#oh not just for some but for eeeeevryoooonee
foxilayde · 2 years
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My written tone can come off as kind of harsh so please envision me saying all of this while pouring you tea, offering you a cookie and talking to you in a very calm voice throughout the monologue.
Bby you have the wrong number. I am not the thought police.
But… *pats your shoulder* I really want you to consider your intentions with this callout. Was it to further promote women’s autonomy?
Or could it possibly have been offered subconsciously to ostracize someone?
Yes I do know this person is a pro lifer. So is my grandma and I straight up love that broad with my whole soul.
I myself am pro choice. I am pro abortion.
I am also a vegetarian. I have been a vegetarian for 10 years. I was vegan for three of those years. A militant PETA Brand Vegan. I was so militant that I brought up factory farming at every social gathering where meat was present. You know what happened? I grew distant from everyone in my life who wasn’t vegan. I got a whole new group of friends. And then someone close to me said that they could never go vegan because they saw how it weakened my friendships with people. And fuck. That’s not what I wanted! I wanted to be an example of positivity! I wanted to display the vegetarian lifestyle in an easy light, to show people it was worth a consideration.
Is the correlation making sense? I am of the belief that if you push people away for believing differently than you, all it does is create more distance in a world where you’re trying to show the validity and place of love and acceptance where your stance is coming from.
I still feel very strongly about meat and vegetarianism. It still makes me sad and angry.
I also feel very strongly about abortion rights. Sad. Angry.
But people can’t be ostracized into compassion.
I have an insider level of compassion on this stance. I used to be pro life. I literally believed abortion was murder. Because that’s what I’d been told from every authority figure in my life. I was brought up in a high demand religion and that indoctrination really messes with someone’s logic and compassion. If it hadn’t been for the kind, caring, patient examples of pro-choice people— I would probably have never stopped being ignorant.
Let exclusion and other-ness be the tool of the oppressors. Fight that bullshit with love, my friend.
Or don’t. It’s your choice. I’m definitely not perfect at it. My anger gets the better of me at times, I say harsh and scathing shit. It’s natural, and in myself I recognize that to not be in the service of fighting the injustice, but to feed and fuel my own petty attachment to being right. Which just leaves me feeling miserable, dude.
if you took everyone on earth who holds the exact same views as you on everything and put them on an island, you’d be stranded alone, hun.
[obviously this stuff doesn’t apply if you’re feeling actually threatened by someone. Use your judgement, trust your gut. Cut ties where you need. Set boundaries that promote peace and happiness within yourself.]
You don’t have to agree with anything I said btw I still love you and you’re very welcome here, whomever you are. More tea? Cookies? Help yourself 💚
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