[Rage drives many a thing - many wrong, but a good many right as well.]
[In this case... rage leads to mutual destruction.]
[Walking amongst the newly-wrecked No Bot's Land, one ['07!] Optimus Prime looks around at the destruction in despair and victory. On one hand, he finally defeated the Decepticons, once and for all. On the other, a rare few Autobots remain - him among them. His actions have led to this monument of death emerging from the deepest darkest depths of his nightmares.]
[Optimus finds a severed head, the base of the neck scorched by a gunshot. A rocket trooper. Thrown to the afterlife as soon as he was into the war. He keeps the head in a pocket.]
[Then... he hears a roaring engine, faintly in the distance. A disturbing scream of metal, seemingly running on vengeance, a stark contrast to the quiet fury of the flames and creaking metal around Optimus.]
[The engine only grows louder. Optimus unsheathes an armblade, expecting trouble in some sort.]
[Trouble comes flying at Optimus, in the form of someone he'd thought he'd destroyed the willpower of back when he fired a nuke down south. A Decepticon, no doubt, fuelled by pure hatred. Hatred for the Autobots. Hatred for Optimus Prime. Hatred in its most vile, sadistic form.]
[Optimus parries the oncoming beast into a wrecked building, but it only rebounds off of the wall, back at him. Optimus once again parries it into a car.]
[The beast sits up, unsheathing a sword of its own. Optimus can feel the presence of the sword, stained with Energon from countless victims. Autobot, Decepticon, it didn't matter to the blade. It was simply hungry.]
[The cannibal wielding it was starved of vengeance for too long.]
Optimus: ...So. You're here to kill me off, permanently. But are you going to savor it?
[It only growls at him, intending to shove the sword deep into Optimus' bones. He only barely has the reaction time to parry it away at the last second, forgetting about the claw on the back of the beast, of which bites deep into his upper back and pinning him to the ground.]
[Optimus writhes against the ground. He cannot get his arms far back enough to attack Bonecrusher.]
Bonecrusher: they say that you're the good guys. what 'good guy' lies to their soldiers - to the civilians they claim to protect - by performing whatever monstrosity the day called for next?
Optimus: S-so... you do speak! [He attempts to laugh, to mock Bonecrusher, but the beast simply responds by stomping on his head.]
Bonecrusher: you ruined countless lives. so many cybertronians, meatbags, and more fell to your blade and your war machine. you ruined relationships, purely for the purpose of victory. the other optimi aren't like you, prime. you let your trauma and ptsd turn you into a sadistic killer. a blood knight for the sole purpose of brutally annihilating your enemies.
Optimus: Who are you t-to speak of people being monsters? Hmm?
Bonecrusher: i do not intend to seem a hypocrite. i only seek to have you feel the suffering you enacted upon your own race. upon my team... my gang.
Optimus: Ohh... is this about the nuclear strike?
[bonecrusher only responds with pinning optimus to the floor with his sword, instead of his claw.]
Bonecrusher: you do not deserve a warrior's death. you deserve a slow, torturous demise only worthy of you.
[a beat.]
Bonecrusher: i bet you taste terrible when undercooked.
Optimus: ...What?
[bonecrusher walks over to the wrecked building optimus parried him into. he sees that only one pillar carries the weight of the building, and that its center of mass hangs over optimus. with vigor, he topples the pillar, rolls over to optimus, yanks his sword out, and runs out of the way of the collapsing building.]
[of course, optimus was crushed and - to bonecrusher's plan - burned alive. bonecrusher waits in the meantime.]
[a voice in bonecrusher's head speaks to him.]
?: you know, you could've fought him one on one.
BC: i don't care.
[another pipes up.]
??: so you... want us to watch you eat a cooked corpse?
BC: exactly. i got hungry from the rage.
?: ...yeah, okay. that tracks with what we've seen of you earlier. that one body though... yech.
BC: don't judge me. you're the ones constantly asking for blood. it's only fair that i grab something for myself along the way.
[bonecrusher sits upon the pile of concrete, listening to optimus' screams and arguing with the voices in his head.]
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just replaced all of the old posts' bonecrusher tags before october 2020 with mbtm!bonecrusher, feeling good
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been too long.
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yeah i suck at drawing. cry about it
more shit under the cut
full pic (yes bonecrusher looks like utter fuck here. i gave up)
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the dress rocketjumper's wearing
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also you may have noticed that rockie's hat has been switched out for a ushanka. in truth i suck at drawing the weird little... duck bill like thing on her usual hat. besides. gotta show off her allegiance somewhere, and ushankas are classic russian headwear if any of the stereotypes are anything to go off of
i like woman. sue me
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[bonecrusher's vibing in his room.]
FM, appearing out of nowhere: HELLO!!
BC: wHGAUGH- [flops out of the bed]
FM: [snickering]
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[bonecrusher and footmuncher are laying down on the couch, one delirious from post-repairs drugs, the other delirious from just waking up and trying to go back to sleep. in that order, yes.]
[they've been laying there for about an hour now.]
[...some brain cells rub together in footmuncher's head.]
FM: ...boney?
BC: ?
FM: didn't you say your older brother's coming over?
BC: ...mmm. why.
FM: i'unno if he's gonna be comfy in here.
BC: mmngh. [incomprehensible].
FM: you sure?
BC: [also incomprehensible].
FM: fair. you know him best, i trust your judgement.
BC: [more incomprehensibility].
FM: shit, really? i wanted to go back to sleep.
BC: [he shrugs, the gesture followed by further incomprehensibility.]
FM: ...alright.
