5thyun-blog · 6 years
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hello loves! here’s my second son who is nothing like the mess my first child is. he’s put together and all around a good kid. tease him about being boring it’ll be cute just tease him in general. is it cliche to call him a captain america type??? honestly like he could be a mix of bucky and steve. annie ways ignore me gushing about marvel superheroes for a while. 
here’s his ABOUT his PROFILE and some PLOTS that i came up with.
as with all posts i will put some info under the cut and as always hit that little heart to plot! 
so he grew up with hardworking parents that wanted the best for him but jisoo was more of a physical kid but he didn’t do bad at school 
so he finished high school and didn’t go to college to help support his girlfriend cause no no no we do not approve of this boy 
so he joins the army when he’s old enough bc hey he can’t keep working these shitty jobs to help bring in a salary 
somewhere during that time they have a daughter (she’s four now and the light of his life) 
things kinda go downhill from there cause he gets sent out on more missions and more dangerous ones and for longer times cause he needs that salary 
so when he’s discharged due to an incident he finds himself alone and taking care of his daughter but it’s chill he gets it 
so he’s just on the show for money but mostly for veteran awareness!! 
he’s a good bub a little serious at times but a good bub 
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mindgxmcs-blog · 6 years
↞ •✕ ┅ INTRODUCTION ┅ ✕• ↠
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what’s up, what’s happening ?? i’m parker, and i use they/them pronouns, i’m twenty-two and work full-time as a vampire ( cough read walmart cough ). i live in the cst timezone and live in the middle of nowhere !! anyway here’s my complete and utter menace, jaeseong !! i’m using a soft gif for his intro because i most likely won’t be using them ever, yikes. 
i’ll have a few basics and wanted connections under the cut and hopefully, a worked out bio in the next couple days !! if you want to plot, most definitely hmu !! you can also find me at obi-wan kenobi#7316 on d*scord if you’re into that because that’s where i always be, ayyyy.
↞ •✕ ┅ BASICS ┅ ✕• ↠
KWON JAESEONG — feb 20 1995, a Bitch Ass™
his father is the ceo of the biggest steel exports company in korea and as the sole heir, made him quite the spectacle growing up. money is trivial and will never be a problem for him. this boy is a member of the bbc and he takes such a notion and flaunts it.
he’s arrogant, hot-headed, charismatic, and has no regard for anyone other than himself. he lives to be entertained. he can be cruel, unforgiving, manipulative ... and that’s it. the soft side of him died in the dark with withered petals and dying roots. he’s got no redeeming qualities now except his smooth smirk and silver tongue.
he was soft. as a kid, he was sweet, well-mannered, and a people pleaser. he played by the rules, gained favours, won hearts and charmed his superiors. a model student and a role model, he was in an elite boarding school for elementary age kids when he rotted.
his mom died. she was a secretary but not his father’s. the competitor’s. it was a scandalous reveal and jaeseong never really understood why it was such a big deal. not too long after, she died in a mysterious car accident on her way to visit him during a school break.
jaeseong blamed his father. his father blamed himself. his father gave jaeseong money over and over, thinking it would make up for everything. his father was drinking every time jaeseong would come home. soon, jaeseong would be drunk coming home to see his father drinking. 
it wasn’t long before the tabloids loved jaeseong more than his father. underage club hopping, smoking, dating scandals, sexuality crises, jaeseong had his fair share. he’d get into fights and the paparazzi would catch it. assaults, vandalism, duis... celebrity gossip couldn’t get enough of him.
aimlessly spending his father’s money, not really grasping the idea of responsibility and adulthood, he craved more and more attention. what better attention than appearing in a reality show ??
the one that got away — he almost became soft for you. he set out to play you, have you become his little starlet in the magazines alongside him until he got bored, and then ... he started feeling. he cut you off abruptly, and maybe it broke you, maybe it didn’t fool you, but he’s anything but charming now.
the one that was too easy — he prides himself in ruining you, enjoys watching you try to avoid him in the mansion. he comes every so often to make you uncomfortable because he is literally a piece of shit. likes to start drama and spreads rumours about you ( also cool if not, but this bitch is not below it, he can’t be tamed ).
somebody he used to know — a childhood friend, wealthy just like him, probably ended up way different than him. you saw him when he was soft, when he wanted to impress people, now forces people to impress him. it’s almost sad, and maybe you try to rekindle the friendship or maybe you try to knock some sense into him. still, he calls you a friend, even if disdainfully.
sugar babies — sexual or not, he thinks he keeps you around because he gives you money, gifts, trips, dates. ( literally, these are unlimited, jaeseong the Youngest Sugar Daddy he’s practically a Sugar Son™ )
the one who fucks around — you and jaeseong don’t get along. fights, arguments, petty pranks, name-calling, confrontations, lies. you and jaeseong do it all. tensions are high ?? and suddenly, the tensions are ... dangerously magnetic ?? 
fight club — jaeseong has no compunction about being absolutely awful to you. he can’t stand you and constantly tries to start shit with you. maybe you fall into the trap of starting fights, ruining your reputation while his is already tainted and doesn’t mater, maybe you see him as the child he is and don’t indulge him. eith way, it’s definitely a time when you two are in the same room together.
of course i’m definitely open for more !! if you’ve got an idea, pls bring it to me !! if not, we can come up with one together !! and from here on out, sorry for making y’all deal with this Problematic™ but he’ll be a fun time, ayyyyy.
