#omg referenced the wrong wip! its not glitch its oracle!
kaatiba ยท 4 months
pheonix, wizard, and villain from the fantasy asks!
Thanks for asking!
Phoenix: Have you invented any fantasy creatures?
I have! I talked about fantasy creatures in LofM here, but there's another creature I once intended for LofM and am now transplanting into Oracle: soot dragons! They are little dragons which can vary from a few inches long to three feet at maximum, and they love heat and generate light when warm. They don't breathe fire, really, but they can cough sparks (like the kind you get when you flick a lighter) when they're sufficiently heated so they are a fire hazard. You can also feed them lit coal to get them to generate heat and light, if you don't have a fire or something hot for them to crawl into. They get their name because the littlest ones (wild) can often be found in ovens and fireplaces and firepits, covered in soot. When they're lit up, though, they're very beautiful, and so the larger ones have been domesticated and bred for purpose, and provide lighting for those who can afford them. I love them a lot.
Wizard: Who is your favourite character in this WIP? Describe them!
Well, since we're talking about Oracle, my favourite character is...Sage. He's my POV character and he is a mess. His ex-girlfriend locked him inside his body and set him up as a fake oracle, and he spent about a year basically in solitary confinement in his own head, paralyzed and conscious the entire time. He is full of rage and revenge plans and pain. He is very much unwell. I love it >:}
Villain: Do you prefer creating heroes or villains?
Both are so fun and delicious tbh! I especially love (again, in Oracle) that I have a hero, a chosen one, who decided to become a worse villain than the one she was meant to defeat!
send me fantasy writer asks!
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