[the two continue to lay on the couch in silence. cuddling a little bit and waiting for bonecrusher's brother to come on down.]
[...eventually, he arrives. a knock on the bunker door wakes the two couch potatoes up from their brief naps.]
FM: ...guess that's him. i'm gonna go answer the door.
BC: h.. no, it's fine. i got i- [severe pain shoots through all of bonecrusher's chassis, leading him to collapse back down onto the couch as he attempts to get up.]
FM: it's okay, boney. let me handle it this time, eh? get some more rest. you'll be fine.
BC: ...k.
[without wasting any more time, footmuncher goes to open the bunker door.]
[gravedigger finishes chugging a cube of regular energon, tossing it into a large storage crate fitted to be a rolling suitcase, and greeting footmuncher.]
GD: well, hell-o. aren't you a stunning chunka steel alloy.
FM: hi, yourself. bonecrusher's brother, i assume?
GD: eyup. name's gravedigger, wanted to pop in to see how the lil bro's doin'. life updates 'n' all that.
FM: cool. come on in, it's freezing cold outside and i bet you're already starting to crust over.
[gravedigger nods and grabs his suitcase, walking in as footmuncher closes the bunker door behind him. he places the suitcase on the kitchen counter, making himself at home as he tosses the emptied energon cube into the sink.]
FM: anything else in there, if you mind me asking?
GD: nah, not much. just a bunch of high-tech equipment. [he takes out an experimental weapon blueprint, handing it to footmuncher.] have a look at this. took a couple nights to develop the idea and i wanted to get some peer reviews down.
[footmuncher examines the weapon blueprint. it's for a medium-sized shoulder-mounted mini rocket pod system, connected to a large ammunitions pack system, seemingly fitted to attach to one's back and around the thighs. reminds him of a minigun.]
FM: what is this, a minigun for self-propelled rockets?
GD: that's the idea. i didn't build it with efficiency in mind, just wanted to have some fun. what do you think?
FM: hmm. pretty neat. i wonder if the other guys would like it.
GD: ooh, other guys? how many are there in here?
FM: bunch'a 'em. there's a couple tanks, a couple MLRS vehicles, some aeroplanes, a couple trucks. one of the MLRSs is a huge truck, and the other is a tank. there's even a dump truck in here.
GD: [he nods, intrigued.] and where's the bro?
FM: on the couch.
[bonecrusher waves his hand.]
BC: hey guts
GD: hey, bones malone. been a while. [he hobbles over to the couch, looking over and peering at his brother.] yeesh, you've been in better shape. how's it hummin'?
BC: not well. had to get another repair this week. i feel like patchie's starting to get tired of it.
GD: mmm. wanna cuddle your big bro for a bit?
BC: mhm
[gravedigger picks bonecrusher up off of the couch.]
GD: how's about a quick tour around the base?
FM: sure. come on over, have a look through some doors.
[gravediggers does so.]
[first door: patchwork's office. unfortunately, patchwork's neglected to remember that bonecrusher's bro was coming over today, and decided to take a ride on his favorite dildo. he looks up at his office door, does a double take, and whips his lab coat on.]
PW: [ahem-] apologies! i forgot you were coming over! hi!
GD: hey. your dick's glowing through your coat.
[patchwork looks down at the coat. sure enough, his dick is glowing through. he's embarrassed enough as it is.]
GD: we can talk after you're done. sorry for intrudin', doc.
[footmuncher closes the door, leaving patchwork to finish up while glowing rainbow and blue.]
[next door: bonecrusher's room, with a couple of drunks on the bed.]
[gravedigger leans in, looking around. couple of closets, couple of bedside tables. massive woman sleepin' on the bed. bulldozer dude next to massive woman chuggin' a cube. groundrumbler finishes the swig and looks over to the door.]
GR: howdy.
GD: nice to meet ya. i'ouno if you know me or not, but just incase ya don't, name's gravedigger. i'm bonecrusher's big brother.
GR: mm. groundrumbler, resident drunk... well, i drink the most, at least.
GD: who's the big lady?
GR: her name's rocketjumper. boney's married to her and they're both extremely horny for eachother. i ain't the same.
GD: built like a tank and fucks like one too, i imagine?
GR: what else would you expect? [chuckle]
GD: not much, really. haven't met a bot i can't fuck to a grey state yet, i'm sure she might be the one to put me in my own. er- if he's okay with that.
GR: they're polyamorous, don't worry about it.
GD: oh, nice. ...haven't heard that term before, though?
GR: neither of them really give a shit about who the other fucks, but they both have restrictions for the other. boney doesn't want rocketjumper fucking any Primes, and rockie doesn't want bonecrusher fucking any spiderformers.
GD: any reasons you're okay sharing?
GR: bonecrusher hates optimus prime - one of them. - and rockie's got a really personal reason about it. i think she might pummel me if i tell you.
GD: fair enough. here. [he places bonecrusher down on the bed.] take care of bonecrusher for a bit. gonna go continue my tour.
GR: a'ight. enjoy the tour.
GD: thanks. have a nice night, groundrumbler.
GR: you too.
[gravedigger leaves his brother with groundrumbler and rocketjumper, continuing to follow footmuncher throughout the base.]
GD: right. tour guide, where to next?
FM: hmm... how'zabout a quick pit stop over to my room? it's... well, not in the best shape ever, but it's still presentable, i think.
GD: we'll see. right down here?
FM: yep. [he opens the door to his bedroom.] have a peek.
[gravedigger does as asked. inside is, surprisingly enough, a room. one that looks like a metaphorical clothing bomb went off in there.. and reeks of unholy smells.]
