#muse; yuyuko
I feel like we haven't checked on Yuyuko in a good while. Let's see how she's doing!
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...Is she asleep..? She looks pale-oh. Oh wait, she's disappearing.
...Wait, that can only mean one thing.
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multimuseticles · 6 months
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"Did you guys know that it's my birthday today? And some guy named Jesus, but I'm more important I'd say."
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da-riya · 2 years
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gainprincess · 10 months
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So, uhh...
Anybody hungry?
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Has Sumi been good~?
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halfbakedsinner · 10 months
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"I guess nobody wanted Youmu nudes."
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scifielves · 1 year
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⬆ Extremely smug
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♡ Youmu for Nyalter too.
Send ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours
●●●●● | ATTRACTION ●●●●○ | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●○○○ | LOYALTY ●●●○○ | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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"Very cute~ Very straight-laced, and probably very reliable~ Though if Yuyuko says something then..."
Best not think about that.
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"I am not at all influenced by the resemblance to my boyfriend."
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mountainofhistory · 15 days
IC ask: what's one of your earliest memories? ( for any and as many muses as you want )
Some muses are, of course, too old or too hazy to have earliest memories that would be relevant. But a few do stand out.
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"Earliest memory? Well, as far back as I can remember, the Konpaku family has been serving Lady Yuyuko... and I was no exception, even back then. Before I was able to hold a sword, Grandfather would have me carry things like tea around, and I got to watch him train Lady Yuyuko. It was really quite pleasant!"
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"When I was very young, I remember coming across one of Father's knives that he'd left behind, and for some reason I got the urge to pick it up and run around with it. I was a nimble child back then, and I managed to keep him chasing me for quite some time! ...Don't tell Mokou, by the way. I don't need her getting any ideas."
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"...You probably don't want me going too in-depth. Before I even became the Princesses' pet, it was all pounding mochi and preparing for war... and I wasn't very good at the second part..." It's been long enough for her that it feels like another life entirely. And it was at least on another celestial body.
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"So, I don't know if you knew this, but I could see and talk to Lady Kanako and Lady Suwako ever since I was really small, right? They've always been there to me. But they couldn't do things on their own that whole time. So one time they both wanted to watch a different show, I don't even remember what it was, but they both kept telling me to change the channel louder and louder. It was honestly kind of funny to me back then! ...It'd really annoy me now though... thank goodness they can handle the remote themselves."
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"Mine earliest memory? Ah... if thou art hoping for something exciting, I fear thou willst sorely disappointed be. Though mine memories be frayed and fragmented now, bits and pieces remain... and I fear that the life of a noble maiden is not the most exciting one. Hours of getting dressed, sitting still, looking like a cute attachment to mine father, preparing to serve a husband... though, I was fortunate in that I was still allowed to learn the Mononobe secret arts. Those, at least, were more fascinating than anything else... and I took to them like a fish to water. A premonition, perhaps, of how I would take to the Tao."
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d4djobesemuses · 3 months
how big is the little flabby Flan? must be getting a good headstart with the several good influences in the mansion~
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“I’m not that big… yet…” Flandre’s pudgy hand reached down to the lowest part of her belly she could still touch, leaving nearly an inch between it and her belly button.
She felt insecure for being small, only in the low 500s, which looked more akin to 600s due to her miniature stature.
Of course, she was anything but small, with her lungs and heart still perpetually overworked and treated to Sakuya’s horrifically fattening meals on the daily, her knees shaking and creaking under the gargantuan load she had to carry ever since her wings ceased being able to carry her.
But when she thought of Hong Meiling, Miss Patchouli or Yuyuko, all approaching or long since surpassing the half ton mark, she felt insignificantly small, and envious of their unbound gluttony.
“I don’t plan to stay so small…”
She mused to herself, a smile creeping onto her face as her belly let out a reassuring growl, she was hungry, but not for long.
