#nah cuz my poor cat bro he’s so scared of loud noises and fireworks aren’t gonna help
Of course I’ll help rob the bank, who do you take me for?
GOOD well rob them and then poke their eyes.
#they’ll never see it coming HAHAHAHAHA oh my god jm funny.#you get it cuz like; see? cuz when we poke them they like#like that one scene in Waterboy#you guys have seen that movie. yeah?#captian insano shows no mercy! 😼#IF YOU GUYS HAVENT SEEN IT YOU NEED TO ITS SO FUNNY JUST YOUTUBE ‘waterboy eye poke’ AND YOULL FIND KT#anyways so uhhh topic switch#i’m real upset about the whole Technoblade thing; he was such a good guy it’s so awful to see him go so soon#he was such an inspiration to me and really helped shape my humor and i’ve met so many friends because of him#i hope he’s flying high; he deserves it#NO CUZ THE FUCKER MADE MERCH FOR HIS DEATH TOO HE’S PROFITING OFF HIS DEATH#WHAT A CHAD THO I WOULD DO IT TOO 🤧#ask aph angel canada#messenger boy#teehee added that tag there#teehee anyways it’s Fourth of July (well in 2 hours!) so there’s that#nah cuz my poor cat bro he’s so scared of loud noises and fireworks aren’t gonna help#only i can rlly comfort him too cuz he’s scared of#most of my family so like UGH I CANT WAIT TO GET HOME AND KISS HIM I MISS MY BOY. my little thumbo 😞#IDK IM LIKE a lot is going on in my life but i’m alright with it; UGH IM MAINLY JUST EXCITED FOR MY CLASSES NEXT YEAR AND AHHH GUYS#WE ARE GOING DRESS SHOPPING THIS MONTH ON THE 23RD IR 24TH AND EJENEJENEN#IM SO EXCITED.#EVEN IF YOU GUYS DONT WANT IT IM STILL GONNA SHOW A PIC OF THE DRESS ON HERE#it’s gonna be so pretty guys 🙄✋#ayo ask aph angel canada mod face reveal?#it’s nothing special even then rofl but still#UGH IM JUST SUPER EXCITED FOR FALL 🥰🥰#teehee and laufey is posting her album then; i wanna get it on vinyl cuz i have a record player#yes ik im indie and cool 😼😼 hold your applause please 🤧#ANYWAYS HYE GUYS LOL
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