Negotiated Project Changes
FILM202 - Online Sketchbook 
As the pandemic has caused most forms of filming and outdoors recreation to cease, so have the plans for our neogciated projects. However changes have been made to both my mindset and my ideas for this project. For one, I plan on focusing on a medium that strays from filmmaking as I’d like to go back to my roots in where I first found the still image and art to be captivating and by itself, more interesting. I am awaiting a one-to-one with my lecturer to go over some of the many ideas that I currently have and wish to disclose my issues with how to go about those ideas. 
Since the module guide has also been updated here is a follow-up of what it to be expected from us in the latter time:
Online Sketchbook - A2 B4 B5 C4 D4 
Your online sketchbook will evidence all the research, workshops, practical tests, and screenings feedback for this module. It could take the form of a blog, a sketchbook film or a written document. The online sketchbook might take the shape of a micro-documentary. You online sketchbook offers a chance to reflect on the guided tasks and how they may have influenced your final project. It is an ideal place to contemplate the challenges you’ve faced and the shape of your creative decision making. 
Equivalent of a 3 - 5 minute film.
Practical Film project - B5 C1 C4 D4
In negotiation with your tutor, you will develop a project that you can complete with the resources available to you - the ultimate obstruction. The nature of these projects will be highly individual and diverse. The work should be equivalent of 3 - 8 minutes in length.
Critical self-evaluation (500 words) - A2 B4 C1
You will produce a document that details the following information: 
● Overview/Synopsis of the project (50-100 words) 
● Credits (Cast/Crew as appropriate) 
● Technical Specifications 
● Critical Evaluation (500 words) - You may wish to reflect on your proposed project before Covid-19 and after the outbreak. It will offer an evaluation of the final piece, and offer different potential readings of your work.
● Working Blog Link 
To be submitted as a google document to the appropriate section on google classroom.
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