#o  shes also a lot more physically strong than babycorn too
hqmillioncorn · 1 year
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Lalapril 4/30: Future
Cherrypit peeked over the edge of the crib, he wanted to get a good look at the baby in there. She was bundled up in little bright pink blanket and calmly sleeping. A huge contrast to how energetic she had been a few hours ago.  
“Why is she so small?”
Babycorn chimed in from the other room. “Believe it or not Cherry, you were once that small too!”
“...No way..” 
What was this baby supposed to be again? People had told him that she was her niece. It was something like that.
“Heads up tío Cherry!!”
Patti mustered all the force she could into her arm to deliver the best ever snowball throw anyone had ever seen. “Hiyaaah!!” Patti yelled and threw her snowball straight ahead and right at Cherrypit, who, despite having a snowball heading right towards him, knew that the best option in this situation was to remain perfectly still.
Cherrypit calmly watched as the snowball curved around him and fell straight to the ground.
“Yup. You got her throwing arm.” Cherrypit said with a smirk.
Patti let out a frustrated scream. “OH COME ON!!!” She kicked at the snow on the ground and walked in an angry circle. “That’s not fair! How did it do that?!” By all known laws of everything she knew about Eorzea the fact that snowball was capable of such feats just didn’t make sense!!
“You don’t make sense either.” Cherrypit shook his head.
Patti jumped in the air and let out a growl. “Augh!! Tío Cherrypit!! Stop reading my mind again!!” He always did this and Patti found it soooo annoying! Ever since she could remember Patti knew that it was practically impossible to surprise Cherrypit with anything. 
It made planning surprise nameday parties for him such a hassle.
Cherrypit walked over to where Patti was, taking the time to adjust the carrot nose on the snowman that they had built together. “Sorry. I can’t help it.” Cherrypit posed dramatically. His hair blew behind him in the wind. “It’s my curse! I can’t…control my powers!” Cherrypit closed his eyes for dramatic effect but kept one slightly open to see Patti’s reaction.
“Yes you can! Liar! Liar pants on fire!”
“...Okay. Maybe a little.”
Patti pouted and kicked some snow in Cherrypit’s direction and stomped a few steps away.
Cherrypit watched as Patti waddled away in her oversized coat. The pom-pom on her beanie bounced with every step. He chuckled to himself as Patti flapped her arms up and down as she gossiped with the snowman about her annoying uncle. 
Unfortunately for Patti, they had forgotten to build the snowman his own pair of ears, so he probably wasn’t listening.
Cherrypit thought back to that morning when Babycorn had seen him and Patti off. She had been worried that Patti would get cold in Ishgard during their day out so she had bundled Patti up as much as she could. 
It took some convincing from Cherrypit himself to cut down on two coats.
“Bebe I was there with just one sweater and I was fine!”
“What?? Cherry that’s cheating! You couldn’t even get cold back then!”
“I could too! I just didn’t feel as much!”
Babycorn had bought his little white lie easily.
Though they were both much older now, Cherrypit was glad to know that he could still get away with stuff like that. And he knew Babycorn wouldn't have it any other way.
Cherrypit walked closer to where Patti was playing now. It looked like she was looking around in the snow for something. He hoped for a second that Patti hadn’t inherited her mother’s habit for putting things in her mouth that she shouldn’t.
By now Patti had forgotten that she was annoyed at Cherrypit, or maybe she decided to forgive him. 
She ran over to him waving a stick in her hand, “Look! Look! Look! Tío Cherry, it's a magic wand! Just like yours!” Patti waved it around and pretended to cast a variety of spells that she had seen Cherrypit cast.
“Fire!! Fire! Fire!!” Patti continued to set Cherrypit on imaginary fire.
Cherrypit sat down on the snow with a crunch. “Oooouuh…Ow! Eeek! I sure am on fire!” With a simple tap of his finger Cherrypit created a small fiery wisp and flew it up to his head. He bounced the wisp up and down as Patti laughed.
