#obviously I’d love to see more projects between him and Barcode but considering the way some bl actors get ‘trapped’ into an acting duo
snickerdoodlles · 1 year
Barcode low key looks like he’s either gonna murder Jeff or is planning an elaborate kidnapping so Jeff can’t leave in those pics. Behind that face is a mind going YOU BETTER BE TAKING ME WITH YOU AFTER WUJU BAKERY OR IM GONNA BE KATHY BATES IN MISERY. Meanwhile Jeff just looks like a Disney Princess.
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careful Jeff, he’s circling………
real talk tho, I thought I saw something that Barcode was going to continue being mentored by Jeff thru Jeff’s new studio? can anyone tell me if that’s an actual thing or not, I cannot for the life of me remember where I saw that and if it was from an interview or not 😂
PS— Jeff looks SO good, I love his Classy Ladies looks so much SIR 😭🤲❤️
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