#objectum folks... perhaps i am one of you... :)
smile-files · 1 month
oh dear, i think i'm starting to have a crush on the moon
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Message from Toby
Wow! We never expected so many visitors in our first couple weeks. Thank you all so much for your support so far!
I wanted to give a very brief update about the sanctuary and a little bit of info about myself.
Currently, we have over 300 friends at the sanctuary. Many of these friends are in what we call 'stasis'. All this means is that these friends are asleep, kind of like how you and I go to bed at night. Don't worry though, our friends don't remember being in stasis, no matter how much time passes, and they can pick up as though they were in a brief rest. This generally means that they are put away for now. Again, don't worry, they're perfectly fine, climate controlled, and not squishing each other.
For those of you wondering about the stories on the posts, I experience something known as 'object sentience'. While I am not objectum, I feel as though these friends are speaking to me and telling me about themselves. It's a bit difficult to explain to someone if they don't experience this, and it may seem kind of strange. It's not controversial, per se, but a lot of folks find it weird or off-putting. This is something I've experienced my whole life. Perhaps it is a result of being neurodivergent (I have autism, and I don't mind people first or identity first language for myself), but it makes me feel like all things have a soul: rocks, microwaves, chairs, etc. For instance, I have a favorite cup (which is something many people have), but sometimes I feel like the other cups feel neglected (which is the part most folks don't experience).
Anyway, that's enough about me for one day. As I said, thank you all so much for your support these first couple weeks. We have a lot of friends who still want to share stories with us, and we hope you like them as much as we do!
With all the love,
Toby 🎃 (pumpkin emoji)
(PS: if you're just here for the animals, please feel free to add the tags 'not stuffed animals' as well as 'Toby speaks', 'Alice speaks', 'David speaks' and 'Markus speaks' to your blacklists. We have no hard feelings if you do!)
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