#she also really wants to be a cool hero like her mom one day and starts to learn to be a lancer
hqmillioncorn · 1 year
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Lalapril 4/30: Future
Cherrypit peeked over the edge of the crib, he wanted to get a good look at the baby in there. She was bundled up in little bright pink blanket and calmly sleeping. A huge contrast to how energetic she had been a few hours ago.  
“Why is she so small?”
Babycorn chimed in from the other room. “Believe it or not Cherry, you were once that small too!”
“...No way..” 
What was this baby supposed to be again? People had told him that she was her niece. It was something like that.
“Heads up tío Cherry!!”
Patti mustered all the force she could into her arm to deliver the best ever snowball throw anyone had ever seen. “Hiyaaah!!” Patti yelled and threw her snowball straight ahead and right at Cherrypit, who, despite having a snowball heading right towards him, knew that the best option in this situation was to remain perfectly still.
Cherrypit calmly watched as the snowball curved around him and fell straight to the ground.
“Yup. You got her throwing arm.” Cherrypit said with a smirk.
Patti let out a frustrated scream. “OH COME ON!!!” She kicked at the snow on the ground and walked in an angry circle. “That’s not fair! How did it do that?!” By all known laws of everything she knew about Eorzea the fact that snowball was capable of such feats just didn’t make sense!!
“You don’t make sense either.” Cherrypit shook his head.
Patti jumped in the air and let out a growl. “Augh!! Tío Cherrypit!! Stop reading my mind again!!” He always did this and Patti found it soooo annoying! Ever since she could remember Patti knew that it was practically impossible to surprise Cherrypit with anything. 
It made planning surprise nameday parties for him such a hassle.
Cherrypit walked over to where Patti was, taking the time to adjust the carrot nose on the snowman that they had built together. “Sorry. I can’t help it.” Cherrypit posed dramatically. His hair blew behind him in the wind. “It’s my curse! I can’t…control my powers!” Cherrypit closed his eyes for dramatic effect but kept one slightly open to see Patti’s reaction.
“Yes you can! Liar! Liar pants on fire!”
“...Okay. Maybe a little.”
Patti pouted and kicked some snow in Cherrypit’s direction and stomped a few steps away.
Cherrypit watched as Patti waddled away in her oversized coat. The pom-pom on her beanie bounced with every step. He chuckled to himself as Patti flapped her arms up and down as she gossiped with the snowman about her annoying uncle. 
Unfortunately for Patti, they had forgotten to build the snowman his own pair of ears, so he probably wasn’t listening.
Cherrypit thought back to that morning when Babycorn had seen him and Patti off. She had been worried that Patti would get cold in Ishgard during their day out so she had bundled Patti up as much as she could. 
It took some convincing from Cherrypit himself to cut down on two coats.
“Bebe I was there with just one sweater and I was fine!”
“What?? Cherry that’s cheating! You couldn’t even get cold back then!”
“I could too! I just didn’t feel as much!”
Babycorn had bought his little white lie easily.
Though they were both much older now, Cherrypit was glad to know that he could still get away with stuff like that. And he knew Babycorn wouldn't have it any other way.
Cherrypit walked closer to where Patti was playing now. It looked like she was looking around in the snow for something. He hoped for a second that Patti hadn’t inherited her mother’s habit for putting things in her mouth that she shouldn’t.
By now Patti had forgotten that she was annoyed at Cherrypit, or maybe she decided to forgive him. 
She ran over to him waving a stick in her hand, “Look! Look! Look! Tío Cherry, it's a magic wand! Just like yours!” Patti waved it around and pretended to cast a variety of spells that she had seen Cherrypit cast.
“Fire!! Fire! Fire!!” Patti continued to set Cherrypit on imaginary fire.
Cherrypit sat down on the snow with a crunch. “Oooouuh…Ow! Eeek! I sure am on fire!” With a simple tap of his finger Cherrypit created a small fiery wisp and flew it up to his head. He bounced the wisp up and down as Patti laughed.
She jumped up to try and grab it and Cherrypit moved the wisp to jump around them. “I’ll get it! I’ll get it!!” Patti taunted the wisp and chased after it, clapping her hands together to try and catch it.
Eventually after it was clear that Patti was getting a little tired, Cherrypit kept the wisp still and let Patti catch it in her hands. As she unfurled her hands she discovered the wisp floating on them. Then with a big smile, she turned to Cherrypit and showed him what she had just done.
“Tío Cherry! I caught it!”
“Woah! Way to go Patti!” Cherrypit clapped his hands for her.
Unfortunately he had gotten so excited he forgot that his hands were the thing that controlled the wisp in the first place. So both he and Patti were shocked when the wisp suddenly zipped to the left and then right back, ultimately crashing right into a mound of snow, sizzling the wisp out.
“Jeepers!” Patti echoed.
After a full afternoon of running around and building a few more snowmen, Cherrypit noticed that the sun was finally setting. Which meant that, even though they were having fun, they needed to get home soon.
He called over to a much more sleepy Patti and watched as she slowly waddled her way towards him.
Cherrypit smiled to himself and walked to pick Patti up. “Alright! Up we go!” But in his own special way.
With a wave of his hands he gently lifted Patti into the air and levitated her towards him. Patti giggled and waved her arms up and down the whole trip there. “Up…! Up we gooo!” she giggled. This was one of her favorite tricks that Cherrypit could do.
“Do you want to ride on my back Patti?”
Patti yawned and rubbed her eyes. “Can’t you turn into a big puppy again?” She raised her arms above her head as much as she could to emphasize just how big Cherrypit could grow in his monstrous form.
“Not this time Patti, sorry.” Cherrypit would often transform and play however Patti wanted to back in the twelveswood. He didn’t mind doing it but he knew that doing that sort of thing in the middle of Ishgard would probably come with some problems. “I promise when we get home I’ll play with you more, okay?” Cherrypit levitated Patti onto his back and grabbed onto her.
Patti had almost fallen fast asleep when a sudden cold breeze blew through the firmament and right past both of them.
In an instant, Patti was back to being wide awake.
“Woah! It’s cold!” She exclaimed, her feet wiggled in excitement.
“Yeah? It is huh?” Cherrypit hoped that it wouldn’t get any colder than this and that the breeze that had hit them was just a one-time occurrence. “Don’t worry we’ll be back before you know it-”
“Don’t worry Tío Cherry! I got this!” Patti boldly exclaimed. She removed her beanie from her head and plopped it down onto Cherrypit’s. Of course it was a little too small for his head so it took her a while to move it into a position that she deemed to be good enough.
The beanie drooped a little to the side but thanks to Cherrypit’s natural spiky-ish hair it did manage to stay in place.
“Patti?” Cherrypit lifted the hat from his head and floated back on Patti’s head. “Are you sure you want to give me your hat? It might get a little colder.”
“I’m sure!” Patti took off her beanie and placed it in the exact place it had been before. “So you don’t get cold Tío Cherry! Cause you're super duper old!!”
“Oh. Well. Thanks.” He wasn’t that much older…
Patti gave another yawn, and it was clear that her sleepiness had come back with a vengeance. It didn’t take long for her to rest her head on Cherrypit’s and drift off to sleep. “Goodnight…Tío Cherry…” Patti held onto Cherrypit as tight as she could.
Cherrypit smiled, adjusting Patti on his back. “Night Patti. ” He walked along as carefully as he could. Surely whatever karmic force out there that controlled the weather would repay back years of good deeds with some warm weather in Ishgard for once.
But just in case, Cherrypit quickened his pace.
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Cherrypit knew from experience that Babycorn and Butter were the worrying types. It was better to get their daughter home as quickly as he could.
He also knew he’d never hear the end of it if he managed to get himself sick doing so.
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serxinns · 4 months
Could you do a yandere class 1A where reader is Aizawa’s kid?
Teachers Kid
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(yan! Class 1a and platonic Yan aizawa x Aizawas kid reader
Tw: Mentions of abuse, Neglect and cheating
Aizawa was very overprotective of you as a kid Ever since your mom neglecteded you, cheated on him, and left the both of you with another scumbag, he remembered the way you reached your little toddler hands towards her while the snake cling to the scum's arm while they both giggled leaving while she said her final goodbyes it wasn't any Genuine he can hear how eager she was to leave this family the door shutted and you started crying calling out to the snake to come back with ur little grabby arms his heart stung he promised to protect you and to make you don't gotta deal with it again but 1st he had to take care of that woman...
•You lived with your dad your mom wasn't present in your life your dad told you that she did something really bad and now she's getting "Punished" Aizawa homeschooled you through elementary school to middle school it was fun at 1st but you felt a little sad when other kids played with their friends brought back cool stuff like toys and candy while you were stuck in the house either training with him with or without your quirk
•at a young age you dreamed of being a hero like your father and go to UA to be just like him as much as Aizawa loved to look up to you he could never let you be a hero but always shut the topic down with a strict warning you kept pressuring him trying to convince him, bribe him anything you even did the puppy eyes he secretly loves so much but he stood his ground and said no his final answer
•Aizawa was teaching his boring lesson to the class when he heard his ringtone but it wasn't his usual ringtone "Dad pumpkin spit a hairball in your shoe" he quickly turned his phone off flushed red in embarrassment he slowly turned to see the class in shock and some of them giggling a bit "YOU HAVE A CHILD?!"
• the classrooms were in chaos they were now fixated on their teacher's kid they were all asking questions about ur description, Quirk, Personality everything they wanted to know everything about you, Aizawa quickly quieted them down "Everyone needs to quiet down! Yes that's is my kid they're the same age as you all and is are HAPPLIY homeschooled that's it now let's continue " the class tried to answer more questions but Aizawa shut it down completely which made the class groan while Aizawa looked annoyed in the outside in the inside he was panicking, his class all discovered about you and they seem eager
•Even after school they all couldn't stop thinking about you whenever someone mentioned you in their heart. started to race and started to blush they haven't even met you yet so why do they feel this way... They gather around starting to wonder what are you
•while Aizawa was driving home he was just panicking even more his class found out about you he thought he was hiding. you so well why did he have to slip up he didn't want to put you in public high school it was just too dangerous especially if villains are now spawning up more commonly and he thought of something something he didn't like but it was his only choice
•"Y/N!, Kid we need to talk" you walked downstairs to see that your father was looking really serious like this was gonna be a long talk you gulped mentally "yea Dad also did you get my voicemail?" "That's the one we're talking about," your father said his eyes narrowing at you "But another thing since villains these days are commonly targeting heroes these days and I was worried about what would happen to you when you're home alone so I decided to nezu about enrolling you to Ua High-" just when you said that you jumped in his arms hugging him so tight "YES YES THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" Aizawa may be defeated and nervous but seeing you bleamed up like you used to as a kid made him think you'll be fine "Alright then you start tomorrow im sure my class will love you"
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coupleoffanfics · 10 months
Future Child
Okay, Batsis reader. Right? On board? This is around the time when y/n has given up the nightlife and hasn't detached herself from the family.
I'm gonna go off the wall and say what if the family was visited by y/n's child from the future? I know it sounds crazy, but please listen. The family could run a DNA test or the child could walk up to Bruce in broad daylight and whisper, "Hello, flying rodent".
They won't reveal their name, so they're just called V.
During their time there Dick would be so tempted to ask about the future. Maybe not things specifically about his life because he knows they can't answer questions like that. But he'll ask just stupid questions like do cats have jetpacks or something? He'd also try to get to know his nephew. What they like, personality, etc.
Tim and Bruce would be poking at them on how they got here. Though Bruce probably had to take a moment to crack a smile for a split second. He was going to be a grandpa one day and the thought made him tear up. It's just happy news all around for him but he wouldn't dare show it.
Damian would be observing them closely and taking note of their outfit which looked to be something a hero would wear. Making him wonder what kinda of hero they were and if they were any good at fighting. Both Jason and Barbara just stood back from the situation. Babs is still in a bit of shock but is happy to hear that y/n was able to gain the domestic lifestyle she wanted.
y/n's child gives them a gist of how ended up here without giving names. Dick would notice V glancing around the cave and offer to give them a tour. They except of course. He takes note of how V doesn't seem into small talk but asks a lot of questions. The whole family picks up on how X asks a lot of questions about y/n. Their mother. It's odd and a bit worrying to Bruce, but the others just think that y/n didn't talk too much about her time as Batgirl.
Everything is relatively calm until y/n walks into the Batcave for her laptop. V's calm, almost stoic mood is dropped. Tim and Bruce see how V almost took a step forward, but reluctantly stood still. How V started rapidly blinking their eyes and struggling to look at y/n.
Dick would probably zoom up to y/n with a big smile, "Hey, Mama bird, did you get the diapers?" And y/n just gives him a confused, maybe even sacred look.
Everything is going fine. The family is working together on getting them to their time. Cool, yeah, whatever.
But what if there's just something that triggers V. It could be something that was said or asked that leads V and y/n to argue. It's not even arguing. It's just V spilling out grievances about their father and kind of insulting y/n.
"I can't believe you'd still defend him even before you met him. How rich."…"You didn't plan me, but Dad did and you were somehow okay with it? I was only there to keep you down, but what about the other two? Did you love them more because Dad didn't plan them?"…"Dad may have cared about you, but not us. You weren't a monster like him, but letting him get away with so much makes you just as guilty."…"You're both broken people. Maybe you two are meant to be."
V storms off and y/n retreats to her room. Everyone is dumbstruck by this sudden revolution.
Eventually, V does apologize to y/n. When she awkwardly accepts, they get misty-eyed because they really didn't mean to say any of that. They know how she doesn't take the apology, not entirely, and they feel like shit. They do care about their mom, despite all that they said.
When it's almost time for V to return back to the future they pull the whole family aside. Excluding y/n so she won't hear what they're going to say.
"As you guessed my Dad wasn't the best. Mom never talked about any of you and with Dad being a villain I could understand why. He's not a good person in general. Mom deserved better, so this time around try doing a better job. Don't let her slip away or be taken away. If I'm born then you know you failed."
This resonates with the family and brings up questions that won't be answered anytime soon. I could see this leading the family to become yandere or overprotective. Either one is fine because their efforts are futile.
If going down the Yandere route then I could see them becoming so overbearing that y/n runs from them. They control her life. Who she talks to, where she goes, what she does. She can't live like this and she runs away when given the chance.
If going down the protective route then it's slightly better than the Yandere one. At least in terms of their relationship. They pay extra attention to her and check up on her regularly until one day she just disappears.
In each route, They'd keep a close eye on any guy that has similar physical features (ex: hair, eyes). Since V has stated they look more like their father. When she does go missing they'll search high and low for her, but there isn't anything that would locate where she is. Her disappearance keeps them up at night for many years until a vaguely familiar person visits the manor.
They awkwardly introduce themself, "Hi, my name is..."
They failed.
If anyone wants to write about this idea then go ahead. Doesn't even have to be the Batfamily. I won't write about it unless asked. I'm just not married to the idea. It almost 2 in the morning I need sleep.
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YN Bakugo: Big Sister
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Bakugo featuring Class 1-A and various cameos x female! Yn Bakugo (she/her pronouns)
Warnings:light swearing, 99% fluff with mild angst, Bakugo being soft 🥹
AN: This is an anon request!
Ahh good ole UA high
A wonderful place for training up the future hero’s of the world
It also happens to be the home to our resident boom boom boi, Katsuki Bakugo 🥰
Ahh how we adore this little fire ball
Katsuki might be rough around the edges, but deep down inside we all know he has a soft side
And you know who knows that better than anyone?