GD: [due to how gravedigger's 'nose' systems work, he can only barely smell the foul stench.] ...what the hell is that smell?
FM: that... would be cum stains.
GD: cum stains.
FM: ...yeh.
[gravedigger blinks once at footmuncher, taking a moment to think about what he's gonna say next.]
GD: ...i knew bonecrusher told me he lived with some weird bots, but i didn't expect 'doesn't clean cum stains out of their room'-level weird.
FM: [short giggle.] yeah... sorry. it's been a while since i've actually slept in here. hey, off-topic question, who are your progenitors?
GD, catching FM offguard: ancient graves in the sea of rust.
FM: [blink] i... see. i'm sorry to hear that.
GD: nah, don't be. as long as i and bonecrusher function, as far as i care, they still function in spirit. been a while since i visited... i feel mean.
FM: well, better late than never! always nice to check in on your progenitors, whenever you can.
GD: mm. anyway, about the cum stains... how often?
FM: it's... mostly an 'on again, off again' sort of deal. sometimes, i'm absolutely rowdy, and other times i can't be bothered. why do you ask?
GD: just getting information on the dudes my bro lives with. seeing if you're trustworthy. y'know, older brother type shit.
FM: yeah. yeah, understandable, alright. any other rooms you wanna see?
GD: do you guys have a spare room?
FM: i think so! we keep a couple alternate universe bonecrushers in there.
GD: ...[blink.] real?
FM: totally!
GD: can i see?
FM: absolutely!
[footmuncher leads gravedigger by the hand down to the spare room, almost sprinting down the hallway in doing so.]
[he quietly opens the door. there's a large robot in the middle of the room, with a robot leaning against the near wall wearing a crown, and another, extremely rusty robot leaning against the crown-wearing bot.]
[gravedigger's attention is being tossed between the massive bot in the middle of the room and the two by the near wall.]
FM: sooo, whaddaya think?
GD: ...huh. cool!
FM: hell yeah. anywho, you wanna come see airstrike?
GD: m'alright.
[poppin' over to bonecrusher.]
BC: ...
GR: so, how's the recovery coming along?
BC: i do not feel good.
GR: yeah, stitches will do that to ya. i'm sure you'll be fine eventually. just take some time to rest. don't drink too much energon. the usual.
BC: mhm
GR: do ya want me to stick around?
BC: mhm
[groundrumbler takes a seat on the bed, resting next to bonecrusher.]
[bonecrusher wraps his arms around groundrumbler and pulls him closer, nestling his neck onto groundrumbler's shoulder.]
GR: ah. clever. [he chuckles, hugging bonecrusher in return.] you gonna conk out soon, 'crusher?
BC: m
GR: understandable. i'll be here when you wake up. [he pats his hunchback.] enjoy your nap.
BC: mm
[bonecrusher falls unconscious, snoozing in groundrumbler's arms.]
[now back to his brother.]
[gravedigger is sitting on the couch with footmuncher, chilling out with him. they both seem pretty tired.]
FM: ...so how did you like the tour?
GD: that shit went hard. not the best tour ever, but i had a nice view the entire time, so it's fine.
FM: [he emits a slight chuckle.] why, thank you. d'ya wanna have a nap?
GD: fuck yeah, dude.
[footmuncher pulls gravedigger down with him and cuddles with him on the couch.]
[gravedigger wraps his arms around footmuncher's waist, softly holding him close. footmuncher reciprocates.]
[overall, a pretty good night, eh?]
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[been a while since i did a lore post. sorry for the wait if you actually wanted to see my garbage lol. got a good couple of fics in the works right now. otherwise. enjoy this. i guess.]
[devastator's rolling around on the moon. intel says that there's an autobot outpost up here that lord megatron wants gone. he cites personal reasons. devastator assumes that his personal time's been interrupted more than once by the outpost somehow.]
[devastator spots a shining light across the vast lunar valley, so he stops to spy on whatever's casting it from long range. turns out: yup. autobot outpost. big one, too.]
D: lunar rover to ground control, i've spotted the target. how copy, over?
['ground control', in this case nebula, responds.]
N: loud and clear, lunar rover. give 'em a good old-style whoppin' for the boys back home. over.
D: roger, moving to devastate. over and out.
[devastator begins rolling once more, crossing the kilometer worth of valley between his cliff and the outpost's front gate in a couple of minutes.]
[An Autobot security personnel halts the unknown vehicle in its tracks.]
Guard: This is a high-tech Autobot outpost! Identify yourself!
[devastator aims for the face, and obliterates him.]
[The Autobot is decapitated, and his corpse glides smoothly away from the impact point, before coming to a controlled stop against the wall.]
[since sound doesn't travel on the moon very well, someone would've had to have seen this happen for the alarm to begin blaring... unfortunately for devastator, someone did see this happen, and so the alarm's lights flash red across the outpost.]
[devastator blasts the gate apart, and rolls in to fight the autobots inside.]
[...it only takes 30 minutes.]
D, in need of repairs: lunar rover to ground control: outpost liberated. what's next; over?
N: discussing what's next with the boys back at base. sit tight. over and out.
[devastator transforms, relishing in the destruction he caused to the lunar outpost while he waits for clarification. he hops around on one foot, the opposite leg's hip actuator having been damaged.]
N: boys. what's next?
BC: how's the outpost? any damage to speak of?
N: oh, yeah. it's damn well devastated.
BC: good to hear. let's have marrowbomber haul devastator and any good loot out from the wreck and call it mission accomplished.
N: i hear ya. transmitting to devs.
