#ngc: null & void
bonkfan2003 · 9 months
NGC null and VOID: Part 2: Oh how my heart breaks.
Local Huston Resident, Zachary Davis, was found dead in his home on September 10th. His neighbor, Carl Denver, reported a foul stench coming from the open door of Zachary's apartment. When he headed inside, he found the body of Zachary Davis partially decomposed. The police were called, and the apartment was investigated. In the apartment, police found a personal computer belonging to Zachary, it has been taken in as evidence, and there have been reports that the computers contain the last words of Zachary. These have not been shown to the public, but we will keep you informed.
Item of Interest for the Davis case, personal computer. A .txt file was found on the desktop. What follows is the content of the file:
"The screen has gone black, I was just about to land the final blow on Red when it cut to...nothing. Everything hurts, I can feel all of the pain the other monsters felt when they died, but tenfold. I'm only writing this so I can try and focus on what happened. Is this another trick? Is this Red's way of cheating the game? He said he wouldn't break the rules, but maybe he was scared enough to break them? I can't think straight...I can barely move. Just walking to my PC felt like walking through flaming, acid drenched barbed wire.
Melissa, I'm sorry. I don't know if that was really you, or some sort of...illusion brought up by the game, but I am so so sorry. I had tried to get over your death, and for a while I had, but knowing that you could've been trapped like...that for so many years. I'm sorry for failing you, I could've saved you. I could've saved youfgtvr"
Zachary Davis was found laying face down on his keyboard. Autopsy shows that he must've died from extreme pain. The PC was connected to a TV, with an NES console plugged in. The TV itself was burnt out, will not turn back on. This case is still under investigation.
Solomon had managed to get himself into a sitting position. Good news, he's not dead, bad news is that he can barely breathe. Godzilla and Anguirus didn't notice him it seemed, they walked off in some random direction away from him...the bastards. Solomon wouldn't give up just yet though, he had some fight left in him. Looking around, he was in some sort of black desert.
Large dunes of jet black sand, kilometers in height surrounded the valley he was in. Above all of it, a massive purple eye watched over him. It took up the entire sky, from one end of his vision to the next. A bright orange iris was directly above him, and he could barely see his own reflection in it, a tiny little prick of blue, cast against the fast blackness of the eye's pupil.
It was time to make a move, no sense in sitting here, getting watched by some massive eye. Solomon grit his teeth, and pulled his leg back, trying to get some leverage to stand up. Instead of bending upwards, it flopped downwards with a sickening crunch. The pain was dulled though, as his adrenaline was beginning to flow through his veins. He planted his arms, onto the ground, and lifted himself up, his right leg still bent backwards at the knee. His left leg was relatively fine, able to keep him standing.
He tries to take a step forward, but his left leg wobbles, and send him crashing to the ground. He growls in anger, and slowly picks himself back up, goes to take another step, and falls over again. Anger begins to rise as he looks down at his broken right leg, and in an act of fury, he fires off a heat beam, severing the limb from the knee down. He grabs the severed limb, and a handful of sand. Laying a line of sand in front of the limb, he uses his heat beam again, melting the sand into glass. After a while, the glass fully cools down, and Solomon stabs the long glass stick into his severed leg, creating a walking stick.
Slowly standing up again, Solomon puts some weight on the glass stick, and it doesn't shatter.
"Good, it'll hold for now." mutters Solomon, as he shakily begins to walk.
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bonkfan2003 · 8 months
NGC null and VOID: Part 3: An empty bliss beyond this world.
Nothingness, Mothra could feel nothingness. No pain, no chill, nothing at all but her emotions. She can't even tell where she is, or what she looks like now. Last thing she remembered was the aftermath of Red eating her, her slowly digesting, luckily she died way before it finished. Her mind could still work though, her wit was as strong as ever. So she had some time to think about what could've happened. This isn't the afterlife, she saw the afterlife, as a divine moth she was witnessing her previous life before she was sucked away, and brought to wherever this is.