That’s right, his lovely sister, YN Bakugo
Now, looking at you, one would never guess that you were related to Katsuki
Why you might ask? 👀
It’s definitely because you look and act just like your father, Masaru Bakugo
Your calm, cool and collected
While your brother and your mom, Mitsuki Bakugo, are more outgoing and loud
You prefer to keep a level head, especially in high pressure situations
You got along well with your parents, unlike your brother who was more arrogant and self-centered
“Katsuki you should act more like Yn! She’s an amazing hero!” Your mother would say
“The queen of the nerds? I will absolutely NOT be like YN!” Katsuki would argue back
You and your dad simply ignored them at this point
You quirk and calm ability helped you in everyday life
Which is perfect because like Katsuki, you followed down the path of becoming a hero
While you were a few years older than Katsuki, you still made a name for yourself
However Katsuki did his part to distance himself from you
“Bakugo, how is Yn doing?” Aizawa would ask after class
“No clue who you’re referring too,” he’d say, walking out
You were essentially the nerdiest of the nerds
And while Bakugō did love you, in his own Bakugo way
He also didn’t talk about you
He liked that his family life was separate than his school life
However that was all about to change 🙃
Now Katsuki knew Sibling Day was coming up but he simply chose to ignore it
He managed to intercept all of the flyers that were going to be sent to your parents home
He made sure that there was absolutely NO WAY you could find out
The last thing he wanted was for you to show up
Thank god a certain noisy someone would never tell you 😅
“Hey YN, did you hear about the sibling even at U.A. this weekend?” Hawks asked you on one of your nightly patrols
“No, I had no idea! Katsuki didn’t mention it,” you said, figuring your brother probably didn’t want you to go
“You should definitely go YN! It would be cool for all the kiddos to see your quirk and stuff. I’m going to be there because it’s open to all pros,” Hawks said as you nodded
The night came and everyone was dressed and ready to mingle
A bunch of Bakugo’s classmates siblings showed up
Some of them were hero’s, others weren’t
It was really a great opportunity to get to know everyone
“Hey Kacchan!” Midoriya said : D
“What do you want nerd!” Bakugo responded
“I figured since neither of us have siblings, we could hang out!” Midoriya : D
“Like I’d ever hang out with you Deku!” Bakugo scoffed as he turned, stopping in his tracks when he saw you
Bakugo 👉🏻😠😐😳
You 👉🏻😁👋🏻
Bakugo 👉🏻😐😠😡
You 👉🏻😌🥰
“YN what the hell are you doing here?!?” Katsuki growled as you went in to hug him 🫂
“Suki it’s so good to see you! I missed you!” You said hugging your brother as he stood there, stiff as a pole
Everyone around you started murmuring
“Hey that’s Yn! She’s a huge pro!” Mina gushed
“She’s gorgeous and super popular,” Denki added
“Is anyone wondering why she’s hugging Bakubro?” Kirishima asked
Everyone 👉🏻😐🤨
“Ahh YN! It’s good to see you again!” Aizawa came up, giving you a small hug
“Erased, great to see you! I’m so glad I get to be here!” You say 😊
“I’m surprised your here Yn, I was sure Katsuki would have tried to stop you,” Aizawa said
“Oh I’m sure he did but hawks told me!” You said
Bakugo looking at Hawks rn 👇🏻
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“Well I’m glad you could come!” He says as Bakugo stands there, glaring at you
“Did you ever think maybe there was a reason I didn’t want you to come?” Katsuki says as you stare at home
You 👉🏻 Nope : D
“Bakugobro whats up?” Kirishima says and him, Denki, Sero, Mina and Midoriya approach
Bakugo rn 👉🏻😐🤦🏼 why me
“Omg hi!! You must be Katsuki’s friends! I’m Yn Bakugo, his big sister!” You smile
“His… SISTER?!?!?” They all shout as you just smile and wave
Sero looks at you both, so confused, “umm I don’t get it. You two look and act nothing alike.”
“I know right? But it’s true, we are brother and sister,” you say, hugging Katsuki who is totally stiff as a board
You 👉🏻🥰🥰🥰
Katsuki 👉🏻😐🙄
“I gotta say, this is super weird,” Denki commented
“Try being related to her,” Bakugo adds
“Awe Katsuki, you know you love your big sister! Now come on, say it!” You sing
“Absolutely not,” he says
“Come on,” you say : D
“No,” Katsuki 😐
Suddenly, you hear an explosion happen right outside
The entire hall rocks with the aftermath of the loud boom
“Shit!” Katsuki yelled as everyone tried to get their footing
“YN let’s go!” Hawks yelled
“Katsuki, stay here and protect everyone! Leave it to your big sister to handle this!” You said, taking off before he even got to respond
“Alright nerds! Everyone stay put!” He screamed
“Uhh Kacchan, I don’t think calling everyone a ‘nerd’ is super reassuring,” Midoriya adds
“Well it got everyone to shut up didn’t it?” Katsuki shouted back
Midoriya 👉🏻 noted 📝
Meanwhile, you were outside, fighting off the criminals who caused the explosion
“YN look out!” Hawks shouted as suddenly your works went black
“Holy crow YN got hurt!” Someone shouted as Katsuki turned and ran towards the window
“What happened?” Mina asked
“She was fighting when someone threw a car at her!” Someone answered
Katsuki’s blood ran cold, he had to get to his sister
“Move nerds! Kirishima, make sure nobody leaves and protect everyone!” He shouted as he took off towards you
When he entered the steer, he saw you weren’t moving
He needed to get to you
“Bakugo no! We don’t need you to get hurt too!” Aizawa said as Katsuki watched hero’s race in to help
Someon grabbed you, quickly whisking you to an ambulance and taking you to the hospital
“Get out of my way!” Katsuki said before blasting off into the air and heading towards the hospital
Your parents were there, waiting when he arrived
“YN’s ok right?” He shouted
“Katsuki this is a hospital! Will you keep it down?” Your mother whisper yelled
“They are looking her over now Katsuki, but the hero that brought her in said she was conscious,” your dad said as Katsuku let out a breathe he didn’t know he was holding
Later, your parents went in to see you
You were pretty battered up but thankfully, you were able to protect yourself from any major damage
Katsuki stood by the doorway as your mother fawned over you
“Katsuki! I’m so sorry I ruined your night with your friends!” You cried
“Yeah whatever nerd, im just glade your ok,” he scoffed
You 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
“Katsuki got here as fast as he could Yn! Aizawa said he tried to get to you while uou were still knocked out!” Your mom said
“Mom will you be quiet!” Katsuki growled
You 👉🏻😐🥹
“Get over here and give me a hug?” You shouted as Katsuki looked at you like you had two heads
“I don’t do hugs nerd!” He said as you wiggled your fingers
“Come on, bring it in!” You said, still extending your arms
Katsuki 👉🏻😐🙄 fine!
He came over, giving you the worst most lack luster hug ever
But it didn’t matter, you knew your brother loved you ♥️
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phoenix-downer · 4 months
FFVII Rebirth Demo Impressions
I played the demo several nights ago and loved it! This post is about my thoughts/impressions as I was playing.
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(Quick note: My shipping preferences are Cloud/Tifa and Zack/Aerith, so that is going to influence my perspective and what I write about. There will also be spoilers for the OG game and Crisis Core throughout).
One of the first things I noticed as I was playing through was the graphics. The graphics look fantastic. I can tell the game being on the PS5 is making a big difference. The jump in quality from Remake to Rebirth is really noticeable.
It's so weird seeing Cloud act like Zack. Like I KNOW it's Zack and it's creeping me out a;lksdjfdfj because it's just...so not Cloud. They knocked the "this is wrong" vibes out of the park by using Zack's mannerisms and gestures with Cloud's model slapped on top, and it's giving this uncanny valley feeling to everything "Cloud" does. Cody Christian even sounds more like Zack's VA (Caleb Pierce). The attention to detail with all that is excellent. The updated graphics give them a lot to work with in terms of showing the wonkiness with Cloud's memories.
There was also a clever shot in the truck of "Cloud" asking the real Cloud if he's okay, and you see a hint of Cloud's blond hair peeking through the helmet.
I liked the dramatic/heroic version of Sephiroth's theme that played. And when Zack gets hurt by one of the monsters, I think it was Cloud who made sure he's okay, which was a sweet touch. Also, the screen is tinted with green, which is a cool way to show the effects of the Mako poisoning on Cloud.
Another thing I noticed: Cloud's eyes look SUPER green, more so than in Remake. Don't know if it's the upgrade to the PS5 or if they wanted to show the Mako poisoning progressing, but I thought it was a cool detail.
Okay it's like Cloud swapped he and Zack in his memories directly at one point soon after they arrive in Nibelheim. I swear this is 100% what Zack would've said to Cloud about Aerith, but instead it's one of the "security officers" saying it to "Cloud": "So, any friends here you wanna see? Maybe a girlfriend? Speaking of which, I bet you're dying to hear about mine. Am I right?"
Lmao Sephiroth still has groupies, this is giving Crisis Core fanclub vibes and I'm all here for it. I'm glad the game still has those silly moments and that continuity with past games. It makes the tragedy I know will unfold later on that much more poignant.
Speaking of which, it's depressing seeing all the townspeople in Nibelheim knowing they're going to die. Just walking around talking to them, Nibelheim really feels like a lived-in place that Cloud has so many personal connections to.
An NPC asked Cloud if he's seen his mother yet, another one recognized me, and another couple of people noticed me and asked if I'm looking for Tifa. They Know™️
Also, it's really interesting seeing Cloud craft the welcome home he WISHES he had gotten. He wanted to come back to Nibelheim as a hero everyone praised, but the reality was much different. So seeing that contrast is a really good insight into Cloud's psyche and what he wants (praise, recognition, approval, etc.)
Oh found some cats, I'm glad there's another area dedicated to just cats ;aldjf; (complete with photographic evidence):
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Awwwwww there was a sweet reference to Tifa leading the exercise classes for Nibelheim from Traces of Two Pasts, and she asks Cloud in the modern day if he was able to keep up with the class (she wasn't teaching this particular one, but I love that bit of continuity).
Tifa you can tell is nostalgic for Nibelheim hearing Cloud's recounting of what happened too, the voice acting and dialogue for this part is all really well-done.
The option to see Cloud's mom was really well-done. Cloud never went back to see her in reality, of course, which means his memory glitches out like crazy during this part: he "hears" his mother talking to him about a conversation that happened at an earlier time, like his brain is desperately trying to create something that never happened and is latching onto the nearest fragments it can find. I like how they translated this scene from the OG game, it gave off eerie vibes.
HE DID THE LIL SHRUG AND NOD LIKE HE DOES IN THE OG GAME if you try to enter his mom's house again after the "memory" is over. Also, it's like his mind is trying to protect itself from delving too deeply into a false memory so glitchy (and maybe he feels a deep level of guilt at not actually going to see her as well), and so you can't go back into his house, just like in the OG game.
You can have Cloud go up the water tower too, and he looks towards Tifa's window THE ANGST OF IT ALL a;lskdfj. I love those little moments of Pining™️
Tifa's like wait you went to my place?? Oh Cloud...you were such an awkward weirdo...
"Our reasons, huh? I bet most of them had to do with you." Barret shading Cloud for why he and Tifa didn't hang out more ;alkdjf again I love the humor in these moments.
Awwww Fluffy got mentioned! Nice to hear her brought up again.
"You went into my room?" I'm dead. Tifa sounds so indignant and rightfully so. It's weirdo behavior Cloud ;laskdfj
"You went through my stuff?!" Not off to a great start buddy, but I had him pick that option because I figured he ought to be honest. Tifa and Aerith both call him an asshole if you admit to doing it too, which made me laugh. And naturally my mind is wondering how this will impact the iconic date later on. Did I just piss both Aerith and Tifa off and lose affection points with both girls? Probably lol (and honestly, Cloud deserved it for that stunt).
Tifa's lil moogle plushie on her bed is adorable. I love the touches like that that make the environment feel more lived in.
Awwww I found Tifa's theme to play on the piano hehe. I love that that's the first piano piece you can find in the game. Just one of my favorite FFVII songs because it fits Tifa so perfectly and has this bittersweet sense of longing as well as this beautiful tenderness to it.
Also, I got a kick out of the piano minigame. The first time I wasn't great at it and got a C. I struggled to do both "hands" at the same time. I did it two more times after that, and it starts to sound really nice when you have a streak of a bunch of correct notes in a row. Like Cloud's going to town on the piano with extra flourishes. If you miss notes again though the metronome comes back on lol like "you still need to practice and get the rhythm down."
The second two times I got an A (I'll have to keep practicing to get a star and see what happens), and the gang praised Cloud, which I thought was cool.
Found more Sephiroth groupies and ran into Zangan in the inn. It was really sweet hearing Zangan praise Tifa so highly. Also, "Cloud" saying, "yeah right" when Zangan says "Tifa will go far" is another good clue Cloud isn't himself. Tifa was offended and Aerith was offended on her behalf. I love how Aerith keeps backing Tifa up on stuff, it's really nice to see more of their friendship.
The photographer dude is back and I love him. And he even says the same thing he said to Zack in Crisis Core about how he can't waste his film on Zack because he doesn't know who he is ;alskdfj. What's a guy got to do to get a little respect?
"You look so different" lol yes I do random villager because I'm not me, and then there are some nice creepy foreshadowing moments from her kids. The girl says, "Gonna beat those monsters?" and the boy says, "Gonna be 'em?"
The irony of the mayor saying he'd brag about Sephiroth visiting Nibelheim till the day he dies:
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I still really love Brian Lockhart's design. He's like if the 70s met cowboy fashion, and it just works somehow. And this carries over from the OG game, but his concerns about Tifa's safety are well-founded given what happened when she and Cloud were kids and sets up future reveals in the remake trilogy nicely.
Also, Tifa is so small next to Sephiroth. I love her sass in this part of the story, and this time around there's some country twang banjo version of her theme and I love it. Also Sephiroth shaded the camera guy al;sdkfj;dskf but "Cloud" talked him into it and thus the iconic photo came into being. Again those moments of humor will never not be funny. And I loved how Tifa was being such a good guide and giving info about the area as they started to ascend the mountain.
Also, when you finally get to the title screen, it cracked me up how Nomura is listed first, before Hamaguchi. Probably a seniority/respect thing, but Nomura is the creative director and Hamaguchi is the director.
Also, the version of the main theme that plays as you go up Mt. Nibel is awesome, and once again I had to get a screenshot because this area is just so beautiful:
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Tifa wanting to travel is a sweet touch, though Sephiroth is practical and points out that he travels on business trips and not for fun. Of course "Cloud" points out that you do learn stuff on these trips. It's a nice contrast between Tifa's naive optimism, Sephiroth's jaded world-weary outlook, and Zack's positivity tempered by experience.
Also, Sephiroth's hair is very swishy. I thought that needed a note as I was playing this. Props to the artists, animators, etc. who rendered it.
I chuckled at Tifa racing up the mountain and teasing "Cloud" and Sephiroth about whether or not they can keep up. Just shows a fun, playful side to her personality and also shows how eager she is to prove herself. And then she dropkicked a monster to protect "Cloud" and then teased him about it alks;jfdsf. She's so much snarkier with Zack than she is with Cloud, and it's an interesting contrast.
The real Cloud of course is in the background, protecting Tifa from danger. Even in his rewritten version of history, the real him is lurking in his subconscious protecting her because she's that important to him. She thanked him so sweetly when he did too.
I made a note about seeing the bridge that collapsed with Cloud and Tifa on it when they were kids, man all the little details like this and the foreshadowing is just A+.
Tifa has Trauma™️ from falling off a bridge before, hmmm, wonder what that's from, and she's still like hey I'm the guide I'll lead us a;ldkfj when "Cloud" offers to go first lol.
Still holds true years later but wooooow Nibelheim sucks at constructing good bridges lol. It was a wholesome moment where "Cloud"/Zack grabbed Cloud and kept him from drowning though, and Sephiroth was able to grab Tifa (which is ironic considering how he tries to kill her not much later, and it's sad because it really shows he was a good guy). Of course the other security officer probably drowned rip, poor guy.
"For your performance review" lol I like Sephiroth's sass and how he teases "Cloud" like this.
I just obliterate everything playing as Sephiroth ;alsdkfj and truly love playing as him. And him slamming his own dad will never not be funny, I mean Hojo just really sucks.
At this point I started focusing more on playing the game since there were more monsters to fight etc., but I still got some nice screenshots and had a few more thoughts.
The Mako spring just looks incredible, so I had to include a photo:
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The scenery by the ocean was gorgeous too, I can't wait to go to Costa del Sol:
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The real Cloud helping Tifa get to safety from the monster and "Cloud"/Zack and Sephiroth being bros is top-tier content. Also Sephiroth looks like a model in pretty much every shot he's in:
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Oh the dramatic irony of Tifa not knowing it's Cloud and him refusing to talk and her being sassy and telling him, "You better keep me safe" and then of course he does. The music is creepy now that we're about to enter the reactor lol, of course it is.
"Would it kill this guy to say something" he would die from embarrassment and shame, yes:
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"The company really needs to be more transparent" that's the understatement of the year "Cloud" ;lakfj;asdf
Cool use of JENOVA'S theme. I always enjoy hearing that theme and how otherworldy but also very 90s it sounds.
