#obligatory pls read melina marchetta's entire body of work
unsteadyflame ยท 5 years
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  โ€œSome of us werenโ€™t born for rewards. Some of us were born for sacrifice.โ€ - the lumatere chronicles, melina marchetta.
ย  ย  ย  ย "He killed, that is why I killed him... I therefore judged and condemned that man to death. As for myself, compelled to do what I have done, but abhorring it, I have judged myself.โ€ - les misรฉrables , victor hugo.
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย โ€œGoodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.โ€ - rumi.
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  โ€œAn intellectual? Yes. And never deny it. An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself. I like this, because I am happy to be both halves, the watcher and the watched. "Can they be brought together?" This is a practical question. We must get down to it. "I despise intelligence" really means: "I cannot bear my doubts.โ€ - albert camus.
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย โ€œHe was in love, and people in that condition did stupid, unfathomable things. They were all flawed, every single one.โ€ - the story sisters, alice hoffman.
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NAME: Fabian Ignatius Prewett NICKNAMES: Fab (rarely used; he doesnโ€™t especially like this but will answer to it out of politeness) AGE: 26 BIRTHDAY: March 10 GENDER: cismale PRONOUNS: he/him
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MOTHER: Iolanthe Prewett FATHER: Darius Prewett SIBLINGS: Gideon Prewett, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley (brother-in-law)
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FACE CLAIM: Elliot Knight BUILD: lanky, strong HAIR: ย short HAIR COLOR: black EYE COLOR: brown SKIN COLOR: brown DOMINANT HAND: right ANOMALIES: most injuries in the field of battle have been healed but a few curse scars remain, notably on his right shoulder SCENT: cinnamon, mallowsweet & sage (the latter two commonly used in potion brews for work) ACCENT: english ALLERGIES: flower allergies, particularly to chamomile (donโ€™t offer him a calming cup of tea) DISORDERS: mild depression due to the role heโ€™s had to play in the war, alcohol use as an unhealthy coping mechanism though not as of this stage alcoholism FASHION: he is far more accustomed to wearing robes than to any muggle clothing. these tend towards the practical and affordable, fashion is certainly not a priority for fabian. NERVOUS TICS: overtalking, offering reassurance to the other person (whether or not theyโ€™re in need of it), looking over his shoulder for gideon QUIRKS: always reads peopleโ€™s tea leaves (nothing he says ever comes true), tends to be a bit absent-minded, can be forgetful and clumsy, very tidy when he wants to be, bad jokes
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RESIDES: The Prewett Household, Tutshill BORN: St Mungoโ€™s Hospital, London RAISED: Falmouth, West Country PETS: Grew up with a family owl, Uric
CAREER: Unspeakable EXPERIENCE: conducted an internship with Griselda Marchbanks, who also recruited him to the Department. He has now worked there for eight years. EMPLOYER: Ministry of Magic
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: The Order of the Phoenix BELIEFS: The Prewett family remained more or less neutral for many years, accepted by most of pureblood society, though their tendency towards leniency and tolerance of Muggle-borns was suspect. Rightfully so, as the Prewetts encouraged their children to be open-minded, if circumspect about their beliefs; Fabian, Gideon and Molly took this further and decided to be defiantly against blood supremacy, particularly after they became close with Arthur Weasley in their Hogwarts years. MISDEMEANORS: nothing you can prove (all in the line of duty)ย  FELONIES: doesnโ€™t really count if you donโ€™t get caught? DRUGS: he just wanted to see if it could help him open up his inner eye (it didnโ€™t) SMOKES: n/a ALCOHOL: Fabian tends to self-isolate to cope with his guilt and remorse, in recent years heโ€™s also added alcohol to the list of coping mechanisms he employs, to an unhealthy extent. DIET: very accustomed to eating well, due to a culture within the prewett family of food standing in for displays of love and care. his sister particularly took to this, although gideon and fabian are not too bad at cooking themselves.
LANGUAGES: English, some Gobbledygook
PHOBIAS: Dementors, losing his family HOBBIES: Reading, spell experimentation, visiting Muggle fairs TRAITS: { + }: intuitive, loyal, principled { - }: jealous, aloof, obsessive
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LOCATION: The Burrow SPORTS TEAM: Falmouth Falcons GAME: Wizardโ€™s Chess MUSIC: Mostly into rock MOVIES: โ€œWhatโ€™s a movie?โ€ FOOD: Once started eating Fudge Flies as a joke, now he canโ€™t stop. BEVERAGE: Has a taste for Firewhiskey COLOR: Ravenclaw blue
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ALUMNI HOUSE: Ravenclaw WAND (length, flexibility, wood, & core): 12โ€ณ, unicorn hair, rowan AMORTENTIA: tbd. PATRONUS: Bat BOGGART: Gideonโ€™s corpse
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Big Brother Instinct Experienced Protagonist The Quiet One Good Is Not Soft SONGS:
what if iโ€™m wrong // temper trap mercury // sleeping at last hey brother // avicii donโ€™t let me be misunderstood // nina simone this will end // the oh hellos
IDEOLOGIES: - Idealises romantic love, believes there is nothing so powerful or truly good as a solid partnership, akin to the one his sister Molly shares with Arthur
- that said, his respect for the institution of marriage can, uh, waver. love is sacred, marriage ... somewhat less.
- there is such a thing as objective right or wrong, and the responsibilty to act upon moral belief exists also
- killing is wrong and defiles the soul
- nevertheless, believes killing is the only solution in some contexts and is able to justify it to himself. this does not alter his belief about the ultimate effect it has on the soul.
- the use of dementors as prison guards is nothing short of torture, inhumane, as are many of the ministryโ€™s policies, including the authorisation of the use of unforgivables to take down death eaters. some inherent hypocrisy as fabian is conflicted but supportive of the orderโ€™s own kill authorisation. He would not be part of the order if he did not believe they are more capable of defeating death eaters than the ministry and, more just in their delivery of a death sentence. implicitly has a higher regard for his own judgement than the judgement of the government.
- rejects any notions of the inferiority of muggle-borns and/or muggles, although that doesnโ€™t mean he necessarily regards them as the same. tends to keep to wizarding society, inclusive of muggle-borns but he doesnโ€™t exactly venture out of his typical circle. muggles, he admittedly considers as something of a different species, even though he does think they have a valuable knowledge and power of their own.
- ย is interested in dark magic but has a distaste for it, including dark creatures. especially dementors, but would also have some prejudice against werewolves, giants, etc. heโ€™s been raised on stories of their twisted natures
- 100% believes in divination; if you tell him you are a seer, he will lowkey believe everything you say
- Family. Duty. Honour. #housetully #queensansa
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