, “sweet.” 
and kara’s just: “WHAT? MISS GRANT IS SWEET???” kara thinks ookayy that makes sense cos theyre both powerful intimidating women??? so maybe that’s what sweet is in lena luthor standards??? 
but it all makes sense one night, the both of them laying in bed; lena with a book, big black glasses sliding down her nose adorably and kara flipping channels as she casually tells lena about cat grant doing a surprise visit and asking kara to get coffee earlier that day. lena casually says, “mm. yeah. that’s great darling, always liked cat.” and kara asks, surprised, “you like cat??? you’ve never told me about any times the two of you met.”
“oh, yeah, i mean we haven’t interacted all that much i guess. she’s always on the press side of things while im on, well...the other side. besides, i like her favorite reporter interviewing me more than cat grant herself interviewing me.”
and kara just blushes, stutters out, “i-i’m not cat’s favorite.”
“mm. yeah, right. whatever you say, kara. anyway, yeah, we haven’t talked much but i do remember the first time we met.”
and lena puts her book and she gets this sentimental look on her face that makes kara more curious.
“yeah? when?”
“i think i was 11 or 12 at the time. and cat wasn’t you know, she wasn’t, ‘cat grant’ yet.” she makes these adorable air quotation’s around cat’s name and kara smiles. 
“anyway, she was doing a coverage on the luthor family and i remember lillian, pulling me aside, once cat and her cameraman arrived. told me to not talk to the reporter lady.” 
kara feels that familiar tug at her heart whenever lena talks about her childhood. and oh, how kara aches to hug an eleven-year old lena and tell her that soon, she’ll meet kara and lena can talk as long as likes as much as she wants and kara would always listen.
“it wasn’t much of a problem. i mean, i don’t really talk all that much. and besides i was only there because they said cat needed pictures of the luthor family together,” lena continues and kara might not be able to hug eleven year old lena luthor but she can wrap around this lena luthor beside her, so she does that and lena continues talking. 
“and so, lillian was showing cat around or something, when cat  suddenly stopped to talk to me,” she omitted the part where lillian told cat to stop bothering lena because her daughter was very shy and she really doesn’t really like talking. 
“and i think i was writing in my notebook or something when cat approached me and she asked me what i was doing and i just showed her my notebook, not saying a word, cos i was scared lillian would be mad.”
lena shifts closer to kara on the bed as she notices kara’s hand clench tighter on the remote at the mention of lillian again. 
“and then cat asked what the my scribbling meant. and i think it was an old experiment, i can’t remember much. but i do recall thinking that, surely this is another one of those reporter trying to suck up and i didn’t think she’d care about it but she asked me and she made me talk even though lillian was staring her down. and i think lillian was really pissed off that some blonde reporter disobeyed her wishes and spent half the time talking to her stepdaughter about some stupid science shit. anyway, yeah. i remember cat grant.”
lena waves her hand as if it wasn’t much of a big deal but kara knows better, assesses the slight tremble to lena’s voice as she continues, “she uh-- she made me feel like a person that day. on a day i didn’t feel like much of a person, more like lillian’s stage prop. but yeah, cat grant. i like her. besides, she brought me kara danvers, what’s not to like about that?”
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