#momoiro key (ももいろの鍵) yeah
danfengfan · 9 months
synopsis : dan heng cant help but remember "his" past love when reuniting with his previous reincarnation
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"then i suddenly look back. everythings grown distant"
he was one who never opened up about his past. at least, not to those in the express with him although, it is his past after all, there is no need to share everything if it does not matter
well, one thing certainly mattered. whether it was his faint memories of a ghostly touches, tender touches
no matter how loving and 'warm' they feel, they will always be as cold as the sea felt that day
surely, they would run out of men before the sea runs out of space for their bodies, right? however, it seemed the sea had too much vacancy
definitely too much when it had to take his love. perhaps that's why he wishes to part the sea for another reason
his friends are like his family but he can't help but wish he was able to part the sea before it parted someone from him
— 丹恆
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