#oh I'm gonna Have to add this to my ever growing (and lagging) fic ideas note
pb-and-jammothy · 2 months
I'm probably going to sound deranged, but cut me some slack, it's 5am and I am being held in a chokehold by this thought and I need to inflict on others and sibling isn't awake because again, 5am, so now I must inflict this on unsuspecting Good Omens fans on tumblr dot com.
So we all know how Nanny Ashtoreth is Crowley's interpretation of how to be a nanny, with a demonic twist, and is based on Mary Poppins, right?
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And we all know that Crowley is, um, efficient with plants, I suppose, and while I do think it made sense for Crowley to be the nanny because imagining how Aziraphale might react if a young Warlock put sticky toddler hands on a book it's probably for the best.
And you have to hear me out here
What if...
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What if Aziraphale, taking on the nanny position, decided to base the vibes on Nanny McPhee?
Technically timings work out for his interpretation of a nanny to be based on the movie since Warlock would have been born in 2008 and the movie came out in 2005, but I don't really think of Aziraphale as the type to watch tv shows/movies.
However, hope is not lost, as, when looking the movie up I found out it's based on a book series that came out in the 1960's-70's called Nurse Matilda.
Now I don't know like anything about the books, but from what I remember about the movie, Nanny McPhee does seem like a good model to base behaviour off of when trying to be the nanny to the (incorrectly assumed) Antichrist since her whole thing is teaching unruly children to behave with a little bit of magic thrown in there.
Anyway, I needed to inflict this on others so if you read all this, thank you, I'm going to bed now goodnight
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