#anon ilu I laughed so hard when I saw this ask
snickerdoodlles · 1 year
Barcode low key looks like he’s either gonna murder Jeff or is planning an elaborate kidnapping so Jeff can’t leave in those pics. Behind that face is a mind going YOU BETTER BE TAKING ME WITH YOU AFTER WUJU BAKERY OR IM GONNA BE KATHY BATES IN MISERY. Meanwhile Jeff just looks like a Disney Princess.
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careful Jeff, he’s circling………
real talk tho, I thought I saw something that Barcode was going to continue being mentored by Jeff thru Jeff’s new studio? can anyone tell me if that’s an actual thing or not, I cannot for the life of me remember where I saw that and if it was from an interview or not 😂
PS— Jeff looks SO good, I love his Classy Ladies looks so much SIR 😭🤲❤️
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mulletcal · 4 years
Can you write about one of the boys asking his nieces and nephews to be apart of the wedding? I need some uncle!5sos in my life
hi anon you sent this in LITERALLY MONTHS AGO but i always kept it cause i really wanted to write it and anyways hi ilu thank you hopefully you see this
Ever since the twins were born, Ashton had hovered around.  At first, you weren’t sure if he just didn’t understand boundaries, since he often stayed over, or if he was just excited about this new additions to the family.
He would sleep on the couch, often with Kaia laying on his chest, and you would have to scoop her up to change her and put her into her actual bed.  Often when Calum and you woke up, Ashton had already done his morning yoga and was cooking breakfast.  He checked on the girls always before making breakfast, just in case one of them happened to be awake, at which point he would offer up a bottle you had pumped the night before, or just strap them to his chest and sway softly, singing to them as he cooked.
You had talked with Ashton the one night, Maia’s head tucked under his chin as she made soft coos.  He told you that he always wanted to be a dad, and it made him so excited and happy to see his family growing and that Calum had that.  You made sure he knew that one day he’d too have that and more, since he stated he wanted upwards of 8 children, and he just smiled softly, not quite sure if he believed you.
Ashton met his partner at the girls second birthday party.  A friend of your cousin tagged along with them, and from the moment they walked through the door, Ashton was gone.  You saw it, as soon as they met eyes, you saw the way he melted... And Ashton knew he was a goner.
His partner was so good with your children, and had become one of your closest friends in turn.  They would come over for play dates with the girls, letting Maia and Kaia dress them up however they pleased, and putting on their best posh accent during their tea parties.
The girls had asked once why Ashton referred to them as his partner, which sparked a rather interesting conversation between the group of you.  As you tried to explain about gender neutral terms to two almost four year olds, they interrupted; it turns out they were more offended that Ashton’s partner was a cowboy and no one told them, rather than the fact that Ashton called them partner.
After that moment, they often greeted them by saying “Howdy, partner,” in their best impression of a southern accent that they could.
When the day finally came that Ashton told you and Calum that he was going to ask them to marry him, you couldn’t hold back your excitement, already planning of different venues they could look at. 
Needless to say, they said yes, and the next step they needed to take (well, in their minds), was solidifying the wedding party.  Ashton settled on Calum as his best man, and his partner chose you to stand by their side as well.  When it came to the subject of flower girls, Ashton asked if you could grab the girls so he could talk to them.
He had asked if he could talk to them in private, but being nosy as you were, you couldn’t help but to linger around the corner to listen in.
“Okay I’m sure Mama and Dada told you that I’m going to be getting married, yeah?” Ashton asked, resting his head on top of Maia’s while they sat in his lap.  The two of them nodded, curls bouncing enthusiastically with them as they did. “Well, I wanted to ask you both if you wanted to be the flower girls at the wedding.”
You had hoped that Ashton chose to wear ear plugs, because the resulting squeals that came from the girls were deafening even at so far away.
“Is it gonna be a southern wedding? Are they gonna invite their other cowboy friends?” Maia asked, wide brown eyes looking up at Ashton, who simply chuckled.
“No, sadly.  No southern wedding, but we may be able to throw in some line dancing if you’re lucky.”  Pressing a kiss to the top of each of their heads, he hugged them close, “But is that a yes then? You wanna be flower girls?”
“Will you make sure to have the wedding after baby brother is born so he can be a flower girl too?” Kaia raised her eyebrows at him as she spoke, her tone demanding a specific answer.
