#oc: Oliver Rothe
tabswrites · 1 year
Happy STS, Tess!
It's time to know about the thoughts that keep your oc(s) up at night; what cringey memory still haunts them to this day?
Happy STS, HD!
Cringey memories? Oh boy 😅
Adrin (S.S): He dreams about his sister most nights, and when the dreams shift from sad to happy, he is reminded of all the times they spent climbing the big oak tree in their backyard. One particular memory he hates thinking about is when he tried to show off by trying to climb to the top. He lost his footing and fell out of the tree…into his mother’s compost pile. His sister called him “Stinky” for a while after that.
Oliver (S.S): Oliver’s entire life is cringe-worthy, if I’m being honest. Fortunately for him, he’s in denial about that.
Grey (WWLF): Will is never going to let him forget about their first date, when they went to a Japanese restaurant and Grey tried to show off by eating a mouthful of wasabi. It took 3 glasses of water and a piece of pickled ginger to quell the fire, but the memory lives on.
Will (WWLF): His parents took him on a trip to Washington D.C when he was about 16, and when they were at the Lincoln Memorial he decided it was a great place to goof around. He started photobombing a bunch of tourists, but karma caught up to him—as he was running to jump into a photo, he tripped, and the entire thing was caught on camera. A happy family with Honest Abe as the backdrop…and a falling teenager in the background. He will never live it down (or tell Grey).
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sintowinemily · 1 year
17 Minutes - Spencer Reid
pairing: Spencer Reid x unnamed female!oc (can be reader if you so wish)
summary: Every Monday morning, Spencer is exactly seventeen minutes late to work. The team have no idea what is holding up the young genius.
warnings: third person, pining, one-sided pining, unknowing party, obsessive Spencer, (kind of) stalking (??), unhappy ending.
word count: 1145
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Spencer Reid is late to work every Monday, and has been for months. If he wasn’t so integral to the team, SSA Aaron Hotchner would have him disciplined by now, but knowing what he knows at twenty-four, there is no way Hotch would risk him being on disciplinary leave. 
Hotch doesn’t know why Spencer is late on the same day every week, neither does Derek or Elle, not even Jason Gideon knows why Spencer fumbles his way into the round-table room 17 minutes late every Monday clutching at a take-away cup of coffee, red in the face and satchel hanging around his elbow. Spencer would never tell them what could be so important. Gideon worries it’s his mother, Derek teases him that some girl is keeping him up late on a Sunday night – so unprofessional. 
What they don’t know is that it is a girl. But she isn’t keeping him up late on a Sunday night, she isn’t begging him not to leave their bed on a Monday morning. Although Spencer wishes, so desperately, more than anything that she did. 
Every Monday, on his way to the Metro stop, Spencer stops at his favourite coffee shop. It’s a quaint independent little place, with long leather couches and oak bookshelves mounted on the walls. It’s dark and the walls are painted olive green, it has old espresso machines that whine loudly and exposed lightbulbs hanging low from the ceiling. Spencer goes in every morning and orders a flat white and empties half of their glass sugar dispenser into it. But every Monday, he orders a large latte and takes a seat on one of the large couches, and watches. All he does is watch.
She has long dark hair, which falls down her lower back. Spencer observes that she has to pull it to the side to stop her from sitting on it. Her short nose, which curves up at the end scrunches whenever she turns a page of her book. She’s there every Monday, and every week she has a new book perched on her right knee, which is crossed over her left one. Every week she is wearing some variation of the same outfit, a long skirt and a knitted jumper which is too long in the sleeves. Her hair is occasionally tied back in a black ribbon, but Spencer prefers it when she lets it hang loose, free. 
The first week she approached the old 1970s vintage jukebox, which looks like it is an original but is loaded up with modern records as well. She chose Bella Donna by Stevie Nicks. This is what sparked Spencer’s interest, he would have expected someone of her [their] age to have chosen something more modern but as he watched her go to sit down and properly observed her floor-length dress (which surely had to be altered as she didn’t look over five foot four inches), he realised she was different. He continued watching as he stood at the counter and waited for his coffee, to-go. What he observed next made his heart skip a beat.
She pulled out a battered copy of Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment.
Instead of leaving with his take-away cup, he sat at the couch on the opposite side of the room and watched her. He was 17 minutes late to work.
And so began the unprofessional habit he entered into, every Monday he was 17 minutes late to work because he was watching the beautiful girl read some piece of classical literature. Sometimes English, sometimes American, sometimes Russian, sometimes German. One week it was All Quiet on the Western Front. Another week it was Philip Roth’s alternative history. The next it was Kafka’s The Trial. Then for three consecutive weeks after that it was a different Ray Bradbury book every Monday. And so on, and so forth. (Of course, Spencer had already read all of these.)
Spencer wasn’t sure if she read one a week, or one a day. But he became as obsessed with finding out what the stranger was reading as to what she was wearing, or whether she had ordered an americano or an oolong tea. He would watch as she held the book in her right hand, her left hand balled into a fist, nestled into her hair, which she rested her head on as she read. She licked her lips every four minutes and twenty-seven seconds; she would crane her neck from side to side every six minutes and twelve seconds. Spencer had become so enamoured with this girl, this girl who was devouring all his favourite novels. He knew on the seventh week of watching her that he might well be in love with her, despite not even knowing her name. 
