#not like other regimes aren't corruptible you all know that they are very much so
numbertumberz · 1 month
i need to do more research on communism
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everything-is-crab · 8 months
My favorite thing (/s) about Pro Israel folks and the people focusing so much on the recent Hamas attack is how great they're at spreading blatant lies.
You see them post something about what Hamas or Palestinians did to Israelis and through fact checking it's revealed it's the other way round 😂
People linking wikipedia, bbc....and other Western media links.....as their "sources"
Like wow, I didn't know you guys were this dense. Even some of the people I respected on here seem to be affected immensely by propaganda. US and other Western countries have not only supported but also funded Israel's apartheid regime and even now it's doing the same.
I was brainwashed by radfems too with their "rape is never okay". Many radfems sure do know how to manipulate you using your class consciousness as women to be blind to other oppressive systems or distort facts.
There's no proof any of the kidnapped women being raped. And yet most radfems are speaking about nothing but that. They aren't even speaking about the constant suffering and rape of Palestinian women by IDF (including many Israeli women as perpetrators).
I remember that I started reading more about this issue in 2021 when some IDF attack killed many Palestinians in a mosque. Don't remember the details well. It's been a while. And I wasn't on Tumblr then but I do remember that mainstream media did not give a shit about it. And now suddenly the anti terrorism sentiment of Pro Israel countries and even people who supposedly support Palestinians has chosen to rise again.
Very convenient timing for you.
One thing I will tell you is to remember that the conditions colonizers force on the colonized make it hard for the colonized to rely on any ideal form of resistance. Hamas is not the only group for Palestinian resistance. There are others but this is the large one today. Before there used to be better secular ones but they were all squashed cause Israel created Hamas. And there have been peaceful protests and everything. Israel killed the people who protested and the soldiers laughed when they were done. Where was this global outrage then?
Sm of relying for information on media leaning towards Israel and yet so many of you are missing this fact out. This is what colonizers always do. Read history of as many colonized countries you can. And you will find out that colonizers, while they were generally against opposition of the colonized's liberation, funded the anti-leftist, anti-communist/nationalist or religious extremists or/and the ruling class of the colonized society in their national liberation movement.
They help in squashing other more dangerous (from a colonizer's pov) national liberation movements. Nothing better than reducing your enemies to extremists. The British did that in my country too. Talked a lot about how horrible our society is but politically and economically supported the ruling class that created and perpetrated those issues. And some European women and children died in some isolated protests or riots as well during colonial era. But obviously it was nothing compared to the number of people that died on my side than the colonizers'.
So don't be surprised when people see Hamas as a necessary means or don't entirely oppose as part of Palestinian liberation. No sane person actually "supports" Hamas. But it is what is. It's Israel's own creation. Palestinians are left with no options. You're linking ngos supported or created by Israelis and other dumb shit as "an alternative". But colonization can't be won over through ngos lmao. Heck, ngos can't even actually make a lot of changes in human rights in areas that aren't war torn cause of corruption. You expect it to work for Gaza? Please
If Israel or anyone wants Hamas to stop then they should simply give up their brutal settler colonialism and not oppose any leftist org or movement formed by the Palestinians even after ending apartheid and everything. There's no other alternative except this. And if you haven't learnt your lesson yet, then don't support any "intervention" by USA or some other genocidal country.
Ik for a fact you people wouldn't support my country's decolonization if you lived back then. Cause the national liberation movement in my country was dominated by religious, anti communist and ruling class as well. And I, as a female bisexual from an oppressed caste will never ideologically support the people who led national liberation in my country. And yet ik they were necessary in the path to independence cause the British let only them have any power in the country. The two opinions can co exist.
You guys are so focused on opposing the ideology of Hamas and how they're bad for Palestinians themselves, you are forgetting Hamas is legally recognized as terrorists by many powerful Western/west-allied countries around the world and are actively funding and supporting Israel's genocide against Palestinians.