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wtaerim-blog · 6 years
hello !! it’s rae again, the mun behind noh joonwoo @nohjwoo — and i’m back with my second muse, woo taerim !! already mentioned this but i’m 20 (she/her) and my timezone is kst, so you’ll find me up at ungodly hours of the night !! like for joonwoo, i don’t have a plots or a history page up for taerim yet, but you can find her stats here and some headcanons under the cut !! please like this post if you’d like to plot with me, and i’ll come running into your dms. okay thank you and i love ya’ll — bye !! 
p.s. who else is freaking out about the bts comeback and their concert? i went yesterday and whOo my heart ;;
woo taerim — age 23, university student ( on leave ), and a part-time worker who juggles numerous jobs ( at the mall during the day, and at the club at night !! ), living that working class life
your basic university student ( on leave though, oops ) who struggles to pay for her own tuition, rent, and add onto her life savings, plus a little more — also struggles to help her family pay back the debt caused by her father’s gambling problem 
her mother isn’t around anymore ( she left when taerim was four with another man !! ) but her aunt works her butt off to try to fix their financial circumstances
her aunt, by the way, is the love of her life and is basically taerim’s mother — her aunt wants taerim not to work to pay back her father’s debt but taerim isn’t going to allow her aunt to suffer alone ??
that’s what sucks about being the only child, although she isn’t the only child, not really
her only sibling, her younger brother, was claimed by her mother after her parents divorced while she was left with a parent with a serious problem 
yep, she’s forever bitter about that because who wouldn’t be ??
still, taerim doesn’t complain ( mostly because she just isn’t the complaining type !! ) and figures she just has some bad luck screwing her over
never been the brightest child to ever grace the earth, but with the debt taking forever to pay off ( it still hasn’t dissipated completely !! ), it took a toll on her personality and taerim is now basically a sharp-tongued woman of rock 
it takes a lot to faze her so just, don’t try it, unless you want her fist delivering a mean upper-cut, something that her aunt taught her as well
speaking of her fierce aunt, she runs a taekwondo program in seoul and makes decent money off of it — it’s also where taerim learned a lot of her self-defense moves
taerim looks like your basic bitch with a mean mouth to run, but really, she’s just a tired one who still runs to several jobs in a day as if her feet are on fire
holds a disdainful reaction to people who pay attention to acquiring popularity or a social media presence or whatever, and doesn’t hold much interest for the celebrity world, which is ironic considering she’s going to be aired on this program 
only decided to join /mansions/ because it offered good pay and a chance to help her aunt pay off her father’s debt, once and for all 
there wasn’t much hype about her in the comments after the preview, mostly because she’s not a well-known face like a lot of the other members, but she wasn’t a complete failure due to her somewhat pretty face and a darker vibe that was somewhat different from the rest
speaking of darker, she’s nicknamed the tempest mostly because taerim can be a little too much to handle if she ever gets riled up to the point to lose her cool — also, she can just be a little insensitive ( okay, a lot insensitive !! )
continuing off of that, she’s also pretty guarded when it comes to talking about herself and is unbelievably stubborn, but she’s also a diligent worker who can be independent and take care of her own well-being — taerim is also loyal and protective to a fault
hubris is what they call it, as she has an obvious weakness for those that she finds to be her friend, or something even more than that
just find her throwing a punch toward someone twice her size because they said something snobby about her best friend or whatever — not the smartest move 
this is completely random but she also hates ( absolutely loathes !! ) it when people touch her stuff because just ... why ??
some quick likes: italian food, quiet places, pay checks, bubble tea, just tea in general, window shopping ( mostly because she’s too financially unstable to actually buy what she wants !! ), jogging, cheap beer, autumn, ponytails, the ocean
some quick dislikes: loud parties, rain, cold weather, idle conversations, anything vanilla, liars & backstabbers, classical music, those people who always ask to borrow her things but never freakin’ bring them back 
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kngjunhwi-blog · 6 years
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h-hewwo i’ve been out of this loop for a long time but i’m trying to get back in the Game! i’m jing, i’m 23 and i’m in gmt+! ! this is junhwi, 23 y/o gaming/vlogging youtuber.  i’ll just ctrl+c ctrl+v his bio here because i’m lazy !! like to plot or add me on discord #8118 ! ps i don’t do aesthetics so please love my minimalist theme and lazy ass tags! big love and smooches ♥
bio !
junhwi was born in seoul to a scientist father and english teacher mother
moved around a lot as a result of his father’s job - moved to japan when he was 9, stayed for 4 years. then moved to russia for 2 years, then germany for another 3 years. returned to seoul when he was 18, managed to take the university entrance exams and got in to korea university to study computer science smart boi
grew up loving video games, especially nintendo as he got older for nostalgia porn. as gaming/esports became huge in south korea and the country became known globally for it, he decided to become part of the movement and start his own channel. he reviewed new games, took a look back at old games, and streamed himself playing games as others do.
he saw relative success in his home market of sk with gaming, a decent popularity comparable to that of any homegrown gaming youtuber. nothing spectacular, but it was a fun hobby for him.