Zangan's comment here is gold, I love the bee in his bonnet bit:
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The Shinra basement stuff was genuinely creepy l;kasjdf like I know what happens and I was still freaked out! The atmosphere was just really well done.
"I should go. Mother is waiting." There it is, the iconic meme line a;ldal;skdjf;lsdjf it just kills me, Sephiroth is such a psycho.
Loved seeing Zangan helping people get out of the town and telling "Cloud" to get in there and help, but of course the situation is still incredibly dire by the time "Cloud" gets there.
This shot in front of the water tower was gorgeous and really haunting, especially when the water tower collapsed. Just the symbolism with that, the loss of Cloud and Tifa's special place and how not long after this, he feels like he failed her and failed to keep his promise:
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Main Scenario: Check on Mom. Oh Cloud...
And then you see the real Cloud collapsed in front of his house and calling for his mom, this is so depressing:
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This is where the more realistic graphics really serve the story well, because it makes this moment that much more of a gut punch, especially when he hears his mother begging him to live. The last few moments before her soul returns to the planet perhaps, trying to save her son from danger one last time.
And now that "Cloud" is hurt, he looks busted up even in the menu. I thought that was a cool detail to include.
It's like Cloud's memories are trying to right themselves because he winds up on the ground like where he was supposed to be. When Sephiroth murdered the man who tried to help him and then went on his creepy murder spree of several other villagers culminating with the mayor, that was all really well done too. Horrifying because there's nothing Cloud can do to stop the senseless murder of people he's known all his life, and it really shows how cold and ruthless Sephiroth has become.
This moment was good too with the memories seeming glitchy again:
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And then of course I must end this on The Iconic Scene™️ a;lsdkfja;kdslf complete with psycho smirk:
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Needless to say, I very much enjoyed this demo and am looking forward to the Juno one! And the full game, February 29 can't come fast enough.
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swannieluv · 3 months
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。゚・The Bold Mendacity - 𝟖. Request and permission
✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐆.𝐈 𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 (𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜) 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 – 𝐖𝐜: 2,3k – ✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆!!: none. – 𝐀/𝐍: It's been so long since the last chapter. New chapters are already being written! – ✦⸼࣪⸳𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨: ♡ - likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated!!
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There's a week until your birthday and how fast has time passed since you were reborn. As you sat in your room writing a letter to Freminet, you couldn't help yourself from looking at the raindrops falling down the window's glass. You two had been exchanging a lot of letters daily, talking about the most random stuff such as the weather or what you should do at the festival. In your last letter, you asked for advice from Freminet when it came to asking for stuff. You didn't want to be greedy on your request to go out.
‘Maybe you should talk to her in a nice way. I also do not like asking for stuff so I try to be nice to my mom and help her with things Clorinde is your older sister so she must take you there.’
His letters often came with a few grammar errors or punctuation ones. He was still learning how to write despite being already eight, which isn't surprising since he didn't have much education like you, who were being raised in the Temple; and Freminet… Well, Freminet told you once he had never written a letter before writing to you. Though, it never bothered you. Being able to exchange letters has been one of the best things of your reincarnation.
After making sure his letter had been replied, you put it in a box to send it tomorrow. Now your care would go to “Furina”. Just a blue ribbon would've been enough to make the mechanical puppy look cute, yet you insisted on painting blue eyes in it. "Furina" was a bit rusty, perhaps a consequence of being in Freminet's pocket when he dived in to save you. It wasn't that bad, but the movements weren't working as they should.
Tic tac, tic tac.
Your attention went to the old wall clock. Normally, Sister Dora would ask you to bring towels or some water for Clorinde. It wasn't that she neglected her own needs, but it was good to have someone to help her if she needed anything. Clorinde takes her training very seriously, even practicing during storms. And since Sister Dora isn't here, which meant you were in charge of doing it by yourself.
“Should I get her water? It's raining outside though… Do people need to hydrate when they're in the rain?”
“Oh, I should be going now.” You took a towel from the closet and an umbrella for yourself and possibly Clorinde.
You fixed your uniform for the last time before opening the door, being met with the monochromatic white hallway. The same dreadful silence adorned the lonely atmosphere, which you were already used to.
Walking through the corridors, you made sure to take a different route just so as to not go through that damned statue. It still gave goosebumps every time you saw it.
The clicking sound of footsteps was all that could be heard. Why was it always so quiet whenever you were the one walking around? You were sure people were really active because you could hear voices from inside your room the whole day.
You stopped in front of the door that led to the training grounds, where Clorinde was. It was a big wooden door with two door latches, one near the ground and other a bit too high for you to reach. As a solution, you took the umbrella you brought and tried to unlock the latch with its pointed part.
And that was when the access to the outside was freed, coming with a cold breeze making you shiver. It was raining slightly more than you initially thought; and in the middle of the grounds you saw her.
The sight of Clorinde standing there with a sword — a metallic one this time, much different from the little wooden sword she carried when you first met her — made you pause on your tracks. She looked so cool like that, just like the heroes on book pages.
“I wanted to be cool like that,” you whispered absentmindedly, just repeating something you had the sensation of having or not said once.
“You know I can see you, right?” Clorinde forced her voice a bit louder so you would hear it.
For a second you had forgotten your original purpose. You left the towels on a dry place, opened your umbrella and went to where she was standing, getting your boots dirty with the muddy water.
“I brought two towels for you. Sister Dora says you shouldn't train in the rain or you'll get sick!” You tried to scold her, with a pout on your lips.
“I won't get sick and you know that.” She took your hands and placed the umbrella in a way it would cover you more as the wind carried the raindrops. “You should go back inside. We wouldn't want you sick on your birthday, would we?”
She walked away, without talking or doing much. Clorinde took one of the towels and went back inside, leaving you there in the rain.
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Nighttime finally set in. Your boredom these last few days has been killing you. There wasn't anything to do after completing your daily chores and Freminet only visits once a week.
Clorinde was at the desk, writing something with the help of light that came from the candles. Things between you and Clorinde had been a bit… difficult recently. She has been off training more often and you barely see her during the day. The only time you both stay together is during the night as you both share the same room.
Her gaze was focused while writing, with softer eyes and lips curved slightly upwards. Clorinde seemed more relaxed than usual, even more than when she's with you. And it only added to your initial curiosity, so you decided to take a peek at what she wrote.
From your bed, it was possible to take a peek at what she was writing. Not much, but you could understand a few words. But a particular name in the beginning of the letter made you even more curious.
“Hm… Who’s ‘Navia’?” you questioned her by pointing to the name of the addressee.
Clorinde's eyes widened as she rushed to put an arm on top of the letter before you could glimpse the actual contents. “[Name], you can't just come unnoticed and read someone's stuff. It's uneducated.”
Her scolding made your small grin drop. It had been some time ever since you two last smiled with each other.
“I want you to spend time with you. Being alone is sooo boring!” you put your hands together as if begging for Clorinde to stop what she was doing for a second.
“Can't you just stay with Sister Dora or—”
“She’s traveling, again. You know that.” You took “Furina” from the desk and fidgeted with it as boredom kept devouring your happiness. The only audible sound in the room was that of mechanical parts clicking.
The two of you weren't spending much time together lately, and it has been bothersome because Clorinde wouldn't engage in any conversation or activity with you. Drawing with her? Too childish, she stopped doing it when you were around four; playing with toys? You barely had any, and she was fifteen so the chance of her accepting was too low.
You had definitely gotten attached to her, and the thought of not being able to stay close to her was surely torturing.
“She must have gone to Mondstadt, maybe she'll bring you trinkets.” Clorinde answered as her gaze went to you, or maybe to “Furina” in your hands. “Again… Where exactly did you get it from?”
“My friend Freminet. He's my friend, a good friend… a friend who spends time with me if you want to know…”
Clorinde sighed and crossed her arms. There was no way she would be able to deny being neglectful to your needs nowadays, yet she couldn't do much with how busy her agenda became. She had three years before turning eighteen, her childhood ended years ago and now Clorinde had to work hard on her future.
“Are you mad because I'm not spending time with you?”
“I'm not mad but it feels… lonely.”
It felt selfish, and maybe it really was. You couldn't trap Clorinde by your side forever, she was turning into an adult soon and you'll still be a child while it happens. For some reason, as you thought about it, your throat started aching as if there was something inside it. But you tried to brush it away.
“I don't… I don't want to leave you alone, and you know that.” Clorinde cut the silence by stating that. She seemed genuine in her words.
“But you're going to, anyway.”
Clorinde placed her pen down and turned around, so as to not face your eyes. It hurt remembering the old days of playing with her as she was still a child, when she used to carry you around like a bag and how Sister Dora had to teach her the way to hold a toddler properly.
‘If only I could tell her the truth… would things be any different?’ You couldn't reveal the fact you've actually reincarnated and that you're a teenager on the inside, just like her. Clorinde's exactly the same age you were before being executed, and soon she'll be even older than that. ‘I’ve seen this kid growing to be honest—’
You coughed before looking at her again. She seemed to have something on her mind, thoughtfully in silence.
“So let's do like this… what do you think about spending your birthday with me this year.” She put a hand over your head and gave you a pat.
“Spending time with me…” You thought about it for a second before it just clicked in your mind: ‘This is the perfect timing.’
And so, you gathered all the courage inside to finally tell her what you've been intending to say for the past few days. And with sad puppy eyes and clasped hands, you begged her. It was a trick you learned because whenever you did it, Clorinde and Sister Dora let you eat chocolate, and it worked with anything else.
It was the perfect time to use your privilege of being a child. You never asked her for anything much now that you think about it, so it might work.
“Then please take me to the Fontinalia Festival on my birthday! Please, please!”
“As in a birthday gift?” Clorinde crossed her arms and thought for a few seconds before nodding her head. “I… I would have to try to get permission and…”
‘I would have to speak with the administration… but I'm still underage so they probably won't let me take [Name] out.’ Clorinde’s thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a hug attack.
[Name] excitedly jumped on her, giving Clorinde a tight hug. It wasn't enough to make her fall from the chair, but strong enough to surprise Clorinde.
“Please talk to them! Please, please, please!”
[Name]’s eyes had a glow to them, a glow of excitement. It was now obvious to Clorinde how much they wanted to get out of the Temple for a day. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to try? It wouldn't hurt to, she already has ‘no’ as an answer so why not try for a yes?
“I'll try.”
“Yay! Big sister Clorinde is the best!” You laughed sweetly while hugging her even tighter. You were going out! You were finally going outside to the world!
A few seconds later, you coughed once more. But this time... It was water, again. And so your doubts started arising.
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The Temple hall's peacefulness was clearly one of its many charms. Clorinde often found herself strolling around them aimlessly, going wherever her feet could reach. She finds herself stopping in front of the Hydro Archon's statue a few times, admiring the details put in such work of art.
Today was supposed to be one of these days. However, she was called by the Temple's administrator and planned to ask to take [Name] to the center of the city.
Her heels’ clacking sound stopped as soon as she paused in front of a large dark wood door. Clorinde has come to this place many times before and still got a bit nervous every single one of them.
With a hint of hesitation, Clorinde knocked twice on the door. The noise echoed along the corridor in a ghostly way, making her take a little glance behind her while waiting for permission to enter the room.
“Come inside,” an old voice commanded. It was a bit raspy, but seemingly amicable.
Clorinde grabbed the doorknobs before pushing it, revealing the fancy yet old-fashioned office. In the center, the mosaic window created a gleaming light bright enough to blind her, and so she shifted her eyes to the one seated in the middle desk: the Temple's administrator himself.
He was a middle aged man whose blonde hair was starting to get gray. He sat behind his desk, surrounded by documents and thick books. “Good afternoon, Clorinde.”
It's not like Clorinde and him were on bad terms. It's quite the opposite, he was kind and respectful of every single person who worked inside the building; and that was a problem since Clorinde is not affiliated with the Temple, any of the two remaining ones.
Next to the bookshelves, stood a tall figure Clorinde couldn't recognize. A man who was using a cane to support himself while analyzing the thousands of titles on those shelves.
“We have an important visitor with us today,” the old man laughed before extending a hand in the others direction. “It would be an honor to introduce you to our Iudex, Monsieur Neuvillette.”
Clorinde's eyes widened slightly, she was caught by surprise. The Chief Justice was in front of her, after all.
As the Iudex’s eyes met Clorinde's, she couldn't help but feel extremely nervous. This wasn't a normal meeting, there was surely something behind it. The Iudex was known as an extremely busy man, so what was the motive behind his visit?
For now, however, only the walls would hear what was discussed in that office.
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Izuku Midoriya X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
A/N: It's sort of like one big flashback
You always admired Izuku. The two of you bonded over being quirkless and the two of you would try to protect each other from bullies such as other students, teachers, and other adults. You didn't understand why everyone was always so mean. The two of you were best friends even though Izuku was always trying to be Katsuki's friend. You didn't like Katsuki because he told you and Izuku to die by jumping off the roof. What if the two of you did? You almost did but, Izuku stopped you and took you home to his mom Inko. You really loved Inko, she was a gentle soul and Izuku made you promise not to tell her anything that Katsuki did. You didn't tell your mother either not wanting to worry her any more than she already has been. She worried because you were not only quirkless but, you were autistic so you were in different programs with other children like you. You had met Izuku before when you were little and played together from the ages of 4 to 7 until you moved schools due to the programs your mom put you in. However, in middle school, since your program was at Aldera high school and you had two classes with everyone else you met Izuku again. He had remembered you and that was how the two of you bonded. Then that's when it came to applying to high schools and for some God-forsaken reason, Izuku convinced you to apply to the general studies. 
"Come on Y/N! It would be perfect for you. Look I'm applying for general studies too. I know the two of us can get in and we can be together!" You still had, had doubts but his smile and laughter were contagious so you did it. The two of you submitted it and to your utter shock of you, you both got in! Katsuki wasn't happy about that and had blown up cussing us out while the other students laughed and the teachers did nothing. It was embarrassing but, you were happy that you were going to be with Izuku. About two months later you noticed changes in Izuku so you decided to follow him on a day he was in a hurry. He didn't know and that's when you saw him at the beach with All Might. Of course, you went up to both of them scaring them both. It took a while but, they both explained to you everything about All for One and how Izuku was training so he can be able to withstand All Might's passed-down power. It was so cool. You promised to never tell anyone not even your mother and you told her everything.
"You have my word Izuku, I wish you would have told me but I understand that, that this is important and could cause a lot of problems if it gets out to the wrong people." All Might had agreed to let you come so that was also how you and Izuku got closer together. That's how you noticed that whenever you were around Izuku you got weird feelings in your tummy. It didn't hurt, it just made you happy. and nervous at the same time. You understood what was happening but, you googled it just to be sure even though you already knew the answer. You had a crush on Izuku but, that made you pause. Would he even want to be with you? Would he become like Katsuki and begin to bully you once he got the quirk? That was a crazy thought that you got rid of quickly because he knew how it was to be quirkless, considered the bottom of the totem pole. You stood quiet though about this crush of yours choosing to watch him, talk with him, and get him cute little gifts. You asked your mom for advice and she was excited to help you out. You had done everything right up until the day of the placement exam. It was 5 AM and Izuku had eaten All Might's hair which was unexpected. You had waited for All Might to leave to try to make a move.
 "Um, I'm not good at feelings and I'm sorry if I am doing too much or making you uncomfortable but, um, you are going to do great today." You paused to take a breath and gather your thoughts "I know you are going to get into the hero course. You deserve it and um." You decided it was too many words and so you closed your eyes and leaned in to kiss his cheek. You kept your eyes closed through the silence. You weren't sure what you were supposed to do now. Is he going to hit you? Is he going to stop being your friend? Did you mess up?
"Open your eyes Y/N." His voice was gentle so you opened your eyes slowly only to open them wide at the big smile he had on his face. This means you didn't mess up then. You were right. "Can I kiss your cheek?" You stood there stunned but, nodded your head with a smile. You stood still as he leaned in and planted a soft kiss on your cheek. "Thank you." You were confused as to why he was thanking you.
"Why are you thanking me?" You should thank him for not getting upset and liking what you did.
"For choosing me. For allowing me to be close to you." Of course, you guys were close but, you wanted to be his boyfriend. You should ask him if he's okay with that. 
