#mikhail litvak
marie-daniel · 7 months
1. When a man cannot say anything good about himself, and want to say something, he will start speaking bad about others. 2. Grab science instead of the throat of a loved one, if you want to grab something. 3. Depression was given to man in order for him to be able to think about himself. 4. Nobody rejects someone. He only goes forward. The one who was left behind considers himself rejected. 5. If you believe that you are a good person, why do you need someone else to think that about you? 6. Do what you want and don’t ask for permission. You will never get it anyway. 7. The signs of spiritual maturity are the ability to love and the ability to handle loneliness. We are doing the best things when we are alone. 8. An immature person often knows, but cannot do it. A mature person not only knows, but does it. Therefore, an immature person criticizes and a mature one just does. 9. I don’t know the road to success. But I know the road to unsuccessfulness – it is the desire to be liked by everyone. 10. There is no masculine or feminine logic. There is only ability or inability to think rightly. 11. Do you only want to know who is your biggest enemy? Look in the mirror. Defeat him and the others will flee. 12. Achieve success – all the insults will pass. 13. It is nice to talk with friends. It is useful to talk to enemies. 14. There is only one reason to quit your job or end a relationship – the inability to achieve personal growth in the given circumstances. 15. You should share only joy with friends and enemies. Your friends will be happy and your enemies will be upset. 16. Don’t chase happiness and you will find a happy place. I can tell you the place where happiness is – it's in you. The road to happiness is the maximal development of all your abilities. 17. Happiness is a product of nicely organised living. 18. If you want to prove something to someone, you exist only for that person. If you exist for yourself, then you don’t need to prove anything to anyone. 19. Imagination – the voice of all our abilities. Therefore, I don’t dream of singing opera. I don’t have the voice for that. And if I dream of that, I would be triggering my abilities. Then, I would be doing anything to become part of opera singing. You should only think of making that dream reality. Don’t rush – that’s when dreams come true really fast. It is good when a man says – I am only trying to make my dreams come true. 20. It is better to communicate with a good book than with an empty man.
Mikhail Litvak
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parsifalstyle · 4 years
1. La felicità non si insegue perché questa è dentro di te. Impara l’arte di sviluppare le tue capacità e riflettere sui risultati raggiunti e, finché lo fai, questa è la via della felicità.
2. Smetti di basarti sul giudizio degli altri per avere approvazione.
3. Prendi il controllo della tua vita, soprattutto quando vuoi qualcosa e dimentica i permessi o le approvazioni.
4. Matura! Non solo hai conoscenza, ma impari anche a usarla. Gli immaturi di solito hanno conoscenza ma non sanno cosa farne e quindi passano le giornate criticando gli altri.
5. Smettila di eliminare tutti dalla tua vita, vai avanti e lascia che il tempo faccia il suo dovere.
6. Smettila di voler piacere a tutti perché è impossibile. Alla fine, se ci riuscirai, finirai solo per essere emotivamente frustrato.
7. Paga sempre i favori perché non è utile a un certo punto farti sentire male o colpevole di qualcosa che si suppone sia stato fatto per te “in buona fede”.
8. Sii qualcuno con grandi qualità e conquiste personali in modo che non diventi qualcuno che possa parlare male degli altri.
9. La depressione è cattiva, ma è peggio reprimere le emozioni. Esplora la tua anima e cercare di trovare ciò che ti guida.
10. Parlare con amici o persone che ci piacciono fa bene, ma parlare ai tuoi nemici ti insegna di più, perché diventi consapevole dei tuoi difetti e di cose che non avevi idea di te, e che dovresti migliorare.
11. Immagina solo i sogni che riesci a ottenere e mantienili veri, così non perdi mai l’obiettivo.
12. Leggere un libro ti avvantaggerà sempre di più che parlare con qualcuno di superficiale.
13. Smetti di vedere la vita degli altri e concentrati su ciò che ti fa stare bene.
14. Comprendi che il tuo più grande nemico sei tu e, quando lo capirai, qualsiasi nemico può essere facilmente sconfitto.
15. Dimentica le critiche, queste non valgono nulla quando stai facendo di tutto per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi.
16. Sii più estroverso e non aver paura di relazionarti con gli altri: se ti conoscono, possono pensare positivamente di te.
