I am psyched for mushrooming. Great blog.
Thank you! I'm psyched too!
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therestlesswitch · 4 years
I don’t currently have the spoons to share my favorite seasonal spell ingredients, but just wanted to wish you a day filled with small comforts and I hope you’re able to find something that feels both restorative and distracting 💕
Thank you so much! 💜💜 I really appreciate this. I’m watching departures right now which is a nice distraction
@neilatch look, it’s not that difficult. I’m sorry I’m getting a bit snippy. But I answered you with a way you could learn how to actually offer support, and you didn’t seem to get that there are a thousand better ways to offer support than giving unwarranted advice.
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0800 today. Unspecified mushrooms. Lawn-shrooms. It did rain yesterday.
Hey there!
They're cute. Looks like Conocybe lactea/Conocybe apala (milky conecap) to me.
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