kngjunhwi-blog Ā· 6 years
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kngjunhwi-blog Ā· 6 years
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heaven doesnā€™t do the serious stuff. talking about feelings was never something that was normalized for him. heā€™s a very private person despite how he may seem. even if heā€™s willing to get into bed with just about anyone, opening his heart to them is much harder. thatā€™s why when junhwi had asked to talk about the whole situation with heavenā€™s scandal he was hoping that they could just keep ignoring it. however, that wasnā€™t the case. luckily junhwiĀ kept the whole situation from getting awkward. all around, there were no hard feelings. if that wasnā€™t obvious enough with the way they were all cuddled up on the couch together. they were probably friends. though sometimes isnā€™t even sure what that word means anymore. he liked tagging along with junhwiĀ for his little vlogs. as with anything in heavenā€™s life it gave him something to do, even if he was never the quiet, coffee house type. heaven is playing with junhwiā€™s hair as he nods,Ā ā€œyeah, sounds good. i could get out. my treat?ā€ he had more money than he knew what to do with anyways. he could splurge on some coffee and snacks. his mom would even be proud of the fact that he was doing something so normal.Ā 
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it had taken a lot for junhwi to actually discuss something personal with heaven, about how it might impact his own career ( answer: it didnā€™t really ) and how he felt going forward. in short, it was a brief discussion. and it has stayed that way. junhwi is fine with how things are with heaven now, but heā€™s sure the viewers will have a field day when they realise that junhwi was the one who was a catalyst in heavenā€™s downfall. he exhales deeply, the idle touch to his hair bringing a slight comforting sensation.Ā ā€œĀ your treat? iā€™m sold, even if i was the one who suggested it. letā€™s go,Ā ā€œ he rose up from the plush sofa, turning to casualy offer both his hands to heaven to pull him up.Ā ā€œ this new coffee house has this selection of turkish coffee iā€™ve been wanting to try, it sounds so delicious...Ā ā€œ junhwi prattled, staying true to his reputation of head coffee nut of the mansion.
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kngjunhwi-blog Ā· 6 years
āœ‰ snapchat ā€” open.
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junhwi: uploading new video now! MY REACTION TO PRODUCE48 EP 11!! :O (EMOTIONAL)
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kngjunhwi-blog Ā· 6 years
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ā€œ itā€™s still early, he might be asleep, but... iā€™ll go find wonyoung,Ā ā€œ junhwi quietly told his vlogging camera as he padded out of his room, heading towards the other maleā€™s room instead. he wasnā€™t sure if he was annoying the other mansion-mates with his frequent filming, but it was literally his job. he never filmed anyone without permission, and understandably edited those out who did not want to be on his channel. junhwi knew wonyoung didnā€™t mind being in his vlogs, even if he tended to be shy when he knew the camera was on him.Ā ( junhwi was sometimes baffled that wonyoung had applied to be on mansions. ) junhwi liked having him there, anyway. in private as well as when filming - if they could be considered as ever having privacy. with a soft knock on the door, and an equally as soft voice, junhwi called out -Ā ā€œ wonyoung-ah, are you awake? come be in the vlog.Ā ā€œ
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kngjunhwi-blog Ā· 6 years
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if he was being honest at first glance heaven didnā€™t recognize junhwi, but his memory was never something to boast about. despite the fact that their faces were in close proximity for hours as they just sat there, switching off positions in each otherā€™s laps as they made out and groped each other to the pounding beat of the music. heaven would chalk that up to him being way more crossed than he wanted to be. luckily the footage of thatĀ ā€œfatalā€ moment was caught on tape and watching that back helped to clear up the memories. did he regret what he did that night? not at all. the real question was: was there anything that he has ever regretted in his life. although the answer could be ā€œyesā€Ā heaven makes sure to shove that part of him deep down. heā€™s still in his early twenties after all he can save the self-identity crisis for later. as he sits down on the couch next to junhwi, armĀ moving to rest aroundĀ junhwiā€™sĀ shoulders, he raises a brow in question,Ā ā€œso whatā€™s the plan for today?ā€Ā 
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junhwi had known straight away who heaven was upon entering the house - the idol whom he helped ruin, for lack of better words. the talented boy who had been perched on his lap, mouths attached with the taste of soju lingering between them - the memory was blurred at the edges yet all too familiar to junhwi. it was a fun night, with bad consequences, evidently. however, he didnā€™t let them hang over him. if anything, being connected with an idol gained junhwi more traction. being in the house with heaven had allowed he and junhwi to talk, to vent their feelings on the situation to each other with no outside influences. perhaps it would be aired and cause more controversy? for now, junhwi brushes it aside, and leans his head back against the other maleā€™s arm.Ā ā€œ i was going to go out and film something for a vlog, maybe visit a new coffee house or something.Ā ā€œ he hums - many, many clips of his vlogs have been filmed in coffee houses around seoul.Ā ā€œ wanna join?Ā ā€œ
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kngjunhwi-blog Ā· 6 years
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h-hewwo iā€™ve been out of this loop for a long time but iā€™m trying to get back in the Game! iā€™m jing, iā€™m 23 and iā€™m in gmt+! ! this is junhwi, 23 y/o gaming/vlogging youtuber.Ā  iā€™ll just ctrl+c ctrl+v his bio here because iā€™m lazy !! like to plot or add me on discord #8118 ! ps i donā€™t do aesthetics so please love my minimalist theme and lazy ass tags! big love and smooches ā™„
bio !
