#nym moans about writing
wastelockwoes · 1 year
things in this story have taken a different turn, so now I’m stuck trying to figure out what convos I enjoy still make sense and which I’m gonna have to cull. on the plus side, I managed to put all that quantum mechanics research to good use by writing a super dumb conversation about sandwiches, so it’s not all bad news
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wonderlandcrows · 7 years
I’m sure our DM ( @omgkalyppso ) had many great things planned for this session but we’re a bunch of nerds that spent 3 hours in a bar flirting (not adequately ) with people that we don’t know their names at all. (No names are needed for one night stand lolol)
So, we arrived at Shadowgrange , safe & sounds, uninjured (for the most part.... *cough cough* ) We met twins guards, and honestly to most of our party humans all look the same anyways so it didn’t make much a difference. One of them didn’t like us very much.... Gneiss ( @kerrtrash ) kind of gave him a reason to. We had to pass some kind of test to see if we were not supernatural creatures and Gneiss stole the holy symbol they use for that. Also, to a certain degree we were protecting Bucket ( still can’t believe they let it in the city christ)
We passed by a cemetery and Rev & Gneiss went to look at it. We learned that the mayor had passed away recently. Also Gneiss asked about her cousin to Kragnar. Rev ( @dieonik ) slapped Kragnar ass. (Good shit). Omaeri tried to steal Kragnar’s cat, Speckles. He succeeded but the cat didn’t like him very much unfortunately. The cat went under the wagon to never be seen again. (Tbh I don’t know what happened to the cat look it’s probably okay?) Also Omaeri managed to get paid for riding with Kragnar (thank you high persuasion).
After that, Kragnar proposed that we get a drink. It’s a date ( not really but let us dream) . We entered the bar, and not a lot of people around. Not surprising seeing as it’s like 10 am. There’s 6 people in the establishment.
Rev says ‘‘ Not now!’‘ which is kinda strange so Gneiss ask him what this is about, she succeed to know more (thanks to good roll on her part but also bad luck on die’s part  lmao) . Gneiss learns that Rev has spirit, or at least a voice , that talks to him; telling him to kill creatures and that sometimes this voice speaks to him when he’s with other people (y’know no biggie).
Gneiss begins to ask around for information to the maid/waitress (I don’t remember...) about her cousin which she got his house now. Also asking what happened around. She learns that the mayor died and after his death his daughter went missing and that the mayor’s daughter was in a relationship with her cousin. While they were talking, Omaeri was asking the bar keeper some informations, which he tried to make Omaeri pay for. Omaeri said he would only if the information was worth it ( I never payed the bar keeper my bad oh well).
Then we shifted the conversation to a priest which Gneiss tried to flirt with (very badly ) ,fortunately (Or not depending where you stands) Rev was there to be her wingman. After some words were spoken, it was decided that Rev is an extremely bad wingman (0/10 would not recommend) and that priest was too young for Gneiss (baby she says!). Rev gets kicked for being a bad wingman ( doesn’t affect him much with a roll of 3 lmao )
Eah ( @roboloca ) whispers that she doesn’t trust the man in the armor and hides behind Surina (that was really cute). And a man began talking to Surina ( @arigonartworks ) about her doggo from hell. She somehow managed to convince him that it was a malformation of birth. He’s very interested to know more about Bucket but Surina is reluctant to say that’s it’s actually a demon dog (who knows why?). He ask what arcane is. He’s seriously too cute (cinnamon roll 10/10 would flirt). His name is Immeral and he’s a stranger of Shadowgrange, common is not his first language and he apologize if Surina doesn’t understand. ( The guy has a big book to write notes in!!! like he’s just so cute pls) Surina says that common is not her first language either they bond over this (?).
We discover that the priestess is a tiefling! Gneiss calls Eah over because friends!! They’re both happy to see another tiefling (heart warming). They discuss where they come from.
Rev & Gneiss are at another table with a soldier. They start talking to him. First thing Gneiss asks is his age, the man is in 60. Gneiss throws her hands in the air and screams ; BABIES . (She’s old....not that old for a dwarf tho lmao). She goes away from a table once more. Rev tries to make conversation to the old man to learn more about him. At some point Gneiss returned to the table, and after some time Rev groped the old man. (we’re not the kinkshamed squad for nothing). The old man goes away. Rev returns to talk to the priestess , Temperance, and wants to know information (roll intimidation) and screams at Eah’s new friend. She tells him what she knows, and goes away. (Another victim) Eah is a little upset by this and goes to Surina’s side.
Surina has business to do with Katarina. We don’t know what. She also pets Eah’s head ( Eah is adorable ) and to make people stop asking Surina what’s the deal with Katarina, Gneiss tells the party that Rev has a voice in his head that tells him to kill stuff sometimes. Rev hears that and wince (how could u betray him like that).
Before going out, Omaeri winks at Immeral (he’s 2 cute).
We go to an inn, tries to convince Kragnar to give us more money to pay for the rooms. Doesn’t work, Only Eah get some (1 gp, Kragnar is BROKE lmaooo) he winks and wave good bye. We get rooms. Omaeri and Nym ( @kaijucorps ) are in the same room, Surina, Gneiss, Eah, Bucket & Rev are in another room. There’s an occupied room at the end of the hallway, which Rev listened in for moans. (supposedly because of the undeads but we know.... Rev, we know.)
Also Kragnar is totally our bf (as in boyfriend) lmao
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