real success came from when he jumped on the vlogging bandwagon. his first vlog was a typical “my daily life in seoul” video, which received attention from many international/western viewers, in the particular era where creators gained views from focusing their videos on aspects of korean/japanese/chinese culture.
junhwi found that he also just enjoyed vlogging and sharing his life with his subscribers, the count of which increased impressively with each vlog he posted. they were simple, detailing his days at uni, meeting friends, travelling around seoul and showing off his city to the world.
after graduating from university, youtube essentially became his career. he does most of his editing alone, aside from larger scale videos, such as interviewing the seoul public on various topics or collaborations. he managed to enlist friends from university as occasional cameramen/editors, which helps a lot.
now, he keeps up the format of uploading two videos per week - a gaming video and a vlog. he switches up whether he speaks in korean or english, the two languages he’s fluent in, but always adds subtitles of either language.
he applied for mansions because he wanted to do something new for his channel. he’s making a series about his experiences on the show, and it’s created some buzz in the korean vlogging/youtube community.
personality !
suffers from an undiagnosed dissociative disorder. his psychiatrist believed it stems from moving around so often as a child when it was his prime time to make friends and socialize. instead he had to adapt to vastly different cultures, learn new languages, fit into new schools and make new friends repeatedly. he mostly fits into having denationalisation disorder, where he doesn’t feel connected to reality and is detached from his surroundings. he has trouble remembering that he is not the main character in the world, that other people are not just npcs in a game.
with his detached personally, he is extremely bad at vocalising his feelings and emotions. he may seem like he doesn’t care about anything, and is stoic, but it’s more like there’s a block in his mind which stops him from accessing and expressing his feelings. it’s frustrating for others around him, but it’s something that he himself barely notices.
he’s never uncovered the truth about his mental health to his subscribers, and he doesn’t think he ever will. it’s personal to him, and he’s worried that people wouldn’t view him the same if he did. he’s funny, witty, weird and interesting, but he’s scared that people knowing about the workings of his mind would be construed as him not caring about the people who support him.
he came out as bisexual in one of his vlogs - he didn’t make a big deal out of it, didn’t make it the focus of the video. it was just a statement when he spoke briefly about past relationship experiences. fans made a big deal out of it, however, and constantly ship him with whatever male appears in his videos.
wanted connections !
perhaps a youtuber he’s collabed with? they can be close or not so close! or someone who is frequently in his videos, a pal of sorts? a youtuber who he gets shipped with by their fans?
an ex-love interest who somehow managed to be in the house with him too oh lord
someone who wants to be in a vlog with him and has never done it before
someone who he became very buddy buddy with, everyone knows them as the bestest buds of the mansion
a subscriber? :O
fwbs lmao
♥ love interest ♥
IDK let’s just discuss anything
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rcxminhwan · 6 years
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hey angels!! it’s kato again ( liko’s mun~ ) and this is my second muse sollie ( eunsol but she prefers sollie ). she’s a lot different from liko anyway and definitely not as gentle, but she is a special forces agent so um yup that’s a thing. but either way, i’m not gonna do a summary thing since i’m lazy but if you wanna read her bio then it is up here ( also liko’s is finally up too ), and her profile is here!
and if you wanna plot then like this post, or you can always add me on d*scord @  kat 🌸#6965
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nohjwoo-blog · 6 years
hello !! i am so /incredibly/ late bc i have been freaking out about the bts concert that happened today and is going to happen tomorrow omfg, but here’s my intro, oops. the name’s rae, and i’m 20, currently residing in korea, so my timezone’s going to be all whack for now. my muses are noh joonwoo, and woo taerim @wtaerim​, whom i will mostly like post a separate intro post for soon !! you can find joonwoo’s stats here but i’m terrible and haven’t made a history or plots page for him yet ... i promise to have those up asap !! in the meantime, please like this post if you want to plot and i will slip into your dms !! 
a couple of headcanons are under the cut !!
noh joonwoo — age 22, chaebol status, and popular socialite 
probably the wealthiest twenty two year old in korea, with his family being /the noh/, the household that has a tight grasp on korea’s steel industry 
the second son in the family, which joonwoo finds to be great bc he doesn’t have to be the responsible one who has to mandatorily take on the family business and still has his parents’ affection as the youngest
been pampered all his life, and was born and raised in cheongdam-dong, seoul, south korea ( everything fit for a prince !! )
famed for both his riches and his looks — definitely received the good genes bc his brother is an ugly butt 
has millions on followers on all his social media platforms, which is probably why he got accepted for /mansions/ in the first place tbh ( noise marketing is important !! )
popular enough to make money off of being a socialite — occasionally models, goes out on interviews, flashes his face at high society gala 
but joonwoo loves dj-ing, so he takes that up as a hobby at club octagon, which is where most people found him on the weekends before the show started
basically, he’s cocky rich boyTM who is popular with both men and women alike
has his own share of scandals, but none of them have been big enough to crack the media — maybe /mansions/ will find him one
speaking of scandals, never really experienced love ( like actual love ) so if he finds it on this show, well, he’s kind of screwed bc he’s got a lot of things but a poker face ain’t one
continuing off of that, joonwoo can be irresponsible and impulsive and arrogant but he’s honest and perceptive and sociable — likes talking with people even if it’s just to tick them off
doesn’t really have that whole “you’re poor and i’m rich” barrier idea, mostly bc he’s just into the idea of meeting lots of people 
that’s probably why he hasn’t gotten slandered by all the comments for the /mansions/ hype tbh 
but he can definitely get on people’s nerves, even if unintentionally — like, just see him complain about how hard the beds are or how small the kitchen is or just how uneven ( yes, uneven ) the floorboards are or something
some quick likes: dj-ing ( obviously !! ), hoodies, romcom movies, flirting ( ha !! ), jellies, caramel macchiatos, winter, lavender scents, waking up late ( really late !! ), late night drinking, cats, video games, social media, take-out 
some quick dislikes: birds ( oh my god, he hates birds !! ), anything bitter, country music, horror movies, tomatoes, family reunions, copycats, cucumbers, math
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choibns-blog · 6 years
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hello there ! i go by r, gmt+1 timezone and currently on a quest to survive yet another day at uni while crying over this mochi over here ! hanbin is a good boi i hope to get the chance to develop in here even if i suck *ss at plotting, but meanwhile this is going to be a quick rundown of his story !
