#not the white washed colonizer whuhwhuh the Native Americans saved the white people and they all lived happily ever after theeeee end
wigglebox · 2 years
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Suptober - Day 6;
To me, Dean is someone who takes holidays seriously, particularly the ones that gather family and friends together under one roof where they can enjoy each other’s company and eat some good food and be happy. Spurred on by the one line of his from Fallen Idols where he’s impersonating Abraham Lincoln, I like the concept of him parodying Lincoln every year, reading out the Thanksgiving proclamation before dinner. It’s corny, it’s cheesy, they make a hat out of construction paper and he’s had this fake beard for years now. But everyone loves it. The best part is that he substitutes God with various other characters from his favorite tv shows, books, and movies. That always gets him a laugh! 🦃
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