Ashton laughed again, biting his lower lip to keep from laughing too hard at the innocent question, “I wouldn’t have it any other way love.”
tag list: @talkfastromance4 @calmlftv @notinthesameguey @irwinkitten  @blackbutterfliescal @treatallwithkindness @another-lonely-heart @karajaynetoday @bestyearssos @cheekysos @suchalonelysunflower @aquarius-hood1996 @wildflower-cth @ashtonlftv
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I know I keep requesting from the same fandom but I just love raymond reddington so much so can I pls request Red being adorable with Agnes
Oh, anon–never feel bad about sending me prompts! I want a million and ilu for sending as many as you can think of. I don’t know if you were requesting a drabble…but this is not that. This story needed much more than a hundred words.
Canon ended for me at 3x10, so I hope you don’t mind me borrowing from this AU of mine to write Agnes!fic. :)
Fluffy Agnes & Red, with a heavy dose of Lizzington. Also on AO3.
The notorious criminal was a total softie, Liz thought fondly as she heard him settling into the nursery’s rocking chair.
Red had shoved her out the door that morning, knowing how much she could use the fresh air and some quiet time to herself. “Go,” he’d said, waving a hand gaily. “We’ll be fine here for a few hours.”
When she returned to their current safe house in the afternoon, tucked away in upstate New York, the two were nowhere to be seen. It was the monitor on the kitchen counter that gave them away–he was talking to the baby in her room, undaunted by the one-sided nature of the conversation.
“You and I are having a wonderful Thursday, aren’t we, Agnes? Had a bath, a lunch of carrots and peas that I certainly couldn’t stomach but that you seemed to enjoy…how about a story before your nap?”
Liz was tempted to go up and join them, see her little girl before she fell asleep. It was still such a miracle, this person she’d brought into the world; someone who was hers. Someone perfect, from her long eyelashes to her tiny toenails.
Normally she would be there, watching her daughter drift off, fist gripping the green blanket printed with butterflies that Red had tucked into her crib when they brought her home. But it was a lovely sound, the smooth rumble of Red’s voice as he tucked Agnes in. She sat at the kitchen table instead and let herself enjoy it.
“Once upon a time,” he began, his tone softening in that lilting way he always employed for bedtime stories and nursery rhymes. It had not surprised her to learn that Red was an encyclopedia of fairy tales and nursery rhymes…though he always changed the endings if the originals weren’t as happy as Agnes deserved. “There was a little girl with beautiful blue eyes and dark hair.”
The notorious criminal was a total softie, Liz thought fondly as she heard him settling into the nursery’s rocking chair. He never seemed happier now than when she let him take Agnes for a walk or feed her breakfast. Every night while colic plagued their lives, he had hovered nearby, ready to help comfort the crying baby.
“She found herself lost in the forest one night, without her mother or father to guide her.”
This was a new one, Liz noted with interest. She enjoyed his stories probably even more than the baby seemed to…it was soothing, listening to his imagination at play. Not to mention just having him there. Honestly, she didn’t feel nearly as much like a single parent as she had expected to. He was so good with Agnes, Liz couldn’t feel guilty about relying on his help.
“The trees moved in the cold, looking like creatures that followed her as she walked. All she wanted was to find her way home, but she couldn’t spot a light in the darkness.”
And the way his eyes sparkled when he held her, the way he laughed at the faces she made…he must have been an amazing father, Liz thought. Now that she was a mom, she couldn’t imagine the horror he felt when he lost his daughter. If his time with Agnes helped heal that wound even a little, she was glad.
“Out of the shadows, suddenly, she heard a voice. It came in a whisper, and she should have been startled, but something about the voice seemed familiar. ‘I can help you,’ it said, and as it rustled out of the bushes, the girl realized it belonged to a sleek golden panther.”
Liz closed her eyes, letting him build the story for her and her daughter alike, imagining Agnes as she might look in a few years, standing on the forest floor.
“She knew that the wild creature was dangerous, but it had kind eyes. And she needed the help, whether or not it was wise to trust the big cat. So she watched it carefully as it approached, and asked, 'What do you want in exchange?’”
His voice deepened a little as he played the other part, making Liz smile. “'Only that if we meet again someday, you help me in return.’”
“Unsure how such a creature could ever require her help, the girl agreed. 'Please, now show me the way home.’ The panther nudged her with his nose and turned to face the darkness from whence he came.”