BC: make sure he returns in one piece - marrowbomber too. i hear the moon's dust particles are particularly brutal against our metal.
N: understood.
N: ground control to lunar rover: you're free to haul any worthwhile loot out from the outpost and get it home. over.
D: alright. how will i get it home; over?
N: same way you got to the surface: marrowbomber; over.
D: affirmative; moving to locate and contain the good stuff. over and out.
[devastator searches the compound for some good loot to bring home, and finds a bunch of resources such as experimental weapon blueprints and schematics for new vehicle modes. he even finds a nice lunar rover to bring along for the ride.]
[marrowbomber sets down next to the outpost.]
MB: shuttle to lunar rover. howdy.
D: hey, air support. what took you so long?
MB: had to stretch my legs. you don't know how stressful it is to try and fly in an atmosphereless environment in a conventional jet form.
D: i pray to never find out. here; i got some good stuff from the wreck. moving it inside your hold now.
[marrowbomber waits patiently for devastator to get it all in, and get in himself.]
MB: alright... where to now?
D: home sweet home. i trust you'll get home fine?
MB: ...pray to primus.
[marrowbomber takes off with a little bit of effort, escaping the moon's gravity swiftly and trying his god-damndest to get home safe and sound.]
[it takes him quite the unholy amount of effort... but god damnit, he makes it to the earth's atmosphere. not without some trauma, of course. no one wants to be lost in space.]
MB: oh. oh, god. homeward bound! fuck...
[devastator whistles in a satisfied and grateful sort of tone.]
[muffled celebrations erupt over the comms.]
N: welcome back to antarctican airspace, marrowbomber!
MB: thanks for the warm reception. that was... fucking horrifying. i never want to do this shit again.
N: i hear ya loud and clear, don't you worry. i'm setting down now to greet ya properly.
MB: see you then.
[marrowbomber directs his attention to devastator.]
MB: devs?
D: that was some of the worst rattling i've heard yet. you gonna be okay, mate?
MB: i... do not think so, no. we need a dedicated shuttleformer. not me. never again.
D: yeah, i get that. you want some energon from my personal stash once we land?
MB: oh, fuck, please.
D: hah! you got it, big man.
[marrowbomber sets his wheels down onto the cold, icy runway once more, and skids to a stop.]
N: whey! how's the big man doin'?
MB: i need a nap. and probably therapy.
N: heh... yeah. understandable. i made a deal with bonecrusher, he'll let you rest for a few months if need be. take your time off, my man, you earned it. [she pats marrowbomber's wing.]
MB: yeah... thanks.
[devastator hobbles out of marrowbomber's cargo hold, and dirtbuster takes over storage duty.]
D: he says we need a dedicated shuttleformer. see you in the base.
[nebula nods in response.] N: sounds like a good idea.
[nebula sits with marrowbomber and chats with him about various topics while dirtbuster gets his cargo hold cleared.]
[it only takes dirtbuster a couple of minutes to haul the loot out of there, and pats his tail end to let him know he's free to transform.]
[marrowbomber transforms, kneeling on the ground and keeping his space sickness on the inside... somehow.]
N: ...hey, are you gonna be fine, marrow?
MB: [gag]... nope. wh... where's devs?
N: he's in the base. i saw him hobblin' pretty wobbly though. might be getting some repairs from patchwork.
MB: l... let patch know i might be sick.
N: yeah, you got it, homie. sit tight.
[nebula gets off of the ground and pats marrowbomber's shoulder, moving to let patchwork know.]
[he kneels there. his brain is spinning. his body is churning. everything feels like utter shit. he needs a drink. everything hurts. he can't think.]
[bonecrusher gets to marrowbomber's side, cuddling with him to keep him calm.]
BC: hey now, big guy... lay down, rest your head. you're gonna be fine, bomb bay.
[bonecrusher pushes marrowbomber over to the base, making sure not to put too much pressure on certain areas.]
[marrowbomber leans on the wall of the base, able to see inside through the window. he holds onto bonecrusher, grateful that he's being so comforting tonight. he keeps him close, needing some warmth from him.]
[bonecrusher nestles deep into marrowbomber's frame, cuddling him for as long as he needs.]
[noticing marrowbomber lookin' like shit outside the window, groundrumbler opens the window and hands marrowbomber a cube of energon to help him out.]
[well, ain't this nice.]
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okay A) this new desktop layout makes me want to kill myself
B) https://www.target.com/p/transformers-masterpiece-movie-series-bonecrusher-action-figure-target-exclusive/-/A-88687351#lnk=sametab
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[scene one. bonecrusher's sitting on the porch with a feeling of despair coursing through himself.]
BC, to himself: i feel like a failure.
[scene two. rocketjumper is in a bar halfway across the world, figuring out what flavor of energon she should taste next. her sixth sense goes off.]
RJ: hey, can you put this on my tab? i have a feeling my husband needs a cuddle, gotta go check on him.
Bartender: i hear ya. have a nice night, ma'am.
RJ: thank you kindly. you have a nice night as well.
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[bonecrusher's laying down in his bed. he's had a long, stressful day full of bullshit. bro needs a nap.]
[or a nice railing. he wouldn't complain.]
[over time, bonecrusher feels his conscious slipping away. little by little. second after second. maybe sometime soon he'll actually get a nap?]
[unfortunately, it seems the nap in question will have to wait. bunkerbuster makes himself known in the archway.]
BB: long day, homie?
BC: mmyup
[bunkerbuster walks in, closing the bedroom door behind him.]
BB: anything you wanna talk about?
BC: ...
[bonecrusher props himself up in a position that doesn't muffle his voice.]
