#me đŸ€ nikka obsessing over each other’s characters
beyondthegame · 9 months
hiiiiii i was thinking about cy and e today (i mean when am i not) and i was wondering what are the ros’ nonverbal ways of saying i love you? <3
Cypress is such an acts of service kind of person and it’s easier for them to express their love in that way. So like cooking, long drives somewhere, randomly buying something for you that you had your eye on, opening the door for you, having your coffee/tea/fav drink ready in the morning
and sending you pictures of their siblings.
E, other than songwriting, they love leaving notes for their lover to find. It gives E an extra reason to hand write stuff and they’ll stick them in places they know you’ll find them. Like on a mirror and it’ll say, “can confirm you look fucking hot <3”. Oo, and if E gives you a book from their shelf. I like to think that they annotate their favourite books down to the last detail so receiving one of those is special, especially because it’s only those close to E that know they’re a reader.
L, I think it’s all in looks for them. The way they’ll look for you and only you in a crowded room, the way their eyes light up when they hear you laugh, or the way their gaze flits over you when they want to throw a compliment in your direction about how good you look. Ooo, but also, I’d like to think that L comes up with their own way of saying ‘I love you’ when it’s non-verbal, like squeezing your hand three times.
Whether Milan wins or loses their tennis matches, they’ll always send three kisses to their player’s box—one for friends, one for family (they class their coaches as family at this point), and then one for the mc. It’s funny because Milan doesn’t have that much of an issue uttering ‘I love you’ to anyone, but with the mc they’re much more conscious about it because they’re always thinking ‘as a friend or as more?’. But their non-verbal ways are usually through their texts, FaceTimes (<- Milan adores FaceTime!), and they’re a picture taker and a Polaroid keeper so if a picture of you ends up with their stash of Polaroids then it’s a sign.
With N, they’re very good at memorising things. If you say, ‘oh I love that thing’ then it’s etched in their brain for eternity. And if you’re in a relationship with them, they’ll actively make sure that your favourite things appear often and after a couple of days they’ll say, “I remember you saying that these are things you like so I made sure they were around.”
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