“'This is the way,’ he told her, coat gleaming in the patchy moonlight that fell over them. 'Follow me, and I’ll get you to the edge of the forest. You’ll be safe from there.’”
“It was not lost on the girl that a creature who could devour her whole was her rescuer, and she wanted to ask him so many questions. How had he found her? Why was he there? Could she really trust him? But all she wanted was to be tucked in her bed, safe and warm. Now was not the time to question fate.”
With a start, Liz opened her eyes, hit by the realization that Red wasn’t telling Agnes a story about her meeting a magical creature in the woods. He was telling her the story of them, Raymond Reddington and Elizabeth Keen, as it began, long before she was born.
Resting her chin on her hand, she waited for more. That was how he saw her? A lost girl? And himself, a dangerous creature who could devour her whole? Surely, they were past that now.
“They walked silently through the trees, the panther at her side. Alone, every crunch of leaves underfoot would have frightened her, but with him she wasn’t afraid. Despite his mysterious appearance, somehow she knew he would keep her safe.”
He always had, Liz thought. No matter how hard she made it for him sometimes, Red had protected her. And now he was doing the same for Agnes. Her daughter would never go through what she had as a girl, the loss and the fear. She would only know love.
“When they reached the last trees, the girl could see her house at the end of the long road he had led her back to. There was a light in the window, as though her family was waiting for her return. 'Thank you,’ she told the panther, offering him her hand in gratitude. He ducked under it, letting it rest on his back before she stepped toward the light. 'Until we meet again,’ he said in farewell.”
Rubbing her scar absently, Liz let her eyes close again. Was that the end?
“The girl arrived home and slept deeply, free from harm. She had learned her lesson, and no longer walked alone in the forest at night…until one evening, many years later, when she had long forgotten the strange creature she met and her journey through the darkness.”
“As she made her way home, she heard a voice off the path, calling her into the shadows. 'Please,’ it whispered, 'I need your help.’ Another woman might have been afraid, might have turned away and hurried to safety–but she was brave, and she recognized the voice with a sudden rush of memory. She had given her word.”
“'Where are you?’ she asked, walking into the trees, squinting in the dark. The forest loomed over her, too thick where she stood to let in any moonbeams. It was instinct that guided her to his side, where she found his golden form lying still on the leaves.
”'They laid a trap for me,’ he told her. She didn’t know who 'they’ were, but she saw his paw, surrounded by the sharp metal that was holding him immobile, and she rushed to his aid.“
”'I’m so sorry.’ She released him from the trap and lifted his paw to check the scratches left behind by the metal. 'Are you okay?’“
”'I will be, now,’ he said, gliding up from a slow stretch into standing next to her hip. 'Thank you.’“
”'Of course,’ the girl said, watching as he walked away, blending into the shadows until she could no longer see him. She went home, unaware that he followed just out of sight until she reached the trees–and that he would do so again whenever she traveled through the forest at night.“
Liz smiled to herself as Red finished his story. "He didn’t belong in her world, but he saw to it that she was never alone.” She never was, and now that she had Agnes to protect and care for, she was grateful every day for his company.
She heard the click of the nursery door as Red left the sleeping baby, followed by the gentle sound of his footsteps as he tried not disturb her on his way down the stairs.
When he arrived in the kitchen, he found a grinning Liz waiting for him.
“Oh, hello, Lizzie. Did you have a nice morning?”
“Yes, and an even better afternoon,” she told him, crossing the room to where he’d stopped.
“Our world is exactly where you belong,” Liz said quietly, kissing him on the cheek.
Eyes widening in understanding, he glanced at the baby monitor–then reached for her hand in response, unable to find words. Getting to be part of Agnes’ life was the most precious gift Liz could have given him, one he knew he wasn’t worthy of. But he hoped that his protection–his love–could make up the difference a little.
She laced their fingers together, and bumped his shoulder with hers, lightening the mood. “Really, Red? A panther?”
Her teasing tone made him chuckle. “What would you prefer, Lizzie? A bear? A wolf?”
“No,” she answered, serious again. “A man. Just you, Red.”
“Well, now, that wouldn’t make for a good story to tell Agnes at all,” he argued.
“Maybe not,” she agreed. “But it made the perfect life for her. Thank you, for saving me every time.”
Red lifted their joined hands and kissed the back of hers. “You too, Lizzie. You, too.”