"Is it okay if we can be boyfriends? I don't want to share." He smiled at that pulling you in for a hug. It was awkward at first but, you wrapped your arms around him once he rubbed your back. He smelled like sweat and pine. 
"Of course, we can be boyfriends, I don't want to share you either." You smiled big at that starting to giggle. He joined in giggling with you as the two of you kept smiling and hugging. Soon you pulled away remembering that he had a placement exam to take. 
"I can wait for you outside of U.A, I'll walk around until it is time for you to come out." Izuku smiled and nodded at that. 
"I won't keep you waiting." You smiled at that and decided to kiss him another time on the cheek. You weren't sure what was going to happen in the future but, right now he was your happy place.
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astrobei · 1 year
prompt from @strangeswift: "literally anything madwheeler. them bonding, them in the future being besties, them arguing... whatever you want. just them."
It might only be her first week of high school, but Max is already so over it. 
It meaning everything. The cramped desks, the giant textbooks, the smell of the locker rooms after third period gym. The way that there had been some plausible deniability, in middle school, about the inherent repulsiveness of teenage boys– and now any minute trace of that is gone, because holy fucking shit, it’s like all of a sudden, deodorant has just totally ceased to exist.
Which isn’t great for someone like Max, by the way, who stands a glorious five-foot-three– also known as the perfect armpit height for the average pubescent boy.
Yeah. She’s so over it.
If walking the hallways hadn’t been abhorrent enough because of this and this alone– which it is, mind you, it’s plenty bad enough– there’s everything else. Everything else meaning the looks. The stares and the glances and the whispers following her as she walks from first period English to second period Geometry, trying her hardest to not get violently lost in the hallways like a total freshman. It’s embarrassing enough being a freshman, right, because you don’t know where your classes are and you have to run to the cafeteria to get a good seat and you’re not completely jaded yet, so people can one hundred percent tell that you’re new.
Max is used to being the new girl. She’s used to holding her head high and marching down the hall like she knows the school like the back of her hand, when in reality, she’d never stepped foot in it before that morning. So the being a freshman thing is a certain kind of clumsy spotlight that she doesn’t mind.
What she does mind, however, is the dead brother thing.
Stepbrother, technically. As if that makes it any better, the way that her mom won’t look at her and suddenly there’s beer in the fridge where her mom never used to keep any before. If that makes the pitying glances and whispers as she passes by any better. As if that takes away from any of it.
She knows what the girls, especially, are thinking. So few casualties at Starcourt, and Billy Hargrove– the cool new boy from California, the one with the cool car and the charm and the hair and the lifeguard job at the pool– Billy Hargrove had to be the one to die.
Max supposes she can’t really blame them either. It’s easy to get caught up in someone from afar. Easy enough to get too caught up on the ridiculous amounts of body oil and the gross open front shirts and the hair they spend hours on every day to really see the small stuff.
Like how they’re an asshole, maybe. An asshole who caked the whole house up with the stench of cigarette smoke and stale beers and sweat. An asshole who liked to push people down to lift himself up. An asshole who bullied little kids just to make himself big again, who–
The girls didn’t see any of that, of course. Max is happy for them, despite the glares and the whispers and the pity. No one deserves to see that. Let them remember Billy as a hero. The king of Hawkins High.
Don't speak ill of the dead, et cetera. It's fine. This is a secret she can shoulder on her own.
Max swings the locker door open, shoving her Geometry textbook into her bag with a soft grunt. Another reason to hate high school– or maybe love it– is that she’s going to get so scary jacked by the end of the year.
“You’re not going to tryouts today?”
The voice behind her makes her jump, even though the hallway is just as crowded and cacophonous as it always is. Mike Wheeler is looming over her, one hand clutching tight at the strap of his backpack, looking, for all intents and purposes, like he’d rather be anywhere but here.
Max frowns. “Tryouts?”
“Lucas has tryouts today,” Mike explains, slow and condescending like he’s trying to explain long division to a toddler. “Remember?”
“Of course I remember,” Max says immediately, which definitely makes her sound guilty of not remembering. But she had remembered. Of course she had remembered. It was all Lucas talked about for the last month. Basketball tryouts for the high school team. He’d said high school team like it was the big leagues that were personally recruiting him, as if he weren’t going out for JV.
“Right,” Mike says. Predictably, he doesn’t sound like he believes her. “You’re really not going?”
Max bristles. “What’s it to you?”
“Because Lucas is my friend,” Mike huffs, “and I’ve had to listen to him mope all week about you being too busy to see him at tryouts.”
“Yeah, so?” Max leans down to zip her backpack closed, the zipper catching momentarily on a stray notebook corner. She heaves it onto her shoulder and tries to pretend like it’s not as heavy as it is. Jesus H. Christ. “I can’t help being busy, Wheeler.”
“You’re not busy.”
“Yeah? How would you know?”
“Because you don’t do anything,” Mike scowls, falling into easy step beside her as she speeds down the hallway to class. The bell is going to ring any moment and– damn it.
She’s definitely lost.
Whatever, it’s fine. Geometry is, uh. It’s here somewhere. She just has to get Wheeler off her trail and then she’ll be free to be lost and confused in peace. Do not engage, she thinks. He’ll never shut up if you engage.
“You– I do things,” Max protests, despite herself. “I– I have homework.”
“Bullshit,” Mike scowls some more. He’s been scowling a lot lately, ever since summer ended. It doesn’t take an idiot to figure out why. El isn’t talking to him and the For Sale sign in front of the Byers’ just got taken down and replaced with an obnoxiously happy Sold! sign, and now Mike Wheeler’s got a dark little cloud of rain and gloom following him around like a lost little puppy. “It’s the first week of ninth grade. We have no homework.”
Max grits her teeth. “What do you want me to say? You want me to get down on my knees and grovel for forgiveness? I’m allowed to be busy, okay, Mike, I don’t owe Lucas anything, we’re not dating anymore–” 
“Yeah but you’re still his friend!” Mike exclaims, throwing his hands up and nearly smacking someone walking towards them in the face. The boy scowls. Mike ignores him.
Max looks away. Was it a right down this hallway or a left? Whatever. She goes right.
“Whatever,” she says. “Of course we’re friends.”
“Friends show up.” Mike jabs her in the shoulder with one finger, and she bats his hand away. “Friends show up. You know he’ll be so sad if you don’t–”
“Yeah?” Max spins around to face him, and jabs him in the chest with one finger, just for good measure. Mike makes an offended noise and rubs at the spot with his other hand. Not so nice, is it? “Yeah? Well if friends show up, when was the last time you went to Will’s?”
Mike blanches. “That’s– different,” he gets out. Max feels a guilty rush of satisfaction at his expression, at striking a nerve. Not so nice, is it?
“Friends show up,” she parrots gleefully. “But I know you’ve been avoiding him, so why can’t I avoid–”
“Me and Will aren’t you and Lucas,” Mike splutters, face going from a ghostly sort of white to a splotchy red all in the span of one and a half seconds. “Me and Will aren’t–”
Max waits, raising an eyebrow. “You and Will aren’t what?”
Mike ignores her. “Don’t turn this around on me,” he says. “This isn’t about me.”
“Feels an awful lot like the pot calling the kettle black, Wheeler,” Max says anyway. “What is this? Some sort of intervention? Did Lucas put you up to this?”
“No way. He doesn’t know.”
Max lets out a sigh, not bothering to hide her frustration. “Then why do you care? Why can’t you just screw off?”
“Because Lucas is my friend,” Mike presses. The scowl on his face has given way to a stubborn, almost-pleading look. “And you know how much this means to him, and–”
“Well, tough shit, okay?” Max snaps, and Mike’s mouth falls blessedly shut. “I can’t do this right now. I have to go to class and– you can stop following me now, by the way. I don’t need another stalker.”
Mike’s upper lip twitches. “We have second period Geometry together, asshole,” he says, yet somehow not unkindly. “I literally sit next to you.”
Oh. Maybe he does. Max feels a little bad for not noticing, but she hasn’t been noticing a lot of things lately. She’s spent most of the first week focused on drawing as little attention to herself as possible. Getting in and out of class as soon as she can. Running home before anyone can corner her and– God forbid– rope her into hanging out or whatever.
And see, that’s the thing, is that a different version of herself– months ago, when things were good and simple and fun and wonderfully uncomplicated– would have gone. Of course she would have gone. She can’t remember the last time she had friends like this. Definitely not back in California, definitely not right before the move. The summer had been some of the best weeks of her life. Before the– you know, before the shit had totally hit the fan and Billy died and Hop died and El was moving away and she and Lucas broke up. Again.
They’d broken up before too, and they’d always gotten back together, but it seemed like a finality this time. It wasn’t the sort of thing he could make up to her with jewelry and teddy bears and chocolate from Melvald’s with the price sticker scratched off (and Mrs. Byers’ employee discount no doubt utilized).
It was different this time because he didn’t need to make things up to her. Because it wasn’t his fault, and she wasn’t dumping his ass because he’d been immature and loud and thoughtless in typical thirteen-year-old fashion.
He’d been the opposite, actually.
She turns away from Mike before he can see her face.
Lucas had been so composed about it, so mature. He hadn’t rolled his eyes or scoffed or been frustrated when she’d said it. He’d been– quiet. Sad. Accepting. If that’s what you want, he’d said, and she’d nodded quietly before stepping off the bleachers and walking away. 
It was what she wanted, because it was easier this way, but something still made her frustrated and keyed up at the way he’d said it. Quiet and sad and without a fuss. 
More than anything, Max wants it to be April again, when things were simple. When he’d win her back and deep down she’d be secretly pleased that he hadn’t gotten tired of this inane push and pull. That he wanted her enough to spend his allowance on that teddy bear or those roses. She’d never really been mad at him. That’s just who she was– someone who pushed and pulled on the slightest of whims. Someone who dragged everyone else along with her, just because she could.
“Max?” Mike prompts. “The bell’s going to ring, and we’re in the wrong wing, so–”
The scowl has disappeared from his face a bit. He looks strangely contemplative.
Not angry. Not pitying. Just– looking.
Max takes in a deep breath and crosses her arms. “And you didn’t tell me this before?”
“You were all– all angry and stomping around and– it didn’t seem like the time!”
“Like you’ve ever cared,” she huffs, then spins on her heel and sets off in the opposite direction.
“No, Max– go left.”
“Oh. I knew that.”
She didn’t know that of course, but it’s not like she’s going to say this out loud. Mike catches up to her in three long strides, his bag bouncing obnoxiously against his back. “So?” he prompts, and Max wants to slam her head into the wall and yell. “Are you going?”
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re insanely persistent? Like annoyingly so?”
Mike grins. “I consider it one of my better qualities.”
“You remind me of poison ivy,” Max grumbles, as they turn the corner into the east wing. The bell rings sharply, the sound shrill and tinny through the hall, and she startles. “Oh shit–”
“So you’ll come, right?” Apparently Mike Wheeler doesn’t care about racking up tardies in his first week here. It’s not like Max does either, but she does like to hold the moral high ground.
She shakes her head, almost smiling despite herself. “Why do you want me to so bad?”
“It’s important to Lucas,” Mike insists, “and he’ll want you there. I don’t know how many more times I can say the same damn thing.”
“I don’t think Lucas wants to see me, Mike. I broke up with him, remember?”
At this, Mike stops abruptly, right in the middle of the hallway. Max collides roughly with his shoulder with a shocked gasp.
“Hey! What’s your deal?”
Mike grabs her shoulders, frustrated. “It’s because we– I’ll kill you if you repeat this to anyone, Max, I swear– but we miss you, okay? All of us. We miss you. It’s not that complicated, seriously.”
We miss you.
If she’s being honest, Max hadn’t been aware that there was anything to miss. She visited El, sometimes, after school when the trailer park got dark and lonely and way too quiet. It wasn’t the same as before, though. Things were heavier, sadder. Too many things unspoken, hanging in the air. 
El lived with the Byers now, and sometimes Will would be there too. There was something heavier and sadder about him too, but Max couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was. But surely there was nothing to miss in her absence. The four of them did just fine before she came along– Lucas and Dustin and Mike and–
She glances down at his hands on her shoulders, and gets a brief flash of phantom pain– hands gripping her wrists, too tight, angry. Being pushed against walls, wrestled and manhandled and shoved into the car. Road rage.
So much anger. God, there was so much anger.
She was tired of the anger, but now she doesn’t know what to do without it. Maybe that means there’s something wrong with her. Normal people don’t think like this.
She pulls away sharply. “Don’t touch me.”
Worry flashes across Mike’s face, a split second and then it’s gone. His hands fall limply to his sides. “I– sorry.”
Max feels bad. Really, she does. She wants to go. Really, she does. She wants to laugh and tease Lucas as he misses free throw after free throw, and then congratulate him when he inevitably makes the team anyway, because of course he will. He's a shoo-in, and she wants to run down to the gym after school and shake the nerves out of him and tell him that. She wants to go.
She wants–
Mostly, though, she just wants to be left the hell alone.
“I’m sorry,” she says, and Mike’s face falls, ever-so-slightly. The guilt swells up inside her and she looks down at her shoes. They’re getting even more late with every second she waits here, unmoving, and yet– “I really can’t.”
Mike doesn’t say anything for a moment. Then he sighs, and reaches for the handle of the door to the classroom, pausing for a moment before opening it. “Next time?”
It’s weirdly hopeful. Max swallows the guilt back down. “Next time,” she lies, and follows him inside.
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heyyallitssatan · 10 days
Todo fam headcanons
Enji isn’t a dick addition
He didn’t intentionally train any of his to be heroes, he just accepted them as they were
Touya really wanted to be a hero, but when they figured out his quirk didn’t work with his body they had to have a lot of long hard talks, they tried to find a lot of support gear but nothing could completely keep him from burning himself and they didn’t want him to risk his life
He came around to the idea eventually and ended up going to school to become a paramedic
Fuyumi didn’t get parentified and was allowed to explore what she wanted, she ended up loving art and went to an art school before apprenticing under a sculptor and then a tattoo artist, she eventually went back to sculpting and runs her own studio now
Natsuo followed in his big brothers footsteps and went to med school, he’s an er doctor
Shoto loved the skating trips his mom took him on and became a professional/Olympic figure skater and coach
Also, Rei was a snowboarder in this universe because I said so
It should be mentioned, Touya took up rock climbing as a hobby and got really into it
Fuyumi started doing mma as a stress release, she tried to get her siblings into it but it reminded Touya too much of training and the other two never enjoyed fighting
Natsuo feels like he gets plenty of physical activity between the er and his twice weekly workouts, so his hobby is playing video games,
Enji picked up crocheting after rei told him he needed a non stressful hobby to help him relax
Rei I turn felt she also needed a nonstressful hobby, and promptly chose rebuilding old cars because they have more money than god and can certainly afford it
Shoto never really made time for hobbies until fuyumi taught him how to sculpt, now he enjoys making weird little trinkets to give friends and family, and occasionally his competitors
I like to think the show still progresses normally, just with shinsou in 1A instead of shoto
The the reason we find out about the todoroki family is cause bakugou and midoriya both do their internship with Endeavor sanders he gushed about his wife and kids every chance he got
Midoriya thought shoto was the best thing ever and rei tried to set them up
She succeeded and got an adorable little son in law
Fuyumi showed up during bakugous internship with miruko to drop off some food for her wife and he freaked out cause he thinks miruko is so cool and turns out she has a badass wife too, best day ever
Touya meets both of them when he shows up at hawks agency to pick him up for their dinner date, they both lose their shit cause why are so many of them dating heroes
They meet natsuo during his internship/study program with recovery girl
Then they see rei on tv as a pro snowboarder
Now they’re wondering how many todorokis there are cause they just keep showing up everywhere
Then they find out that Touya and fuyumi are both in a heavy metal band, which segways into them finding out all of the todoroki play various instruments, and sports
When they ask how the hell they all know so much and have so many hobbies they just respond that they were homeschooled and rich, this left a lot of time and money to invest in random interests, so they all developed a ton of skills for absolutely no other reason than they got bored
Now Endeavor is number one after allmight retired, and they were competing for that spot beforehand but it was more of a friendly rivalry to encourage them to get better (maybe it started out legit but they both chilled quite a bit as they got older and eventually became friendly, though they kept up the image for the public and because it made them better heroes), but after all might was forced to retire endeavor publicly stated that this wasn’t the way he wanted their rivalry to end, but he would do his best to honour all might memory and carry on his legacy
He also encourages the new number two, his son in law hawks and every other hero to challenge him and make him keep working for his position
Now, this was cleared with hawks beforehand kind of as an announcement of his engagement to Touya, sadly the public misinterpreted that and thought that he was dating his daughter fuyumi, miruko shot that down quick and informed everyone that fuyumi was hers and hawks could fight her for it, all in good fun, and hawks clarified that he appreciates the offer cause fuyumi is great, but he’s very gay and quite in love with her brother
This was great, it was the closest to celebrity drama they’ve ever gotten from the todoroki family and it’s still super wholesome
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certainmaybe · 6 months
A Very Merry Christmas
It had been a pain in the ass to come up with the perfect crime, but if Villain had one talent - well, expect the crime related ones of course - it was coming up with thoughtful Christmas presents. So. They didn't steal the presents donated to the childrens hospital, or block the public transport or even set a Christmas tree on fire. What they did do was take the acne-ridden teenage girl made to play mother mary for the awful nativity play that was only held to give the mayor some appearance of religious righteousness, and place her on the roof of the nearest skyscraper. There were no actual stakes in this situation, expect the mayors public appearance, and even the girl her self seemed rather happy with the whole situation. She had gotten rid of the pillow stuffed under her dress and started texting somebody the moment she was out of cameras view. Villain had gotten her a hot chocolate, and since then they waited.
