#mike has to make sure nobody actually turns into a werewolf and starts terrorizing a neighborhood or something
monkee-mobile · 16 days
Not the right season AT ALL but
The guys all helping Davy dress up for Halloween and taking him trick or treating. Of course the guys are also dressed up but some of them Michael use Davy as an excuse to why he’s dressing up and going out.
All the other people their age are going to big crazy parties and the guys are just happily trick or treating. And of course there’s one neighbour (probably Babbitt) who always chooses trick and Davy busts out a little dance all excitedly. They then all go crazy on a sugar high :p
the boys love trick or treating. like whaddaya mean they’re adults? Naw! gotta get the free candy!!
of course davy loves dressing up, mike tags along with him as the tired parent™️ (even though he secretly loves it. davy will sit mike down and start dressing him up in all sorts of things and mike thinks it’s very cute… until he almost gets poked in the eye with a makeup brush and they have to have a talk about watching for people’s eyes. but its halloween, any chance to get a ton of free sweets, c’mon?)
micky LOVES halloween, he’s having a groovy time. his goal is to spook peter, but for some reason the kid won’t get spooked! peter is sometimes worried the holiday will be too scary for him, but he’s found he really likes it! he finds a way to sympathize with all the monsters and so micky has a hard time getting him to be just plain scared.
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