#maurine 💖
mvalentine · 2 years
I have to say I had a bit of a hard time choosing which wips I should go with because they’re all so intriguing but I’ve finally made a choice (which is a miracle tbh because I’m already indecisive asf like it’s an actual problem anywayyy)
Can I have a letter I will never send (Nate has such a hold over me my god) and our love has gone cold, you're intertwining your soul with somebody else if that’s not too much, please? Love you💕💕
ask me about my wips!
maurineee hii 💕 you've managed to ask for one of the few one's that aren't ethan & lana and im so grateful <333
a letter i will never send - okay so my mc alex is super stoic and reserved (sounds familiar shjsjs) and basically she's very hesitant to be with nate & actually rejects him at the end of book2 when he asks her out so:
my darling, 
you will never be unloved by me, 
you are too well tangled in my soul. 
| atticus 
thread, needle, sew. 
a seamstress of words, aureate yarns stretching, spindling, a tapestry of tawn and gold in the making.  
that is not me, my dear nate, never one for words, never till the day my path collided with yours. But no, collided to harsh of a word, brushed, stroked, caressed - these words i deem more appropriate. 
our love has gone cold, you've intertwined your soul with somebody else- okay! this is actually an au where lana is a lawyer & the li is the first lady of the united states (alcina by @nightingale-interactive) & i wrote this little fic for them sorry its super long! & ofc its angst!
the amber liquid seeps through her veins, the usual warmth the liquor brings replaced by a scathing burn; bitter to the last drop. 
chartreuse eyes flicker over the scene-- over the blinding lights, the pretentious conversations, the faux smiles. 
the presidential gala was in full swing. 
but lana brooks wasn’t focused on them. any of them. 
except one. 
the one with meticulously painted lips, greeting her drink like an old friend, dark tresses cascading across alabaster skin. and eyes, emerald eyes, so painfully resemblant to lana’s own -- albeit a shade warmer, lighter.
and lana isn’t the only one watching. 
with a harsh flare of awareness, lana brooks realizes that another pair of eyes are mirroring her watchful trail, studying the beauty that is isabella cartledge.
and the pair of eyes belonged to none other than alcina anderson, the first lady of the united states, & the woman who holds her brittle heart in her hands.
a fresh sear of pain lances through her at the realization, white-hot & coiled. her hands tighten around the tumbler, head tipping back to bring the last drops to parting lips, craving the sting; the burn of distraction. 
but it was in vain. 
she couldn’t will the memory out of her head, it seared into her brain like a brand, a reminder. 
‘this could have been yours’, a voice snarls (and it’s vicious & lashing & it stings & slashes & she doesn’t know how to make it stop--), ‘look at what you could have had. what you did have. what you let slip through your fingers. her eyes (warm, so warm, once reserved for your eyes only--) would always search for yours, in brightly lit ballrooms, in bustling corridors; everywhere. but now they’re focused on someone else-- someone better, happier; someone easier to love. and it's all your fault. it’s always your fau’-
the abrupt scrape of the wooden barstool against mahogany tiling causes a few heads to turn, but they’re paid no mind. instead, signaling the bartender, she demands a scotch - neat - the need for numbness paramount.
liquor in hand, she scans the room, eyeing every possible exit, a temporary reprieve. 
she finds it in the form of a balcony, a secluded alcove hidden from the throng of a crowd that grapples for her attention as she struggles towards sanctuary. the chill of the washington night washes over her-- a soothing balm assuaging the flames of bitterness, the wildfire of ineffable hurt. 
hazy orbs peer up at the inky black expanse, watching the stars of the night take center stage as the revelry of the party fades into obscurity. the quiet of the night elicits her thoughts to drift --  to flit towards alcina anderson, as they almost always did. 
her mind trails back to their very first encounter, to the four walls within the labyrinth that was the white house: where lana brooks first laid eyes on alcina anderson, a hesitant cadence present in her voice as she regaled the nature of her involvement to the first lady of the united states. she had expected anger, indignance even, but was shocked to find alcina’s face betrayed nothing, calm demeanour resolute. the reaction was a curious one, intriguing her to no end. she wondered what lay beneath the surface, beneath the mask this woman so meticulously seemed to have donned. 
the first chip in the mask she was privy to presented itself subsequent to the hire, a blinding smile breaking free, like a canary absconding its cage. that smile was reserved for none other than her children, cherubic & oh-so lovely. it was the first hint of the woman beneath, gentle, with a forest of love to offer. 
after that, the pieces began chipping away, rapid & a whirlwind- from martinis on rooftops to joined jabs at senators to stories shared in the crook of the night to light laughs & soft smiles. 
suddenly-- it became more. 
she couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment, the catalyst that spurred the switch , but something had shifted. 
and it was terrifying. 
warning bells flared before her eyes-- the flashes of past love, the hurt & the heartbreak; memories long gone, but damage cemented bone-deep. 
saying that their newfound spark, that the blazing something between them wasn’t at all a  contributing factor to her departure, would be a duplicitous delusion.  
because want, want; was a heady, terrifying thing. 