It's funny how the same people unconditionally support Ukraine in the war, including Ukraine itself. Even though US, UK, France and other countries are supporting Nazis in the Ukrainian military to fight against Russia.....
And I am not "supporting" Hamas or killing of cilivians....but I am just analyzing the history and politics behind this issue that is hugely ignored.
Radfems are reblogging that dumb addition by female-malice about an unbacked conspiracy theory about Iran,completely removing any accountability or responsibility of the states of "Israel". There's a conspiracy theory that Israel planned this attack as well. And yet I haven't see any pro Palestine leftist spread that theory presenting it as a fact rather than a speculation. Genuinely you guys are just racist and don't want to hold Israel actually accountable apart from a little side remark.
Everytime I see such false claims, misinformation, unproven conspiracy theories I check what sources the person has to provide or which sources are reporting that. And it's some damn Western news outlet every time. Every fricking time.
Ignoring what Israel PM is doing to the civilians in Gaza right now.....in favor of getting into online discourse about "so it's okay to kill/rape innocent people?" Plain evil
You do realize most of the world is revolting against that now? That powerful international forces are incentivizing this attack to commit further atrocities against civilians in Gaza? It's not a time to debate whether the attack was okay or not, it's time to speak about how the Israeli PM and rest of the world is choosing to respond to it.
I was going to write a respectfully worded post about this. But I won't. Cause I am not some extraordinary independent journalist or anything. I am not even in majoring in any social science or history subject. But it wasn't that hard for me to get around the misinformation from msm. And I am from a country that is and has been pro Israel and very great at spreading propaganda through msm.
I saw one radfem say in response to question of Palestinian women's suffering that "how are we supposed to know what's happening to them? I am not seeing any posts on my dash about it". Good to know your dumbass relies on Tumblr posts for misinformation.
I have been incredibly busy so not made any posts about this issue. But I think that's what I am going to keep reblogging and posting about for a while now. So don't hesitate to filter tags or click the unfollow button if this irritated you. Cause there's more to come.
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archtroop · 6 months
Wait, I don't understand. The Mexican government is absurdly corrupt to their citizens. The reason no one is upset is cuz they aren't using American weapon on their neighboring countries and killing civilians indiscriminately. The cartel does, and they are in bed with the government. Do u think ppl r cool with Mexican political corruption but then just hate Israel because their Jewish?
To boot, this is currently a political push by Netanyahu to strengthen his view. He needs an other to fight against to maintain his power, or do u not remember his political opponents disappearing or that his gov has openly paid Hamas???
I cannot have a say about Mexico, which I know almost nothing about. So in that case, I won't.
As for Bibi, the "hate an other and keep a power" was his strategy for as long as he was a politician.
He was strongly opposed Rabin back in the day, for example. He would always take thw opposite and point someone as the enemy and himself as a savior.
I can assure you that Netanyahu's opponents and political rivals are very much alive and kicking, though some arw silenced. But more and more come forward. He is hated to a degree that he and his flock of brain dead ministers are ran off of any place he dares to show thwir faces without a slew of security.
We know he would love this war to go on. He is our #3 priority as a nation to take care of, after bringing back the hostages and annihilating HAMAS.
Bibi is notorious for never making a decision in his life. All he ever does is perpetuate a cycle of dragging out the inevitable.
This Qatar money, he was certain could pay off Israeli peace. He spread this UN-like ideology, that if enough money goes into Gaza, people wouldn't be as improvised and desperate, and will pick themselves up and abandon terrorism. Terrorism thrives on desperation. There was A LOT of criticism over this within Israel.
He was incredibly wrong. Or, maliciously complicit.
In any case, I don't know if you are aware of the situation in Israel for the past year, but people were marching en masse, twice a week and each Sunday, against Bibi and his regime/judicial overhaul.
Statistics say, at least 5% of the overall population in Israel marched on one event or the other.
He is, in Israeli eyes, the main culprit and who led that nation to this event in blindfolds.
The slogan CrimeMinister is not for nothing.