If Spencer was a different man, he would have approached her, he would have asked her thoughts on the tension between Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet, he would have asked her if she had read any of his favourite obscure Russian novels. But he wasn’t that man, he was too reserved, too nervous.
On the eleventh week Spencer walked into the coffee shop with his head held high. This would be the day he would be the man he wanted to be. He would at least introduce himself to her. 
It was a shock to him when she wasn’t sat at her usual spot, but instead was the only person in the queue in front of him, waiting to be served. (She ordered an oolong tea.) She stood to the side and gave him a small, nervous smile as he made his way to the counter to place his own order. He was too in his own head to even return the smile. He ordered his latte and stood behind her again to wait for his order. She was staring into space in front of them, tapping her foot on the ground. A to-go cup was placed on the counter to collect, and she stepped forward to collect it, Spencer is watching her in a fashion which he knows is creepy but as she is facing away from him, he knows she won’t notice. 
But as you can imagine, to Spencer’s surprise she spins around quickly and looks direct at him.
‘Sorry, I think this is yours.’ She says, the to-go cup in her outstretched hand, her left hand.
That’s when Spencer realises, he had never studied her left hand before. If he had he would have noticed the ring. The large diamond ring on the fourth finger of her left hand. He gives her his thanks and hurries out of the coffee shop and makes his way straight to the metro stop. He should have known that the girl destined to be his soulmate, destined to be the love of his life, would already be taken. 
And, Spencer Reid was never late to work again. 
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little list of all my ocs names (seperated by wips) so you guys may ask about them if you wish....
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Power Doesn't Guarantee Glory:
Aria Allen (any pronouns)
Alex Ruinde (he/they)
Mathew Mckoy (he/him)
Salveria Ramel (she/her)
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Built on Bones and Flowers:
Antoine Villeneuve (he/him)
Vixen Valentine (any pronouns)
Celestine Maxwell (she/fae/it/they)
Arden Clayborne (they/he/xe)
Melian Doyle (he/him)
Silas Doyle (he/him)
Analie Villeneuve (she/her)
Alexandra Cobalt (she/he/they)
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The Inhuman Fascination with the Human Mind:
Orion (he/him)
Nathalie (she/her)
Oz (it/he)
Opal (they/them)
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When Feathers Meet Flesh:
Mars (he/they/it)
Sapphire (she/they)
Lukas Embers (he/him)
Adrien Embers (he/him)
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Six of Hearts
Oliver "Ollie" Miller (he/him)
Jackson "Jackie" Miller (he/him)
Terry Cuervo (they/he)
Sage Arlene (she/her)
Via Wilson (she/her)
Rosy Morren (she/they)
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Corrupted Royalty WIP:
Casimir Clement (he/xe)
Fletcher Clement (he/him)
Celeste Clement (she/he)
Alistair Evans (they/he/she)
Cordelia (she/fae)
Rigil (he/they/it)
Cyrus (they/he)
Fredge (neos)
Tip (she/her)
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Killer Twins WIP:
Don (he/they/she)
Lotta (they/them)
Lina Roth (she/her)
Erwin Roth (he/him)
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lcstinfantasy · 5 months
i don't think i ever made a post about my muses sexualities....so here is a list lol
canon muses:
hayley james - straight
lydia martin - straight
lucas scott - straight
brooke davis - bi-curious
stu matcher - pansexual
tatum riley -straight
Eli Hale - bisexual
john b routledge- pansexual
sarah cameron - pansexual
rafe cameron - pansexual
steve harrington - bisexual
eddie munson - pansexual
nancy wheeler - bisexual
chrissy cunningham - bisexual, more women leaning
robin buckley -lesbein
joyce byers - straight
Carol Perkins - straight
jonathan byers - bisexual
tara carpenter - straight
sara carpenter - straight
ethan landry - bisexual
quinn bailey - straight
dom torretto - straight
jokob torretto - bisexual
taylor jewel - straight
billy loomis - bisexual
campbell eliot - bisexual
sam eliot - homosexual
allie pressman - straight
abel teller - straight
thomas teller - pansexual
isaac lahey - bisexual
erica reyes - straight
sage thomspon - straight
juniper thomspon - bisexual
hope whittemore - straight
noah armstrong - bisexual
eric armstrong - pansexual
bree armstrong - straight
katherine bell - straight
elijah moran - pansexual
ethan moran - bisexual
naya gomez - straight
matthew evans - bisexual
daniel james - bisexual
kendall floyd - bisexual
joseph taylor - straight
kira huges -straight
kai coleman  - bisexual
hanna pittman  - straight
miko young - pansexual
jasper wooley - pansexual
eden wolfe - pansexual
sterling herrman - bisexual
pete warner - bisexual
dixie adams - straight
lily danberry - straight
julia danberry - straight
nick danberry - pansexual
davina davidson - straight
hayley davidson - straight
madison lewis - straight
russel lewis - bisexual
talon lewis  - straight
tatum lewis - bisexual
dani sanchez -straight
maya sanchez - straight
celeste lovegood - straight
samuel johnson - bisexual
paisley johnson - demisexual
nate felix -pansexual
andy darnell - bisexual
astrid sullivan - straight
carter ramsey - bisexual
willow anderson - straight
ivy greene - straight
Nate Felix  - bisexual
Dakota Roth - bisexual
wesley henson -  - bisexual
roxanne roca - straight
jolene devin cooper - straight
colby ireland roberts - straight
myles james boyce - straight
kyro javier gomez - pansexual
Dalton Winter Richmann - bisexual
Shepard Knight Richmann - bisexual
vincenza "vince" lucciano - pansexual
wren nicole caruso - bisexual
james oliver alexander - bisexual
elinor brooke henderson - pansexual
rowan grey - bisexual
alfie reynolds - bisexual
reign grey - straight
dillon combs - straight
test muses/by request:
faye rainee munson -straight
asher poe munson - bisexual
milo michael larson - bisexual
fallon marie larson - straight
declan felix larson - bisexual
adeline blair cameron - straight
davina claire - straight
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scoutsunset · 1 year
I guess what I’ll have to do now in this tumblr is more Molly McGee stuff. Hello there! Thanks for stopping by for taking note of my definitely healthy obsession with this show called The Ghost and Molly McGee. I might be…slightly into this show… as much as you are!