tw for child neglect, bullying & sexual abuse
way before the great success of his books, hanbin was nothing but the only child of a very poor family living right near the docking areas of busan. both parents had to work three jobs to make meets end and grant their kid an education, but still hanbin was heavily affected by the lack of familial presence by his side, albeit not weighing it on the two at all.
being a very shy kid, tho, it was really hard for him to socialize, which is why he’d rather always spend time with books or with some paper to scribble on rather than playing with the other kids. it was a situation that never was brought up to hanbin’s parents attention simply because it was just seen as a juvenile shyness meant to disappear when growing older, something that only got worsened when at the beginning of high school he became target of bullies who would constantly point out his status and the fact he had to work after school. even then, hanbin never spoke about it and only closed himself even more into writing, winning a few poetry contests held in his school while starting the very first draft of what was going to become the first novel of his series.
speaking of his afterschool job ━a florist’s greenhouse where he had to tend the plants, not so far from the local arboretum━ , it was perhaps the only place where he felt safe and serene, and where hanbin himself said in various interviews that it helped him destress from the harshness of life and helped him write.
at the age of 18, he was framed by his bullies for an act of vandalism at the basement storage after he got dragged there with an excuse, and was found trembling and bleeding from his head nearby its entrance while the storage itself was essentially turned inside out. the incident left him very shaken and very prone to panic attacks towards sudden movements and unprompted touching. because of not speaking and not accusing anyone of what happened, he was forced to help one of his professors with afterschool work and ditch his actual job for that day. it was that professor who found out hanbin’s draft for his novel and encouraged him to try looking for an editor.
that encouragement was the little spar this shy boy needed to go forth with his dream, actually signing with a known korean publishing house who had extremely appreciated his draft and only needed corrections and some more finessing to be done while he was busy graduating from highschool. he didn’t go to college due to lacking money for it and not wanting to become further weight for his tired parents, so he put all his heart and soul into alternating the greenhouse job and the final stages of his novel’s publishing.
serendipity came out exactly one and a half year later ( 2013 ),  and its story was an unexpected yet gradual success that brought the young man’s name under the spotlight. wonder ( 2015 )  and euphoria ( 2017 ) managed to raise the bar even higher to the point the three books got a complete cover renovation and was approved for translation in several countries as well as an official name for the saga: the serendipity gospels.
the living proof that angels are real and are too good for any of us. he literally forgave his parents for not being with him because he knew they had to work and used the money from the first book to repay them for all the sacrifice they’ve done, and also made a gift to the greenhouse’s owner to thank him for being patient with him and letting him appreciate the flowers even more.
very soft. very, very shy. never raises his voice. rarely talks unless it’s being asked something to him or he really feels talkative. which again, very rare moments, and has this thick busan accent many think sounds cute on his soft voice. has ptsd from what happened during his last year of highschool and won’t talk about it claiming he doesn’t remember what happened, but it’s clear that it left a huge scar onto him that he’s unhealthily suppressing.
yet he writes the most heartwrenching scifi book series ever conceived and has had people in tears for how euphoria ended, like how dare he. that’s offensive. 
fans keep saying that the protagonist of the series, a mute boy called seokjin, is a literal author avatar of hanbin, which has also been brought up to his attention during euphoria’s press conference. he has of course said nothing on the question, simply saying that like every author, there’s a piece of him in every part of the books.
catch yourself falling in love with how he giggles when he’s gotten an idea and pitter-patters to get his notebook to write it down, cause that’s the sound of happiness.
stay tuned for an actual separate page about the saga ;D
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ycoreum-blog · 6 years
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hey everyone !! hanil’s mun back here again w a new fuckin muse cause we just don’t know self control ! without further ado, under the cut you can find more about my lil baby, the epitome of a sugar princess and a messy bitch, kang yeoreum ! if you’d like to plot , lmk ! ps this isn’t a sideblog to hanil’s acc. :~D
THE FOLLOWING TRIGGERS WILL BE MENTIONED BELOW ; death / domestic physical abuse /  alcoholism / drug use / nsfw.
ok let’s just get on w this !
