#my feelings toward a large part of the c/ql fandom and the wild shit they say: ๐Ÿ™ƒ
ouyangzizhensdad ยท 3 years
hiya im new to the mdzs fandom... I actually got into it by watching c/ql cause i dint know that there was more... I've read the novel and I started reading the manhua cause more content is life... So anyways my question was basically could you explain why you dont like the serial? Im sorry pls dont get offended just an honest question
Hi there anon,
No problem with asking a question. If tumblr had a better archiving capacity or if it was easier to search a blog, I'd probably redirect you to posts I've written before. But to summarise, I do not "hate" c/ql, I simply 1) am not blind to its fault as a stand-alone work and as an adaptation, and am interested in discussing in a blunt manner the way it fails to adapt different aspects of the novel which will of course bring into discussion the much weaker writing, 2) became slowly embittered by the fandom and the absolutely wild things people say about the series, the novel or just the characters in general--something I've never been able to avoid because the western fandom does not know how to fucking tag shit to keep them separated because c/ql changes too much (for many reasons) to continue to be compared or treated as the same as the original work. I mean just yesterday I saw a post by someone recommending "mdzs" and tagged "mdzs" and it was about.... c/ql. And my knee-jerk reactions to these takes in fandom now is not necessary "you fill me with rage," it's generally on a scale of "oh, honey, no" to benafflectsmoking.jpeg.
As people who have been following me for a long time know, I've mentioned many times before how I had watched c/ql mostly in 15-minutes chunk on my phone during breaks at work the summer it aired, and how it had been a good help at the time because I was Going Through It needed something to latch unto to distract myself. So of course I was attached to it despite its many fault. I guess part of my mistake was not avoiding the c/ql fandom ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ. But, also, at the end of the day, I just find that c/ql is not a series that holds up to scrutiny or long-term actual engagement with the 'text' of it, which impacts how I was not able to sustain this attachment to it. Let me use a Clueless reference: c/ql is a little bit like a Monet - watch it mindlessly on a phone skipping to deal with the weird pacing and weird scenes, and you can enjoy it; but look any closer.... and what is revealed is a big ol' mess.
But! If you are a person who does not like seeing critical or negative things being said about something they like, then my blog is certainly not for you! As I mention in the bio, "you will most likely be disappointed if you follow this blog for CQL content". Generally I'm also pretty good at tagging them "brine corner" if you still want to follow but don't want to see any of those types of posts. If you are however interested in considering critiques people leverage at things you love, if only as a way to understand these things more or confirm you do not find these criticisms valid, then you can just approach my posts from a pov that I'm not doing this because I hate the series.
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