17. Annota il fatto che la solitudine non è una cattiva amica.
18. Non esiste una logica femminile o maschile, solo saggezza.
19. Per aumentare la tua felicità, condividila con gli altri.
20. Vivi per te, non devi fare sempre felici gli altri. Non devi sempre dimostrare qualcosa.
dott. Mikhail Litvak
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profesor-javaloyes · 2 years
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Blanco y en botella…-
¿Recuerdan a Los Tres Tenores?,  fueron un supergrupo vocal formado por los cantantes de ópera Luciano Pavarotti, José Carreras y Plácido Domingo, que ofrecieron juntos una serie de conciertos entre 1990 y 2007. Se atribuye al productor italiano Mario Dradi  la idea de aquellos conciertos en donde los tenores combinaban un repertorio que abracaba desde óperas y obras de Broadway hasta canciones napolitanas y éxitos de la música pop. Pero la verdad es que Dradi se inspiró en una idea del mayor genio de la producción musical que jamás ha existido y existirá, el viejo Profesor Javaloyes. En julio del año 1975 tuvo la brillante idea de invocar, convocar, unir y reunir en concierto a los Tres Albinos más famosos de la historia: los hermanos Johnny y Edgar Winter y a Copito de Nieve. Como estrella invitada se anunció la presencia de Caótico Alberto y allí estuve con el corazón en puño consciente de la responsabilidad de ser parte en algo nunca visto antes ni tampoco después. Congeniamos de inmediato los cuatro y nos pusimos a ensayar a toda máquina de tal forma que en septiembre de aquel mismo año tuvo lugar el concierto con un lleno absoluto y el cartel de ”no hay entradas” desde dos semanas antes en el Sports Arena de San Diego (California). El éxito fue apoteósico con temas de blues, soul y rock and roll como Let the Good Times Roll, Harlem Shuffle, Slippin 'and Slidin',  Mercy, Mercy, Jenny Take a Ride, Good Golly Miss Molly  o Baby, Whatcha Want Me to Do. Una actuación redonda desde el comienzo al final con los cuatro dándolo todo a un público entregado. El motivo de que solo se realizara un único concierto fue que a Copito de Nieve no le autorizó una nueva salida el Zoo de Barcelona ni a mi tampoco me concedió más permisos el Servicio de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental por recomendación expresa del eminente Dr. Mikhail Litvak. Y por último aclararé una duda que se planteó en aquellos días y continúa hasta hoy. Si bien está claro lo que representaban como músicos y espectáculo Los Tres Albinos, que pintaba yo allí con aquellas estrellas. Ahhhhhhhh, el viejo Profesor no da puntada sin hilo y nada se le escapa. El motivo estaba claro por si a última hora resultaba que el concierto salía mal, metió entonces junto a Los Tres Albinos al Caótico Alberto para que en ese caso fuera el “blanco”… de todas las críticas. “Los bares, los cruces, la boca agridulce Las noches sin sueño, la chica sin dueño La peste narcótica de la gasolina Los años setenta, las anfetaminas
La luz del verano, los polos lejanos Los coches veloces, los años feroces La línea continua que parte el camino La radio que toca ese blues asesino.”
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atsoukalidis · 3 years
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«Ζήσε για σένα και άσε τους άλλους να ζήσουν για τον εαυτό τους.» Mikhail Litvak
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gorgeusworld · 6 years
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Mikhail Litvak: 22 κανόνες για το πώς να πετύχετε καλύτερα στην ζωή σας και στις σχέσεις σας Αν όλες οι πράξεις σου είναι καλά προγραμματισμένες, η ευτυχία θα ακολουθήσει φυσικά. Και οι ανώριμοι και οι ώριμοι άνθρωποι έχουν γνώση. Αλλά για τον ανώριμο, η εφαρμογή της δεν είναι εύκολη ενώ ο ώριμος άνθρωπος την αξιοποιεί και την μετατρέπει σε πράξη. Αυτός είναι ο λόγος για τον οποίο ο πρώτος δεν μπορεί να κάνει πολλά πέρα από το να κριτικάρει όλους τους άλλους.
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reflexoesparatodos · 5 years
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Felicidade não é um bem material, mas algo dentro de você. Portanto, é necessário desenvolver as próprias habilidades e refletir sobre os objetivos alcançados.
É importante que você esteja satisfeito consigo mesmo e confiante em suas qualidades.
Se você quiser algo, faça o que for preciso para obtê-lo: não espere para ter o consentimento dos outros.
Use seu conhecimento para atingir seus objetivos, sem perder tempo criticando ou culpando os outros.
Desta forma, você alcançará seus objetivos de maneira mais eficaz.
Na corrida pela realização pessoal, alguns avançam mais rápido que os outros, mas nenhum deve ser excluído e todos têm o direito de correr e de serem felizes; você também.