Of course there was a chance that hero wouldn't come. Because there was a chance that they were actually enjoying Christmas with their family.
It hadn't even been twenty minutes on the roof before the familiar sound of Heroes dropping out of their flight was heard.
"Really? Kidnapping the mother of god." There was no actual anger in Heroes voice, not that there ever really was. As much as a pain in the ass as they could be, Hero really was as well meaning as all the other heroes pretended to be.
"She's hardly the mother of god." The girl looked up from her phone to flip them of. "Anyway, it's not like I hurt her."
Hero looked at the girl.
"Are you okay?"
"The whole city saw me in this stupid costume because my mom just needed to make friends with the mayor. Somebody already turned me into a meme. A meme."
Hero looked at Villain questioningly. Villain just shrugged.
"That has nothing to do with me, I have hated this camera-circus since I was seven."
"Well then." Hero looked around the roof, as if trying to think of something to say. "It's time to bring her back."
"Really? But I just got here, I don't want to go back down there. It's humiliating."
Villain could see the internal battle in Heroes mind. Villain tried not to make it obvious to show what they were hoping for.
"I guess if nobody is in danger, there is no harm in... a longer negotiation time," Hero finally decided.
"Oh my god thank you. I'm going to tell all my friends that you are cool."
That actually got a smile on Heroes face.
"You had nothing better to do today?" Hero asked with attempted nonchalance.
"I'm Muslim, Hero. This is just a regular day for me."
"Yes, I forgot about that. Sorry. Well, that's good, because I didn't bring you a present."
"Having you here is all the present I could need." Villain winked.
"Very funny. So why did you do this, then, if you don't care about Christmas?"
"Because I hate the mayor, obviously."
Hero didn't comment on that, which was the closest to approval that Villain could get.
"Oh my god, me too!" the teen girl agreed. "And he like, totally cheated on the election, by the way. I'm not joking, I heard him and mom talk about it. He also doesn't wash his hands after going to the bathroom, which is just gross."
"Wait, how much do you know about what goes on with the politics around here?" For a moment Villain had forgotten about Hero.
"I don't know. Like most of it, I guess? Why do you care?"
"No particular reason. On another note, are you interested in making some money and maybe making your mom a little mad?"
"Villain don't." Hero didn't make any actual attempt to stop Villain.
"I guess. What's the deal?"
"How about I give you my number and when ever you here something interesting, you just tell me?"
"How much would you pay?"
"How much do you want?"
The teen contemplated for a moment. "Like, 50 per text. 100 if it's something really good."
"We have a deal."
"Villain, you can't be recruiting minors now. That's..." Villain nodded along as they put their number into the girls phone. Below police sirens were heard.
"And that's my sign to dip. Hero, I think if you want to hero you need to do it now."
"You know that's not why I do it."
"But isn't it a nice perk?"
Hero didn't respond, instead approaching the girl. "I'm sorry, but I think we need to get you back now. Do you want to... put your pillow back in."
The girl groaned loudly, muttering about how she hated Christmas, but did as the hero suggested. Villain waited until both of them were set to fly down, where lights and cameras were waiting, before they disappeared.
Back in their liar Villain pulled out the news video of Hero, setting down the girl in front of the giant Christmas tree, surrounded by people cheering. And they were smiling. You could call Villain a villain all right, but they did know people, and they did know exactly how to cheer hero up. They were practically glowing as the girls mother an to hug them, as the mayor shook their hand and called them the true Christmas spirit of the city. It was really a shame that the only time Villain got to see Hero this happy was over the news. But that was the point of Christmas, wasn't it? Giving with out expecting anything in return.
Villains phone vibrated. An unknown number had sent a short recording and a request for 50$. Okay, maybe they had gotten something in return, but that had been simple coincidence. All in all, Villain certainly had themselves a very merry Christmas.
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zuzuthelord · 2 months
After about 2 days of writing, I've done it. I wrote a full rant about all my thoughts on C//A. This whole thing is about 10K+ words, and it's not favorable to C//A, so if this somehow ends up in the C//A tag, my apologies for that. I really don't want discourse on this post, so if y'all like C//A, it's cool, but please don't interact with this. That being said...
I just saw a post (I can't find it but all credit to the OP for this sentence) which said something along the lines of "All the other characters carry Catra's redemption arc," which is just so true. Everyone around her just... drags her through her entire arc. She had to pushed into doing a good thing by Glimmer, she had to be saved by Adora to join the heroes... Catra did one good thing but beyond that, she really has no agency in her redemption. She doesn't go out of her way to make up for what she's done, she just goes along for the ride with Adora because she has nowhere to go. She doesn't offer more than a vague apology for her actions, and another way her arc is carried not by herself but by others is that they go out of their way to forgive her instead, rather than her putting in work. They actually don't hold her accountable and just... accept her, rather than her acknowledging her mistakes, which ends up furthering the trend of everyone else having more agency in Catra's arc than Catra herself. The lack of acknowledgement of her actions cheapens her arc and reduces her agency in it, because she can't and doesn't have to work if everyone does the work of forgiving her already. It is the actions and behavior of the people around Catra that make her seem like a good person, not anything Catra herself does. Like, Glimmer doesn't even bring up Angella. You know, her mom who's gone now because of Catra's actions?
Catra's insecurities and issues aren't dealt with so much as they just disappear or are toned down and written to be a non-issue even after we spent so much time building them up. The people around her just conveniently ignore the magnitude of her actions, and the narrative tries its damndest to downplay and excuse her actions, because the writers know they don't have the time to redeem Catra properly if they actually consider the magnitude of what she's done. So, the characters conveniently forget the more egregious things she's done, her more unsavory qualities are toned down, her personal and emotional conflicts are ignored or shown as a non-issue, or even sometimes portrayed as the right viewpoint to have so that it doesn't have to be addressed. All this ends up making it seem like Catra hasn't changed at all. She still has prejudice against the princesses, she still blames Adora for leaving her, she is still selfish and wants Adora to focus on her rather than others.
Her whole problem was that because of the abuse she suffered, she leaned on Adora to be her protector and felt betrayed when Adora left her because she always thought Adora was SW's favorite and therefore had a responsibility to protect her. Catra feels like Adora gets "everything she wants" and feels like she is always overshadowed and overlooked because of her, and that translates to a resentment of her and an expectation that Adora should stay by her side and protect her, since she's supposedly SW's favorite and Catra's friend, so of course that's her job. Which is why she feels betrayed when Adora leaves and she blames Adora for things that never were her fault to begin with. She was obsessed with taking Adora down because she thought Adora betrayed her and hurt her, which is because she was so focused on herself and what she was owed rather than understand the abuse that Adora also suffered. But come season 5 and her supposed redemption, she is still blaming Adora!
I understand the thought process that she is still in the beginning of her redemption and that she has a lot more growing to at the end of the series. I think Catra can truly be a genuinely good person and that she has the ability to change. But the series presents it as though she has already changed. She is not held accountable for everything she did. In fact, she barely acknowledges it, and she cracks jokes about it instead. If it was a one-time thing it would be fine, but there are many jokes about how Catra hates Princesses, and these are treated as comedy than acknowledged as the unwarranted prejudice that she holds. Entrapta even says it's normal for Catra to hate princesses as though it's some quirky character trait and not something she needs to work to overcome.
She also behaves passive-aggressively and blames Adora for fighting her during their previous conflicts when she was always the instigator. She is still possessive of Adora, treating her choosing to save the world over her own well-being as Adora choosing SW over her. Even at the end of the world, it's still about how Adora is hurting Catra's feelings. It's about Adora choosing something else over what Catra wants for her. Sure, maybe Catra is right that Adora is neglecting herself and what she wants for the world. The problem is that she gets angry at Adora for it and takes it as some personal offense to herself, and she makes it about Adora putting someone else before her. Her words are coming from a place of self-interest and not genuine and selfless care for someone she supposedly has loved her whole life.
Even when Adora is begging Catra to stay, she leaves, because it's never been about supporting Adora and wanting the best for her. It's about Adora doing what Catra wants for her, which ties into what Catra herself wants, which is for Adora to choose her. Catra asking Adora what she wants and then leaving when Adora expressly says "Stay, I need you," is the summation of their entire dynamic. In which Adora gives and gives to everyone, and Catra rebukes her for it, but only because she wants all the focus to be on her. This scene would be a lot more impactful if Catra wasn't the person who helped make Adora this way, if Catra wasn't the person who wanted to take away Adora's choices, if Catra wasn't the one who wanted to possess Adora and keep her to herself, if Catra wasn't the one who made Adora feel like she had to be the one to protect everyone else and that she couldn't fail.
Catra wanted to possess Adora then and she still does now. She hasn't changed and she still can't see beyond herself. She still wants Adora, her entire redemption revolves around Adora. She didn't do a good thing because she realized she was wrong, she just did it because she realized she maybe shouldn't let the person she loves die. She's always known she was doing horrible things and she still enjoyed doing them. She knew the harm she was causing, and she didn't care. One line about how it wasn't what she really wanted does not erase the sadistic, gleeful smiles and the world domination and the threat to end the world out of hatred and spite. And the fact that she changed, just for Adora, does not bode well, because it means she still doesn't care that she did bad things, and that she still would gladly be doing them if not for one solitary person on the other side. She's not a colonizer anymore, but it's not because she thinks it is wrong.
Glimmer was held more accountable than Catra for far less crimes, and Catra was treated like she had a mean argument or a falling out with the BFS rather than that she actively tried to kill them multiple times. She did do a good thing, I won't deny it, but it should take more than that to actually be forgiven, considering everything else she did which is like, way worse, and it didn't. Like I said, I understand the thought that she is in the beginning stages of redemption and has a lot more to change about herself. But if that were so, then she shouldn't be in a romantic relationship, or even any kind of relationship, with Adora, her victim, before she has truly done all the work to undo at least most of, if not all, of her toxic ideas. She shouldn't be portrayed as being healed and healthy. How can you be in a relationship with someone you abused if you're still victim blaming them? How can Adora, a heroic person who has a deep sense of right and wrong and is empathetic and selfless, be with someone who still doesn't feel guilty over everyone they hurt, who still carries irrational hatred for the people she loves and who cares only about themselves? Because that's who Catra is. She's the same old Catra.
She may have taken a first step, but that's all it is. The most annoying thing is that the show actually shows that she is still not there yet, and that she still carries many of her toxic traits. She is still cruel and selfish, and she still has her abusive tendencies. She's just not literally a colonizer anymore. These are all traits that the show has shown are bad and damaging to both Catra and the people around her. But in season 5, somehow, they are supposed to be... endearing? It's not supposed to be an issue. It's played for laughs. Her arc just jumps from one extreme to another. All the insecurity and hatred she felt for Adora just... vanishes, somehow. She is suddenly comfortable with being around her and kissing her, but in the finale of the previous season she was still blaming Adora for ruining her life. And somehow three episodes later and with no build up whatsoever, she's gotten over it, apparently? Where did her resentment and anger go? The show pushed for C//A so much that it had to erase all of Catra's conflicts, because there was no real way to deal with them and get her together with Adora, because the solution to most if not all of Catra's internal struggles is to be away from Adora, and that can't happen if they're supposed to be endgame.
It's really obvious that the story for season 5 was written around C//A and not the characters themselves. The penultimate scene in the finale is the kiss between Adora and Catra. The whole confession Catra gives just shows how the show failed to take into account the characters and their arcs. It just slapped all the romance tropes it could into the story without thinking about how it came across considering the previously established relationship between Catra and Adora. For example, we had Catra ask Adora what she wanted and when she got to choose. A classic trope, of course, the love interest being the only one to see the real person behind the hero's facade. Only, it doesn't work, because like I said, Catra is the one who spent most of the series making Adora feel like she had to protect everyone and everything even at her own expense, that everything was Adora's responsibility and that she couldn't fail. She's the one who spent the whole series resenting Adora because "Adora gets everything she wants!" And so, this line coming from Catra as though she is the only one who actually cares about Adora means nothing. Especially since we never saw Catra actually confront her insecurities about Adora. Throughout the series, we actually have Glimmer and Bow say things like "You'd be so annoying if you were perfect," and "we don't like you because you're She-Ra, we like you because of you," to Adora (I'm paraphrasing but that's mostly right), and they were sidelined so that Catra could ask Adora something she realistically has no business asking or even caring about.
Because she doesn't care about it. She still doesn't. After running away, she reveals the reason for why she is so upset. And it's "Adora chose Shadow Weaver! Adora doesn't want me! Not like I want her." On the surface, it's a common romantic trope. This would be a beautiful trope if used in an otherwise healthy and supportive relationship. Watching the normally supportive character finally be sad because they are afraid of not having their feelings returned and having a misunderstanding with the other character because of it is a great trope which I do love very much.
But in an effort to slap it onto C//A, the show neglected one very important thing. It's the fact that Catra has historically been possessive of Adora and has abused her for leaving her and not putting Catra first. So, to have Catra be like "Adora is choosing other people over me! She isn't loving me the way I want her to!" is really weird. Because she's used these same excuses to abuse Adora for four seasons. And to portray this as a romantic misunderstanding rather than the toxic and abusive mindset it is, is pretty gross. Again, if it were a one-off thing, it would be fine to implement this trope. But this is a repeated behavior for Catra, this is something she has been saying throughout the series, and it's something she has used as justification to abuse Adora. The fact that Adora chose the Rebellion over her made Catra abuse her, the fact that Adora just wanted to be friends with someone else made Catra attack her. Now treating this as some sympathetic moment is just ignoring everything that came before. Just because it's toned down to look romantic doesn't mean it's not problematic in the context of their previous relationship.
Again, in any other context it would be fine, but in the context of C//A, it just shows that Catra hasn't changed her toxic mindset, she still feels entitled to Adora's feelings, and her support is conditional on if Adora will cater to her needs and feelings. The fucking world doesn't matter if Adora doesn't want to kiss Catra. Adora is in a lot of emotional pain, she is afraid and hurting, and she needs someone who loves her more than ever. And Catra leaves, because "Adora chose SW over me!" Which could also be fine. Even the most supportive of people can be overcome by their emotions. They can feel resentful of always being placed second. But since Catra historically has an issue of being possessive of Adora and punishing her for wanting something other than what Catra herself wants, or for wanting to simply be friends with someone who isn't Catra, this trope just does not work.
Catra, who spent about 4 seasons trying to hurt Adora for leaving her even though she never did, is now actually abandoning Adora in her time of need because Adora didn't choose her. Her whole speech about asking what Adora wants is pointless because she ran away for a whole other reason, which is because Adora didn't choose Catra like Catra wanted her to. It's just Catra, yet again, being possessive of Adora and being selfish and cruel to her. It ends up showing us that Catra has not changed. Because after she spent so long punishing Adora and hurting and abusing her, she really has no right to expect Adora to feel a certain way about her, and she has no right to get mad about it. And yet, she does, because she's only thinking of herself and doesn't spare any thought to Adora's feelings and pain.
