#my siblings are very offline and don’t follow controversies and such
lyriumsings · 2 years
my sibling bought me a ow battle pass even tho i didn’t want it as a gift cuz they want me to play with them and now i feel obligated to play bc i don’t want the money wasted but also i’m gonna disrespect myself by playing this lmaooo
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thedrowsydoormouse · 5 years
Blame @anangelamuse-castiel-spnfam for this long ass post!
1. What’s your first name?
2. How old are you?
3. Where do you live?
California (near Hollywood)
4. How tall are you?
5. What colour is your hair?
a really pretty purple-y red
6. Do you have any siblings? If so are they younger or older than you?
I have a bunch of siblings. One is older and all the others are younger.
7. What time is it for you right now?
8. Can you dance?
I should hope so considering I’ve been doing it for about 21 years now!
9. Do you have any pets? What are their names and species?
I have an adorable doggo named Zorro!
10. What is your eye colour?
Blue in the way the sea looks during a storm which is a total cliche but also very accurate!
11. Are you in a relationship?
12. Have you ever been in a relationship?
Many many relationships which were almost all huge mistakes.
13. What is your sexuality?
14. What is your type?
It really varies depending on gender but the one universal thing is dark hair and light eyes. 
15. Have you had your first kiss?
Considering I’m married, yes!
16. Have you had a sexual experience with same gender?
Once in high school.
17. Have you had a sexual experience with someone of a different gender?
Many, many times.
18. What is your ideal date?
Disneyland during the Halloween season.
19. Are you a romantic?
Very much so! 
20. Who is your celebrity crush?
I have way too many to list but right now my phone wallpaper is a pic of Alex Calvert from comicon this past weekend.
21. Do you like to draw?
I used to love it but going to art school in college kind of ruined it for me which makes me really sad but I just don’t find joy in it anymore. Now it just stresses me out. Hopefully that changes after a while.
22. Are you a good singer?
I love singing and the people I live with say I sound good but I think it’s all kind of subjective. I can carry a tune and stay on pitch and sometimes, if I’m really lucky and my emotions are right and all the stars are aligned, I can get a good amount of power behind it and really belt out when I sing which makes me really happy!
23. What was your best subject at school?
I was always amazing at anything creative so things like art, acting, dance, music, photography, creative writing (is it obvious I went to private school).
24. Do you enjoy physical activity?
I love some kinds. I could spend the rest of my life dancing all day and be the happiest girl you’ve ever met. I also like walking if I’m shopping or walking around Disneyland. And I get pretty physical when I’m cooking because I’m running around the kitchen doing like 12 things at once! Outside of that me and physical activity are not friends!
25. Have you ever done a marathon?
Never have, never will.
26. What is your favourite activity?
Dancing. Many people have said I light up even when I’m just talking about it! My husband just said he could tell I was thinking about dance because I started grinning like an idiot while typing this!
27. Have you ever traveled over seas?
No, but I plan to someday. I love traveling and seeing as much of the world as I can!
28. What would you consider your best skill?
Calming my mom down when she’s having one of her classic freak outs. I’m the only one who can get her to just chill out!
29. Favourite childhood movie?
Princess Bride! I still have to show it to Jack so I’ll probably be watching it later tonight!
30. What is your best quality?
I had to ask Jack about this because I didn’t want to sound too stuck up or full of myself. He says my strength. 
31. What is your biggest fandom?
Considering my wedding band has an anti-possession symbol on it I’m going to say Supernatural.
32. What fandoms are you apart of?
Supernatural, Good Omens, Doctor Who, Lucifer, and a few others I can’t really think of or can’t list without taking an hour to type this up!
33. What is your favourite head cannon about anything?
Sam got super jealous when he found out Gabe and Rowena slept together.
34. Who is your all time favourite book character?
Westley from Princess Bride. I like to think I married the real life version of him!
35. Do you read smutty or fluffy fanfiction? (or fanfiction at all?)
Give me all the fanfic all the time!
36. What is your favourite book?
Princess Bride! I read it in middle school ad it still stuck with me.
37. Why did you choose that particular username?
I was studying fashion design, the guy I was with at the time always called me “Ducky” and I was 18 and in 12th grade.
38. Do you play video games? What is your favourite?
I have spent god knows how much time playing Sims 4 building houses and sims based on my favorite tv characters and some of my closest friends.
39. What is your all time least favourite fan theory or head cannon about anything?
That Lucifer would’ve been a good father to Jack. We already saw that he only wanted to use and control him so I can safely assume he would’ve been even worse than Dean was before Cas came back.
40. Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Trek (she says while her husband yells “Star Wars” from across the room)!
41. What is your saddest experience?
I went though a month and a half long depression spiral when they announced season 15 of Supernatural would be the last which got even worse when I read what had happened to Jack in the season 14 finale.
42. If you could apologise to anyone at all right now, who would you choose and why?
Jack because I kept him up all night last week when there was a shadow demon thing standing outside my door that I could tell was scared of Jack so I used him as a pseudo human shield thing!
43. What makes you fizz up (get angry)?
When people are close minded. I ruined last Christmas because my great aunt wouldn’t stop being a bigot so I yelled at her and screamed “fuck you” in a crowded Chili’s!
44. Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Many times. And I’ve won every single one. I’m scrappy af and very light on my feet!
45. What is something you would change about yourself and why?
I would put more money in my bank account because a bunch of stores are starting to bring out their Halloween stuff and I want need all of it!
46. Describe the last dream/nightmare you remember having?
The shadow demon from outside my room was trying to strangle me (like hand around my neck lifting me off the floor so my feet were kicking like in the movies). I woke up and couldn’t breathe with Jack leaning over me looking genuinely terrified.
47. What are you like offline?
Pretty much the same as I am on here. Maybe a bit more bouncy and bubbly but that kind of stuff doesn’t really transfer to online unless I’m in a video on like youtube or twitch or something.
48. What is your biggest secret?
I think I caused the deaths of not only my first grade teacher but also one of the girls a couple years behind me in middle school and one of my classmate’s father.
49. Have you ever committed a crime?
I stole a lip gloss when I was about 3 or 4. Also so much jaywalking.
50. What is your most controversial belief?
I don’t know how controversial this would seem to my followers but trans women are 100% women and trans men are 100% men and asexuality is a real thing that 100% belongs in the LGBTQ+ community.
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