#my fear though is that im misremembering things since im used to knowing with perfect certainty everything that happens in this series
kennabeth ยท 5 months
i'm back with more questions about tcor (i will probably have a couple more in the coming days don't let me annoy you)
what's up with the folcharts the whole book? i feel like from what i've heard the take a backseat but like what's up with the whole trapping people in paintings?
does the book explain like the geography of the inkworld outside of argenta and lombrica? like what are the other countries
what's up with jacopo in this book.
oki sorry I had a migraine yesterday but here's all I've got:
the folcharts have almost no speaking roles ๐Ÿ˜ญ meggie and doria want to go on a big trip to explore the world (much much better than getting married at fking 18). mo's rightfully nervous bc this world is terrible lol. resa doesn't do anything ๐Ÿ˜”
orpheus buys a spell that gets the main cast sucked into paintings and dustfinger is meant to be the last to be absorbed but they fuck up the prince (ultimately failing bc of racism is the funniest concept to me) and don't know about jehan so they go to at least beat the shit out of orpheus in the hopes that for some reason that will free everyone. a few of the characters that Get Painted have little chapters here and there.. not enough for me though ๐Ÿ˜’
it does not do a good job imo of establishing more of the world. dustfinger mentions (brief dragon mention babey!) that he has really no idea of what the world looks like since he just likes the ocean. most of the story takes place in a city about two weeks' march/ride? north, which from the illustrations in the trilogy I don't really know how they got there without mentioning the castle of salt. I don't remember if the country's name is mentioned but it's very well outside of violante's jurisdiction and makes lombrica and argenta look comically backward. orpheus kind of lives in the slums at first but eventually the city opens more and it's like, huge and really nice and peaceful and people have Money money. one of the new main characters (hyvin my baby<33) is a female apprentice healer (like as a job. a real career, not like roxane's pharmacy sht) which. like I whined a few weeks ago it's crazy to me that that's a thing but in ombra women aren't even allowed to read. there are a few scenes in some different forests (one is by this bridge (to where???) and I haven't pictured something so vividly in ages, it's so good).
jacopo is only very briefly mentioned. the prince has a bad shoulder? I think? in the beginning because jacopo's gang attacked him? I think?and nyame says he's on his way to being as horrible as his grandfather ๐Ÿ™ƒ he's only like 11 but I think someone should take one for the team and... prevent that from happening. sad that violante wasn't able to undo his bad influences but she does hate kids and was pregnant at 12 so I'm not going to hold his behavior against her
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