BC: you ever get burnt out? like, you get a shit load of enthusiasm for something and you use it all up way too quick and you can't think of anything else to say or do so you feel useless?
BB: ...i don't know about the useless part, but i get where you're coming from.
BC: [boney shrugs.] i 'unno, i don't think you do.
BB: [snickering in response, bunkbed takes a seat next to boney, on his bed.] if you want me to talk about any of my old battles to you, i can. or if you want something else, like a quickie... well, y'know.
BC: ...m. rockie's out for the night, might be grabbing more energon for refinement or somethin', she neglected to tell me. not like she can't handle herself, just i get worried sometimes- point is. you wanna sleep with me tonight?
BB: me? [minor snort.] don't you usually have munchie for that?
BC: meh. he's been in a fugue state for a bit now. patch's been taking care of him. besides, i'm hankerin' for a big bulky lad to snuggle tight, and you're just my type.
BB: look at you, eh, prince charming?
[bunkerbuster pecks bonecrusher on the cheek.]
[in response, bonecrusher returns the kiss, kissing bunkerbuster on the lips and pulling him down onto the bed. he follows up by wrapping his arms around bunkbed's waist.]
BB: [giggle]. not so fast, my man. gotta get my armor off first for maximum comfort.
[following that comment, bunkerbuster sits back up over bonecrusher, popping his armor off and setting it next to the bed. chest armor first, then the shoulder pauldrons... he considers the crotch armor. not yet. off goes the leg armor, back plating... and he's comfy.]
[bonecrusher pops bunkerbuster's crotch armor off for him, setting it with the rest of his armor and freeing the meat underneath. back down comes bunkerbuster.]
BB: so you do want the dick, mmm?
BC: just a little more to fondle while we both wait to slumber.
[bonecrusher nestles his face inbetween bunkerbuster's pecs.]
BC, muffled: love you, hubby.
BB, wrapping his arms around BC: and i, you. sweet dreams.
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BC: ayuhuh. nonononono, the thing in the fridge is definitely not cybertronian meat.
[Ominous Piano Sustain as bonecrusher peers into the camera]
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[bonecrusher's engine is rumbling in his sleep.]
[king pops by for a visit, letting himself in... through the kitchen window, no less.]
[upon hearing the snore-like roaring of bonecrusher's engine, king cautiously approaches the couch. he peeks over at bonecrusher, relieved that he wasn't some sort of demonic engine-related creature of sorts.]
[vibemaster appears behind king, coming from the hallway for a midnight snack.]
VM: rough night?
D!BC: assuming so. do other bots' engines vocalize like his?
VM: not that i've heard personally. patchwork seems like the type of guy to know about that stuff, might wanna ask him. in any case, i'm off to bed.
D!BC: before you leave, do you have any... new faces of sorts?
VM: uhh... three, if i recall correctly. maybe two. one's a guy nicknamed 'stonehenge' - old, rusty bonecrusher lookalike. then there's... i think they nicknamed her katyusha. she's what we used to call 'autobot rocketjumper', but someone figured she needed a better name. not my business to think about.
D!BC: mmm. enjoy your slumber, sir.
VM: and you as well. [vibemaster leaves for his bedroom.]
[king peeks over at bonecrusher again, to make sure he's not fully off his rocker.]
[...still bonecrusher. good. king folds his toes up, walking on his tires down the hallway.]
[after passing various doors labeled and decorated with details referring to the rooms within, king finds a door labeled 'SPARE', with a crude drawing of what king assumes to be stonehenge and katyusha. he creaks the door open quietly, disappearing into the room and closing the door just as quietly as he opened it.]
[king takes a seat on the floor, next to two slumbering beasts of metal, one monstrous and the other humongous.]
[king sits there, staring at the beasts. slowly, surely, he falls asleep.]
[king awakens from his slumber, covered in a blanket and one hand positioned around a cube of tea - a cold cube, but still. he's mildly forgotten where he is, but the memory of last night immediately reminds him. he feels as if he died, yet popped back to life.]
[king gets onto his feet. the two beasts he slept next to have left. with his new cup of tea and second cape (made of a blanket), he exits the spare room and sneaks through the hallway.]
[peeking through the hall's archway, king spies bonecrusher cooking some sort of material in a frying pan. he assumes bonecrusher can't hear him sneaking about and takes a seat in the living room.]
[of course, bonecrusher hasn't heard a sound since last night, barring rocketjumper's quiet snoring. he does pick up on king's tires making contact with the floor, not reacting to it.]
[king sits there in silence, in supposed stealth. he hadn't noticed footmuncher sleeping ass-up on the couch... and his eyes wander around footmuncher's frame.]
[...eventually, bonecrusher pipes up.]
BC: ...what brings you here this morning, king?
D!BC: shelter. i hadn't been told that you have eyes in your back. bonecrusher.
BC: trust me, there ain't no eyes back there. just sound-starved systems picking up on whatever they can. now, how're you?
D!BC: i'm... rather fine, i suppose. patchwork tells me that he wants to perform an operation on me. figured i'd pop in as soon as possible.
BC: mm. any ulterior motives?
D!BC: not particularly. i could be popping by because i'm lonely for once. i might be visiting because i'm worried about my dementia. i might just be appearing because, hey, fuck it. who knows?
BC: i get that. not sure if i get it to a depth that matters to you, but i do get it. sometimes you get too lonely.
[bonecrusher sets aside the spaghetti meat, allowing his mine defusal claw to finish the spaghetti.]
D!BC: ...what's it like?
BC: ...
