tingnee · 4 years
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Good morning... Aiya sorry lah bedeo mak-mak baini... 😆.. Walaupun sudah install tu untuk buat bedeo, sudah beli tu handphone gimbal.. Inda sabar konon mau share senjata mau kasi kecut miss jerawat😅 tu.. Yang paling penting original Sabahan😘. #melrose #artrenewalserum #mommyoilsSandy #jerawat #adultacne https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6WRD7AaoYt4Hdkxw8tenJ7BnLyDgnVR4_Pg00/?igshid=39bggxqu5kst
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tingnee · 4 years
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Happy weekend gaiss... . . . Apa kamurang buat tu? . . . Im like 🐢 in hibernation mood🤭. Have to slow down my fast life pace bah. This week really busy with activities... . . . My body gave me signal already...tolong-tolong dia bilang 🤭. Otot sudah sakit, right biji mata also sore, hidung sudah berair.. . . . But banyak mau dibuat ni weekend.. My otak keep working.. Selagi belum selesai selagi inda tenang tu.. . . . My routine #ningxianitro and #RC and continue my hibernation 😊 #mommyoilsSandy #mom #jomsihat #recharge https://www.instagram.com/p/CAzC16OAqYfzx0JZ42SgHhKMINBmxlXcVfhVsk0/?igshid=1efd0xoc3a4a0
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tingnee · 4 years
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I am not an expert... But I believe if I want to be expert I must be in experts circle. Duplicate on success people already done. Don't you see it is super easy kan... 😊 Jangan malas to look at your interest and passionate on...build it and you will not regret it.. I am passionate on baking and my Young Living business! How about you? #MomBaker #mommyoilsSandy https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxhNH-ADzhoXqhe3sBQqvfq1KeeZKsItPkVhE0/?igshid=mh2onos0xczj
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