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scentedchildnacho · 4 months
Yes the gita class helped.....the women though don't do that much obeisance.....so now I know I don't have to be that hard on myself
Uhm I was around women that want to investigate serial killers like truly reform the use of tools.....and work with very chemistry chemistry energy.....so a session with the monks really fixed that ..
Men in my life have always been the professionals and it's go tell him if you have had to be among the women long enough for them to start acting gay
You do only have to do a sit and you can adjust those back issues....if yoga needs to be pragmatic and iyengar for you
They do have beautiful classes and it's flowery and they sing and use metaphor so it is like religion...
I think it's founder wanted to explain religion itself so I am going to read more modern religious texts
He had like a public educational model
I think it's just about metropolises....it's very hard under new left dehydration studies to avoid being called for los angeles
Say I have an underclassed politic like I am a woman and I'm not going to bother changing myself in anyway to be included in economics that isn't really informatively advertised....then i can have a politically incorrect opinion in l.a...im a woman so i cant drive but i can really call for a waymo and wish you better if a driver isnt alone with you in there
Or I'm a woman and do like feel for every living thing and you said job to me ever
The thing the class instructor said about........homelessness is the people around are very very communal and if I have been cold and it hurt then they have felt that and that's why they get piscean and want it to just get into the shelter so they don't have to feel an anger that leaves when they do have to survive in something
Uhm...I mean I don't like the cold but people get diseased and if homeless don't make moral decisions then there could be a lot of disorder and confusion about kinship and right relation and child birth
Ultimately it's regime is for African intelligence to explain as forced marriage...
The men are always with us in public systems as nuclear coeds and sometimes these situations are interesting partnerships but sometimes and more often it's just for those with a corrupt strength to use others for the most resources they can
In other words shelters are not with the bhakti or link with supreme consciousness it's someone using mantra to stalk the inhabitants with clinical care that's iatrogenic and just for their selfish career ambitions aids and COVID essentially it's just to research not care about people
I mean white religious suggestion like there should be monks and nuns is not obeisantly followed the way Indians will....
So coed process is to build nuclear projects so
It is white to look into Muslims and using anxiety and phobia as a psychological positive so
The secret garden if their her Indians they do whatever the white doll wants
Street systems function to force streetites to desire jail so religious theory is done correctly and they aren't still treated like juveniles that didn't pass out of school
I would call that dachau concentration camp it's excessive over experimental work with no compensation and threats ultimately to whip chain up keep in a microwave box etc
You have to truly de german Reich consciousness and want mental handicaps truly free from illegal laborists
Ultimately street systems have to all be catholicized with no more cop based battery but governance and appropriate seclusion orders recommended
I think it is cop based humiliations that are producing a lot of these strange scary characters and I'm tired of verbal lash outs and batteries
Did they maybe shove something up their butthole or anything
If you ask me for insight about me I was shown Dachau so I think the war will end before the surrounding construction built a jail where a shelter was.....and the surrounding population won't be forced into what mentals had to live through
But a lot of the horrible street conditions is wanting to build jails where shelters were
Its europeAn but ultimately it's to study on mentals the most to expect the least to give and shove more and more populations around Judaism into it but it will stop there are many signs that my enemy can't tolerate that I'm nice
My enemy is better at being something then a rude gross militant psychopath and doesn't I think want to carry out policy to civilians
Eventually cops stop that will look through toilet poop for drugs and the enemy psychopath will just find it all beneath its capability compared to homosexual mercy and recommendations to only have surgical interventions
The cops are weird....not strategists bloody battle
Or be frightened of an auchvitz....and after finding out that gender rights for mentality are irrelevant a lot of babies all born under jail labor that's me about never allowing conceptualizing so little compensation as a shelter
Mengeles and eye care scares me of the people in general....it is pleasurable for some fascists....to order light torture as everying not done in pauper has an opposite reaction but
Things not done in PP.....scare me....a little....
It isn't paupers view that development is unadvanced and deteriorated....and if materials aren't renewed than consciousness cannot be
Henry crow....pp ...is something not western though....