Não podemos agradar a todos: a tentativa de fazê-lo só vai deixá-lo cansado emocional e fisicamente, e desconfortável consigo mesmo.
Se alguém lhe fez um favor e depois tenta fazer com que você se sinta culpado ou em dívida, agradeça, salde essa dívida e afaste essa pessoa de sua vida.
Alguém sem sonhos ou que não tenha alcançado começará a falar mal de você: ignore-o.
Mesmo os sentimentos mais deprimentes podem ajudá-lo a explorar a profundidade de sua alma e a se conhecer melhor: assim você saberá o que quer e como alcançar.
Desta forma, você se tornará consciente das falhas e maus hábitos que você não pode ver em si mesmo.
Mantenha os pés no chão ou perderá a concentração e se sentirá frustrado.
Você só desperdiçará seu tempo: é melhor ler um bom livro.
Concentre-se em algo mais construtivo, como ciência ou filosofia.
Quanto mais cedo você perceber, mais fácil será superar os obstáculos em seu caminho.
Quando você atingir seus objetivos, as críticas dos outros não terão mais valor algum.
17. ESTEJA PRONTO PARA CRESCER PESSOALMENTE E PROFISSIONALMENTE.  Aceite a mudança: é essencial para alcançar a felicidade.
Especialmente se eles são desconhecidos: você pode enriquecer o seu conhecimento e eles vão pensar positivamente de você.
Às vezes é essencial ficar sozinho por um tempo, para crescer emocional e espiritualmente.
O que existe é a capacidade de ser sábio e pensar corretamente.
Esta é a única maneira de aumentá-la.
Você não precisa provar nada para os outros.
(Mikhail Litvak - Psicoterapeuta e Psicólogo russo)
Acesse também neste blog:
Dez Mandamentos Para ser Feliz  (Roberto Shinyashiki)
Somente o amor pode expulsar o ódio  (Martin Luther King)
Plante seu jardim e decore sua alma  (William Shakespeare)
Tempo de amar  (contendo o texto: "Tempo certo para cada propósito")
O Trem da vida  (Silvana Duboc)
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mariaq333 · 2 years
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imsugakookiebiased · 2 years
How To Behave In Bed With A Man: Basic Rules
In educational institutions, women are not taught how to behave in bed with a man. But the sexual dissatisfaction of both partners is one of the main reasons for the separation of couples. What men love in sex, and what irritates them, helped to find out psychologists in the field of personal relationships. Click this to get more details.
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Show that you love sex How to please a man in bed so that the night of love will be remembered for a long time and make your partner want to meet again? Men get pleasure when they see that they are sexually attracted to a partner and she is enthusiastic in bed. The famous psychologist, author of books and publications, an expert in the field of personal relations Barbara de Angelis wrote in her book "Secrets about men that every woman.
How to behave with a man so that sex brings vivid emotions? When a man sees a counter desire in his partner, he realizes that he is as attractive to her as she is to him. It is easier for him to open up and trust, to decide on sexual exploits and experiments. The famous psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky writes that the constant demonstration of unwillingness to have sex leads to the fact that the real needs of the body are ignored, and psychological problems in a couple grow. 
At any age, flirt, take the initiative, show your partner that you love sex and always look forward to a new meeting. The author of books in the field of relationship psychology, Natalya Kasarina, claims that at any age, love for sex contributes to the development of long-term harmonious relationships. 
How to behave in sex: be sincere When partners are open psychologically and trust each other in bed, they can achieve amazing results. Mikhail Labkovsky notes that often during intercourse, people get hung up on their own complexes, worry that they are not good enough or will not be able to deliver the highest pleasure, satisfy a loved one. This reduces the quality of sex. When people genuinely share their impressions, sensations and emotions, there is a natural work on deficiencies that takes sex to a whole new level. 
Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of 30 books on practical and popular psychology, Mikhail Litvak, in his article Signs of Healthy Love , notes that a couple capable of perceiving new things strives to develop and fully reveal their own abilities. Therefore, he can have sex for 50 to 90 minutes. In such sex, a woman is able to get up to 10 orgasms. Become honest and open - the quality of sex is bound to change for the better. Psychologist, creator of a training center in the field of psychology of relationships, Yaroslav Samoilov, believes that when there is no sincerity in a relationship, each of the partners begins to play their own games, which leads to the disintegration of the relationship.