so yeoreum’s upbringing was just ... never consistent ! she never knew her father as her mother had her as a teenager and her biological father bounced , most of the men in her life stuck around for a few months of years , some were decent to her and her mother and others were a complete nightmare to her mother , there were times when she just locked herself in her room because of the violence that ensued next door .
when yeoreum was in her mid to late teens, her mother , a long time alcoholic , died bc of her severe drinking habits and yeoreum was shipped over to her godmother , an owner of a private escort service . yeoreum like ....really found it interesting because her godmothers clients were all VERY wealthy people , people you’d never expect , those in the 1% etc right .. and yeoreum , who grew up rather poor and didn’t have materialistic things and the such but her godmother was like .... NO u r my angel little baby there’s no way . so yeoreum just kind of ached from afar until she turned twenty-one and her godmother finally gave in !! she set her up with a married man in his early thirties, an extremely rich up-and-coming entrepreneur and yeoreum fell ... in Love w it . she had always been sultry and into sex and oozed confidence so this job seemed so perfect for her ?? like it was her . caling JGNRJGNTRJGTR if u will .  
so basically she continued escorting on her terms , became one of the clients favorites , and made beyond easy money . she was twenty-three ( at the time ) nd had half a million won in her bank account , some clients even had little secret relationships w her so she had multiple flats , apartments , villas to her name all over the country . it was all good until a visiting diplomat and her got caught and it WAS ALL OVER THE NEWS and it got sooo ugly so fast ... reporters found her house and paps stalked her and it just wasn’t okay ?? i’d want to compare the situation in terms of how Big it was to like clinton & lewinsky KNGRJTGRT it was just fucking a big deal ??? anyways . she ended up quitting and became a camgirl, due to her already popularity w the former company and the new found fame w the diplomat she made decent money . she eventually signed up for mansions bc ... more money ? Why not ! and now she’s here ! living her Best fucking life .
so yeoreum is just .... Nsfw all day every day . KGNRKJGNT a very LOUD bisexual queen who just wants to have fun , whether that includes people , drugs or drinks she literally just doesnt care ! she’s very open w whats on her mind and has nooo filter at all . i also think she has a bit of a social media presence as well ?? like ... an ig baddie GDGNTRGKTRNGKJRTGNTRG u kno .. u kno !  to those who don’t know her , she can come across as very self -centered , narcissistic or obnoxious but like ..... *wipes tears w hundred won bills* ya know ? she’s just ... MONEY MONEY MONEY !! loves loves LOVES materialistic things , like all she wears is name brand and designers .. kind of oblivious to the fact she’s trying to fill that empty hole in her heart with people and things but ... lmao !!! :DD despite all that she’s pretty chill and like pretty easy to talk to , i think . shes rather friendly unless ur not friendly first :( she always ALWAYS cries alone like just refuses to EVER look weak ... its not cute and her mascara cost 125 won so .. no time for that ! anyways she’s a really new muse of mines that i made specifically for this rp so i hope you love her as much as i do !! she’s still a work in progress, bare in mind .
sum plot ideas !! : fwbs , childhood friends , a former client ( gender doesn’t matter but most likely has to be a wealthy person, whether legal or illegal money lol ) , sibling like relationship , current flings , exes , first loves , best friends , a fan of her camwork :~) , smoking (420) buddies , partying pals !!! , shopping buddies and like . a ton more !! im rly open to anything :DD
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oflcstsouls · 6 years
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yo yo yo, it’s lis, back at it with another kid. meet minki. you can call him minnie or kiki, or whatever the fuck you want as long as it’s not degrading or insulting. he’s not into that. he’s a college kid by day, although he takes most of his classes online if he can, and he’s an escort by night (or any other time he gets hired for). this kid has had a shitty past and has not worked through any of it, so he can get messy sometimes, relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms. 
his bio is here, and his wanted connections are here. the bio is messy and kinda long, so i’m putting key parts of his past under the cut along with his personality. i was going to put his wanted connections there too but as i was writing this out it got longer than i expected. so to save yourselves, i made it a page on his blog lol. anywayyyyy, like this post if you want to plot with this mess of a kid and i’ll come bug you!
key parts of his past:  mentions death, overdosing, drugs, alcohol, and prostitution.
his seven year old sister was killed by a car when he was fourteen. his dad witnessed the whole thing and in turn, became so devoted to drugs and alcohol to cope that he ended up overdosing and dying a year later.
his mother worked to support him but became very sick when he was seventeen. he in turn ended up having to get a job but it wasn’t enough money to help out. so he turned to prostitution to help out. 
met a woman who was very rich, who quickly scooped him up to become her sugar baby. they were ‘together’ for two years and minki fell head over heels for her and was young and stupid, deciding to propose to her. she kicked him out, and left him high and dry, cutting him out of her life instantly.
he turned to drugs, alcohol, and sex to cope for months after getting his heart broken, but after getting beat up by an angry boyfriend, decided to shape up his life. 
tried a normal job but after years of having more than enough money and having grown to hate his job, decided to become an escort. he became one of the most highly requested escorts there and with the money he was making, he decided to go to college, majoring in business. 
personality & extras:
minki is rather quiet and reserved. while he is friendly, it takes him a while to actually open up to people and talk about himself. 
he’s a good listener and observer. he likes to observe people, often goes out to people watch, and would rather listen to people talk about themselves more than he talks about himself and his interests. 