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Dates back to November 8th, 2022. Just four days earlier I started watching the series to kill time in my getaway to Spain. This was my first time drawing Molly, with a sleep-deprived expression quite similar to one she makes in the S1 episode “The Greatest Concert Ever”. I drew this in school and I have a very nasty habit of showing drawings I’ve made to peers — one said this was literally her.
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Dates back to November 18th, 2022. This was definitely more in-model than the last Molly drawing was. I started drawing the head and then put the torso in later.
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AHHH LIBBY LIBBY LIBBY!!! Dates back to November 22, 2022. Of course this one featured Libby Stein-Torres. Originally she had a sad look in her face which I tried to make it look like she’s gulping or whatever. My brother didn’t want her to look depressed so I made her smile! (:
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And now we flash forward to March 13th, 2023 with this redraw of a frame from the episode “Talent Show” where Molly insists to Libby that she might have a talent worth sharing! Spoilers: she did.
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And here we have my most recent, dating back to April 4th, 2023. It’s that dreamy heartthrob, Oliver Chen. Like my second Molly drawing, I started off with just the head, before moving on to the torso later. I even shared my impression on Ollie on the side:
I thought this dude was someone’s OC put into a really elaborate fan-animation fanfic thing. He’s for real now. I mean, he’s kinda cool, I guess…
This drawing got the attention of co-creator Bob Roth on Twitter! Nice!
and…that’s basically it. Hope you enjoyed it! I’ll basically be posting more of my art here in the coming weeks, so if you really liked the sketches, stick around here because you might see more. G’day! ,-.-,
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hardcore-lonewolf · 11 months
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Short A/N: I got pens and tons of colors. I'm a total gamer, a fanfiction writer, and a sketch book artist on drawing. I got this idea from my Wattpad one-shot of DC Comics and wanted to use it...so here goes nothing.
Heroic Squad | Insurgency - Team Microsoft's X-Box.
Aqualad II/Aquaman II - Knight_Of_Atlantis (Ginger: Jackson Hyde).
Wonder Girl II/Wonder Woman II (OFC) - Half_Blood_Princess (Blue: Octavia Trevor).
Superboy I/Steel Scion - Boy_Of_Steel (Black: Conner Kent).
Martian Girl-Hunter I/Miss Martian - Girl_From_Mars (White: Megan Morse).
Cyborg I/Hardware II - Built_A_Robot (Azure: Victor Stone).
Starfire/Fire Goddess II - Heart_Of_Fire (Rose: Kory Anders).
Breach/Metamorpho II (OMC) - Under_Town_Amalgam (Brown: Nathan Davenport).
Rocket I/Icon II - Rock_Your_World (Azure: Raquel Ervin).
Kid Flash I/Flash III - Fastest_Kid_Alive (Amber: Wally West).
Arrowette I/Tigress II - The_Master_Assassin (Verdant: Artemis Crock).
Robin I/Nightwing - Flying_Boy_Wonder (Navy: Dick Grayson).
Mouse I/Black Cat (OFC) - Made_Of_Magic (Magenta: Eva Nelson).
Lumus/Green Lantern III (OMC) - Power_Of_Will (Forest: Freddie Steinfeld).
Madame Fortune/Spellcaster - Ace_Of_Spades (White: Zatanna Zatara).
Beast Boy/Changeling - One_Wild_Thing (Lime: Garfield Logan).
Raven/White Raven - Daughter_Of_Darkness (Indigo: Rachel Roth).
Villainous Group | Regime - Team Sony's Play-Station.
Psimon/Doctor Syndrome II - Mind_In_Distress (Gray: Simon Jones).
Devastation/Armorstrike II - Your_Worst_Nightmare (Silver: Roxanne Lowell).
Gizmo I/Slyfox II - The_Mad_Genius (Teal: Mikron O'Jeneus).