Don't hide emotionality. Men love to see the fruits of their efforts. In bed, it is important to react emotionally to your partner's efforts. Excitement, delight, a groan of pleasure and other manifestations of feelings and sensations allow a man to understand that his diligence brought pleasure, gave his partner pleasant moments. A woman's emotional response increases a man's self-confidence, makes him bolder, more proactive and promotes harmonious sexual relations. Barbara de Angelis in her book "25 Golden Rules Every Woman Should Know" advises in bed with her lover:
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ritsmas · 3 years
Ο κορυφαίος ψυχίατρος του κόσμου Mikhail Litvak αποκαλύπτει 22 κανόνες που θα αλλάξουν την ζωή σας.
Ο κορυφαίος ψυχίατρος του κόσμου Mikhail Litvak αποκαλύπτει 22 κανόνες που θα αλλάξουν την ζωή σας. Με συνολικά 30 βιβλία για το θέμα της πρακτικής και δημοφιλούς ψυχολογίας και με πάνω από 5 εκατομμύρια σε κυκλοφορία μαζί με έναν μεγάλο αριθμό επιστημονικών άρθρων για σημαντικά θέματα στον τομέα της ψυχοθεραπείας και της ψυχολογίας, ο Mikhail Litvak πιστεύεται από πολλούς ότι είναι ένας από τους…
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psikologrehber · 4 years
Psikoterapist Mikhail Litvak'tan Öneriler
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Rus psikiyatr ve psikoterapist Mikhail Litvak 30’dan fazla kitap yazdı ve bu kitapları onlarca dile çevrildi. Litvak, insan ilişkilerindeki çelişkileri çözmek üzerine “Psikolojik Aikido” isimli bir teknik geliştirdi. İnsanların çoğu zaman yanlış duygulara kapıldığını ve sağlıklı ve mutlu bir hayat yaşamanın çok zor olduğunu düşündüğünü biliyoruz. İşte bu noktada devreye psikolojik aikido giriyor. Son derece basit ve anlaşılır Litvak önerileriyle harika sonuçlar elde etmeniz mümkün. İşte ünlü psikiyatrist Mikhail Litvak’tan ufkunuzu açacak öneriler. 1. Eylemlerinizi planladığınızdan ve hayatınızı doğru şekilde organize ettiğinizden emin olun, bunların sonucu mutluluk olacaktır. Mutluluk, organize bir yaşamın getirisidir. 2. Bir şeyi çok fazla istiyorsanız etrafında dolanmayın ve ona sahip olmak ya da onu gerçekleştirmek için başkalarının iznini beklemeyin. İstekleriniz üzerindeki kontrolün sadece size ait olduğunu unutmayın. 3. Kimse kimseyi reddetmez, sadece birisi yoluna devam eder. Geride kalan kendisini reddedilmiş hisseder. 4. Siz kendiniz için bir şeyler yapmazken başkaları size nasıl yardımcı olabilir? 5. Eğer birisi yaptığı bir iyilikten veya yardımdan dolayı sizin ona minnettar olmanızı veya suçluluk duymanızı bekliyorsa, yaptıklarının karşılığını ödeyip o kişiyi hayatınızdan çıkardığınızdan emin olun. 6. Başarılı olun, hissettiğiniz tüm kötü duygular bir anda yok olacaktır. 7. Arkadaşlarınızla ve düşmanlarınızla sadece mutluluklarınızı paylaşın. Arkadaşlarınız mutlu olurken düşmanlarınız üzülecektir. 8. Yalnızlığı sevmek ve kabul etmek duygusal olarak olgun bir insan olduğunuzun işaretidir. Yalnız olduğumuzda en iyi şeyleri gerçekleştiririz. 9. Boş bir insanla iletişim kurmaktansa güzel bir kitap okumak daha iyidir. 10. Arkadaşlarla konuşmak güzel, düşmanlarla konuşmak faydalıdır. 11. Eğer bir insanın amacı yoksa hiçbir şey göremez. Amaç, vizyonu keskinleştirir. 12. Depresyon insana kendisi hakkında düşünebilme imkanı verir. 13. Başka insanların hayatlarını kurcalamayın. Onu yerine size faydası olacak bilim ve felsefe gibi şeyleri kurcalayın. 14. Eğer birine bir şeyi ispatlamak isterseniz, sadece o insan için var olursunuz. Eğer kendiniz için var olursanız, hiç kimseye bir şey ispatlamak zorunda kalmazsınız. 15. Erkek mantığı ya da kadın mantığı diye bir şey yoktur, doğru düşünme veya düşünememe vardır. 16. Biriyle konuşurken, o kişinin kendine büyük değer verdiğini göreceksiniz… Tıpkı sizin gibi. 17. Hayatı, kendinizi başkalarına kanıtlamak için değil sadece kendiniz için yaşayın. Aksi halde hayatınızı başkaları işçin harcamış olursunuz. 18. Kolay yolu değil doğru olanı tercih edin. Doğru yol her zaman kolay olan değildir. 19. Başarıya giden yolu bilmiyorum. Ancak başarısızlığa giden yolu biliyorum; herkesin sizi sevmesini istemek. 20. Kendisi hakkında söyleyeceği iyi bir şeyler olmayan insan konuştuğunda başkalarını kötüler.   21. Eğer iyi bir insan olduğuna inanıyorsan, neden başkasının da senin hakkında aynı şeyi düşünmesine ihtiyacın var? Read the full article
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mykonosislandworld · 4 years
22 Νουθεσίες που μας διαφωτίζουν σχετικά με την Επιτυχία και την Ευτυχία στη ζωή, από ένα κορυφαίο ψυχίατρο!!
