#only that i liked the part where vader finally appeard in his badass suit
laoness · 4 years
Watched Revenge of the Sith
(Yeah I’m rewatching all of the star wars movies because why not)
And say what you will, but this movie is my favourite one of all the prequels, possibly all Star Wars movies. It’s super sad and dramatic and yet... very good. 
And like I did with the other two movies there’s a bunch of stuff I’ve noticed. Not nearly as many bad things as in the other tow movies lmao. Except that Anakin is a dramatic bitch, but that’s just his nature. 
First of all, when Grievous is defeated the war is technically over right? But it doesn’t feel like that AT ALL in the movie. It feels like the real struggle has just begun. It’s supposed to feel like the fighting is over, but you don#t get that impression AT ALL while watching the movie and it’s something I never really realized as a kid/teenager. 
Order 66 always gets me man, such betrayal. I don’t easily get emotional with movies, but this one always gets me no matter how many times I’ve seen it. 
Also, thanks to the internet there are a great many things I cannot take seriously anymore. Most of them involve scene with Palpatine. Thank you, Tumblr. 
Poor R2 tho, having to put up with Anakin’s bullshit after he turned to the Dark Side. 
Also did Obi-Wan already know about the secret marriage between Padme and Anakin? Or did he just assumed they were good friends? He did ask Padme where to find Anakin after all. 
Padme... poor Padme, she deserved so much better. Ironically, Anakin turning to the Dark side and believing he could now save her from death, actually killed her. So you could say, instead of creating life, he influenced the midi-chlorians to kill someone?? Like I knew it was ironic, but it just now really hit me in the face. It make’s Vader all the more tragic and I feel sorry for him (kinda). 
Also I never really understood why Yoda and Obi-Wan went to fight the Sith (don#t ask me why, I was 11 when I first watched this movie and never bothered to think about it). But now I’ve finally processed Yoda’s sentence “Destroy the Sith, we must.” And yanno, always two there are. 
And another thing I noticed during the fight between Yoda and Sidious: freaking Due of the Fates starts playing. Man maul must be so angry lol. Sidious stole his theme song now too. And another classic line from Yoda: “If so powerful you are, why leave?” YEAH SIDIOUS, WHY YOU RUNNING?! 
Speaking of Sidious, I never liked him and I still don’t like him - but I do see him differently now for some reason. I don’t hate him as much as I used lol. (I still don’t like him but it’s different). 
And yes, the epic climax of the Star Wars story: Anakin versus Obi-Wan. (Sighs) So dramatic. And it’s so sad when I realized what must’ve been going through Obi-Wan’s mind, like, he trained that boy because he promised his dying master, BECAUSE HE THOUGHT ANAKIN IS THE CHOSEN ONE. And now this happens. He must’ve felt devastated. Poor Obi.  And probably also thought, he failed not only Anakin, but also Qui-Gon... (insert meme here) Oh yeah, it’s all coming together now. 
And another thing I’ve finally noticed, at the very end when Owen and Beru are holding Luke, it’s the exact same shot as in A New Hope, when Luke dramatically watched the twin suns set. How did I never noticed, wtf... 
Yep, that was it. It’s bene quite the roller coaster again. Next up: A New Hope.
(This is probably all very obvious stuff, but I just never noticed it for some reason.)
EDIT: I was wondering, was Padme also manipulated by Palpatine??? Cause it sure didn't look like it!
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