in fact, he doesn’t really talk about his past at all. keeps everything bottled up. hates talking about his feelings and would rather invest his time in other things. 
whenever things get too much in his mind he turns to alcohol and sex. knows it’s not healthy to use them as a coping mechanism, but he doesn’t really know anything else. 
he likes to use sex as a stress reliever. he knows he’s good at it, knows how to make other people feel good, and enjoys getting lost in all the feelings. it always ends up making him feel ten times better afterwards.
likes expensive stuff. he was used to getting spoiled, having access to nice clothes, jewelry, shoes, and all that stuff. so it still tends to carry on today. he wears a lot of expensive brands and enjoys going shopping.
hates anything romantic. he hasn’t actually had a romantic relationship, and still has lingering feelings about his ex sugar momma. so romantic stuff freaks him out and he gets super panicky if anyone mentions that they want to date him for real and not hire him as a fake date. he’s good at the fake stuff, but anything real? no, not good at all.
doesn’t like affection.
is actually a really good actor? like, while he’s quiet normally and doesn’t like to talk much, he can switch at the turn of a hat, especially when he’s hired for a job. he can become the life of the party when he wants to, conversation slipping easily off the tongue, making people laugh. can keep people entertained easily. 
doesn’t like it when people shit talk the sex industry. gets overly defensive about it and it’s one of his pet peeves. 
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yijvn-blog · 6 years
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what’s up, HECKERS ?! i’m terre and this is my son boy, yijun. :^) i suck at intros and i haven’t tumblr rped in a while, so don’t mind any errors i make. thank u. lastly, smash the heart button on this post if you want to plot! let’s go, my dudes.
can you believe jeon yijun was chosen for that new show? it’s important to know that they’re only nineteen and prefer he / him, but i wouldn’t be surprised if they were mistaken for jung yoonoh (jaehyun) at first glance. before mansions, they were a fashion model and i hear they’ll be referred to as the milquetoast. — i can’t wait to see how they fare.
some of his past:
this boy is a pretty privileged. he grew up in a wealthy family as an only child with two doting parents. all of his immediate and extended family are very close.
he speaks korean and near-fluent mandarin chinese. he’s also about intermediate level with his japanese and english.
he spent most of his free time in middle school studying languages and learning how to play the violin. a Nerd, if you will .
he’s had one best friend for the entirety of his childhood, but they haven’t spoken much since yijun started on the show. other than that? he’s had barely any friends. he’s a bit of a loner.
he exited high school assuming he’d be going to law school. upon entering university and starting classes, he was scouted by a modeling agency. ( he knew he was pretty attractive, but attractive enough to be stopped on the way to campus? he doubted it. ) he accepted on a whim.
as of now, he’s been in the industry for just two years. he’s a well-known model, with about 8.5k followers on instagram. he’s not sure how or why this happened, but he’s grateful.
some of his personality:
yijun’s a very soft guy. he likes to take care of others; by preparing meals, helping them get healthy if they’re sick, so on. even if you’re mean to him, he’ll probably still be kind to you.
his way of de-stressing is playing the violin, which he brought with him to the mansion. he sometimes worries the noise may annoy some of the others, but no one’s complained to him so far... so...
he likes to think he prefers being alone and private, but really... he needs to become more outgoing. and he knows that. he secretly hopes ‘mansions’ will bring this side out of him.
so far since he’s been participating in this show, he’s mostly kept to himself. he has conversations with the housemates, but he’s yet to grow out of his reserved stupor.
& there’ll be more information for you guys to read over in the post i make after this! i’ll be answering the first task questionnaire as a way to develop my budding flower further. stay tuned until tonight / the morning! word.
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choihacjin-blog · 6 years
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hello hello !! i’m ginger and i’m awkward and i’m on at random times of the day which is probably Bad but kldfjskldfsd. aNYWAY here’s some more about my girl haejin under the cut, feel free to message me if you wanna plot !!
( brief trigger warning for terminal illness and death !! )
haejin’s from a rich business family, her father is the ceo and has been for as long as she can remember.
her mother became terminally ill when she was very young and passed away when she was five, but she vividly remembers all the hospital visits and the way her mother was always thinking of others and their problems before her own. this made a big impact on her, since she looked up to her mother, and after she died, vowed to be just like her.
haejin grew up studying business and commerce, though she didn’t have that much of an interest in it. she mainly remembers things about it because it was hammered into her so much like a broken record.
haejin’s father is constantly away on business trips and, when haejin was little, would leave her in the care of the staff, who she is close to even today.
haejin’s older brother is the one who will be taking over the company when her father retires, which haejin is a-okay with, as she never wanted to be in charge in the first place. that being said, her father still wanted her to do something for the company, whether it be working in a different position or focusing on becoming ‘friends’ with rival companies because of her sweet disposition.
this was how she was able to convince her father to let her take on all the volunteer work she does. since her father is known for being ‘stone cold’ to the public, she suggested giving back to the community on a regular basis, saying that it would actually do the company some good.