Shimmer/Chroma II - Rot_In_Hell (Aqua: Selinda Flinders).
Mammoth/Terminator - Awaken_The_Monster (Olive: Baran Flinders).
Blackfire/Dark Comet II - Kiss_Of_Death (Purple: Komal Brooks).
Frostbite/Icicle II - Trapped_In_Ice (Slate: Cameron Mahkent).
Tuppence Terror/Fury II - Pain_Over_Beauty (Coral: Bethany Ford).
Tommy Terror/Warpath II - Brawn_Over_Brains (Maroon: Albert Ford).
Jinx/Wiccan II - Karma_Will_Rise (Pink: Nicole Diaz).
Lord Pyre/Holocaust II - Burn_To_Ashes (Orange: Leonard Smalls).
Deadly Orchid/Flora - Spider_Lily_Oracle (Mint: Barbara Gordon).
Union/Visionary II - My_Third_Eye (Green: Seymour Dinardo).
Bloody Quartz/Prime Diamond II - Crystal_Gem_Queen (Tan: Darnice Hedare).
Repro/Mister Numerous II - Make_A_Clone (Red: Billy Strayer).
Terra Mater I/Gaia - Stone_Cold_Rebel (Yellow: Tara Markov).
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What do y'all think? Comment down on better gamer usernames for them. Bye guys.
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the-scoreboard · 2 years
Happy Artfight! I’ve queued this big boy two days prior in case I feel confident enough to draw more attacks (probably not). This is a mass post containing all the art I’ve done this year, as well as pings containing the Owners/Links to the owners of these OCS.
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Creelus for @nirvanacuga
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Olive for olive_cow on instagram
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Rowan for Quetz.alii on Instagram
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Greaves for @hey-its-quill
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Parasite for PotatoSky on Artfight
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Puff for @ice-cream-sodaaaaa
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Tempesto for @beowuulf
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Bike for @headphone-the-idjit
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Ru for lutniik on Deviantart
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Bulbgil for @voidpensive
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Roth for sketchy_dog_thing on Instagram
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Yvinanth for @nirvanacuga
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xinthesewallsx · 1 year
i haven't put them on my muse page thing yet but i added them to the mobile list. but i'm moving the muses from this blog to over here
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Nancy Wheeler
Chrissy Cunningham
Robin Buckley
Joyce Byers
Max Mayfield
Carol Perkins (fc: talia ryder)
OC MUSES based in stranger things:
Nate Felix - fc: drew starkey
Mercedes Butler - fc: priscilla quintana 
James Harrington - fc: luke benward
Dakota Roth  - fc: bill skarsgård 
Oliver Harrington-Munson fc:froy gutierrez
Caetlin Dax - fc: emily rudd
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scp2316 · 2 years
mw characters?
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we would love to see gene belcher, linda belcher, all three pesto kids, rudy stieblitz, and tammy larsen from bob's burgers alex browning, clear rivers, ian mckinley, wendy christiansen, terry chaney, ashley freund, and ashlyn halperin from final destination stu macher, billy loomis, wes hicks, tara carpenter, and amber freeman from scream huey duck, webby vanderquack, and lena sabrewing from ducktales will byers, jonathan byers, steve harrington, and eddie munson from stranger things also more horror muses in general, especially adam from the saw movies, nancy thompson from nightmare on elm strees, and tree gelbman!! also the the rest of the groups we have would be cool, like from paper girls, the quarry, and the loser's club from stephen king's it in honor of never have i ever we would love to see devi vishwakumar, ben gross, fabiola torres, eleanor wong, and paxton hall-yoshida marissa cooper, ryan atwood, seth cohen, summer roberts, sandy cohen, taylor townsend, lindsay gardner, alex kelly, and zach stevens from the oc luke cage, danny rand, frank castle, moon knight, thor odinson, dazzler, bucky barnes, darcy lewis, peter parker, riri williams, and america chavez from marvel dick grayson, damian wayne, stephanie brown, roy harper, oliver queen, dinah lance, cassandra cain, rachel roth, and garfield logan from dc nanno and tk from girl from nowhere the gallaghers from shameless the bridgertons, kate and edwina sharma, sophie beckett, lucy abernathy, and penelope featherington from julia quinn's horny novels rick grimes, michonne, daryl dixon, carl grimes, carol peletier, maggie greene, beth greene, rosita espinosa, tara chambler, enid, and cyndie from the walking dead
i also know our members would love anyone from any prior most wanted ask!
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rileyh20 · 2 days
Lance Campbell
Oliver Berkley
Willow Roth
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thedevilyouknovv · 11 months
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☾ main ☾ bio ☾ face ☾ muse ☾ starters ☾ wishlist ☾
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, but in general I pull Constantine from DC/Vertigo comics, with a bit of Arrowverse thrown in if those connections are needed. I'm not that familiar with Legends of Tomorrow, but I'm happy to read up on it if you want to include events from there. If you prefer one of his faceclaims over the others, feel free to request!
Please note that he's not my easiest muse. I enjoy writing him, but true to character, he only talks when he wants to, and it may take me a bit longer to get back to his replies than it does for my other muses.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Constantine with other DC/Marvel comics characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they’re on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they’re on my list.