D!BC: the, eh... being a part of a team, working with others to obtain a common goal, the... not being alone.
BC: huh. well, after an eternity of being a lone wolf and doing damn near whatever i wanted, even though i got struck down by optimus prime... it's a breath of fresh air. i... [bonecrusher can't find any more words to explain his situation.] ...yeah. breath of fresh air. why do you ask?
D!BC: i'd like to move in, for what it's worth. my old kingdom grew tiring and empty... and lonely. i feel as if i was alone for too long. i desire something else, and what else is better than living with another version of me.
D!BC: of course, blindly hoping that you'll accept me immediately is a fool's errand. if this is simply a visit, so be it. i would prefer for it to be something more, but... [he sips his tea once it reaches a bearable temperature.] you can't have everything.
BC: you'd be surprised 'bout how many spare rooms i have. that, and you're a capable warrior; i'd be a moron to let you freeze outside. where do you want to sleep?
D!BC: ...there was a particularly comfy room down the hall. the one with the mattresses in the center. i'd like to sleep in there, if possible.
BC: not a problem. the two bots in there seem to like having you around, judging by the cube of tea and blanket cape. did you leave any sentimental objects back at your old base that you wanna go back for, or are you fine?
D!BC: [he looks himself over. sword's in its sheath. he doesn't remember having anything else.] i'm fine.
BC: nice. if you want something to chow down on later, i'm trying out a new recipe that i think the guys'll like. have fun with your second nap of the day, king.
D!BC: thank you deeply for your hospitality.
[without another word, king gets out of the seat he took earlier, hugs bonecrusher, and heads down the hall.]
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BC: d'you know if anyone's able to see the future?
PW: not entirely. the only character closest to holding an ability like seeing the future could be tricky, but i've not seen him here for a long while.
BC: damn. thanks, doc.
PW: my pleasure. have a nice night, bonecrusher.
[bonecrusher leaves patchwork's office.]
[taking a seat on one of the unusual seats in the kitchen, bonecrusher begins daydreaming. it's been a while since he'd been seen in any significant form on tumblr. mostly just looking at things he likes. maybe his time is coming. maybe it's already come and he's prolonging the inevitable. he doesn't know. he'd rather take ignorance to that.]
[A glow of red suddenly appears in bonecrusher's peripheral vision. he takes a look.]
{A nearly ten-foot suit of armor, with hints of glowing red and wings of pissed-off gold. They wield a crowbar, its tipped glowing red as well. The suit of armor stared deep into whatever soul Bonecrusher held within.}
[whatever this thing is, it's not tricky. bonecrusher feels a wave of dread wash over his frame.]
{Neither beings talked to one another; Bonecrusher, because he doesn't trust the other one, and Asbeel because they can not communicate.}
[should he attack? should he try and throw it out the window? what does he do about this one? why is he freaking out abo-]
{This is the wrong dimension. They should be facing the blue robot that reaches no higher than their knees. A 'Go-Pro', the mortals called it... whatever that is. Instead, they stare down the twin, glowing barrels o-}
[-but it looks like tricky... but it's not tricky... but it looks like tricky... but it's not tricky... but it looks like tricky... but it's n-]
{-he beige of his armor is sharp with rage and REEKS of caked blood where no cleaning tool can reach. Asbeel believes that this beast goes by the name of 'Bonecrusher', from what they've read from the Bible, but the Bible did n-}
[-what is with that crowbar? what's with the black armor? who IS that? -]
{- ...How did they know that? From one name, in the only book they've known, know that the name applied to this... this... thing? What...? Asbeel simply confuses themselves further. They cannot communicate. They want to greet this beast ahead. Th-}
[- he can feel his knees creaking. every inch of armor. spare follicles of remains within each panel. he does not want to do anything. he doesn't want to imagine anything about this mortally-shaped monster. it is not mortal. it is unknowable, its name lost to time-]
{-1', was it? 'V1' should be encountering the last of Hell's forces... and Gabriel... in Treachery. This room reminds Asbeel of Treachery... the outsides, at least. The insides look too human. Humanity always disgusted Asb-}
[-WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS THING??? god, okay. no. that's enough. bonecrusher gets out of his seat, and heads back to patchwork.]
{That was a pleasant 10 minutes. Asbeel's unseen eyes fly around the room they've found themselves in. Michael would love this room, what with the massive brick and its matching lever-type object, decorating its frontmost side. Asbeel at least assumes that.}
{As well, Asbeel's eyes grace the pleasantries of the 'pocket of Treachery' behind themselves. Quite the intriguing area. Asbeel dec-}
[bonecrusher returns, pointing at whatever that impostor happens to be. patchwork remains intrigued.]
PW: why, i believe that's an archangel. nothing to be afraid of. they certainly look terrifying, but... did they tell you to 'be not afraid'?
BC: ...no.
PW: mmm. 'asbeel', is it?
{Asbeel simply stares at the smaller - yet still massive - being.}
PW: ...they did write that asbeel cannot speak. how wonderful to see one in our kitchen, eh? [he equips a camera, pointing it at the archangel.]
{Asbeel's eyes measure the new object within the smaller one's hands. They believe it's called a projector... but it does not have the circles on top. They suppose it must be something else... a weapon. Asbeel holds out their crowbar.}
[the camera flashes.]