the downside to this arrangement was that most of the charity work she did was hyped up, and while she was able to use it to her advantage by talking about the charity she was helping, it came across to some people as a popularity grab. to be fair, that was her dad’s view of things, so they weren’t entirely wrong
it’s because of this that haejin prefers not to tell people about her family’s status if they don’t know beforehand, since people tend to have varying reactions, but that sorta when down the drain when mansions started and she became more well-known
the reason she’s on the show in the first place is because her father told her she wouldn’t be able to continue her philanthropy unless she took the advertising side of things to the next level, aka “go on this show and promote the company”
haejin doesn’t actually mind that much, though, because she can 1) advocate for causes on a more widespread platform and 2) meeting new people
personality wise & other little bits of trivia !!
haejin is the type to see the good in everyone. her father insists that it’s a naive approach, but it’s the one that’s worked the best for her so far. she isn’t really a doormat, but it’s rare for her to ever raise her voice, and she’s incredibly polite.
if there’s an argument, she’ll probably try to be the mediator, keyword being try
she doesn’t like feeling hopeless. when presented with a problem, she does her damn hardest to make sure that problem gets solved, even when it isn’t her own, and is incredibly disheartened when there’s nothing she can do about something
that being said, she can be incredibly nosy. if something’s wrong with you, she’ll want to know so she can help
she WILL be your biggest fan. she’ll make signs and everything, she’ll cheer until her lungs give out, don’t test her
despite how nice she is most of the time, there is a need to get the best of her father at all times because she believes that her outlook on life is far better than his
people’s comments get to her more than she lets on tbh
she doesn’t talk about her mother much, since it’s almost guaranteed she’ll cry, but when she does talk about her, it’s only ever good things. so far, she hasn’t opened up to anyone about her mother on mansions
one of her favourite places to volunteer is the children’s ward at the hospital. she’s very good with kids and draws them pictures and reads them books. sometimes she’ll even dress up
she can’t cook. at all.
oKAY SO here are some potential connections !! i’m up for anything tho so !!
any other rich kids she would’ve grown up around. her dad made sure she made friends with other kids of her social status
someone she’s helped through her various charity work.
someone she has sleepovers with in the mansion, bc she wOULD, she loves all that slumber party shit
someone she’s trying to help but they won’t let her and she just keeps being nosy af
someone please take care of her she won’t take care of herself
a love interest is always Neat™ tho her father is always :eyes: at who she has an interest in because their status is important to him. not to haejin tho
someone try and teach her how to cook pls i mean it’d go horribly but still
a bad influence-ish type thing where they keep dragging haejin into situations that are Not The Best
honestly any friends because she’s super friendly
but also people who aren’t the best at being friends but haejin keeps Trying
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byunxhyukie-blog · 6 years
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Hi, everyone! Sorry this is so late, my friends suddenly decided they wanted to go out this weekend so I didn’t get much free time on my hands till now. But I’m excited to be here and meet all of you and your muses!  Under the you’ll be able to find some facts about Hyuk: 
— Comes from a family of actors - both his parents and his older brother are known in the industry - so it only seemed natural to follow into their footsteps. Hyuk went through a hard time at the start of his career however, as people started accusing him of only getting roles because of his connections. But as time went by, people actually payed attention to his acting skills and noticed he really had talent too.
— He started with commercials and small roles on dramas until he got his first lead on 2016 and that’s when he got more recognition. On that same year dating rumours started flying about him and his female lead because of their amazing on-screen chemistry but his agency was quick to deny them. They were just close friends at the time. Six months later, the two actors actually started dating and announced it on their social media accounts. It lasted about a year, but due to their busy schedules and the fact that  Hyuk was ready to marry this girl and she wasn’t, they ended things. He’s still a bit heartbroken about it, to be honest. But he doesn’t show it.  — Is a bit reserved and doesn’t talk much about his private life unless it’s with close friends. But Hyuk’s a good listener and is known to give good advice. — Personality wise he’s: confident, creative, determined, loyal and reliable, but also: distant, impatient, moody, stubborn and vain. — Doesn’t usually approach people first - to make friends, start conversations - but if he considers you a friend, then you’ll always have his loyalty and support.
And that’s all I have for now! But hit me up if you’d like to plot?
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gvuris · 6 years
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hey y’all !! i’m kat, twenty-one, a ly: answer enthusiast, kard and clc devotee, and i’m hyped as hell to introduce my.. perhaps slightly altered Kid ! admittedly gyuri's intended to be a soft angel, but.. i might make her a little less of That if tomorrow!me feels tempted enough since i’ve been debating for abt two hours FKDSGJ anyways, you can find her bio HERE, and i also have her STATS page up — plots are still a work in progress however — so check them out as well ! and if you wanna plot, just shoot me an im or ask for my discord !