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22 πρακτικές συμβουλές σχετικά με την επιτυχία και την ευτυχία στη ζωή, από τον Mikhail Litvak, κορυφαίο Ρώσο ψυχίατρο, ψυχολόγο, ψυχοθεραπευτή και συγγραφέα....... Με συνολικά 30 βιβλία σχετικά με το ζήτημα της πρακτικής και διάσημης ψυχολογίας και με περισσότερα από 5 εκατομμύρια σε κυκλοφορία μαζί με έναν μεγάλο αριθμό επιστημονικών άρθρων για σπουδαία ζητήματα στον τομέα της ψυχοθεραπείας και της ψυχολογίας, ο Mikhail Litvak θεωρείται από πολύ κόσμο πως είναι ένας από τους κορυφαίους! Οι 22 συμβουλές του, σχετικά με το πώς να πετύχετε καλύτερα στην ζωή σας και στις σχέσεις σας Αν όλες οι πράξεις σου είναι καλά προγραμματισμένες, η ευτυχία θα ακολουθήσει φυσικά. Και οι ανώριμοι και οι ώριμοι άνθρωποι έχουν γνώση. Αλλά για τον ανώριμο, η εφαρμογή της δεν είναι εύκολη ενώ ο ώριμος άνθρωπος την αξιοποιεί και την μετατρέπει σε πράξη. Αυτός είναι ο λόγος για τον οποίο ο πρώτος δεν μπορεί να κάνει πολλά πέρα από το να κριτικάρει όλους τους άλλους. Μάθε να ζεις για σένα. Διαφορετικά, πάντα θα προσπαθείς να αποδείξεις τον εαυτό σου στους άλλους και θα ζεις γι αυτούς. Κανείς δεν απορρίπτει ανθρώπους. Απλώς δεν κινούνται όλοι με τον ίδιο ρυθμό και κάποιοι προχωρούν πιο γρήγορα. Αν θες να ονειροπολείς, φαντάσου πράγματα ρεαλιστικά και στόχους που μπορούν να επιτευχθούν. Έτσι, δεν θα χάσεις το κίνητρο. Δεν μπορείς ποτέ να ευχαριστείς τον καθένα. Και αν δεν σταματήσεις να το προσπαθείς, τότε ετοιμάσου για μια τεράστια αποτυχία. Αντί να σπαταλάς τον χρόνο σου με ένα ρηχό άτομο για χάρη μιας παρέας, επένδυσε τον σε ένα βιβλίο. Θα είναι επίσης πιο διασκεδαστικό. Αυτός που δεν μπορεί να επαινέσει τον εαυτό του, αναγκαστικά θα κατακρίνει τους άλλους. Η ιδέα ότι υπάρχει διαφορά μεταξύ της αρσενικής και της γυναικείας λογικής είναι παράλογη από μόνη της. Είτε είσαι σοφός είτε δεν είσαι. Αν οι άνθρωποι προσπαθούν να σε κάνουν να αισθανθείς ένοχος ή ευγνώμων για την βοήθεια τους, είναι καλύτερο να τους ξεπληρώσεις και να τους αφήσεις να φύγουν. Κάποιος που είναι πραγματικά ευτυχισμένος εσωτερικά, δεν βρίσκει απαραίτητο το να σκέφτονται οι θετικά οι άλλοι γι αυτόν/η. Ο μεγαλύτερος εχθρός σου δεν είναι κάποιος που παραμονεύει στις σκιές περιμένοντας να γλιστρήσεις. Ο μεγαλύτερος εχθρός σου είναι ο εαυτός σου και η αντιμετώπιση αυτού του εχθρού μπορεί να είναι πολύ σκληρή. Αν πραγματικά έχεις μια ανεξέλεγκτη σφοδρή επιθυμία να εμβαθύνεις σε κάτι, εμβάθυνε στις λεπτομέρειες της επιστήμης ή της φιλοσοφίας, όχι της προσωπικής ζωής κάποιου άλλου. Μην δίνεις σημασία στις προσβολές και την κριτική. Την μέρα που τελικά θα πετύχεις τους στόχους σας, τίποτα από αυτά δεν θα έχει σημασία. Αν πραγματικά επιθυμείς κάτι στην ζωή, μην περιμένεις και σίγουρα μην ζητήσεις άδεια για να το αποκτήσεις. Καλύτερα προσπάθησε να γίνεις