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thewildwilds · 7 years
if you're still cool with horrible bloodthirsty anons: kuzupeko + of all the ways for peko to go, having it be disease feels awfully unfair
(Here’s yourdamn request. Excuse me, I have to go pet like 20 kittens. AlsoI’m kidding if u couldn’t tell ilu anon thankyou for the request.
(As soon as I sawthe prompt, I had to make a reference to Bennosuke. If you don’tknow who Bennosuke is, you should probably read absolute zero. Or notif you don’t want to! Live on the wild side.)
The thing is heprobably should have expected something like this. They madethe world this way. They were the ones who stripped the land of itsbeauty, blocked up the sky and polluted the air. They’ve beenliving that shit, breathing that shit for years while they carvedtheir way through Japan. So one day when Peko coughs up blood intoher palm and collapses in the middle of her morning walk, itshouldn’t come as a surprise.
But it stillfeels incredibly, unbelievably, horribly unfair.
He goes toTsumiki first pleading for her help, which he doesn’t need to dobecause she already wants to. She rifles through her medicinecabinets and medical books, but she can’t find anything to helpwith whatever’s affecting Peko, and any knowledge of it may alreadybe long gone from this world.
Then he goes toHinata on his hands and knees begging his friend to save her. He hasall the talent in the world pumped into his body, surely something inthat lobotomized brain of his could help. And he knows it’s selfishof him to ask Hinata (who’s vowed to live his life as Hajime Hinataand not that soulless monster) to compromise who he is for this, heknows, but he needs her, and he’s convinced himself he’ddo anything for her.
When he sees theconflicted and altogether terrified look on Hinata’s face,Fuyuhiko apologizes for overstepping boundaries and goes back home,and their fates are sealed.
Peko iscompletely bedridden, unable to go anywhere without exhaustingherself. At first it’s not so bad. She’s just tired more often,and maybe a bit woozy, but each day gets worse and worse. She growspaler and weaker, wasting away before his eyes. He’s there at herside with a damp cloth to wipe her brow during the really badepisodes. He wants to smile more around her, wants to make the mostof these last moments together because the least he can do is giveher the better version of himself—the one who’s learned to laughand love more honestly—but it’s hard not to crumple into tearswhen she looks so pale and weak.
On good days theytalk about time spent running in grassy fields and snowy hills. Theytalk of a future returning home and pulling the remains of the clanfrom the ashes and building anew, like they always wanted. Peko nevertries to add herself to the equation when they speak of the future;she thinks he doesn’t notice, and if his single good eye is a bitmisty, it’s not her fault.
It’s at nightwhen she’s trembling and delirious with fever that are the hardestto handle. She alternates between thrashing about on the bed andscreaming things he can’t entirely make out. Sometimes she screamsfor him, sometimes she screams for people he doesn’t know, andsometimes she just screams in general, but most noticeably shescreams for Bennosuke Miyazaki. Her teacher, and possibly the closestthing she ever had to a parent.
“Tomoe,” shesobs, damp strands of hair sticking to her lips. “This is forTomoe. This is for what I did to her. This is her curse.” When he asks who Tomoeis, she tearfully responds that she doesn’t know. Then she screams“I’m sorry I’m so sorry” over and over for the rest of thenight until she passes out from exhaustion.
When she’s morelucid in the morning, she tells him that she deserves this for allthe terrible things she’s done, and that makes him bury his faceinto the crook of her neck, stroking her hair and chanting over andover that could never be true.
(Strike him downtoo. Please. Give him whatever’s afflicting her so they may be onein the same. They were meant to be equals, and never before has hewished they could be on even ground more than now.)
On the last dayshe lies in their bed with the evening light shining upon her paleface. Her breathing is shallow, weak, and he knows it’s going to besoon. He has her hand grasped tightly between his own and his heartconstricts so painfully he feels like it might burst. Weakly shebeckons him closer and he leans in, sharing in the intimacy he maynever feel again.
She kisses himsweetly, as tender as she’s always given, and in that moment hecan’t help himself. He kisses her again and again and again, like aman drowning in the ocean clinging to his last ounce of air.
“Will youremember me?” she breathes against his lips when he finally drawsaway.
“Yes. Always,”he answers shakily, and he can taste the saltiness of his tearsrolling down his cheeks.
He thinks shetries to smile, a final kindness between the last few breaths sheheaves—and then Peko Pekoyama is gone for good, and with her, thelight, and a part of himself.
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