OTPs: Zatanna Zatara, Oliver, Desmond, comics/Arrowverse Chas Possible Ships: Nick Necro, Lucifer Morningstar, Harley Quinn, Dean Winchester NOTPs: film Chas (too much of an age gap), Rachel Roth (same + daughter vibes), most muses with a significant age gap (he may be an asshole, but he's not a fucking asshole) Other: Any DC/Marvel comics muses. Any muses or crossovers from other horror/paranormal fandoms (e.g., Supernatural, Stranger Things, Welcome to Night Vale, Good Omens).
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default verses:
canon (+/-): Any verses that take place more or less in the DC/Vertigo comics timelines.
arrowverse: A mix of comics lore and headcanons that more closely follows an Arrowverse timeline, where John helps retrieve Oliver's soul.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
horror!verse: Any crossovers with horror fandoms like Supernatural, typically where John is working paranormal investigations or scams.
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
college!verse: A college backstory verse where John attends university to study magic, play in his band (Mucous Membrane), and generally fuck around. (fc: Alexander Calvert)
dad!verse: Any AU where John is being an absolute disaster of a parent. May also apply to canon muses like Rachel Roth or Lucy Quinzel.
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tabswrites · 1 year
I’m bored, so I decided to make a list of all the times the narrator/another character has dragged Oliver for literally just existing:
Chapters 1-3
“The young lieutenant was gifted, sure, but he was also a vortex of apathy that left destruction in its wake.” (Adrin)
“I’ll admit our entanglement was amusing for a while, but your indifference towards life was a plague.” (Mara)
“I was bored, and you were adrift.” (Mara)
“He had destroyed his life for someone already dead.” (Narrator)
“Jerit and Victor, their founders, had left an impressive legacy for their descendants. Some, like Ruby’s mother, rose to the occasion, maintaining order and peace, and some, well some were like Oliver.” (Narrator)
“Her betrayal came as a shock to everyone, most of all her closest companion, who Ruby believed without a doubt was stupid enough to show her the archives in the first place.” (Ruby/Narrator)
“Oliver had joined the guard not long before her arrest, much to Ruby’s chagrin.” (Ruby/Narrator)
“He smiled at Ruby as he left. It was as false as his promises.” (Ruby/Narrator)
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askkassandragf · 5 years
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My Hello neighbor OTP. :3
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strangeduckpaper · 2 years
Teen Titans Lineup (Edited)
A culmination of a DC Reboot Titans Lineup that was always brewing in my head for an original universe: Earth 136.
Edit: OK, I thought about some changes, so second go at this
Edit 2: OK, a few more changes.
Dick Grayson-Robin/Nightwing
Wally West-Kid Flash/Flash
Artemis Crock-Arrowette/Tigress
Donna Troy-Fury/Darkstar
Later Additions
Conner Kent-Superboy/Valor(YJ TV Superboy)
Lilith Clay-Omen
New Teen Titans Recruits
Victor Stone-Cyborg
Garfield Logan-Beast Boy
Rae Roth-Raven
Tara Markova-Terra
Kole Andrews-Crystal Spinner
Joey Wilson-Jericho/Ravager
Titans Academy 1st Class
M’gann M’orzz-Miss Martian
Jason Todd-Stray/Red Claw(Jason Todd adopted by Selina Kyle, doesn’t die)
Roy Harper-Speedy/Arsenal
Lara In Ze-Supergirl/Power Girl
Karen Beecher-Bumblebee/Atom
Malcolm Duncan-Guardian/Herald
Tula-Aquagirl/Ocean Master
Raquel Ervin-Rocket/Icon
Eddie Bloomberg-Kid Devil/Red Devil
2nd Class
Cassandra Wayne-Batgirl/Huntress/Batman
Connor Hawke-Speedy/Green Arrow
Ryan Choi-Micro/Atom
Anissa Pierce-Thunder
Freddy Freeman-King Marvel/Thunder
Cisco Ramon-Vibe
Sinfi Reynard-Mirage
Grant Pratt Emerson-Damage
3rd Class
Stephanie Brown-Robin/Green Lantern
Cassie Sandsmark-Fury/Wonder Woman
Thaddeus Thawne-Inertia
Jor L II/Jordan Kent-Superboy/Superb(Comics Superboy, but instead of a clone they’re Kara’s younger sibling)
Bart Allen-Impulse
Courtney Whitmore-Stargirl
Cisse King Jones-Arrowette
Anita Fite-Empress
Khalid Hassir-Spellcaster/Dr Fate
Billy Batson-Cpt Marvel/Thunder
Later Additions as ‘Young Justice’
Tim Drake-Birdwatch/Blue Beetle
Ray Terrill-Ray
Eugene Choi-Dr Marvel
Kiran Singh-Solstice
Greta Hayes-Secret
Lori Zechlin-Black Alice
4th Class
Virgil Hawkins-Static
Richard Foley-Gear
Kit-Kid Eternity