αυτός που θα μπορέσει να το ελέγξει. Η ευτυχία δεν είναι κάτι που κυνηγάς. Δεν θα βρεθεί κρυμμένη κάπου εξωτερικά, σε κάποια γωνία ή σε κάποια χαραμάδα. Προέρχεται από βαθιά μέσα σου και μπορεί να επιτευχθεί μόνο όταν μάθεις την ικανοποίηση. Η συζήτηση με φίλους είναι σίγουρα κάτι καλό. Αλλά όταν μιλάς με τους εχθρούς σου μαθαίνεις τόσα πολλά καινούργια πράγματα. Τα ελαττώματα σου είναι μόνο μερικά από αυτά. Είναι καλύτερο να ακούς τους εχθρούς, παρά τους φίλους. Η κατάθλιψη είναι κακή, τρομακτική και δύσκολη. Αλλά είναι επίσης μια ευκαιρία για να κοιτάξεις βαθιά μέσα σου και να ανακαλύψεις ποια πράγματα σε οδηγούν μπροστά και ποια σε πάνε πίσω. Αν έχεις μια σχέση, είτε πρόκειται για ρομαντικό δεσμό είτε για επιχειρηματική συνεργασία, δεν πρέπει να την τελειώνεις, εκτός αν αισθάνεσαι πως η ανάπτυξη σου περιορίζεται και δεν μπορεί εξελιχθεί λόγω αυτής. Όταν προσπαθείς να μιλήσεις με κάποιον, μην φοβάσαι μπορεί να σκέφτεται θετικά για σένα. Αν είσαι μόνος, ειδικά αν αντιμετωπίζεις την μοναξιά μετά την αγάπη, σημαίνει ότι είσαι ώριμος και έχεις αναπτυχθεί πνευματικά. Επίσης, το να είσαι μόνος με κάποιον τρόπο ενισχύει την παραγωγικότητα. Ποτέ μην είσαι υπερβολικά εγωιστής με την ευτυχία σου. Όταν την μοιράζεσαι με τους φίλους σου, την ενισχύεις κάνοντας και αυτούς χαρούμενους. Όταν την λες στους ανταγωνιστές σου απλώς τους κάνεις να συμβιβαστούν με την ιδέα ότι είσαι καλύτερος τους. Read the full article
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nayvedove · 4 years
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FINALIZANDO AS DICAS DO PSICOLOGO E PSIQUIATRA Mikhail Litvak. CONFIRA ABAIXO: 17. Conversar com seus amigos, sem dúvida, é uma coisa incrível. Mas quando você fala com aqueles que são seus inimigos, aprende muitas coisas novas. 18. Depressão é difícil, dura e cruel. Mas também é uma oportunidade de olhar dentro de si mesmo e descobrir quais coisas estão te levando para frente e para trás. 19. Se você está em um relacionamento, seja romântico ou profissional, nunca deve abandoná-lo, a menos que sinta que seu próprio crescimento está sendo impedido ou limitado pela outra pessoa ou circunstâncias. 20. Não tenha medo de falar com outra pessoa, ela pode pensar de forma favorável a você. 21. Se você está solitário, principalmente após o fim de um relacionamento, significa que está amadurecendo e crescendo espiritualmente. Além disso, estar solitário pode aumentar nossa produtividade. 22. Nunca seja muito egoísta com a própria felicidade. Quando você a compartilha com seus amigos, ela aumenta, porque também está fazendo-os felizes. Quando a compartilha com seus rivais, eles apenas têm que lidar com a ideia de que você está muito melhor do que eles. O que você achou das dicas de Mikhail Litvak? Comente suas opiniões abaixo!
