#mermaids and octomers all have the ability to transform
mikkokomori · 2 years
For the mer au~
Aubrey was found injured in a lake and brought to the same aquarium for treatment. (She got into a fight with some jerk human teenager throwing garbage in the water. He was arrested.) That's how she met Sunny and Mari, and then Hero and Kel.
Basil came along a little later after being grabbed and forcefully dragged onto shore by one of those octopus wrestlers. (The wrestler was also arrested.) He ended up losing enough tentacles in the fight, so he was brought to the same aquarium, too.
Mari was the first to try climbing out of the tank after fully recovering from her injuries. That's when she learned she could turn her tail into a pair of human legs...
You would think that she would have an easy time walking around, but because she is not used to moving around on land, she stumbles and falls over after a few steps. Hero found her struggling and grabbing onto things around for support and ran to get her a wheelchair.
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