Mia Dearden-Speedy
Natasha Irons-Arclight/Steel
Traci Thurston-Lady 13
Mae Kent-Matrix/Supergirl
Lorena Marquez-Aquagirl/Woman
Luke O’brien-Offspring
Jaime Reyes-Silver Scarab
5th Class
Duke Thomas-Spoiler/Signal
Ace West-Kid Flash
Emiko Queen-Red Arrow
Jackson Hyde-Aqualad
Shenice Vale-SheBang
Olive Silverlock-Paleflame
Jennifer Pierce-Lightning
Pedro Peña-mr Marvel
Eduardo Dorado Jr-El Dorado
 Arlington Jones-Kid Croc(OC)
6th Class
Damian Wayne-Robin/Redbird/Nightwing
Jon Kent-Superboy
Colin Wilkes-Abuse
Darla Dudley-Miss Marvel
Maya Ducard-Nobody
Keli Quintela-Teen Lantern
7th Class
Yara Flor-Fury/Wonder Woman
James Derek Flynn-Sideways
Don Allen-Twister
Nora Allen-XS
Nell Little-Batgirl/Batwing/Flamebird
Ernest Jonathan-Morphic(OC)
Thomas Kallor-Starkid
8th Class
Maps Mizoguchi-Sparrow/Blackbird/Blackbat
Cullen Row-Thrush/Bluebird/BlueJay
Cynthia Lance-Sin/White Canary
Suren Darga-Dragonstaff
Xiomara Rojas-Crush
Billy Wu-Roundhouse
Milagro Reyes-Green Lantern
Jess Allen-Kid Flash
Adriana Curry-Aqualass
9th Class
Jamie Sutton-Tornado Champion(Red Tornado’s 2nd Child, Traya’s younger brother)
Maxine Baker-Beast Girl
Lar Gand-Mon El
Maxima(New 52 Maxima)
Jason Free-Escapist
JJ Diggle-Silver Tiger
Jace Fox-Lark
Danny Chase-Phantasm
Amy Allen-Bombshell
Unclassified as of yet
Bobbie Barnes-Wonder Boy/Asclepsius
Additionally, there were some Sidekicks & teen heroes before the official founding
Kate Kane-Batgirl/Batwoman
Kara Zor L-Supergirl/Flamebird/Superwoman
Nubia-Wondergirl/Wonder Woman
Barbara Gordon-Oracle
Will Harper-Red Arrow-(Based off the the YJ version, but not a clone, instead Roy’s older brother)
Ted Kord-Blue Beetle2/Operator
Garth of Shayeris-Aqualad/Tempest
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sunshinefox35 · 3 years
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Hello guys welcome to my blog! My name is Lilith and I’m non- binary. My first language isn't English but I'll try my best !
My request are open until said otherwise. Like everyone else I do have some rules. You will find them listed after the list of fandoms I'm willing to write for.
18+ Divider from @galacticgraffiti
Dividers from @cottage-writings
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FEMALES (mtf or anyone that identifies as female) DNI, you guys have enough content out there!
~Fandoms I write for~
COD (Task force 141)
(I haven't played all the games so a lot of them, if not all of them are going to be very ooc)
Assassins Creed Syndicate
Evie Frye
Jason Frye
Maxwell Roth
Ned Wynert
Lucy Thorne
Lydia Frye
Detroit become Human
Conrad (RK 900)
Gavin Reed
Elijah Kamski
Hank Anderson (No smut)
Rupert (Pigeon boy)
Ralph ( you meet him in the abandoned house)
Jerry (EM400 in the amusement park)
Richard Perkins (FBI Agent)
Series/ Movies
Peaky Blinders
Tommy Shelby
John Shelby
Finn Shelby (Older version, younger version only platonic)
Ada Shelby
Alfie Solomons
Micheal Gray
I won't be writing for Polly Gray, I don't feel comfortable writing for her, after Helen McCrory's death.
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Penelope Garcia
David Rossi
Elle Greenaway
Matthew Simmons
Luke Alvez
William LaMontagne Jr.
Wednesday Addams
Tyler Galpin
Ajax Petropolus
Bianca Barclay
Enid Sinclair
Nick Nelson
Charlie Spring
Darcy Olsson
Tara Jones
Elle Argent
Toa Xu
Harry Greene
Squid Game
Hwang Jun ho
Seeing Gi- Hun
Kang Saebyeok
Front Man
How to get away with Murder
Connor Walsh
Oliver Hampton
Wes Gibbins
Laurel Castillo
Stray Kids
Bang Chan
Lee Know
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I will not write:
Nsfw (at the moment)
I will absolutely not write about topics like suicide, abuse or similar topics!
For female readers, you guys have enough out there !
I will write:
xreader (m,gn,ftm)
lgbtq+ couple/ships
platonic relationships. (best friend, brother, parent)
Ocs (mine or yours)
Sidenote :
Make sure you write every detail you want into the request! Please be respectful and kind to others. This is a safe place for anyone! If you want to talk you can always write me, I love making new friends!
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quierorodarnojodan · 3 years
Estábamos bromeando con un amigo @mcdonneeli sobre que tenemos muchos ships similares si no casi todos, pero que irónicamente ambos nos peleamos por el mismo pj a usar y por eso jamás podemos rolear las ships xDD entonces me puse hacer la lista a ver que dice mi compatriota desalmado.
