#oc: Adrin Valik
tabswrites · 1 year
Happy STS, Tess!
It's time to know about the thoughts that keep your oc(s) up at night; what cringey memory still haunts them to this day?
Happy STS, HD!
Cringey memories? Oh boy 😅
Adrin (S.S): He dreams about his sister most nights, and when the dreams shift from sad to happy, he is reminded of all the times they spent climbing the big oak tree in their backyard. One particular memory he hates thinking about is when he tried to show off by trying to climb to the top. He lost his footing and fell out of the tree…into his mother’s compost pile. His sister called him “Stinky” for a while after that.
Oliver (S.S): Oliver’s entire life is cringe-worthy, if I’m being honest. Fortunately for him, he’s in denial about that.
Grey (WWLF): Will is never going to let him forget about their first date, when they went to a Japanese restaurant and Grey tried to show off by eating a mouthful of wasabi. It took 3 glasses of water and a piece of pickled ginger to quell the fire, but the memory lives on.
Will (WWLF): His parents took him on a trip to Washington D.C when he was about 16, and when they were at the Lincoln Memorial he decided it was a great place to goof around. He started photobombing a bunch of tourists, but karma caught up to him—as he was running to jump into a photo, he tripped, and the entire thing was caught on camera. A happy family with Honest Abe as the backdrop…and a falling teenager in the background. He will never live it down (or tell Grey).
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