{Asbeel cannot see.}
PW: ...isn't that amazing? they even posed. look at that, eh, bo-
BC, pushing PW into his office: dude they're shaking let's go let's go let's go
{His speech fading into the noise, 'Bonecrusher' continued dragging the smaller one to somewhere Asbeel cannot hear. Now all that remains is the noise.}
{The noise that blinds.}
{Everything is gone. All that is... is white.}
{Father. Please.}
{I need your help.}
{I want to talk.}
{I need to see.}
{O Holy Father, help me to see if you remain alive.}
{Thank the Father, Asbeel is saved.}
{Looking onwards... oh. How pleasant.}
{Gabriel stood, pointing at Asbeel with Justice and Splendor.}
Gabriel: ... ... ... ... ... ...
{Asbeel drops their crowbar, collapsing to their knees.}
Gabriel: ...oh, thank you, my Holy Father. Thank you for finally pacifying them.
{Gabriel steps warily towards Asbeel, ginger on his toes. He'd not thought that Asbeel could ever cool themselves... but today marks the day that Judecca worked into his goals.}
{...then he hears their sobbing.}
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{hey, you remember that TLOU x bone gang post i told you about? lost my hyperfixation and i felt i wasn't writing it up to some... perceived level of quality. so: here's what i wanted to happen.}
{bonecrusher gets scratched by a freshly infected patchwork, whom was under the effects of a newly discovered "zombie plague". this leads to twelve years of skipped time, and a grumpy bonecrusher that works with his old ex, flamewar. they meet up with rocketjumper, shenanigans ensue, nebula is found to be immune to the plague... let me split this up.}
{there. so basically, bonecrusher, nebula, flamewar and rocketjumper head to a hospital across the country that works with cybertronians, and bonecrusher - separated from his partners - saves nebula from dying in the name of a cure to the plague.}
{this is where part two comes in. bonecrusher gets kneecapped, and all of his partners try to save him; all of them dying one by one, to another 'they've taken everything from me' character: TFP!Arcee. over time, part 2's story takes place. oh, one more thing.}
{this post is where my story deviates from the story of TLOU 2. the decepticons have taken everything away from arcee. the autobots - arcee's - have taken everything away from bonecrusher. here, where they're both in a dimly-lit room, with arcee tied up in a chair and bonecrusher wielding his shotgun and some fresh hate... like the good old days... they converse. ...to a point, at least.}
{and trust me. i'm upholding the quality this time.}
[now... let's get to it.]
[Arcee awaken- wait. sorry. TFP!Arcee awakens in a chair, in some dimly lit room and a tight rope wrapped around her upper arms. She scans the area: a fenced off room to her right with shelves of equipment, two tables of different equipment out of arm's reach, and busting open a door to her front with his foot, a hatred-filled bonecrusher.]
[bonecrusher locks the door behind him, turning to arcee.]
[All she can see of bonecrusher is the red of his eyes.]
Arcee: ...Alright. Chunk out whatever monologue you've got prepared and get this over with.
BC: [...he stares at her thighs. never a mech of eye contact, he was.] i don't have the sanity or sensibility left for a monologue. here i stand, staring down the executioner of three of my best teammates, vulnerable yet victorious. i'm sure you think that i'm pissed off because you won -- that's further from the case than i'd feel comfortable putting it, frankly.
BC: [loading a shell:] no. you orchestrated the nuclear destruction of my base seven years back. you were the one to pin down each and every one of my teammates' locations and execute them. you guaranteed that the future of the cybertronians would be in vain. you executed my wife in front of my very eyes.
BC: [loading a second shell:] you deserve no forgiveness.
BC: [loading a third shell:] you and your allegiance stalk my cranium.
BC: [loading a fourth shell:] you caused so.
BC: [fifth shell:] many.
BC: [sixth shell:] problems.
BC: [seventh shell:] for me and my teammates.
BC: [eighth shell:] hell, i'm convinced you put optimus on the news just so he could lie about the plague.
BC: [ninth shell:] the plague you engineered to win the war.
BC: [tenth shell; the gun's loaded:] that ended in peace just twenty years ago.
BC: a war that you had no part in aside from that bitch airachnid.
BC: [taking out a fold-up chair and putting his shotgun away:] so why, if you have a moral compass, did you decide to do that? huh? release a plague upon the world? was it for fun? revenge? let me tell you, hate and revenge do not mix well. and let me inform you that this is not about revenge.
BC: [taking a seat:] this is not about vengeance. this? it's about hate. pure, unrivaled, brutal, unforgiving hate.
BC: i know about your past, and i'm sure you know of mine. so tell me why you deserve to be spared, arcee, because i sure as hell don't see a reason.
Arcee: [Frankly... she can't. Aside from the engineering of the plague.] The Autobots didn't engineer the plague, Bonecrusher, you'd have to interrogate Tarn in regards to that. Everything else? Spot-on. I'm impressed, really.
Arcee: [Leaning back in her seat:] For such a big, dumb brute, you managed to wrestle out any - every - reason I had to find and kill your Bone Gang. To be fair with you, before the outbreak started, Flamewar found out where I lived. Decided to live with her for a couple of months. That lasted for about six years, around the 4th anniversary of the outbreak.
Arcee: [Sitting straight:] Look, I'm gonna be honest, she's way too energetic for me. I broke it off, and moved somewhere else. Flamewar, apparently, didn't like that idea. So: she found out where I moved to, and killed the bot I shacked up with. I was gonna marry her.
Arcee: And about your base getting destroyed, that was all Prime's fault. Not mine, though, that was your Prime's fault. He got too drunk around the missile panel. Not my fault.
Arcee: Neither was the plague - again, talk to Tarn about that. Remind me, am I forgetting anything?
BC: [his hate is converting to rage, ever so slowly.] why did you kill rocketjumper?