Catra is obsessed with Adora. She doesn't actually love Adora for who she is, she is still obsessed with the idea of who Adora is to her. She realizes she doesn't want to hurt Adora anymore, but only on a very surface level after she's lost everything. But she still hasn't dealt with all the insecurities and resentment she feels for Adora, and it shows. She still believes Adora abandoned her, that Adora likes being perfect and a hero, and that Adora should choose her over everyone else. She is still basing her self-worth on Adora and making unreasonable expectations of Adora because of this. Adora possibly not loving her back is enough to make her feel like she is unwanted, and this turns into her blaming Adora for choosing SW, and she externalizes it and leaves Adora kneeling in the dirt and calling for her. This is exactly what she's been doing all this time! She's tied her self-worth with Adora, and pushed Adora to validate and protect her, which put a lot of pressure and responsibility on Adora. And when Adora left, she felt so betrayed that she tried to murder her over and over, and even then, her self-worth was tied with Adora and taking her down and winning against her.
To let go of her obsession, Catra needed to find new friends and new people to care about her, and to let go of this obsession. She needed to find new value in herself as a person, and she needed to find her own identity and individuality. But in comes C//A, where this obsession that make Catra abuse Adora is a good thing actually and isn't it so romantic that Catra still doesn't have a healthy sense of self that isn't dependent on her victim, no it's not unhealthy or toxic even though that's what we've been saying all this time, it's true love! And it's like... it's not wrong at all to depend on other people and need them. But it has to be mutual, it has to be a give and take. It has to be healthy, and it shouldn't be a cause of pain to anyone. This relationship where Adora gives and gives and Catra takes and takes is the definition of codependency. And this leads Catra to abuse Adora and hurt her when she feels like her needs are not being met. Like, missing someone and thinking all the time about them isn't inherently an unhealthy thing. But it can't literally be the only thing you do. Catra is just obsessed with Adora to the point that this consumes any other ambitions or wants she might have (you know, other than SW's love, and that is also kind of tied to her obsession with Adora). And she can't open herself up to anything other than Adora and her obsession with her, and it negatively impacts her.
This scene where she runs away from Adora also kind of shows this, that it's still just about Adora and how she only cares about her and is obsessed with her. She is part of the Rebellion, a group that's pretty much the world's last hope, and she just... walks away, because she feels like Adora doesn't like her back romantically. And before this, she tried to get Adora to stop taking the failsafe even though it was the planet's last hope. She is willing to abandon the world for Adora, and not in a selfless way, because she's on board with letting the planet get destroyed if it means Adora gets to stay (for how long I wonder, since the planet is gonna be destroyed), and later she abandons Adora because Adora didn't choose her, which makes it seem like she was alright with letting the planet be destroyed so that she could keep Adora for herself, not out of genuine concern for Adora. It makes it seem like Catra just wanted Adora by her side so that she herself could be comforted and validated and loved the way she wants, because she leaves when Adora doesn't do what she wants.
Her leaving when the world is about to end just because Adora doesn't want to kiss her itself does such a disservice to her character. It could have been a moment of Catra finally doing something for selfless reasons, finally looking past her own pain and her own issues to do something for others. To show that she's grown. She once was ready to let the world end because she wanted to possess Adora and wanted to spite and hurt her, but now she is willing to do whatever it takes to save the world, even if it means losing Adora. That's what Catra's arc could have been. Her really realizing what she wanted and the mistakes she made, and working hard to fix them and make the right choices. Instead, we got that awful scene where Catra abandons Adora in her time of need and leaves her crying and alone.
It makes her asking Adora what she wants also meaningless, because when she is alone, she admits that it's really because she wanted Adora to like her romantically, and that thought that she didn't feel the way Catra wanted her to feel was enough for her to just up and leave Adora when she needed Catra by her side. It ends up showing us that Catra still ties her own self-worth to Adora, and that she still externalizes it when she feels unwanted. This is why she is so possessive. She wants to be needed by Adora, and that means that Adora can't need anyone but her. She's wanted SW's approval but was denied it constantly, so she clung onto Adora instead. Her desire to be needed and the way she relied on Adora for her self-worth is why she felt like she was abandoned by Adora, and so she abused her for it. And once more, this needed to be addressed. Catra needed to find self-worth and an identity outside Adora. She needed to be able to love herself, and not be so desperate for the approval of others. That would make her happier, and it would also mean that any apology she gives genuinely comes from actual remorse than her desire to be needed by someone.
However, that didn't happen. Instead, Catra being dependent on Adora is treated as romantic, like an "oh look how important Adora is to Catra, look how sad she is when Adora doesn't choose her!" And the problem is that that's not all it is. It's that Catra feels worthless if Adora doesn't love her back, she feels like she is unwanted and unloved if Adora doesn't feel the way about her that she wants. And she punishes Adora for it by leaving her alone. This is their dynamic. Catra depends on Adora for everything, from protection to validation to affection to her own worth as a person. And Adora, who internalized being needed and being responsible for everything, tries to please and protect others at her own expense, and this is what she does for Catra.
It's unhealthy for both of them, because it causes Catra to place heavy burdens on Adora that reinforces her martyr complex and causes Catra to feel worthless when Adora can't meet those expectations. This makes Catra take out those negative emotions on Adora because she blames Adora, because she can't blame herself. This starts the cycle of Adora giving everything she can (which reinforces her self-sacrificial tendencies and her own lack of self-worth), and once something happens that makes her unable to behave the way Catra wants, Catra descends into self-hatred and externalizes it onto Adora, and punishes her for it. This is why most of their dynamic in the flashbacks and in season 5 is Adora comforting Catra even after Catra slashed her or yelled at her, and Catra then responding with some kind of positive emotion. Adora leaving Catra made Catra feel abandoned, and she spent plenty of time trying to kill Adora for it, even though the problem was that she didn't like herself. And in the finale, Adora choosing to sacrifice herself reads to Catra as Adora choosing SW over her, i.e., not doing what would make Catra feel better, and she leaves Adora in her lowest point.
Again, Catra leaving would be fine if she had been a supportive, constant presence at Adora's side all this while. Because even the most supportive of people have their breaking point and have conflicts with their loved ones that cause them to walk away, and people make mistakes. But having this here with Catra just makes her come off as a douchebag, because she's only been with Adora for like, a few days? And she spent the time before this short team-up hurting and abusing Adora, and now she runs off once again the moment she has any kind of disagreement with Adora. Even as Adora begs her to stay and tries to reassure her, she just shoves her away and runs when Adora needs her most. This could be a standard conflict, except it makes it seem like Catra's support is very conditional on Adora catering to her needs. Out of context it's fine, but when taken into consideration with all the moments in the show, it just drives home the point that Catra hasn't really changed much at all.
She's so dependent on Adora and so unable to see outside that bubble that she doesn't even care about the world that's about to end. And you know, considering that Catra was once willing to let the world end just because of her selfish wish to not let Adora win, it paints a bad picture that she's asking Adora to not do the thing that might save the world, showing that Catra still doesn't give the slightest shit about anyone else other than Adora, which... considering her past as a colonizer who never really admitted that maybe world domination is a bad and horrible thing, is kinda icky. One more point in the "Catra hasn't truly changed as person" box.
This scene also uses the trope of the supportive character putting their foot down and calling out the love interest. Which is fine and dandy until you realize Catra has been using Adora's martyr complex as a way to emotionally abuse her all this time, and she made worse what SW instilled in Adora, that it is on her to protect others with no regard for herself. Catra spent the whole series exacerbating Adora's martyr complex, and the fact that she is the one who calls it out as though she has been endlessly supporting Adora and not actually making it worse, and that the characters who always affirmed Adora's importance and had her back are not involved in this is really gross, especially since the fact that Catra did this is never actually addressed or even brought up.
Catra asking Adora what she wants is... rich, for reasons I explained above. But another thing is the way that Catra blames Adora for this. Adora does have a martyr complex and does try to take responsibility for everything. But what else should she have realistically done? Let the world burn because her formerly (debatable) abusive girlfriend says she doesn't have to save it even though she's the only one who can? Does she have another plan? Is it that Adora chose this option that would sacrifice herself out of other options that don't involve her sacrificing herself? Because that's what Catra is yelling about when she says, "Why are you like this?" This very much is not Adora's fault. And yet Catra is taking the time to yell at her about not choosing for herself. She's placing fault on Adora for something Adora never did. It's so guilt-trippy and gross.
The show makes it out as thought this is about Adora's martyr complex, when it really is not. It doesn't present any other solution. What about this being the only way can be read as Adora wanting to always sacrifice herself? Catra is blaming Adora for things out of her control. And the problem with this is this is a tactic Catra used to abuse Adora and excuse herself of doing it. So, for her to do it again and for it to be portrayed as a good thing is... fucking disgusting? One more time for emphasis, if Catra had never done this before, it would be fine as a conflict. But making an abusive tactic of hers into her being the only one who cares about Adora is really strange considering her past. She should be dealing with things in a different way if she truly had changed.
Again, Catra made Adora this way. At the very least, she greatly exacerbated Adora's martyr complex. So for her to be telling Adora not to sacrifice herself without any push-back from Adora about how this is what Catra always told her she should do, from blaming her for not standing up for her against their mutual abuser to blaming her for the world domination and the end of the world that Catra caused, is bad writing and another example of the narrative bending over backwards to excuse Catra by not acknowledging her actions, and stripping her of responsibility and accountability for her actions so that she and Adora can kiss without seeming like it's still toxic.
And the "fight" part of this trope, the "falling out" part is also really bad, because it fails to take into account their previous dynamic, in which Adora always tried to take care of Catra's emotional needs and was hurt for it. And she's doing the same thing again. Instead of being supported in her hour of greatest need, she is once again comforting Catra and trying to reach out to Catra, while Catra herself is lashing out over some perceived slight that she makes out to be about herself when it's really not about her at all. Again, if it was just this once it would be fine, but this is a constant and repetitive dynamic in their relationship that has been shown to be toxic, so why would you put this at the end of Catra's arc, when her relationship with Adora is supposed to be repaired? I understand why she does it. Catra wants to be loved. She is also being manipulated by SW. That doesn't make it any less of a dick move, especially since this is the series finale and the end of Catra's redemption arc, where she is supposed to be a better person. She isn't supposed to still be blaming Adora. And her coming back means nothing, because even during her love confession, she is still blaming Adora!
The right way to go would be for Catra to confront Adora (even though she isn't the right person for this at all, but if it really has to be her), but continue to support her, even though she disagrees with her and even if she doesn't like what Adora does, even if what Adora does doesn't benefit her. Having her leave just makes her look like a real fucking asshole, and her coming back and saying she's going to stay loses a lot of its meaning. I don't trust that she'll support Adora unconditionally after this, because she's so erratic about it. She saves Adora from Horde Prime but continues to blame and insult her after the fact. She leaves Adora feeling hurt and sobbing on the ground, but comes back to save her and confess her love. This just paints a really unsatisfying picture. She comes back when Adora is on the brink of death but can't be arsed to stay by her side otherwise if it's inconvenient for her or if Adora isn't doing exactly as she likes.
My point is that all these romance tropes that are added to develop the C//A romance just end up making their relationship seem worse. The need to build up a romance in about half a season after having them be enemies for four whole seasons clearly made the writers stuff it with romance tropes with no consideration for how it would come across if you looked at the whole relationship portrayed throughout the show. For example, another trope used is the "character gets mind controlled and forced to fight their love interest," trope. This tries to get you in your emotions by putting the character through the agony of having to fight someone they love and being determined to save them. But again, this doesn't work with C//A because Catra isn't doing anything to Adora that she hasn't already done consciously and gleefully. And the show wants us to forget about all that and get us in our feels about Adora having to fight Catra now, ignoring the fact that Catra has attacked Adora plenty of times before this, so seeing them fight isn't anything to be horrified about. It just sort of reinforces how Catra has treated Adora all this time.
And another line from the finale is "Of course she's gone! That's what she does, isn't it?" Which could be fine, even great, out of context. But it completely ignores everything about the characters. Catra's whole thing is that she perceives Adora leaving as a personal betrayal and as her choosing others over Catra, which is a source of resentment towards Adora. Adora always leaves, she always takes everything from her, Adora gets everything she wants. And the whole point is that Catra is wrong about this! She's so obsessed with controlling Adora, with wanting her to protect Catra and take care of her and be only with her, that anything that Adora does that goes against something Catra wants must be that Adora is taking things from Catra, that she is leaving her. She never acknowledges the abuse that Adora herself suffered, because she is so caught up in her resentment of being SW's scapegoat. Because Adora didn't leave Catra. She asked her to come with her multiple times. She protected Catra with her own body when they were children. She didn't get "everything she wanted."
So Catra spends most of the series victim blaming Adora for escaping a toxic environment and resents her unfairly, because she is possessive and controlling. She spends the whole series obsessed with hurting Adora and showing her up. She spends the whole series being obsessed with Adora, whether it be getting her back or hurting her with no regard for Adora's well-being, because she felt like something was taken from her. Adora running wasn't her leaving Catra, it was her escaping a toxic and abusive environment because she realized how bad it was, not only to her but also to so many innocent people. But Catra was selfish and possessive, and she made it about herself. And this line just shows that Catra is still blaming Adora for leaving as though it was wrong of Adora to do so, as though Adora didn't try to reach out to Catra multiple times and help her too, as though Adora actually did betray Catra somehow. It's still victim blaming, and just because Catra saw it as personal betrayal doesn't mean it is. If Catra really knew Adora, if she was the person who actually knew Adora best, she would not continue to believe that Adora left her for real, and she would understand why Adora left. If Catra truly overcame her resentment of Adora and really was the person who saw what Adora wanted and actually wanted what was best for her, she would know this, and she wouldn't still be blaming Adora for leaving.
Hell, the confession falls apart if you look at it.
"You've never given up on anything in your life, not even on me."
Ignoring the Season 3 finale where Adora glares at Catra, letting her know she's done with her. And she never tries to reach Catra in Season 4. Adora did give up on Catra. It was an important moment for her character in the show, when she finally stops blaming herself and putting pressure on herself and blames who is truly responsible. It is a moment where she reclaims her agency and self-worth. It is an important moment where she rejects Catra's manipulation and gaslighting and her abuse, and it is important because it shows that you don't have to stick with abusive people and try to save them just because you care about them. You can leave. No one is responsible for their choices but them, and you don't have to continue to be hurt. And yet, this moment is forgotten in order for Catra to make her confession. This is yet another trope, where the character is the only one to have never given up on their love interest, except it just erases a whole part of Adora's arc to make this false claim that Adora never gave up on Catra, even when she rightfully did so.
"I've got you! I'm not letting go!"
Ignoring the fact that Catra never has let Adora go. In fact, Catra's whole problem is that she wouldn't let Adora go. She's always been obsessed with her and that has sunk her deeper and deeper. I understand that in the context of this confession, this line seems alright, and it is actually alright for what it's supposed to mean. But considering the overall narrative, I don't think Catra should be the one saying this. Her arc in S1-S4 revolved around her obsession with Adora a lot, and if she were truly to heal, she had to get over it and recognize Adora as an individual with her own wants and needs. She never does do this, because she still blames Adora and gets angry at her for not putting Catra's feelings first. She is still obsessed with Adora. She changed in that she doesn't want to kill Adora anymore, but the way she thinks of Adora isn't all that different. Her obsession was good in the first 4 seasons because it was portrayed as unhealthy and toxic for both Catra and Adora. It is less so in Season 5, where it's not addressed at all, and instead turned into the peak of romance, even when it is still deeply unhealthy. Someone like Glimmer or Bow should be saying this, not Catra, who should have ideally let Adora go.
"Don't you get it? I love you! I always have!"
This is wrong on so many levels. Because then Catra loved this girl, and she chose to abuse her despite it, or maybe even because of it. She chose to let the world end to spite the person she's loved all this time. And we've already established that she hasn't really changed all that much. Their relationship is not healthy now and it's not going to be healthy. Because if Catra loved Adora all this while, we know how this love is going to manifest, and that love won't stop Catra from hurting Adora. Catra still has her abusive traits, she still refuses to acknowledge that Adora was justified in leaving and she still thinks Adora wronged her. She's not attacking her anymore, but since she still holds onto the same justifications and hasn't changed her mind, it will never be a healthy relationship. Not until Catra stops blaming Adora, and sadly that didn't happen in the show.