She jumped up to try and grab it and Cherrypit moved the wisp to jump around them. “I’ll get it! I’ll get it!!” Patti taunted the wisp and chased after it, clapping her hands together to try and catch it.
Eventually after it was clear that Patti was getting a little tired, Cherrypit kept the wisp still and let Patti catch it in her hands. As she unfurled her hands she discovered the wisp floating on them. Then with a big smile, she turned to Cherrypit and showed him what she had just done.
“Tío Cherry! I caught it!”
“Woah! Way to go Patti!” Cherrypit clapped his hands for her.
Unfortunately he had gotten so excited he forgot that his hands were the thing that controlled the wisp in the first place. So both he and Patti were shocked when the wisp suddenly zipped to the left and then right back, ultimately crashing right into a mound of snow, sizzling the wisp out.
“Jeepers!” Patti echoed.
After a full afternoon of running around and building a few more snowmen, Cherrypit noticed that the sun was finally setting. Which meant that, even though they were having fun, they needed to get home soon.
He called over to a much more sleepy Patti and watched as she slowly waddled her way towards him.
Cherrypit smiled to himself and walked to pick Patti up. “Alright! Up we go!” But in his own special way.
With a wave of his hands he gently lifted Patti into the air and levitated her towards him. Patti giggled and waved her arms up and down the whole trip there. “Up…! Up we gooo!” she giggled. This was one of her favorite tricks that Cherrypit could do.
“Do you want to ride on my back Patti?”
Patti yawned and rubbed her eyes. “Can’t you turn into a big puppy again?” She raised her arms above her head as much as she could to emphasize just how big Cherrypit could grow in his monstrous form.
“Not this time Patti, sorry.” Cherrypit would often transform and play however Patti wanted to back in the twelveswood. He didn’t mind doing it but he knew that doing that sort of thing in the middle of Ishgard would probably come with some problems. “I promise when we get home I’ll play with you more, okay?” Cherrypit levitated Patti onto his back and grabbed onto her.
Patti had almost fallen fast asleep when a sudden cold breeze blew through the firmament and right past both of them.
In an instant, Patti was back to being wide awake.
“Woah! It’s cold!” She exclaimed, her feet wiggled in excitement.
“Yeah? It is huh?” Cherrypit hoped that it wouldn’t get any colder than this and that the breeze that had hit them was just a one-time occurrence. “Don’t worry we’ll be back before you know it-”
“Don’t worry Tío Cherry! I got this!” Patti boldly exclaimed. She removed her beanie from her head and plopped it down onto Cherrypit’s. Of course it was a little too small for his head so it took her a while to move it into a position that she deemed to be good enough.
The beanie drooped a little to the side but thanks to Cherrypit’s natural spiky-ish hair it did manage to stay in place.
“Patti?” Cherrypit lifted the hat from his head and floated back on Patti’s head. “Are you sure you want to give me your hat? It might get a little colder.”
“I’m sure!” Patti took off her beanie and placed it in the exact place it had been before. “So you don’t get cold Tío Cherry! Cause you're super duper old!!”
“Oh. Well. Thanks.” He wasn’t that much older…
Patti gave another yawn, and it was clear that her sleepiness had come back with a vengeance. It didn’t take long for her to rest her head on Cherrypit’s and drift off to sleep. “Goodnight…Tío Cherry…” Patti held onto Cherrypit as tight as she could.
Cherrypit smiled, adjusting Patti on his back. “Night Patti. ” He walked along as carefully as he could. Surely whatever karmic force out there that controlled the weather would repay back years of good deeds with some warm weather in Ishgard for once.
But just in case, Cherrypit quickened his pace.
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Cherrypit knew from experience that Babycorn and Butter were the worrying types. It was better to get their daughter home as quickly as he could.
He also knew he’d never hear the end of it if he managed to get himself sick doing so.
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