She must be alive again, but not restored to her normal body. She had to be a disgusting puddle of digested moth parts, soaking into god knows what she's sitting on. Her nerves don't exist, so she can't feel pain at least, but sitting in empty blackness, unable to feel anything at all isn't much better. She doesn't have a frame of time, has she been like this for days? Weeks? Months? Years? Even longer? Mothra had no idea, she can't see any shadows, her eyes are melted.
Her mind begins to wander back to memories of the past, of better times, the inky blackness she was in allowed her to relive these memories in full detail, there wasn't any physical stimuli to distract her. It was like she was living them again, her birth from her egg, her fight with Godzilla, the fight with Ghidorah, the Moon Beast battle, the chase with Red, the junkyard, and the final battle with Red...where she died. Everyone of those memories, lived again in perfect detail. Years upon years of memories, called back. It was something to do in this endless abyss, and so she did it again.
She did it again, and again, and again, and again, and again. She has lived through her life at least 10 times now...what was that, 800 years or so in total so far? Even the memories have become fuzzy from looking at them over and over again. 10 times, 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000, 1,00,000,000's of times reliving her entire life. The memories have become weaker and weaker, but taking the same amount of time to go through. How is she not dead by now, did her rebirth give her immortality? What happens when the memories become nothing but inky blackness, what happens to her then? Will she spend the rest of eternity in this isolation? Maybe the afterlife she saw was just a flash of hope as she died, and this is what truly remained after death? She can't do anything, she can't scream, she can't move, she can't breathe, she can't do anything but replay the same memories over and over again until they are gone too.
The thought terrifies her.
It's been a few hours, nothing but walking through sand, and fighting off the chill of the air. Goji could feel his legs begin to give out from underneath him, his calves ached, his chest hurt, and he could taste blood in his mouth. He isn't used to walking like this for such long distances, and his body is paying for it. Anguirus is doing better, more suited for long distance walking than Goji is. The pair is walking up one of the larger sand dunes, attempting to get any sort of vantage point for their surroundings. Neither of them have said much, with everything that had happened, what was there to say?
The sand starts to shift under Goji's feet, causing him to stumble forwards, crashing into the sand. Anguirus stops, and looks back at Goji, who is grabbing onto the sand, trying to right himself. They've almost made it to the top, if Goji tripped and fell now, it'd be another few hours of walking, if Goji didn't hurt himself on his tumble down the dune. The king of the monsters gritted his teeth, he couldn't stand up, not now. He looked up to Anguirus, then back down the dune, feeling a surge of panic seeing how high up they were. Moving back to Anguirus, and the top of the dune, he growls, and begins to crawl on his hands and knees.
Anguirus holds in a small laugh, and turns to the top of the dune, and begins his slow accent. Meter after meter, the pair slowly reach the top of the dune. It has a decent top, allowing the two to rest for a short while. Goji makes it up just after Anguirus does, and he slowly stands himself up. He looks to his new horizon, and the weight of this task begins to fall upon him. It's a vast empty desert, dunes, seemingly higher than the one they are standing on, stretch on outward for what looked like thousands of kilometers. The dunes, like mountains, stretch on forever, cast in a dark purple light from the strange eye that hangs above them.
It's massive, the eye taking up the entirety of the night sky, stretching from one end, to the next. A single orange iris staring down at the pair. The wind picks up, carrying the gaze of the kaiju to a spot off in the distance. It's barely visible from where they are, but what looks like a glint of light can be seen between two large dunes. It's the first sign of life other than Anguirus, or the eye that Goji has seen so far. He doesn't move though, he instead sits down on the top of the sand dune, looking out over the horizon instead. A feeling of loneliness begins to wash over him, his sense of scale becoming far larger than himself, and his own importance becoming very small.
A simple little lizard, sat on top of a massive sand dune, in a vast empty desert, on a far away planet, watched by a supermassive eye. A speck of dust in this vast open world, so puny compared to it all. Does he even deserve to be called "king"?
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bonkfan2003 · 10 months
NGC: null & VOID Part 1: Revival.