& lana brooks was a coward. 
but even cowards craved, desired the very thing they dismantled-- but it was too late.
the cost of cowardice was love lost-- and lana brooks was paying the price. 
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mvalentine · 2 years
Can I have 🖼, 🍔, 🎮 and 🫂 for the hcs, please?
You know I’ll take any opportunity to know more about L&E<33
(send me some) domestic headcanons!
maurine hellooo 💖💖💖
house decor 🖼: they’re both minimalists when it comes to style, very sleek and refined. they’re literally so boring (hsjsjs but also i am literally the same way so this is a self call out)— the house is all black white and beige unfortunately
favorite food 🍔: lana’s is ethan’s penne alla vodka. it used to be her favorite dish and she would make it for herself all the time …… but she unfortunately has to concede and admit that his is infinitely better than hers 😔 he still hasn’t told her his ‘secret recipe’ and will take it to his grave 😔 his favorite food is a simple, homely pot roast. it takes him back to the few good parts of his childhood- when his dad would have those *rare* days off work and they would enjoy a comforting meal as a family together
down time activities 🎮: sex hdjskssk im only semi joking <3 but ethan’s favorite down time activities are reading and cooking. after lana was fucking traumatized post the chemical attack she would often ask him to read to her — the sound of his voice and her head on his chest grounded her. let her know that she was still here. lana’s favorite downtime activity is singing/ playing her guitar. fun fact: she used to want to be a musician before she settled on being a doctor. her dad always mocked her interest in it because it was ‘useless’ and ‘unrealistic’ because he is the worst.
cuddling 🫂: they’re both cuddlebugs— lana especially (it’s probably all that lack of affection in her childhood HSJSKSK) she’ll just come back from work and crash on him lmaoo and ofc he complies cause he’s down bad :( after a tough day at work— it’s truly all she needs.
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mvalentine · 2 years
MAL okay first of all, thank you for indulging me with Audrey and Hazel!! They both sound amazing (and I will reblog your post later, i just have to go to the gym rn but I will later, I promise)
second of all, I need to know your Pinterest like right now (if you don’t mind ofc) and omg a board for each of these two sounds so good plus you’re so good at making Pinterest boards like even that you’re amazing at
okay that’s it ily byeee<333
no thank YOU for indulging me i love love love talking about them 💓💓💓
and oh my god don’t even worry get ‘em gains 🏋🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️ shjsks im super excited to hear all your thots tho you always have the best takes on my gals!!
and ahh ofc!! it’s just @/lanasbrooks because of course it is :) & here’s a link just in case!:
and ahhhh i literally just opened my laptop to make them im so excited you have impeccable timing 💓 & i love you MOREEE hope you smash it in the gym & see some cute gym girls <3
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mvalentine · 2 years
MAL I LOVE YOU SO MUCH❤️❤️ you’re literally the best like you’re actually my favorite person in this entire world, you never fail to put a smile on my face ilysm mwah<333
(Also yes she is! I was looking for one and then I saw Alycia and I was like *gasp* that’s Aurelia)
also omggg she’s such a perfect choice!! ive been in love with her since the 100 & clexa happened lol (im STILL very much a bellarke shipper idek if you’ve watched the show lol if not excuse my rambling— but i do have a soft spot for clexa though <3) — also im assuming she’s romancing ethan yeah? is your fc for ethan david gandy as well?? what’s her personality like is she more stoic more fiery or more on the sweeter side? who’s her bestie in oph?
LOL im so sorry for bombarding you with all these questions you totally don’t have to answer im just super curious and wanna know ALL the juicy details about this gorgeous lady ❤️
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mvalentine · 2 years
moss :), royalty (heavy on this one), slime, and spicy mayo
bestie ilySMMMM let’s take that walk into the woods and admire the pretty little flowers and lay down near the river and have a little picnic us when ?? ❤️❤️❤️ also THANK YOU SHSJKS ILYSM you’re the absolute best <333 i appreciate you more than words can say MWAH
from this <3
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