Axis Power Hetalia
Alemania x Norte De Italia
Austria x Hungría [♥]
Dinamarca x Noruega
España x Sur De Italia
Prussia x Hungría
Prussia x Austria [♥]
Ichigo Kurosaki x Uryuu Ishida [♥]
Ikkaku Madarame x Yumichika Ayasegawa
Kyouraku Shunsui x Ukitake Jyuushirou [♥]
Carole & Tuesday
Carole Stanley x Tuesday Simmons
Cyborg 009
Jet Link (002) x Albert Heinrich (004)
Ishida Yamato x Yagami Taichi [♥]
Dragon Ball
Goku x Vegeta
Celty Sturluson x Kishitani Shinra
Kadota Kyohei x Izaya Orihara
Fairy Tails
Levy McGarden x Gajeel Redfox
FullMetal Alchemist
Maes Hughes x Roy Mustang [♥]
Get Backers
Kakei Juubei & Fuuchouin Kazuki
Ooikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime
Haru wo Daiteita
Kato Youji x Iwaki Kyosuke [♥]
Hunter x Hunter
Hisoka x Illumi Zoldyck
Leorio Paladiknight x Kurapika [♥]
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Joseph Joestar x Caesar Zeppeli
Jotaro Kujo x Noriaki Kakyoin [♥]
Mohammed Abdul x Jean Pierre Polnareff
Kuroko no Basket
Atsushi Murasakibara x Tatsuya Himuro
Kiyoshi Teppei x Makoto Hanamiya [♥]
Midorima Shintaro x Takao Kazunari [♥]
Uzumaki Naruto x Uchiha Sasuke
Hatake Kakashi x Umino Iruka [♥]
Haruno Sakura x Yamanaka Ino
One Piece
Eustass Kid x Trafalgar D. Law
Roronoa Zoro x Vinsmoke Sanji
Saint Seiya
Manigoldo x Albafika [♥]
Hyoga x Shun
Sailor Moon
Kunzite x Zoisite
Michiru Kaiō x Haruka Tenou
Sakura Card Captor
Touya Kinomoto x Yukito Tsukishiro [♥]
Shingeki no Kyojin
Erwin Smith x Levi Rivaille
Marco Bott X Jean Kirstein
The Prince of Tennis
Inui Sadaharu x Kaidou Kaoru [♥]
Tiger & Bunny
Kotetsu Kaburagi x Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
Hotsuma Renjou x Shusei Usui [♥♥♥]
Adventure Time
Marceline Abadeer x Princess Bubblegum
Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Jet x Zuko [♥]
Ed, Edd n Eddy
Kevin x Edd (Doble D)
Generador Rex
Rex Salazar x Noah Nixon [♥]
Happy Tree Friends
Lumpy x Russell
Shifty x Lifty
Splendid x Flippy
Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley
The Dragon Prince
Rey Harrow x Viren
The Legend of Korra
Korra x Asami Sato
Iroh II x Bolin
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane x Adam [♥]
Xiaolin Showdown
Chase Young x Jack Spicer
Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz x Evan "Buck" Buckley [♥]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Angel (Angelus) x Spike (William) [♥]
Willow Rosenberg x Tara Maclay
Carmilla Karnstein x Laura Hollis
Matteusz Andrzejewski x Charlie Smith
Common Law
Travis Marks x Wes Mitchell [♥]
Cobra Kai
Daniel LaRusso x Johnny Lawrence
Deadwind (Karppi)
Sofia Karppi x Sakari Nurmi
Downton Abbey
Tom Branson x Thomas Barrow
Richard Ellis x Thomas Barrow
Lukas Waldenbeck x Philip Shea
Grey's Anatomy
Mark Sloan x Derek Shepherd
Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Hawaii Five-0
Danny Williams x Steve McGarret [♥]
Hemlock Grove
Peter Rumancek x Roman Godfrey [♥]
How to Get Away with Murder
Oliver Hampton x Connor Walsh
Iron Fist
Danny Rand x Ward Meachum [♥♥]
Julie and the Phantoms
Alex x Willie
Las chicas del cable
Francisco Gómez x Carlos Cifuentes [♥]
Sportacus x Robbie Rotten
London Spy
Alex x Danny
Arhur Pendragone x Merlin
Once Upon a Time
Regina Mills x Emma Swan
Regina Mills x Robin Hood
Shadow and Bone
Aleksander / The Darkling x Kaz Brekker
Jasper Fahey x Kaz Brekker
Star Trek
James T. Kirk x Spock
Leonard MCCoy x Spock
Malcolm Reed x Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski
The Alienist
Laszlo Kreizler x John Moore
The Boys
Billy Butcher x Homelander (John)
The Irregulars
Billy x Leopold
Sherlock Holmes x John Watson
The Order
Hamish Duke x Randall Carpio
The Umbrella Academy
Diego Hargreeves x Klaus Hargreeves
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon x Rick Grimes
The Witcher
Geralt de Rivia x Jaskier
Jack Harkness x Ianto Jones [♥]
Trevor Holden x Philip Pearson
Vampire Diaries
Alaric Saltzman x Damon Salvatore