The wind blew coldly across the stone, specks of rock and dirt cut at Red's face like tiny razors. Acacius, who was only a few feet away from the demon, sat huddled on the ground, hugging his knees. It was cold out here, far different than the burning hellscape it was just a few minutes ago. Around the two, the desolate black desert seemed to stretch on forever, all cast in a bleak purple light from the ever watching eye suspended above them. They had no idea how they got here, or what "here" even is. It isn't Zenith, nor any planet the two know.
Acacius could feel himself begin to slip into unconsciousness. The cold seeps through his skin, and into his bones as he slowly freezes. The warmth of Melissa, the lost soul he was meant to save, now gone. In its place, a profound emptiness rests. With the remaining strength he had, he slowly crawls over to Red. Warmth emanated from the demon, and the large size of his body acted as a wall against the cold wind. It wasn't that long ago that Acacius was fighting Red, a battle to the death to save Melissa, but now they're on even ground. Lost in this strange world, both badly hurt, and very tired.
'Maybe...I can rest a while, try to regain my strength...' thought Acacius, as he closed his eyes, and slipped into a deep sleep... ____
It all hurt, bones snapped and twisted, organs popped and squished, but death wouldn't come. Solomon was face down on the ground, unable to move. He was killed by Red just a few minutes ago, squished like a bug, but the pain he felt proved to him he was very much alive. The wind was cold, but his fur kept him a bit warmer, what parts of his fur that weren't soaked in blood. It was hard to breathe, and he couldn't tell where he was, but he didn't want to turn himself over. The sounds of agonized roars surrounding him proves that he shouldn't. It sounded like Godzilla, and Anguirus, Godzilla's roars sounded muffled, like he was underwater, and Anguirus' sounded rough and raspy. Solomon didn't know how they died, but it must have been unpleasant to say the least.
Godzilla was in hell, he remembered being eaten by that demon, swallowed whole, before being digested. Partially digested anyways, his once tough scales, now a goopy, drippy mess. His eyes, already begun to melt out of his skull. He was able to still move though, just barely. The pained roars of his mate Anguirus, and the distant cries of Mothra left him torn on where he should head first. Should he help his mate, the kaiju whom he has been with for decades, or his oldest friend and ally? Mothra could wait, Anguirus needed his help. Dragging himself over to Anguirus he was able to kneel down next to the kaiju. Reaching out, he can feel his mate, cut up, bleeding profusely, but no longer roaring.
Anguirus could feel the hands of Godzilla on his side, they felt squishy and sticky. Unpleasant in any other circumstance, but for now they felt comforting. Anguirus can no longer see, but he can still hear and feel. Softly whimpering, he moves closer to Godzilla, who in turn pulls the kaiju into a soft hug. Both were in immense pain, but they had each other now. It was a step in the right direction. It was comforting for the both of them, a distraction from the pain they felt. They sat there, not moving, not doing anything. They just sat with each other, trying to keep calm. From above the two of them, the eye watched, and deemed them ready.
A light shone from the eye, casting the two kaiju in a beam of purple light. The wounds they had sustained began to heal themselves. Godzilla's scales returned to him, and slowly began to reharden. Anguirus' wounds began to seal up, and the needles stuck in his flesh were extracted. It would take no longer than a minute for them to be returned to full health. The beam of light shuts off, and the eye returns to watching over everyone. Godzilla looks down to Anguirus, who looks up to him. The king gives his mate another hug, before standing back up, and looking around him.
"...where are we?" asks Godzilla.
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bonkfan2003 · 9 months
I've read the first part of your NGC: null and Void Au (I suppose it's an Au?), and I absolutely loved it!
You wrote it splendidly, and the thing with Anguirus and Godzilla being mates surprised me in a pleasant way, even if I'm slightly more towards Godzilla and Mothra being mates, but it's still a pleasant change!
I really hope to read more in the future, because it has potential!
Glad you like it bud, I liked writing it, and the next part will come when...I get the motivation and ideas to do continue it lol.
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