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Mikhail Litvak é um psicólogo, psicoterapeuta e autor russo, com muitos artigos e mais de 30 livros escritos sobre psicologia popular, totalizando 5
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akata-u · 5 years
Le 30 Janvier 2018. Image crédit : ViralGallerySite Mikhail Litvak, l’un des psychiatres et psychothérapeutes les plus renommés au monde, partage ces 20 conseils qui, bien que courts, s’ils sont appliqués correctement, peuvent vous aider à surmonter tous les obstacles de la vie.
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okchances · 6 years
20 câu nói sẽ thay đổi hoàn toàn cách nhìn của bạn, đừng đợi đến tuổi xế chiều mới nhận ra giá trị đích thực của cuộc sống
20 câu nói sẽ thay đổi hoàn toàn cách nhìn của bạn, đừng đợi đến tuổi xế chiều mới nhận ra giá trị đích thực của cuộc sống
Nhà tâm lý học – tiến sĩ Mikhail Litvak đã có nhiều cống hiến cho sự phát triển của ngành tâm lý học nói chung và điều trị bằng liệu pháp tâm lý nói riêng. Ông đã xuất bản khoảng 5 triệu cuốn sách cùng với một số lượng lớn các nghiên cứu chuyên sâu. Dưới đây là 20 bí kíp của Litvak giúp bạn ‘an nhiên’ giữa cuộc đời nhiều xô bồ. Đừng để đến già mới ngậm ngùi hối tiếc rằng đã quá muộn để nhận ra…
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jennifersnyderca90 · 6 years
Alleged Spam Kingpin ‘Severa’ Extradited to US
Peter Yuryevich Levashov, a 37-year-old Russian computer programmer thought to be one of the world’s most notorious spam kingpins, has been extradited to the United States to face federal hacking and spamming charges.
Levashov, in an undated photo.
Levashov, who allegedly went by the hacker names “Peter Severa,” and “Peter of the North,” hails from St. Petersburg in northern Russia, but he was arrested last year while in Barcelona, Spain with his family.
Authorities have long suspected he is the cybercriminal behind the once powerful spam botnet known as Waledac (a.k.a. “Kelihos”), a now-defunct malware strain responsible for sending more than 1.5 billion spam, phishing and malware attacks each day.
According to a statement released by the U.S. Justice Department, Levashov was arraigned last Friday in a federal court in New Haven, Ct. Levashov’s New York attorney Igor Litvak said he is eager to review the evidence against Mr. Levashov, and that while the indictment against his client is available, the complaint in the case remains sealed.
“We haven’t received any discovery, we have no idea what the government is relying on to bring these allegations,” Litvak said. “Mr. Levashov maintains his innocence and is looking forward to resolving this case, clearing his name, and returning home to his wife and 5-year-old son in Spain.”
In 2010, Microsoft — in tandem with a number of security researchers — launched a combined technical and legal sneak attack on the Waledac botnet, successfully dismantling it. The company would later do the same to the Kelihos botnet, a global spam machine which shared a great deal of computer code with Waledac.
Severa routinely rented out segments of his Waledac botnet to anyone seeking a vehicle for sending spam. For $200, vetted users could hire his botnet to blast one million pieces of spam. Junk email campaigns touting employment or “money mule” scams cost $300 per million, and phishing emails could be blasted out through Severa’s botnet for the bargain price of $500 per million.
Waledac first surfaced in April 2008, but many experts believe the spam-spewing machine was merely an update to the Storm worm, the engine behind another massive spam botnet that first surfaced in 2007. Both Waledac and Storm were major distributors of pharmaceutical and malware spam.
According to Microsoft, in one month alone approximately 651 million spam emails attributable to Waledac/Kelihos were directed to Hotmail accounts, including offers and scams related to online pharmacies, imitation goods, jobs, penny stocks, and more. The Storm worm botnet also sent billions of messages daily and infected an estimated one million computers worldwide.
Both Waledac/Kelihos and Storm were hugely innovative because they each included self-defense mechanisms designed specifically to stymie security researchers who might try to dismantle the crime machines.
Waledac and Storm sent updates and other instructions via a peer-to-peer communications system not unlike popular music and file-sharing services. Thus, even if security researchers or law-enforcement officials manage to seize the botnet’s back-end control servers and clean up huge numbers of infected PCs, the botnets could respawn themselves by relaying software updates from one infected PC to another.
According to a lengthy April 2017 story in Wired.com about Levashov’s arrest and the takedown of Waledac, Levashov got caught because he violated a basic security no-no: He used the same log-in credentials to both run his criminal enterprise and log into sites like iTunes.