Warehouse 13
Helena G. Wells x Myka Bering
Cloud Atlas
Rufus Sixsmith x Robert Frobisher
Sonmi-451 x Hae-Joo Chang
Eames x Robert Fischer
Dom Cobb x Robert Fischer
Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
James Bond
James Bond x Q [♥]
Rise of the Guardians
Sandman x Pitch Black
Star Wars
Baze Malbus x Chirrut Îmwe
Poe Dameron x Armitage Hux​ [♥]
The Old Guard
'Joe' Yusuf Al-Kaysani x 'Nicky' Nicolo di Genova
The Road to El Dorado
Tulio x Miguel
Napoleon Solo x Illya Kuryakin
Harry Potter
Albus Dumbledore x Gellert Grindelwald [♥]
Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini x Theodore Nott [♥]
Pansy Parkinson x Daphne Greengrass [♥]
James Potter x Severus Snape [♥]
Sirius Black x Remus Lupin
Magnus Bane x Alexander G. Lightwood
The Raven Cycle
Ronan Lynch x Adam Parrish
Richard Gansey III x Blue Sargent
DC Comics
Apollo x Midnighter
Clark Kent x Bruce Wayne [♥]
Diana Prince x Steve Trevor
Garfield Logan x Rachel Roth
Hal Jordan x Barry Allen
Pamela Isley x Harleen Quinzel
Jason Todd x Dick Grayson [♥]
Maggie Sawyer x Kate Kane
Roy Harper x Dick Grayson
Cassandra Cain x Stephanie Brown
Hernan Guerra x Kirk Langstrom
Michael Jon Carter x Ted Kord
America Chavez x Kate Bishop
Azazel x Janos Quested
Gambit x Rogue
Erik Lehnsherr & Charles Xavier
Logan x Scott Summers [♥]
Natasha Romanoff x Bruce Banner
Shatterstar x Julio Richter (Rictor) [♥]
Steve Rogers x James B. Barnes [♥]
Theodore Altman x William Kaplan
Tony Stark x Loki Laufeyson [♥]
Vision x Wanda Maximoff
Wade Wilson x Peter Parker
Assassin's Creed
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad x Malik Al-Sayf [♥]
Ezio Auditore da Firenze x Leonardo Da Vinci
Bayonetta x Jeanne
Detroit: Become Human
Captain Allen x Gavin Reed
Connor, RK800 x Gavin Reed [♥]
Elijah Kamski x Gavin Reed
Elijah Kamski x Leo Manfred [♥]
Kara, AX400 x Luther, TR400 [♥]
Markus, RK200 x Simon, PL600 [♥]
Nines, RK900 x Gavin Reed
North, WR400 x Chloe, ST200
Ralph, WR600 x Jerry, EM400
Simon, PL600 x Gavin Reed
Devil May Cry
Dante x Vergil [♥]
Nero x V
Final Fantasy VII
Cid Highwind x Vincent Valentine
Final Fantasy XII
Basch fon Ronsenburg x Balthier [♥♥♥]
Kingdom Hearts
Saïx x Axel
Metal Gear
Solidus Snake x Raiden
Gabriel Reyes x Jack Morrison
Resident Evil
Chris Redfield x Leon S. Kennedy [♥♥♥]
Claire Redfield x Moira Burton
Jake Muller x Leon S. Kennedy
Jill Valentine x Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine x Carlos Oliveira [♥♥]
Jill Valentine x Claire Redfield
Rebecca Chambers x Billy Coen
The Evil Within
Sebastian Castellano x Joseph Oda
Welcome to Night Vale
Carlos x Cecil Palmer
Samurai Jack/Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo x Samurai Jack
Canon x Oc
Deadwind (Karppi)
OMC x Sakari Nurmi
Downton Abbey
OMC x Thomas Barrow
Locke & Key
Tyler Locke x OMC
OMC x Duncan Locke
Lost in Space
OMC x Don West
OMC x x James
The Dragon Prince
Soren x OMC
The Irregulars
OMC x John Watson
The Lord of the Rings
OMC x Legolas
Political Animals
OMC x Thomas James "T.J." Hammond
Resident Evil
Jake Muller x OMC
Star Trek
OMC x Julian Bashir
Warehouse 13
OMC x Steve Jinks
Wizards: Tales of Arcadia
OMC x Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan
Duplas de Actores
Aaron Paul x Hugh Dancy
Bradley James x Colin Morgan
Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan
Daniel Craig x Ben Whishaw
Daniel Sunjata x Aaron Tveit
Dominic Purcell x Wentworth Miller
Edward Holcroft x Ben Whishaw
Gabriella Pession x Richard Flood
Gabriel Macht x Patrick J. Adams
Hanno Koffler x Max Riemelt
Jamie Dornan x Cillian Murphy
Jensen Ackles x Jared Padalecki
Landon Liboiron x Bill Skarsgård
Mads Mikkelsen x Hugh Dancy
Matt Davis x Ian Somerhalder
Michael Fassbender x James McAvoy
Rami Malek x Martin Wallström
Scott Caan x Alex O'Loughlin
Shemar Moore x Matthew Gray Gubler
Tom Hardy x Cillian Murphy
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