#not gonna tag as anon bc i know who ya are now 🥺
caelumsnuff · 1 year
Hi, I was the anon that wrote in after Part Two of the Caelum Corruption Arc and talked about how it sucks people won’t just leave you be.
I am here, again, hating how fucking much the same people persist and admiring and how you persist in sharing your opinion and your voice in spite of it. I can’t imagine how discouraging the trash you must have in your inbox must be and how disheartening it is to have rampaging opponents in your replies when they should have just blocked you if they didn’t like you.
I just wanted to let you know, again, that I think your thoughts and art are well-spoken and eloquent and fantastic and perfectly within your godgiven right to create even if they’re not all for me. I hope you continue to do so, and I hope people stop shading you in the main tag and being mean in your inbox anonymously when you do, cause you’re kind of fuckin cool.
Even if you weren’t cool, that’d still be an abhorrent way to treat you when you mostly just mind your business.
I hope you have a good, nice, peaceful day.
-Lexi (AutisticEmpathyDaemon)
sorry if I didn’t send it through anon it would have sent through my main and that whole system irritates me so that’s why I did it this way I hope that’s okay also sorry if this is rambling and incoherent I got flustered
Hewwo, this was so so so incredibly sweet that it actually made me cry a lil bit last night. Thank you so very much for the kind message, i appreciate it so much.
It meant so much to hear you say you admire my persistent, every time i get a compliment like that or someone tells me they admire me it really makes my heart just swell with warmth. I tried very hard over the years to cultivate my assertiveness and persistent, and i absolutely refuse to lose all that work now by backing down because some (lets be honest, most 💀) people in this fandom disagree with me or don't like me or whatever. I can only hope that it emboldens others in this fandom to keep honestly speaking their minds.
To be quite honest, i haven't gotten a lot of anon hate or other such trash in my inbox. My anons are generally so amazing asdfasd, but that's one reason this latest resurgence of the Caelum drama really got to me. Random proship/profiction redacted fandom goers were getting disgusting messages in their inbox without even shipping him with people, whilst I, a Caelum shipper, sat in the corner unbothered. Not to sound savior-y or anything, but i really would have preferred if i got the messages instead of you guys. I saw what they were sending to you guys, and im deeply sorry you had to read them, much less entertain them with responses.
Thank you for calling my responses and art and whatnot "well-spoken and eloquent and fantastic," it honestly makes me wanna cry??? Long long story about why it means so much to me, but it makes me very happy to know im articulating myself efficiently.
Also you think im cool????
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I hope you have a good day as well! Thank you so much again! ❤️
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moonrisecoeur · 6 months
KISSES YOU bc ur so nice and patient and reassuring !?!?!? i literally AM so in love with you /j /j
i do genuienly get so happy to see pookie online tho like literally get too excited to see when u answer me like the freak i am 🥺
and i really get what u mean, its especially bad for me during depression episodes and i know saying this cannot stop the little rats in ur head either but! its soso hard but its just something u have to work on slowly, like communicating how u feel and not going thru w ur thoughts. like its soso hard n i know that from experience like it took me so long to actually start talking ab stuff that im afraid of or that bothers me, even if it takes a few days. im used to being hurt, but im also used to being loved too? and i cant let that go, and i love loving, and it hurts but i cannot imagine going back to when i refused to love so strongly bc its what keeps me going yk? i know what its like for ppl to fear my love n i dont want the ppl who love me to think that ever bc i love them sm. U R INCLUDED ILY
anyways on a lighter note- i am LITERALLY puppy anon!?!! i love dog leon!!! im literally writing werewolf leon hcs RIGHT NOW bc im so so so normal ab my puppyman. (im so attracted to werewolves.) hes gonna have multiple tags on his collar!!! we can share!!!!! im taking his leash too!!!!
im thinking sooo much ab excitable werewolf re2 leon its not even healthy! i literally have to keep taking breaks with what im writing bc i LITERALLY keep kicking my feet thinking abt him.
why are u joking. u shouldn’t be joking. you should be on your knees begging me to marry you obsessively in love with me. don’t joke about this this is serious.
but also!! yeah i try to be!! i usually just like to say the things that would help me to hear! obviously telling you ‘you’re not a bother’ is nice but at some point you don’t believe it when people say that!! because what if they’re lying just bc they feel bad and they wanna be nice to you but don’t really care for what you have to say? is that irrational? yes, yes it is. but i can’t blame ya!!
so instead i just acknowledge that the rats in ur head won’t believe me so i just !! i tell u that ur attention makes me feel popular instead of telling you you’re not bothering me and i tell u that i’m only being nice to u because i like u not because i feel like i have to be nice to u bc i’m nice to everyone.
fineeeee he can have multiple tags on his collar and you can hold his leash but i wanna pet behind his ears, watch him get all ditzy and happy from the tight leash and pets that he starts panting and drooling aifnsjsjdb im so so so sane
tell me about werewolf re2 leon. GIVE HIM TO ME NOW !! rahhhhhh
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arcanestage · 3 years
Gen my Twinny! 💗
I’m just here to express mi luv. 😘
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I’m just glad I met you, I have no other fanciful words to describe it. 😌💘
You’re always kind to me although you’re an amazing writer yourself and and and how we name the 4 the bc boys and call Anonymous Anony. 😭💕 I’m so glad you’re writing you precious bub.
Anyway enough of these cheesy words, I need to shut it. Hahaha!!
Tell me… who is your fave fave in black clover! 😌
HEY BESTIE 😽 this is so sweet i think i’m gonna malfunction like nozel sjndksnd
anon just seems too short and anony feels right to use like it has a nice ring to it ya feel? BUT OK IM SO GLAD WE BECAME MOOTS 🥺 yes in all caps! you’re a precious human bean + a wonderful writer ohhh the excellency in your works 🙌🏼 you deserve all the love and protection ofc #ProtectAine2k21 🗣 aaahhh if you start blabbering in the tags like me we’ll be the ultimate twins sskdjdbjs i can write a whole essay but lemme shut up now too 🤠
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^thats me launching my love your way 🥰 i love you,,,bitch i aint gonna ever stop loving you,,,BITCH (idk if you know this vine but yeah its a vine reference ksndksns)
my ultimate fave in bc is noelle yeah women supremacy ☝🏼whos yours!!!!
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