junhwi was born in seoul to a scientist father and english teacher mother
moved around a lot as a result of his fatherā€™s job - moved to japan when he was 9, stayed for 4 years. then moved to russia for 2 years, then germany for another 3 years. returned to seoul when he was 18, managed to take the university entrance exams and got in to korea university to study computer science smart boi
grew up loving video games, especially nintendo as he got older for nostalgia porn. as gaming/esports became huge in south korea and the country became known globally for it, he decided to become part of the movement and start his own channel. he reviewed new games, took a look back at old games, and streamed himself playing games as others do.
he saw relative success in his home market of sk with gaming, a decent popularity comparable to that of any homegrown gaming youtuber. nothing spectacular, but it was a fun hobby for him.
real success came from when he jumped on the vlogging bandwagon. his first vlog was a typical ā€œmy daily life in seoulā€ video, which received attention from many international/western viewers, in the particular era where creators gained views from focusing their videos on aspects of korean/japanese/chinese culture.
junhwi found that he also just enjoyed vlogging and sharing his life with his subscribers, the count of which increased impressively with each vlog he posted. they were simple, detailing his days at uni, meeting friends, travelling around seoul and showing off his city to the world.
after graduating from university, youtube essentially became his career. he does most of his editing alone, aside from larger scale videos, such as interviewing the seoul public on various topics or collaborations. he managed to enlist friends from university as occasional cameramen/editors, which helps a lot.
now, he keeps up the format of uploading two videos per week - a gaming video and a vlog. he switches up whether he speaks in korean or english, the two languages heā€™s fluent in, but always adds subtitles of either language.
he applied for mansions because he wanted to do something new for his channel. heā€™s making a series about his experiences on the show, and itā€™s created some buzz in the korean vlogging/youtube community.
personality !
suffers from an undiagnosed dissociative disorder. his psychiatrist believed it stems from moving around so often as a child when it was his prime time to make friends and socialize. instead he had to adapt to vastly different cultures, learn new languages, fit into new schools and make new friends repeatedly. he mostly fits into having denationalisation disorder, where he doesnā€™t feel connected to reality and is detached from his surroundings. he has trouble remembering that he is not the main character in the world, that other people are not just npcs in a game.
with his detached personally, he is extremely bad at vocalising his feelings and emotions. he may seem like he doesnā€™t care about anything, and is stoic, but itā€™s more like thereā€™s a block in his mind which stops him from accessing and expressing his feelings. itā€™s frustrating for others around him, but itā€™s something that he himself barely notices.
heā€™s never uncovered the truth about his mental health to his subscribers, and he doesnā€™t think he ever will. itā€™s personal to him, and heā€™s worried that people wouldnā€™t view him the same if he did. heā€™s funny, witty, weird and interesting, but heā€™s scared that people knowing about the workings of his mind would be construed as him not caring about the people who support him.
he came out as bisexual in one of his vlogs - he didnā€™t make a big deal out of it, didnā€™t make it the focus of the video. it was just a statement when he spoke briefly about past relationship experiences. fans made a big deal out of it, however, and constantly ship him with whatever male appears in his videos.
wanted connections !
perhaps a youtuber heā€™s collabed with? they can be close or not so close! or someone who is frequently in his videos, a pal of sorts? a youtuber who he gets shipped with by their fans?
an ex-love interest who somehow managed to be in the house with him too oh lord
someone who wants to be in a vlog with him and has never done it before
someone who he became very buddy buddy with, everyone knows them as the bestest buds of the mansion
a subscriber? :O
fwbs lmao
ā™„ love interest ā™„
IDK letā€™s just discuss anything
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