After Levashov’s arrest, numerous media outlets quoted his wife saying he was being rounded up as part of a dragnet targeting Russian hackers thought to be involved in alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Russian news media outlets made much hay over this claim. In contesting his extradition to the United States, Levashov even reportedly told the RIA Russian news agency that he worked for Russian President Vladimir Putin‘s United Russia party, and that he would die within a year of being extradited to the United States.
“If I go to the U.S., I will die in a year,” Levashov is quoted as saying. “They want to get information of a military nature and about the United Russia party. I will be tortured, within a year I will be killed, or I will kill myself.”
But there is so far zero evidence that anyone has accused Levashov of being involved in election meddling. However, the Waledac/Kelihos botnet does have a historic association with election meddling: It was used during the Russian election in 2012 to send political messages to email accounts on computers with Russian Internet addresses. Those emails linked to fake news stories saying that Mikhail D. Prokhorov, a businessman who was running for president against Putin, had come out as gay.
If Levashov was to plead guilty in the case being prosecuted by U.S. authorities, it could shed light on the real-life identities of other top spammers.
Severa worked very closely with two major purveyors of spam. One was Alan Ralsky, an American spammer who was convicted in 2009 of paying him and other spammers to promote the pump-and-dump stock scams.
The other was a spammer who went by the nickname “Cosma,” the cybercriminal thought to be responsible for managing the Rustock botnet (so named because it was a Russian botnet frequently used to send pump-and-dump stock spam). In 2011, Microsoft offered a still-unclaimed $250,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the Rustock author.
Spamdot.biz moderator Severa listing prices to rent his Waledac spam botnet.
Microsoft believes Cosma’s real name may be Dmitri A. Sergeev, Artem Sergeev, or Sergey Vladomirovich Sergeev. In June 2011, KrebsOnSecurity published a brief profile of Cosma that included Sergeev’s resume and photo, both of which indicated he is a Belorussian programmer who once sought a job at Google. For more on Cosma, see “Flashy Car Got Spam Kingpin Mugged.”
Severa and Cosma had met one another several times in their years together in the stock spamming business, and they appear to have known each other intimately enough to be on a first-name basis. Both of these titans of junk email are featured prominently in “Meet the Spammers,” the 7th chapter of my book, Spam Nation: The Inside Story of Organized Cybercrime.
Much like his close associate — Cosma, the Rustock botmaster — Severa may also have a $250,000 bounty on his head, albeit indirectly. The Conficker worm, a global contagion launched in 2009 that quickly spread to an estimated 9 to 15 million computers worldwide, prompted an unprecedented international response from security experts. This group of experts, dubbed the “Conficker Cabal,” sought in vain to corral the spread of the worm.
But despite infecting huge numbers of Microsoft Windows systems, Conficker was never once used to send spam. In fact, the only thing that Conficker-infected systems ever did was download and spread a new version of the the malware that powered the Waledac botnet. Later that year, Microsoft announced it was offering a $250,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the Conficker author(s). Some security experts believe this proves a link between Severa and Conficker.
Both Cosma and Severa were quite active on Spamit[dot]com, a once closely-guarded forum for Russian spammers. In 2010, Spamit was hacked, and a copy of its database was shared with this author. In that database were all private messages between Spamit members, including many between Cosma and Severa. For more on those conversations, see “A Closer Look at Two Big Time Botmasters.”
In addition to renting out his spam botnet, Severa also managed multiple affiliate programs in which he paid other cybercriminals to distribute so-called fake antivirus products. Also known as “scareware,” fake antivirus was at one time a major scourge, using false and misleading pop-up alerts to trick and mousetrap unsuspecting computer users into purchasing worthless (and in many cases outright harmful) software disguised as antivirus software.
A screenshot of the eponymous scareware affiliate program run by “Severa,” allegedly the cybercriminal alias of Peter Levashov.
In 2011, KrebsOnSecurity published Spam & Fake AV: Like Ham & Eggs, which sought to illustrate the many ways in which the spam industry and fake antivirus overlapped. That analysis included data from Brett Stone-Gross, a cybercrime expert who later would assist Microsoft and other researchers in their successful efforts to dismantle the Waledac/Kelihos botnet.
Levashov faces federal criminal charges on eight counts, including aggravated identity theft, wire fraud, conspiracy, and intentional damage to protected computers. The indictment in his case is available here (PDF).
Further reading: Mr Waledac — The Peter North of Spamming
from https://krebsonsecurity.com/2018/02/alleged-spam-kingpin-severa-extradited-to-us/
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