therestlesswitch · 2 years
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
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🐁 🌾 🌻 🐜 🪹
harvest mice weave little round nests for themselves out of grass. they are also small & light enough to perch on flowers. it’s much safer up there!
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
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PSA as we go into spooky season and people start using activated charcoal to make foods look spooky.
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
btw… important PSA: cutting off the mold on the surface of food does nothing. you can only see the spores on the surface, but mold itself has spread and grown roots into the food. by the time you can actually *see* the spores, that piece of food is completely full of it. youre still eating mold. 
many of which are poisonous and have been shown to cause cancer. youre not even supposed to sniff it, because that can get spores into your lungs. like if you look up the health and safety guidelines for mold they barely stop short of telling you to put on a hazmat suit. 
like produce is okay as long as you cut around it at least an inch, but cooked foods? you gonna die. stop eating mold people 
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
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Give yourself a big hug for making it through this year.
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
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Art by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite (1921) - “The Water Fairy.”
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
I think one of the major draws of witchcraft is, in fact, THE research. The construction of your own path (in a fancy book or on google docs), the maintenance of daily ritual that's responsive to changes in understandings of magic on an immediate, personal level. The utilitarianism of spells go reflect things that affect our everyday lives, the diversity of different methods, and the way if something doesn't work or makes us uncomfortable we can just opt out.
This makes witchcraft not only ongoing consent based but also something that can function as a well of constant control over immediate environments even during incredible life upheaval. How it speaks to people's intimate private thoughts and experiences so small and varied that there's no way to come from it not finding something that interests you (if what you're interested is in witchcraft). There's not even an end, you can just keep trying stuff forever, practicing things until you're super good, read truly endless primary sources for just one person to go through by themselves.
Witchcraft's methods resemble its functions and that's beautiful.
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
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Artwork by Tin Can Forest
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
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by Laure S
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
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Samhain Witch Tips - 🎃 Pumpkins 🎃
Carving pumpkins is definitely not just for little kids. Carve sigils, spells, significant imagery, or anything you want into your pumpkin and fill it with your intention with each cut.
If you’re a closeted witch, carve your witchy stuff (sigils, spells etc) into the inside of the pumpkin, and make the outside just a fun design.
Anoint your tea light or votive candle with herbs and oils to match your intention for the season or year. I personally like to make a couple of these and have them lit while I carve as well as use them in the pumpkin/jack-o-lantern.
Before setting your candle into your pumpkin, sprinkle the insides with herbs that match your intentions and maybe some that have some anti-microbial action as well to help your pumpkin last longer before rotting. Cinnamon and cloves are great for this. The warmth from your candle will release your intentions as well as a lovely scent.
If you want to really absorb all the lovely goodness of the work you’ve put into carving this pumpkin, buy a pie pumpkin (sometimes called sugar pumpkin) carve it the night or day before your Samhain celebration, only use safe, culinary herbs inside and keep an unscented candle lit in it (make sure you only use either a soy or beeswax candle with a cotton, unleaded wick,) and the next day you can roast it in the oven (350*F for about an hour usually does it, or until it’s soft enough to easily sink a fork into) And then share this lovely squash with your spirit friends, witchy friends, family etc at your Samhain meal. 
Pumpkins and all other winter squash actually keep for a very long time if stored properly. So you can buy a bunch from a farmers market now while they’re in season. Give them a rinse in a diluted bleach and water solution to kill off any mold spores that might cause premature rotting. Then make them part of your Samhain decor to imbue them with your good intentions and then store them in a garage or somewhere else that stays between 50-60*F and you’ll have delicious, enchanted squash all season long! I’ve had some last for up to 4 months before.
Enjoy this lovely seasonal fruit and may it nourish you all season long 
🎃 ✨To support me:  Get tarot reading | Buy me a coffee | Donate to my Education ✨Help Paul get MS treatment
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
happy halloween! here is a ghost duet
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
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Halloween Costumes in Dennison’s Bogie Book, 1922
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therestlesswitch · 2 years
Happy Halloween, witches 🎃
I’m feeling down this year. I didn’t do anything related to the holiday until this past week, during which I was Very burnt out thanks to overstimulation and now I need recovery days before I can enjoy anything but that’s not how time works.
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