fairytail-redraw · 1 month
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It's gonna be May
The fairy tail redraw event is open to all artists (whether you are traditional or digital) and editors!
The rules are simple:
Pick a prompt to redraw or edit (or 2, or all of em if you feel like it!)
You're free to interpret and change the drawing however you see fit! Wanna change some colours? Wanna tweak things here and there? Go ahead! Nothing's off the table! The prompts are here to inspire you!
When you're done, @ this blog in your post and use the tag #fairytailredraw for it to be reblogged here and that's it! All there is to it!
Also an important note: though the redraw prompts change every month there is no such thing as a late drawing! You could draw any prompt any time and it wouldn't matter.
So no pressure on being late!
Have any questions? Look here or shoot the blog a question!
(Reblog to help get the prompts around!)
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fairy-tail-trash · 1 month
Me, do a redraw, never
Now I present to you, Totomaru
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I gave the rainbow flame man representation of hotter flames, so now he purple and blue instead of just red
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