"So please, just this once, stay!"
As though Adora left her. I already talked about this, so I won't go into it again, but it just shows that Catra doesn't actually know what Adora needs or doesn't know her at all, really. She's still clouded by her own emotions about the situation to be able to understand that Adora needed to leave for her own good.
This confession is deeply self-centered. It's still Catra asking Adora to protect her feelings and do things for her. It's still Catra blaming Adora for doing something for herself. If this was from any other character, it would have been a wonderful way to emphasize Adora finally choosing something for herself, as the character who stood by her side to help her carry the responsibilities she took on also helps her choose something for herself. But the fact that it is Catra, who spends the series being selfish as all hell, who always demands things of Adora and blames her for everything that goes wrong in her life, who is saying this, it sort of taints the whole thing. Hell, the request to stay would make sense coming from Glimmer or Bow more than it does from Catra, because they bore most of the brunt of Adora leaving them behind and "running away" because of her need to take responsibility for everything (which isn't actually running away, it's pretty much the opposite, but that's a conversation for another time). Adora running away from them is due to her martyr complex, which does make her leave them behind even when they don't want her to and when even she doesn't really want to, while Adora "running away" from Catra is an act of reclaiming her agency after learning that her whole life is a lie. And take a guess at which one is actually called out!
This is why I can't get behind the idea that their future romantic relationship will be healthy. Because none of the issues that made Catra abuse Adora have actually been resolved. She still hasn't come to understand that Adora was also abused, that Adora shouldn't have to always cater to her emotional needs, that Adora didn't abandon her and Catra was in the wrong for thinking that. Without these realizations, we can't truly say that Catra will not abuse Adora anymore. Especially since she still shows some abusive behaviors, even if the excessive violence and murder attempts have come to an end. They'll probably have a brief period of happiness, like a honeymoon phase, if you will, but when Catra's insecurities begin to rear their heads again, I have full faith that she will go back to doing what she's always done, hurt Adora because she wants to own her, because none of the issues she has with Adora that made her abuse her have actually been solved. "But she confessed to Adora that she loved her!" you might say. But just loving Adora has never stopped Catra from hurting her before. Catra has always loved Adora. That's the problem.
Any decent redemption would take steps to address Catra's obsession with Adora. It would make Catra develop an identity outside Adora, it would make Catra realize she was wrong to pretend that Adora had it all easy, that Adora escaping the Horde is not a personal betrayal of her but rather something that Adora needed to do for her own well-being. Catra has an image of Adora that is warped by hatred, and that has to change. But we never saw that. Their relationship only got worse and worse until Catra miraculously just... changed her whole tune about Adora with no build-up to the moment, and Adora just forgot everything Catra did and rushed off to start throwing herself at her. This just came out of nowhere. Catra has spent her life connecting her insecurities to Adora. She's happiest when she's not thinking about Adora.
Adora quite literally gave up on Catra in Season 3 and spent Season 4 not giving a damn about her. There was nothing, nothing, that changed about their relationship to prompt Catra into changing her mind. She was even accusing Adora of taking everything from her in the Season 4 finale, and she never even spoke to Adora after that. One talk with Glimmer about Adora doesn't erase years of resentment and feeling inferior, and it doesn't erase Catra's abusive behavior. What the show shows us is that the girls are better off apart. Catra is happiest when she isn't focusing on Adora. Adora is better off once she gives up on Catra. And yet we get them coming together without any kind of proper reconciliation and they just don't address anything Catra did, as though one good thing just erases everything else. And Adora just starts trusting Catra in such a short time without Catra really showing her that she's truly changed herself, like they just had a small falling out instead of the murder attempts and abuse. Catra fights alongside her, sure. She protects her, sure. She also continues her emotionally abusive tactics, whether she means it or not. She continues to be passive-aggressive and continues to victim blame Adora, she continues to be possessive and selfish.
Even her apology is lackluster. "I'm sorry, for everything!" What is this "everything"? Is it how she treated Adora? Well, she hasn't really changed much on that front. She's still victim blaming and possessive. Is it for trying to take over the world and subjugate its people? Well, she has never once expressed regret over it, so that doesn't track either. What even is Catra sorry for? We, the audience, don't have any idea. Especially since she continues to believe more or less the same things she believed as a fascist, so like, what is this apology for? She seems to fall back onto old habits the moment she's been rescued, blaming Adora and accusing her of playing hero, like she's been doing all this time. She refuses to own up to her actions and take accountability for them, which shows that really, she isn't all that concerned about the feelings of the people she hurt. For fucks sake, she literally yells, "I know you all hate me!" in an accusatory tone, like she is hurt and offended by the thought that people could hate her after everything she's done. And the show rewards her for avoiding responsibility by having everyone forgive her instantly.
There's such a whiplash in the portrayal of Catra, that one moment Catra is saying she's sorry, and the next she's pretending like she never did anything wrong. The "It never stopped you before," line is so gross in that way because Catra is being bitter about Adora fighting her even when they were friends. This is, of course, ignoring the fact that Catra herself started all those fights, that Catra was the one who enjoyed hurting Adora, and that Catra basically forced Adora to fight her to defend herself and the world itself. And here, she acts all passive aggressive about Adora having fought her and pretty much blames her for it by saying that she didn't like that Adora fought her and holds a grudge against her for it, when, like, it's entirely her fault? This is like a robber being annoyed at the victim for catching them. Catra has no right to be annoyed about this or to act accusatory towards Adora for this, considering she abused her and tried to kill her. She's the only one in the wrong for attacking Adora. She really has no reason or right to be bitter about Adora having attacked her, and she is not justified in blaming Adora for doing so.
And importantly, they weren't friends either, so the fact that Catra would treat Adora the way she did and still have the gall to say that Adora attacked her friend is ridiculous. She just pulls the friend card out of her ass now just to blame Adora for attacking her. Catra didn't think of Adora as her friend. The one episode they did spend as friends again ended with her letting Adora hang off a cliff to fall and die. And later she expresses that she would very much like to kill Adora herself. Catra treated Adora so horribly and hated her, and yet held an expectation that Adora should have not fought her because they were friends. She still thinks Adora should have thought of her as a friend and not attacked her, showing that she still has those expectations for Adora to cater to her and look after her even if she herself won't let herself be held to those standards, and even if she won't return anything Adora does for her.
She still thinks Adora is the wrong for fucking defending herself! And it's like, do the writers want her to seem like a dick or do they believe this? She's not really regretful about hurting Adora because she thinks Adora defending herself was Adora hurting her, who was supposed to be Adora's friend apparently. So what was her apology even about? She begrudges Adora for defending herself, so clearly, it's not because she realized trying to kill her was wrong, so what is this undefined "everything" that she mentions? If she truly took responsibility for what she did and admitted she was wrong to hurt Adora, she wouldn't be bitter about Adora defending herself!
And this isn't the only time. The line "I know you all hate me!" which I mentioned previously also reads this way, especially since Adora just went out of her way to risk her life for Catra. Catra legitimately sounds accusatory, like she's calling out Adora for hating her, like she's offended by it. Like "I know you really hate me even though you pretend not to, and I've had enough of it, so fuck off!" It sounds like she's calling out a toxic friend group. I actually have experience with having a group of friends pretend to like you when they say horrible shit about you behind your back. This is how I felt, angry and hurt, when they kept trying to pretend to be nice to me when I knew what they said about me behind my back, that I was stupid and weird and stuff. So I get the feeling behind that line. I get why she feels that way, in her flawed perspective.
The problem lies in the fact that it's toxic and is victim blaming, since Catra abused Adora and did plenty of other horrible things, which makes Adora's and her friends' resentment of her perfectly justified. You see, any redemption for Catra would mean that she finally learns that she shouldn't do horrible things anymore, that she finally learns to see Adora as a person, that she finally acknowledges that she had no reason to hurt her and that she is at fault for their relationship. But that's not what happens. Catra saves Adora, sure, but she continues to play victim, she continues to accuse Adora of hating her or whatever without acknowledging that Adora should be allowed to do this. If Catra was truly remorseful, she would accept it. As it is, it leaves me wondering why Catra even saved Adora? It's one thing to be called out for pushing people away, but it's different with Adora, because Catra didn't push her away in Catra's mind. She thinks it's Adora who left her. And she has a whole assortment of other issues with Adora. So, her turn to save Adora makes no sense, because she spent 4 seasons trying to kill her for these reasons, and nothing changed about these feelings when she decided to save her. If Catra truly had changed and realized her mistakes and how she hurt Adora, two things would have happened in this scene.
A) Catra would understand that Adora doesn't hate her, not really. Because she's been looking at Adora from a resentful and negative perspective all this while, without recognizing who Adora is. And redeeming herself would mean that Catra has to acknowledge the truth, that Adora didn't abandon her or hate her, and that using that as justification for her abuse is wrong.
I do think that Adora never truly hated Catra. She was resentful, and she did make the decision to give up on her, but I don't think she could truly just hate her. But she did give up on her, and it was a very important decision which was erased from her arc. Of course, Adora would want to save Catra, but she also did give up on her. I would have liked to see her feel conflicted about Catra. I would have liked to see her want to save Catra but also be hesitant about trusting her and letting her into her life again after everything she's done. As it is, Catra just blames Adora, proving that she still holds onto that negative and flawed view of Adora that Catra used as justification to abuse Adora. And Adora is expected to take the step to mend their relationship in which she is the victim and where Catra is at fault. One vague apology isn't enough to mend years of hurt, especially since Catra hasn't changed in a way that matters.
Catra views Adora in a flawed and untrue light, and instead of her realizing she was wrong and giving Adora a heartfelt apology, we get a vague sorry for some undefined "everything." And instead of Catra coming to see Adora for who she is and treating her as she deserves, Adora is supposed to prove to Catra that Catra is wrong about her, instead of Catra putting in the work to unlearn her toxic view of Adora. Adora is expected and made to put in the effort to help Catra heal, despite the fact that this is something Catra should do on her own, away from Adora. Because Adora doesn't have to do that for her, and because Catra being around Adora will only make her double down, and as we see, it does. She still accuses Adora of playing hero, she still blames Adora for her mistakes, she is still antagonistic, and she doesn't want to assume responsibility for her mistakes.
B) Catra wouldn't be yelling at Adora about how she knows Adora hates her, because she would understand that Adora should be allowed to have negative feelings about her.
Which she doesn't do. She's offended by it and hurt by it. As though they don't have a reason to hate her, and she's unhappy that they do. Catra is still placing the blame on Adora for hating her, almost like she thinks it's unfair. And then Adora has to comfort her and reassure her that she never hated her. She has to console Catra when she's sad about people hating her for valid reasons, and she isn't allowed to assert her right to be resentful after everything Catra has done, which completely ruins her moment in the season 3 finale. The narrative excuses Catra and never wants her to be sad. We're only ever supposed to feel sorry for her and want her to be happy, and that also means ignoring everything she did and the consequences for that. Because actually having other characters have self-respect and rightfully disliking Catra for what she did would make Catra sad, and we can't have that, now can we? We're only allowed to feel sorry for Catra, which is why the show keeps focusing on her trauma and giving more weight to how she feels while conveniently ignoring how her action make others feel and the impact it might have on them, like the abuse Adora suffered at her hands and Glimmer's loss of her mother. Because Catra needs to be portrayed in a good light so that C//A can happen, and if that comes at the expense of other characters, so be it.
Ultimately, there is no reason Catra is with the Rebellion other than Adora. One reason she fought in the Horde is to spite Adora, to prove herself over Adora and take her down. Her obsession caused her to sink lower and lower, and the episodes in the Crimson Waste seemed like they were setting up the idea that Catra would have to let go of Adora to be happy, because Adora represented everything that caused Catra pain. Which is not Adora's fault, and that's something Catra needed to realize as well, which could only happen if she distanced herself from Adora and her resentment towards her and gained an outside perspective. She needed to be apart from Adora. But Season 5 not only reaffirms Catra's warped view of her victim, and also portrays her obsession as a good thing. Catra is stripped of any personal identity or motivation in the final season outside following Adora around and eventually kissing her. She gets Melog, but Melog is like a cop-out for Catra actually putting in the work to change. She says she's working on her anger, but we never get to see her do it, or even why she comes to the conclusion that she wants to work on it at all, considering she's never thought much of it before. She says she'll do it one episode and she's pretty much over it the next.
Her issues and mistakes are, as I said, overlooked or downplayed so that they don't seem as problematic as they are. This is because making all the characters remember her actions would force them to acknowledge the magnitude of all that she's done, and then it would really be a yikes moment if she were to get together with one of them. Because they knew they couldn't make her come back from all she's done within the span of half a season and still manage to completely repair her relationship with her victims and even end up with one of them. The writers spent too much time on developing the enemies part of enemies-to-lovers, and they didn't have enough time for the lovers part to make it seem believable. So, they (the writers) had to gloss over her mistakes and never really address it. They downplayed it and ignored a lot of it so that they didn't have to put too much work into showing us that she's changed, so that it wouldn't seem OOC or just plain awful when they made Catra kiss the person she abused for years with just a little "development." I don't necessarily disagree with the story arc they planned for her, and I don't think that she's irredeemable or anything, even as she got worse and worse. But her actual turn was rushed to hell and back, and it cheapened her whole story, because if all it took was a few vague apologies, getting a haircut and one good action after a lifetime of evil, then what was all that build-up for?
There was not enough of a resolution for all that build-up, and that hurts all the characters. It hurts Adora's character, who's inspiring moment of asserting her self-worth and choosing to stand up for herself is forgotten in order to have her go back to falling over Catra and trying to reach out to her while getting none of it back again, with no acknowledgement of the fact that she once gave up on Catra entirely. It hurts Glimmer's character, whose grief over her mother is invalidated when she barely spares a mean look to the person responsible for it and smilingly invites her to sit next to her. It hurts Entrapta's character, when the pain she suffered at Beast Island where she was sent to die after being betrayed by someone she thought was a friend was diminished, and all was forgiven with just one sorry from Catra. It hurts Scorpia's character, when she forgave Catra in an instant without even a proper apology even though her whole arc was about standing up for herself and asserting her self-worth and that she deserves to be treated well. It hurts characters like Bow and the others who Catra hurt, who were stripped of their self-respect and rightful hatred of her and who accepted her immediately, because any of them actually not forgiving Catra would make her sad and that's not allowed. And it hurts Catra's character, who could have been an inspiring and wonderful character, who showed us that no matter how far you fall, you can still improve yourself, and you can still find a better life. We could have gotten so much, and their stories could have cemented themselves as one of the most nuanced and compelling stories of all time, with wonderful and uplifting messages that show people that they aren't alone, and that all hope is not lost. That they can change, and choose their own path, and find happiness and love and a better life.
Instead, we got SPOP season 5.
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BNHA : No you see, its all the family fault that Touya turned out that way cause they didn't stop them or said anything!!
Me: WHAT COULD THEY HAVE DONE?!? Fuyumi and Natsuo where CHILDREN at the time, even if they had told their brother to "stop it" What makes you think he would have listen to them if he was that far gone, also it is not their job to look after their brother that is for the parents to do, you shouldn't put that burden on a child! Also, maybe the reason that Fuyumi and Natsuo didn't tell another adult about what was going on in their family because again they're CHILDREN but maybe they where scared of their father, they saw what happened to their mother when she "failed" to stop their bother and think that would happened to them on top of that what makes you think they would have been believed or taken seriously the first time they would have told someone because AGAIN they are children and that's not even getting into how much money and power Enji has considering he's a hero and with all the BLATANT hero worshiping that goes on in this universe, I'm pretty sure it would have been impossible.
BNHA: Yeah, well, Rei could have-
Me: REI. IS A. VICTIM. It is shown plan as day, from the beginning that she came from a poor family that pretty much sold her off and with the new information they would have paired her off with a cousin to "keep the bloodline pure" or some shit, their marriage wasn't even based on love, it was an agreement more then anything, she was trying to survive and this seemed like the best option for her, SHE HAD NO OTHER CHOICES! Yes she agreed to have more kids with Enji but I ask you, did she even really had the power to say no? She was just meant to be a house wife and take care of the kids and the moment where she "failed" like when she tried to stop Touya she got punished for it, WHAT COULD SHE HAVE DONE?! Run away? Did you want her to leave the kids? Runaway with the kids? Do you HONESTLY think Enji wouldn't have tried to track her down or spun the narrative around to make it seem like Rei was crazy and brain washed the kids? Let's not even go get into how women are already not believed in these kind of situations, on top of all that, she was poor, she had no money and no power, nowhere near as much Enji has, where it be his size, his quirk, the fact that he is a man and a man that as seen as a hero to the public eye, her words would mean NOTHING! When Rei finally snapped and hurt her child Shoto, not only did she quickly realized what she did and tried using her quirk to cool him off, but the very moment she did that, they sent her away to the mental hospital no questions asked! They kept her there for 10 YEARS pretty much, meanwhile Enji, who was the one harshly training Shoto got to stay with the kids, and to add on to it Shoto, even at age 5, didn't even blame his mom for it, he clearly understood with was his dad.