can you believe [ MOON GYURI ] was chosen for that new show ? it’s important to know that they’re only [ TWENTY-THREE ] and prefer [ SHE/HER ], but i wouldn’t be surprised if they were mistaken for [ KIM MINJI ] at first glance. before mansions, they were an [ BARISTA & ASPIRING MUSIC PRODUCER ] and i hear they’ll be referred to as the [ VIRTUOSO ]. — i can’t wait to see how they fare. [ kat, nt, 21, she/her. ]
moon gyuri, a daegu native with an older sister and younger brother, an ambivert and an all around baby
i already have an overview of her bg so i’ll stick to the basics with this ( mostly ) copied intro gklfds
buT she became involved in music through her father, who studied it in uni and ended up becoming a music instructor with a focus on piano, flute and vocals
her and her mom.. also her older sister, didn’t have the best relationship when she grew older, which seemed to die altogether when her parents divorced and her mom left. but her and her sister’s still exists, it’s just that she’s a bit of a toxic influence on her and she tends to distance herself from her
went to snu to pursue music like her father ( a daddy’s girl too like ) and found her way into the world of production !! just before junior year, she transferred out of her original program, applied music with a concentration in piano, into music production and has loved it ever since; she graduated abt a year ago
since then, she’s worked full-time as a barista at the café just a short distance from the mansion, while looking into internships at record labels for her to take on a little further down the line ( no rush bc it’s already quite competitive and she’d rather enjoy what she has going now )
she’s making something of an income as the creator of an acct on youtube and soundcloud for her music — going by the aliases lunar wave and leda on them respectively ( can you tell how creative i am.. seriously, im dsfggdfjk ) — having had both for abt two years now
she’s not even close to making it big yet, and she doesn’t mind if she never works for a moderately to highly popular label — though she should if she wants to get by
among the aesthetic, lo-fi music crowd ( one of those yt accts with a livestream for certain playlists that go on for hours, rip ) where for the most part, it’s personal faves mixed with her own works, and has a substantial following for such a new acct as of now. but has an interest in experimenting, with mashups ( as a lover of them ?? i couldn’t help myself sgflkdsjg ) for example, with a small fear of how that change would be received
is a struggling bi baby who impulsively joined the show bc.. self-promo and free housing ?? sign her up !
this is so short iK, it’s a little infuriating if you ask me ljkgdfjls
in terms of her personality and other things:
she’s quite a loyal person, but even she knows when to draw a line in the sand. while like i said, her relationship with her sister is Not Great, she hadn’t completely given up on her for many years. definitely has for the time being though, for her own benefit, but her being someone who’s open to the idea of people changing for the better somewhere down the line leaves a bit of room for her to possibly change her mind, if her sister does enough to allow her to consider it
so she can be a bit of a doormat in some cases, it all depends on how she sees the person that determines if that’s the case, but she generally won’t let you off if you’re being dumb/an ass to someone or if she gets advantageous vibes from you for example ( given she can.. be a little dense on occasion and is a gentle soul overall ) so.. idk fgklsj good luck to the 99% ig ??
she does have a slight dependency on others despite her thinking all signs point to the opposite, and even though her and her mom never rly had a good relationship she still reels from the neglect/abandonment some days so handle her with Care if she deems you a close pal
super wary with taking risks and the like, add her stubborn nature and she’s gonna be difficult to persuade on a range of things
unwavering in her work and with those she trusts. she also is the same with herself more often than not, but she’s not exempt from having that doubtful voice in her head convincing her she’s doing a shit job in x thing to throw her off
she’s a little reclusive when focused on something, if she tells you she’s working on a track, it’s essentially a head’s up that you might not see her for a couple of days depending on how soon she gets it done — lowkey that bitch™ who makes up an illness to her boss, so she wouldn’t even show up for work if it’s more than just her fucking around
bc admittedly, a lot of what she posts is fucking around and liking it, her more thought-out and effort packed projects are hidden away on her laptop
a bit insecure with her work and just her general disposition ?? bc like i said, she’s not exempt from that Evil voice in her head and those few more.. conflicting points above, we’ll say, mess with her a lot and leave her disheartened so.. my poor child
so that being said, she’s v strong overall, takes people’s shit but if it gets to her, she gets over it p fast ( the first time around ). doesn’t dwell on much and will be courteous to you even if she’s declared you too toxic to stick around 24/7
but courteous can be far too gentle of a term to use.. a head’s up to anyone who wants to do some light, angsty shit HDGSFFGDSJ
isn’t exactly one to get angry super easily ?? she’s basically just disappointed or annoyed at best 99% of the time, it takes a lot to get her beyond that. so someone bring that side out, ty !! 
a cute bean who wants the best for everyone and is also clumsy as absolute fuCK
plays piano and bass guitar
prob had some kind of little amateur rock band with a few music majors in uni and took up bass for the hell of it lmao
so.. if you want in on a few roomies jamming together lmk sdgkldg
loves animals, leans towards cats or big dogs. corgis and those little spaniels get a pass though
speaking of, she has a cute little calico kitten back in daegu ( i’m shit with pet names so that’s tba rgkjls ) who she Loves, her baby !!
sweater, ball cap and basic t shirt junkie
those glasses minji’s worn on occasion ?? rinna wears them too but.. actually needs them, not even close to a fashion statement
doesn’t don much makeup unless someone’s dragging her to a party or something
thaT’S when she looks a little more like a classy early twenties bitch.. which lbr, is hard enough when adulthood is a whole Train Wreck for the most part LGFJSDL
not a heavy drinker, but the textbook definition of a lightweight so.. she’s always praying for anyone who has to deal with her dgfjklsfg
lattes are her livelihood
a bit of a hopeless romantic, god help her
her favourite subject in school was literature/writing and reads quite a bit on her breaks between classes, prob took up a creative writing class as an elective in uni as well
favourite music genres.. it’s easier to say what she doesn’t like/finds boring, which is prob country and some aspects of edm/pop, not into punk/metal either
these are super basic plus her personality description is all over the place bc i’m rushing but this’ll do for now i hope ??
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