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superbloblevel · 1 year
It was dusk by the time Youmu would return to the Hakugyokurou from her weekly shopping trip. It had been a somewhat disquieting journey across Gensokyo this time, the half-phantom picking up on quite a few rumours. That the Hakurei shrine maiden hadn’t been seen for the better part of a week in the Human Village. That the cable cars that the kappa took to reach Moriya Shrine stopped running yesterday and still hadn’t resumed operation.  That no one came to pick up the dresses ordered by the Scarlet Devil Manor. But Youmu had bigger things to deal with! After all, Yuyuko always got hungry around this hour, and usually greeted Youmu by begging for food once she got home.
...But not this time. No, the halls of the Netherworld were oddly quiet as the half-phantom entered. Perhaps her mistress was sleeping?  Or Yukari may be visiting and occupying the ghost?... Whatever it is that Youmu expected when she entered Yuyuko’s room, it certainly wasn’t this.
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“Youhhmuuh! Rhhun! “ Gloooooourrrrrp......
A massive, gurgling orb laid across Yuyuko’s bed, a human-shaped bulge protruding against its walls lashing and pounding. It took a second to realize that said figure was Yuyuko. It took a bit longer to recognize the orb as someone’s stomach, as Youmu’s vision would drift up to the leering horse
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“Apologies, ma’am. Would of dealt with all this faster if I’d knew to expect company.” Saki spoke, her tone of voice conveying a lack of any real contrition “I’ll be able to squeeze you in soon enough, don’t you worry.”
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imperishable-prayers · 9 months
(Hey, recap for that Yuyuko event I was doing)
(The Saigyou Ayakashi was beginning to bloom because its seal was weakening. This lead to the body buried underneath it to have pieces of its soul travel and interact with people's dreams, that body being Ayaka Saigyouji, Yuyuko's dead body. This is resulting in Yuyuko getting weaker as a result.)
(I never touched upon that 'soul' part before, but if I said that the roots of the Saigyou Ayakashi had grown long enough to have had itself tightly wrap around the body buried underneath it, meaning the tree would be giving its power and soul to that dead body, accidentally trying to revive that dead body and breaking apart the seal in the process using its power to do so, would that be cool? Along with using its soul so haphazardly to just jump into people's dreams, that'd mean the tree would be using its power to try and keep its soul alive from afar.)
(I'm spitballing hiiii)
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multimuseticles · 8 months
~Resonance of Putrescence~
It's time for a new incident...
At the Hakugyokurou, Yuyuko is eating snacks that Youmu had prepared for her. But she suddenly stopped as she remembered hearing something from Yukari. She decided to call Youmu over as she had a job for her.
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"Youmu, I've heard troubling rumors about the Forest of Magic. It seems something unusual is afoot. Could you do me a favour and go check it out for me?"
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"You're sounding kinda serious for once. Are you sure this isn't just you wanting me to make my way there and pick up some snacks along the way?"
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"Well you can pick up snacks too, but no I actually have a job for you. According to Yukari a strange smell has been emanating from the forest and I want you to check it out."
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"Lady Yuyuko... the Forest of Magic always has strange smells."
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"I know, but Yukari says this is a little bit different than usual. Yukari said that it smells like the forest is decaying. The scent is putrid, like that of rotting flesh, and it's causing unrest among the people living there."
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"Well if Yukari is saying that it's serious, then I guess I can go check it out. I'll try to be back in time for dinner."
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"It might be a little dangerous, so take some people with you just in case, okay?"
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"Okay, I have someone in mind that I can take with me. She's been eager to do something around here so I'll recruit her."
And thus, Youmu is going out to solve an incident! She'll be joining with three companions to solve this incident. But how will it play out? Stay tuned to find out! :D
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gensokyogarden · 1 year
Alright. It took some time but I finished updating my muse list. Both to include the guest muses I decided to make full on muses and also to include the muse suggestions from my friends.
The main muse page, The joke muse page, and the fankids page all have new entries now.
As a note though, the following muses are one's added at the request of a friend so I can't promise I'll actually be able to do them well:
Guess we'll see :D
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gainprincess · 8 months
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^ Whines she's 'too full' after 5 feasts in a row, yet still has enough room for 50 more pounds of food.~
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halfbakedsinner · 10 months
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"If Khloe offered her nudes if she won, she might have won." YUYUKO PLEASE
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gluttonygirls · 10 months
yuyuko was my first ever muse, I should use her more
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