Me: YEAH, maybe next time THINK before you handle topics like this.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
Hiiii this is my first time asking, but I love your writing! ♥
I was recently editing my FF where Hancock had to talk to Shaun about him and Sole being together (like when a step-parent has to get the green light from the kiddos, and I thought it was cute). It made me wonder...
How would you see the Companions handling this situation? Or being a "step-parent?"
Companions as step-parents
(Big distinction from having their own kid)
Cait; It takes multiple months to really figure things out with Shaun. She starts by mentioning one day, "By the way, yer ma/da and I are datin'. What do you want for dinner?" This is never brought up again. Shaun is fine, he's a smart lad. If ever asked to discipline, she's out the window and down the street. Not her kid, not her say. Cait has too many nerves to be Mean Mom. She's Fun Mom. She's Eat All This Candy Mom. She's kind of a disaster and Shaun finds her entertaining. Cait, for her part, is glad they don't have to go all sappy about it. Internally, always fretting and fussing about how she's doing as a parent. If anyone notices she quit the bottle, they can mind their own.
Curie; Long-winded discussion that bores Shaun half-to-death. She wants to talk mental health, healthy family dynamics, responsibilities...how its okay to feel what he feels, who to talk to about what, where do they go from here...Shaun nods along even if he's already adjusted to this being a reality. Curie wants to be the Model Mother with no shortcomings. Shaun just wants Curie, and Curie is already there. That's enough for him. Not many people can brag about their mom being an actual doctor with papers to prove it. (They're her Ms. Nanny 'adoption' papers.)
Danse; Similar to Curie, except Danse is freaking out, where Curie is cool as a cucumber. Danse is not a cucumber. He wants to win Shaun over so badly, but understands that kids are their own people, with opinions and shit. So, his speech is more along the lines of 'here's what to expect, and here's what is up to you.' Meanwhile Shaun is already thinking about Father's day...because Danse has been his dad from, like, minute one. You can't teach him science and garage stuff and not be Dad. That's like...first step to Being Shaun's Dad.
Deacon; would need his ass glued to a chair to keep him from trying to wrap it up prematurely. Can't stop making jokes but desperately wishes he could. Meanwhile, Shaun is Not Entirely Impressed. Deacon is a liar. He runs off. He changes his identity. Shaun isn't convinced he's not going to go get cigarettes one day and vanish. And having kids is a sore spot for Deacon. This is territory he paved over long ago. But he forces himself to take a pickaxe and start peeling back those layers, self-actualize. Shaun sees this and accepts Deacon as Dad. They go on What Trouble Can We Get Into Without Mom/Dad Finding Out adventures.
Gage; i really hope Gage can keep his temper in check here, because Shaun is not having this. Raider. Manipulative, probably also a liar, violent tendencies, lacks morals, etc etc etc. Will 100% bring up Nate/Nora. "Mom's/Dad's last partner was a war hero/civil rights lawyer. What do you do for work?" Gage might be more skittish than Deacon here. He was expected a geek kid. Not someone staring through his soul and tsking. Brings back little gadgets for Shaun as peace offerings, cleans up his act somewhat. Maybe starts cleaning himself more if Shaun comments on his hygiene. Look, he ain't running from Sole because of their, in all fairness, honest, objectively correct child. But he can't just butt heads with him all his damn life either. With enough time, Gage takes Shaun and tries to actually parent. Shows him survival tricks. How to skin an animal, fire-starting, whittling. Stuff his own family taught him. Shaun needs only a few good looks at Gage's soft side before he's on board.
Hancock; Shaun is. So torn. One hand, Hancock is fun and nice and really cares for his parent. On the other, Hancock is a chemhead from The Place Where Everyone Is High And Having Sex Constantly. He likes Hancock as a weird uncle. As a dad...hmm...he's suspicious. Is Hancock husband material? Hancock himself doesn't think so and will fully admit to Shaun "Hey, I've got shit to work on, and I'm working on it, because your mom/dad is everything to me, and we're not going to just leave you out to dry." Hancock wants Shaun to be better than him, to not feel too comfortable in places Hancock himself would call homely. Teaches him to value the freaks in the world, and his community, but understand that a fun hole six feet down is still a hole six feet down. If he ever realized he was the Rules Dad, would go on an Irresponsible Parent bender to correct. No one learns that Shaun got a flamethrower out of this until Its Too Late.
MacCready; Takes ten minutes and most of it is talking about having a brother. Raises Shaun like his own, Shaun calls him Dad the quickest. What? He's already a dad. MacCready needs no intro to parenthood. This just makes sense to everyone involved and there only hiccup is Shaun worrying about sharing a room. Not because jealousy or anything, but he has potentially flammable/electric gadgets he's working on, and Duncan is a curious boy.
Nick; Also needs no introduction beyond "Hey I know the synth thing is weird but you want mac and cheese for dinner?" This just. Makes. Sense. Honeslty, even if not romanced, Nick is still Dad. Come on. He just is. Nick himself will grapple with the horror of potentially outlining both Sole and their child, but Shaun is just excited to spend more time with his cool robot detective dad. Hey, how does your hand work? Can I see the joints? How do you smoke, can I see your lungs? Nick is the one who needs an adjustment period. Teaches Shaun snark and now no adult dare sass him.
Piper; Also no introduction. The only hiccup here is that Nat, previously Shaun's bestie, is now his aunt. And both of them are really weirded out by this. Nat isn't helping by insisting she has to start drinking wine. No, Natalie, that was just a quirk of Aunt Darcy, not a universal rule. Piper herself is Shaun's confidant, the one he goes to whenever he needs to talk. Why not Sole? Well, its just...Sole only ever responds 1 of 4 ways, and Shaun has developed a sixth sense to intuit those responses, so...when he needs someone normal, he goes to Piper. Piper is a wildcard and also, gives him candy.
Preston; I HC he's a middling child of a big, big family, with lots of relatives nearby, if not in the same house. So, Preston has this child raising shit on lock. Sits Shaun down, gives him a quick rundown of the basics, asks if he has any questions, and boom. Done. Preston would rather be a parent/guardian/trusted adult than he's going to be. Actions, not words. He's probably the most likely to sway Shaun from his science interests. Not intentionally, but its hard to look at Preston and Sole, hear their stories, and not want to follow your parents in their Minuteman ways. And if Sole leads the Institute? Shaun is set up to really change the wasteland.
X6-88; 400+ PowerPoint slide. The doors are locked. He provided refreshments. Shaun allows this because he understands that X6-88 needs this more than him. Sole might have some objections. X6-88 raises Shaun with education in mind. Shaun just keeps asking questions about what its like to be a courser. Excellent, questions like that are preludes to a brilliant mind. No one challenges Shaun to "my dad could beat your dad in a fight." Shaun, for his part, likes this killing machine fumble around domestic life. He's worse than Cait at it.
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now we actually start
⚠️spoilers for mean girls obviously⚠️
it gets long again, but I swear there is actual superhero cadina au info, I actually got into the au not just how I came up with the au.
also a word of warning, when I was trying to figure non spidey au cady's backstory and powers, I made a joke about cady being bitten by a radioactive lion and my friend went crazy for it so we ran with it. I know its absolutely wild, but I think I made it actually work so bear with me.
general cady superhero non-spidey cadina au details
yes, cady was bitten by a radioactive lion so she has lion powers and shit; super strength/1000psi bite force, super agility/36 foot horizontal leap, yell real loud/roar, night vision, super senses, 46 mph top speed, claws because who doesn't love a woman with claws; these aren't really powers, but her head hair gets a lot more volume after the bite which is cool but on the downside the rest of her body hair starts getting kinda thick- its not super super thick, its just thicker than it was-, she needs more sleep, she has this need to consume a lot of raw meat and also hunt live animals
cady was bitten by the lion in Kenya before the move stateside, actually it was what prompted the move. I have this idea that the lion was some military experiment that her dad worked on and got killed while working on it(not by the lion, by one of his coworkers, im actually quite attached to the lion and the idea of the lion escaping capture and living a normal lion life). This is what prompts cady's mom to move them and cady to use her powers(once she discovers them) to help people like her father would've wanted and also get revenge on the people that killed him while she's at it.
janis and Damian find out about cady's powers because the school janitor dragged her, mouse in her mouth, to them and asked, "is she one of yours?" this is also two days after they meet so they were very close to saying no
when she starts out with the hero thing, she cuts holes in a bandana and wears some very basic clothes, but once janis finds out, she sets out to make cady a suit. janis even does research about body armor to make it protective. the suit itself is (once again, @tatsuyam , not a fursuit) more like a supersuit so its built for movement and fighting, but it has touches of janis' art and is inspired by Kenya and lions. in the way that it has ears and a tail. because her hero name is lioness. what with her powers being lion based and all. in the words of edna mode, "no capes."
Damian helps cady come up with all the snappy one liners a hero needs and also overcome anxiety that comes with saving the general populace and having to talk to them and having to act confident, he helps her come up with her persona, her act if you will
there's a rumor around the school that the person in the mascot suit is lioness but cady hates it because she refuses to go near that thing after janis told her nobody washes it and then regina told her about the time she and Shane fucked in that thing
I will get into regina once I figure out what powers she would have
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divineerdrick · 5 months
Homestuck: Beyond Cannon January Upd8
Back to our cool boy! Look at him! Look at those buck teeth! Such serious feels~
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"As a well-know bard (NOT THAT ONE) . . ." XD I don't know if they're planning on doing anything with this, but Homestuck trained me to pay attention anytime I see color, particularly colors grouped together.
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Also, I'm sure I'm missing references in some of the discarded costume/fashion pieces.
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Okay. Now I know you're playing on my nostalgia! A bunny in a box is just a little on the nose.
Wait . . . why did the narration slip into Vriska's quirk?
Oh . . .
Oh no . . .
Let's put a pin in that and keep reading . . .
Dammit . . . take my nostalgia and twist like that? Mean . . .
"You begin to feel some pangs of nostalgia . . ."
Hah! See! They know exactly what they're doing!
"Sheriff Dry Hops!" XD
"You have a feeling it's going to be a long day."
Okay . . . I can't decide if laying it on this thick is hilarious, annoying, or, in proper Homestuck fashion, both!
Okay. I'm not even going to point out all these call backs at this point.
Yeah, um, Harry? I really don't think you get how much of a bad idea this might be. You're lucky if all that is happening is your messages aren't getting sent.
Hmm . . . Vrissy's attitude towards Vriska is interesting. It's clear she's not enamored or hero worshipping, she still very much wants to be her own person. But she still seems to be buying into Vriska's legend quite a bit.
Actually, it's interesting the references to the legends in these conversations. It can be hard to remember, from our perspective as readers for whom these were our beloved kids, that these characters are literal gods. They are venerated and even worshipped by the people of Earth C. Even our new set of kids, who were raised by them, can't help but grow up in their shadow. I hope they play more with that and the effect it has to have had on their development.
Oh! And we have a cliffhanger. Something is glowing red and ominous and has taken the kids by surprise.
My first idea is that I'm wondering if they've met Yiffy. We still don't know much about her past, other than that she was totally not taking any of Jane's shit. She seemed relieved to see her moms, but that doesn't mean thing are hunky dory there.
What else can be on that ship? Well it's possible Jane might have made a move, and they've got foes to face. It's also possible that one of or the collective moms are very much not happy, and this is their red-hot anger. I don't think this has anything to do with Karkat, it's the wrong red.
And, of course, since it's a new team with new ideas, this could be the introduction of a new concept, character, or other plot element.
Now! Back to that pin!
So one of the themes of post canon Homestuck is controlling the narrative, often depicted literally. The Epilogues were a battle in miniature between Dead Tier Calliope and Dirk. There was also a long running, unconfirmed theory that our Calliope might have been writing, intentionally or not, the Candy Timeline.
Now Dead Tier Calliope has supposedly sealed off the Candy Timeline and trapped it within her black hole. It is, in theory, beyond the reach of anyone's influence in the Meat Timeline.
But who else has been shown previously to be able to control the narrative? Who has demonstrated the power to wrench control away from the author, even when he's trying to scorn her, and bring it back to her. Who's classpect literally describes her tendency to "steal the spotlight."
And who is now running amok in the Candy Timeline, with the impression it's a fake universe she doesn't have to care about. A universe just waiting for someone to manipulate and play with it like prey in her web.
This could be bad . . .
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fellow-nerd · 4 months
Time to go crazy about the characterisation changes in the new atla cuz oh boy do I have thoughts
The main thing I noticed for all of them is that this show is focused about telling a story about a war torn world and how that affected everyone first and a coming of age hero story second, which is a choice considering the source material which balanced them both extremely well.it never had to be so heavy handed for the audience to get it but that also could be because it's a kids show at the end of the day 😅
Aang: where is my adventure loving kid. He just wants to ride the Elephant koi and show his new friends cool things. Yes, his past weighs heavy on him and expectations press down, but he's still just 12. It takes him time to work through his grief and his reluctance to save the world and that is literally his big arc. Learning to grow up and save the world (becoming THE avatar ya know). This Aang gets with the program quick and is only concerned with helping people and stepping up, like little dude ur telling me u don't want to go penguin sledding. I dunno it just feels so off. Love the stuff with gyatso too.
Katara: she's actually the most true to her og character I think. I just wish there was more focus on her like there was in the og. She was my first favorite charcter, put some respect on her name. It was criminal to give the opening to kyoshi, like girl u have ur own novels to be in! ALSO WHY DIDNT SHE BREAK THE ICEBERG!!! UGH SO MAD AT THAT.
Sokka: look I get it It's the year of lord 2024 misogyny has no place. So why don't we tell the story of how a guy learns that those views are wrong and how to change ur views rather than pretending that it never existing, like erasing it. As much as it can be critiqued Sokkas misogyny was the catalyst for Katara to hit the iceberg and free Aang. Narratively this gets them both invested in Aang and just shows Sokkas growth on every rewatch. They could've toned it down but it's a big part of his character growth and what are the gonna fill that with, if anything at all.
Suki: now her in live action I can get behind. She ate and left no crumbs. She put Sokka in his place and stole the episode for me. Also I loved the addition of her mom, honestly goals. Can't wait to see how they utilize her throughout she's the best. No comment.
Jet/freedom fighters: pretty much the same, I didn't love the condensing plot lines all into omashu tho
Teo/Sai: same as above but I loved the Way the two interacted it had so much depth.
Iroh: not sure how to feel. It feels wierd hearing iroh not voiced by Mako ya know. Like his dailougue was fine but it lacked that inflection Mako had which really Gave iroh all his character. It's big shoes to fill and it comes so close. I did die for the line where he says he's the one who owes Zuko. Like. Ugh. The implications of that. How Zuko made him wake up and gave him a reason to keep going. Its enough to make a girl cry.
Zuko: oh zuko, zuko, zuko, zuko. Again tough shoes to fill. I think that the characterisation is all there the challenge comes later on when we get his redemption arc. I do love the seeds they are planting especially in his relationship to Iroh.
Azula: now I called it as soon as I saw that girl, knew it was her who else could I have been. Just as evil, just as lustful for power, definitely in character for her to be doing what's she's doing this early on. Will definitely keep tabs on this one.
Bumi: now he about WRECKED ME ok. It was rough. I loved this recharacterisation. If ur gonna give us a war torn world, give me the war torn ruler, whose been carrying all that trauma and burden on his back for 100 years. Of course he's gonna be mad at Aang of course HES gonna BE MAD himself. So yeah it was rough to watch but because it was so hard hitting to see how war destroyed Bumis mindset, and then so wonderful to see Aang give his oldest friend a piece of himself back
In conclusion I care about Avatar way too much and will be ranting about this even more as I continue watching
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