That's me about dread of homeless a lot of people can't be reminded of the brain washing aspects of life or their performance isn't total....
And dharma isn't free it could be about PP and Fidel Castro was really persecuted by Batista before finally really dominating activity
Obsessions with creating American starlets...instead of pp showing ray I for him and renewable energy for all
Wired...he is still influential after Andy clark and all the next gen and cyber punks
Kind of stay is Britain or stop their career....
0 notes
tori-artemis · 2 years
To anyone who may be following me, to any of my mutuals who happen to see this,
I've posted a few articles about Iran, because I've become increasingly concerned about the situation over there. There was legislature proposed last July about a permanent internet shutdown, and as feared, it really looks like the Islamic Republic of Iran has since pushed it into law, or they're about to, despite having many Iranian citizens opposed to it.
There have been many protests in Iran over the insane increases made to prices of food products such as wheat and dairy, going far back since the beginning of May up til now, and not only has the government shut down the internet entirely during those weeks, but it's also been "cracking down" - as in, beating protesters on the street, throwing tear gas at them, and even opening fire at them (gun shots were heard).
And the internet shutdowns make it nearly impossible for Iranians to post videos documenting this on social media, and expose the regime's corruption and abuse of power. Their internet is heavily monitored by the govt. - certain websites are outright banned (such as Tumblr). They're not allowed to post their own opinions, or anything pro LGBTQIA, let alone even the slightest criticism of the regime, and the punishments they face for doing so are extremely severe. Against-human-rights-level-of-severe. As of now, these people are literally being silenced.
Before I continue, I just want to state that I don't know everything that's happening over there, far from it in fact - this is just from what I've read, and I might even have gotten a few details wrong. It's why I've been posting links to various articles, because I'd rather not have people solely take my very limited knowledge on the situation. If you can, please read some of the articles I've posted, or look into Iranian current news on your own.
If anyone is wondering about why I'm writing about something happening across the world from where I live: well, for one, this is something we should all probably get into the habit of doing, if only because Iranian people deserve our attention. So many posts were made about Ukraine and the devastating war over there, and rightly so, but Iranians are no less important than Ukrainians, and what's being done to them by their own government is genuinely horrific. Awareness needs to be brought to what's happening in Iran right now, we all should be spreading this as much as we can.
But another reason why I'm writing this is because... I know there have been many Iranians who have used Tumblr. Despite the regime's control, despite the banning of this site and many others. Iranian people have been on Tumblr, have been within our fandoms. Have played a huge part in those fandoms. There's a high chance you're following an Iranian person's blog right now, or are even mutuals with some. There are Iranian people who have posted beautiful fan art and written deep, poignant fanfiction. Iranian people who have written the most insightful meta of your favorite movies, shows, and characters that you've ever read. You're probably subscribed to them on AO3. And if you're like me - you've probably befriended them.
Which brings me to the heart of why I'm writing this at 2 am in the morning - bc they're not just random people on the other side of the globe - they're our friends! They're our favorite writers, and artists, and even outside of fandom, there's a chance you may have interacted with them, joked with them, sent them asks, shared shit posts and memes with each other. There's a high chance you know an Iranian person on this site, and you may have even noticed that they haven't posted in a while.
Because they can't. Because they're literally being silenced right now.
And what's the point of being on this site, what's the point of befriending all of these amazing people if we aren't even going to... make an effort to see how they're actually doing? To spread awareness to the infuriating injustices they're facing right now? Bring a light to all of the horrible things this damned regime is doing to them? Especially when they are literally being forcefully prevented from doing so at this time. We can't just ignore them now, while they're being silenced by a totalitarian regime.
And tbh... I'm not sure if this will actually impact anything in the end. I don't know if this will actually help them, I don't know if spreading the word will even do anything. I'm almost afraid that it might not. But it's the least we can do. Instead of just remaining blissfully ignorant, or worse - apathetically shrugging it off and just going about our day. We should at least try... we owe it to them to at least try, if nothing else.