Arcee: Oh, easy. My first conjunx, right? Couple thousand years ago, we were both sitting on the beach in the Sea of Rust. Some asshat in a starship comes flying by and DEVASTATES him with the wing! Turns out, I learn a year later that the asshat who was driving the starship was YOUR asshat wife! Drunk, too. Can you believe that?
BC: so... what, some stale beef with my wife?
BC: [a little more rage piling up:] are you fucking pulling my leg?
Arcee: Hey, might as well. Not like I have much more time - you'll surely see to that, right? You and your disgusting team of freaks. All you Decepticons've done is take, take, take. I d-
[Arcee is taken aback. Not sure why. Probably didn't expect that.]
Arcee: Hey- Bonecrusher, we can talk about this! I-I didn-
[bonecrusher launches out of the chair, unlocking the door and leaving for a bit.]
[Well, shit.]
[Arcee scans th-]
[bonecrusher comes back faster than expected with an infected vehicon, shoving it at arcee.]
[it chomps down on arcee's neck, taking some meat with it for sustenance. bonecrusher rips it off of arcee's neck, breaking its neck and throwing it back out the way it was thrust in. he then locks the door.]
Arcee: Ow, god damnit... Was that real-
[bonecrusher fires off the shotgun next to arcee's head.]
Arcee: Okay... okay, not up for words right now. I get that. Honestly, I do. Just... hear me out.
BC: i'm done with hearing people out. especially you. now i hope you die with some illusionary sense of dignity, like the pathetic excuse for an autobot you are. oh- and one more thing. footmuncher asked me to do something for him in regards to you.
Arcee: ...and what was that?
[bonecrusher digs his claw into arcee's crotch, tearing out her genitalia.]
[Arcee writhes in agony. As one would when getting their genitals ripped out.]
BC: he told me to remind you that he had a crush on you. this is revenge on his behalf.
[bonecrusher tosses arcee's genitals onto the tables off to arcee's left.]
BC: you deserve that, and much more. frankly, what i'm having happen to you is insufficient punishment.
Arcee: ...w-
BC: now this room will act as your prison cell. you, and the disgusting shell you're going to become when the plague takes your frail body away from you. so you can watch yourself rust away.
BC: THAT still wouldn't be enough. i'm sure megatron or tarn or whatever legendary asshole would have something much worse in store for you.
BC: frankly, i don't care what you deserve. this is what you're getting.
Arcee: Wait-
BC: rust in hell - where you belong - and tell the gang i said hi.
[with that, bonecrusher exits the dimly-lit room, and locks the door behind him.]
[Arcee continues to writhe in pain, seeing no other way out of this fresh hell laid out for her.]
[Oh, you thought we were done? Hold on.]
[three months later, after the husk of arcee has been fully infected by the Plague, bonecrusher pops back in.]
BC: oh yeah, i forgot you were here. ugly little thing, aren't you?
"Arcee": [It roars at Bonecrusher.]
BC: nice frame you got there.
[without skipping a beat, bonecrusher whips out his shotgun, unloading an entire magazine into the husk's frame: nine to center mass, and one to the neck.]
BC: would be a shame if something happened to it.
[and with that, he leaves for the final time. he meets back with blackberry.]
A!RJ!BC: So...
BC: ...yeah.
A!RJ!BC: You want me to...?
BC: please.
[Blackberry takes Bonecrusher's claw in his own, walking him to some off-screen destination.]
{alright. you can leave me alone now.}
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[bonecrusher and groundrumbler are drinking in the kitchen again.]
GR: so... then i said.. that... [hic]- that i, little ol' groundrumbler, did not enjoy what we were doin' together... an'...
BC: and... that's how you... became asexual.
GR: [he nods.]
BC: you need a hug?
GR: ...no. jus... acknowledgement.
BC: mmm. [he pats groundrumbler's back.] i respect that. you want another cube?
GR: hey, if you don't mind. i plan on getting pretty pissed tonight.
BC: hell yeah, man. [he extends an arm, grabbing a cube of chewy lime energon and placing it into groundrumbler's hand.]
GR: huh. chewy lime. never tried this one before, how is it?
BC: it's alright. wildly sour, consistency of tender meat. i personally hate it 'cuz of the texture, but curbstomper enjoys it.
GR: so it's basically sour jello... neat. [he opens the cube, slurping a bit of 'energello'.]
BC: [feeling his phone vibrate in a chest pocket, bonecrusher checks a notification. shortly after, he puts his phone back into the chest pocket.] hey, rockie wants cuddles again. you safe to drink by yourself?
GR: ...who else drinks this much?
BC: uhhhhh... airstrike? i think. or maybe overhaul. ask around, i guess. enjoy yourself, 'rumbler. [he pats groundrumbler's shoulder pad, before heading to his bedroom.]
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BC: as in?
PW: [he shows off an arm modification. you know those fucked up (/pos)... uhm, 'knifeapocalypse' arms? yeah. he made one of those. it attaches to your arm through magnets. the one he built is electrical in nature, which means you can kill people with electro-punches like [generic electric character #3], [less generic electric character #69], and mag-ified hank j wimbleton. swag and based. image attached is the best thing i could find with a quick google search to describe what i'm fucking mumbling about. look, imagine an arm covered in knives. that's what this is.] PW: ARM MODIFICATION.
BC: god. damn. that is TERRIFYING. i love it. what kinda pain can it cause?
PW: well... [he sucker punches a training dummy. the dummy explodes from the initial impact, further disintegrating due to the electricity flowing through its remains.]
BC: [autism eyes]
PW: [snickering and giggling.]
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i wonder.
how's the fraggability poll with me fighting tarantulas going
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