We owe it to the people of Iran.
We owe it to our friends.
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okletsgoalltheway · 2 years
Tumblr media
When Biden stated "Russia is going to invade Ukraine, its imminent". It was because he knew that Russian intelligence had discovered Ukraine was about to launch a massive attack on Donbass. Someone leaked that information to Russia, or, Russia discovered that on their own. That there was probably going to be more escalation into Russia if that attack on Donbass was successful. Some weapons where fired into Russian territory last week.
In other words, US backed Ukraine was admitting their plot had been discovered.
The more we read, the more we discover, Russia's hands where forced into taking action. And they where not going to give any warning, leak like the others have. Many believe Russia should have taken action a long time ago, all the way back to 2014 when the US orchestrated their coup there with Soros. if they had 14 thousand people in Donbass may still be alive. Russia chose diplomatic means instead, Minsk one, Minsk two. But all of those agreement where broken by Ukraine, under US management.
Now we are seeing possible Bioweapon labs in Ukraine, Zelensky who wanted nukes. and was planning a massive offensive that would have resulted in massive casualties in his own country. A huge ethnic cleansing on top of the already 14 thousand murdered by his Neo Nazi death squads. Azov, Svoboda, The Right Sector, C-14.
Zelensky is being portrayed as some angel, he is not, he appeared on TV wearing the Nazi cross on his T shirt. He wants a No-Fly Zone in his country. all we have to do is look at how well Clinton No-Fly zone worked out for Libya. Now a failed state with open slave markets. Black lives matter right? They tried to do the same to Syria. Big bag Russia got rid of their proxy terrorists there, they are all held up in Idlib now. It is very possible Russia intends to do similar in Ukraine, to dissect the massive Nazi regimes there into one area to be dealt with. This is what Putin means by "DeNAZIfication". NATO so far has no interest of exposing themselves even more in Ukraine, they have used and abused. They are the real cowards in all of this. They wont give their maniac air support, they wont engage Russia directly. Instead they will use their forms of cancel culture, economically and socially to shame Russia, cut off as much as they can. This to will fail and only cause more harm upon world citizens they just had abused over the last 2 years with their medical tyranny. Sanctions only harm. This is a ploy to attempt to get the Russian people to turn on their leader. Like Syria, this will also fail. The Russian people have resolve. This caught them off guard because Russia was smart enough to not warn what was about to happen. And we can see the Soros NGO's, the Nalvanies, their propaganda media rallying people to protest in Russia aas they do globally, this will also back fire in the long run. Russians aren't that stupid. Just as the Syrians aren't who we dont even hear about anymore.
Regardless, this is what happens when the people we elect, our fake news all turn a blind eye to Ukraine's war crimes. As they continue to arm, aid and abet one of the most corrupt US CIA infested countries run by fascist Neo Nazi's. No different than arming proxies in Syria. As Russia is clearing military bases that are their sole target, not civilians, taking out air fields in Ukraine the massive weapons dumps are left behind, all say NATO/US on them.
If you have not figured this out yet, the same people who want to pound endless jabs into you are all the same players ten you wont ever figure it out. There are thousands of Canadians rallying in the streets for Ukraine they know nothing about, couldn't find it on a map, they have Neo Nazi's waving UPA Nazi flag besides them. And these are the same people who call truckers Nazi's. Canada led by Freeland, a Neo Nazi Collaborator from a Chomiak Ukrainian Nazi family that worked as Hitlers propagandist in WW2. Get a jab, hug a Nazi, just like hug a jihadist in Syria, white washed as a moderate, a freedom fighter. Freeland also brought While Helmets Al Qaeda linked fake rescuers to Canada. Name another so called "humanitarian" entity that need to be rescued? We cant.
It is indeed an upside down clown world full of useful idiots willing to repeat what they know is failure. Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen etc. Take a look at who the common denominator is and you will discover where the REAL problem lies. Its tough I know, exceptionalism is blinding.
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